Welcome back from Wikimania 2015!
[edit]- Option 1: Shared Experience: What is one way you shared something from your experience with your community (either locally or globally), after the event?
- Add a link here to a blog post or newsletter you wrote about your participation afterwards, or to a meet-up you organized to share your experience with your local community.
I write to my personal blog and some Wikipedians are its regular readers. Here is a large post in Ukrainian about Wikimania 2015:
Here in Ukraine, particularly in Kyiv, we have a weekly wikimeetup — WikiThursday. Along with other attendees on Wikimania from Ukraine I shared my experience on the last three WikiThursdays on July 23 and 30, and August 06.
[edit]I've spoken to some 100wikidays challengers about their experiences, Smirkybec, my roommate, among them. I'm glad to know that one bug in ContentTranslation I pointed out to Pginer was fixed (sure, I wasn't the only one to say about it but still). Got inspired greatly by the presentations and very slight personal talks with Keilana and Netha Hussain. And I'm very thankful to Amire80, who inspired me to translate more on (which can be seen in my contributions there). And there tens of others still to mention!
I was one of the panelists at a Panel on Making the Most of the Education Program.
Anything else
[edit]There is a category with documentation of panel I took part in.