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Grants:Simple/Applications/Wikimedia Taiwan/2018/Midpoint report story

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Program 1: Education Program 教育專案


What we done 我們的成果


今年我們多了0.5 FTE的工作人員,專職進行教育專案的處理。新增的工作人員佳怡過去沒有維基編輯的經驗,所以我們仍在訓練她維基編輯技能。在她更熟悉維基編輯技術之前,我們先借助她過去在其他NPO工作的經驗,請她協助新合作伙伴的開發,還有引入更多的國際教育專案動態。

This year we recruit a 0.5 FTE worker, who involves her time on education program. The new worker, chia-yi, doesn't have much experience on wikipedia editing in the past. She is still under our training of wikipedia editing; nevertheless, we ask her assist the cooperations with new partners and introduce more feeds of international education program to Taiwan wikipedia communities based on her past work experience in other NGO organizations.


Here are our cooperate partners and the ongoing program schedule:

  1. 在一場由物理教育學會的活動中擺設攤位展示教育專案的合作成果簡報,提高了專案的知名度。有14名大學、高中物理教師的留下聯絡資訊,表示有合作意向。其中一位老師獲選為學會的新任會長,邀請我們在8月23-25日再次至高雄另一場研討會設立攤位,接觸比較不方便到台北的老師。
  2. 台中國立中興大學中文系與我們討論了跟馬來西亞學校跨國合作,邀請他們對現代中國文學有興趣的同學來台灣交換學習,並將撰寫當代中文作家傳記條目列為課程之一。這個計畫在中興大學得知無法申請政府的經費補助後,不太可能施行,但是自9月起,中興大學有意願由兩位老師輪流,在每年的上、下學期各開一門課程,將維基編輯納入教學之中。
  3. 中央研究院和我們將會在9月中旬舉辦4小時的台灣哲學工作坊,撰寫台灣日治時期的哲學家。
  4. 我們規畫了一個在維基教科書上的東南亞語言教材編輯計畫,在台灣專門為東南亞地區移民服務的NPO團體「南洋姐妹會」已經同意和我們合作,預計在8月起,募集台灣的東南亞移民參與。
  1. We presented our cooperate achievement posters in a physical education conference, boosting the frame of our program. There are 14 physical teachers from high schools and universities left their contact information and showed their interests on further cooperation. One teacher, who selected as the new director of the Physical Society of Taiwan this year, invited us to set up a stand in another conference in Kaohsiung. 23-25, August, 2018 to approach some local teachers.
  2. The Chinese department at National Chung Hsing University discusses the cooperation with the schools in Malaysia, they plan to invite the students who are interested in Chinese literature to exchange to Taiwan and edit the articles of modern Chinese writers. This plan, after NCHU knew it cannot apply for the grant from the government, is hard to realize. However, there are two NCHU professors involve wikipedia editing into their lectures voluntarily, one lecture is delivered in the fall semester, another one in spring semester.
  3. We will hold a four-hours Taiwan philosophy workshop with Academia Sinica in the meddle of September, we will edit and write the articles of Taiwanese philosophers in Japanese colonial period.
  4. We organize and set up a Southeast Asian Languages teaching material editing project on wikipedia textbook. TransAsia Sisters Association Taiwan (TASAT), a Non-profit organization which focuses on the assistance of Southeast Asian immigrants, agreed to cooperate with Wikimedia Taiwan and plan to invite the Southeast Asian immigrants to join this project from August.


Besides new cooperate partners, in first half year, some mature plans are still active:

  1. 政大民族系的課程,已經進入第四年。今年條目編寫的規則有所改變,過去是每個學生都要編輯一個民族的條目,需要編輯的內容很多,有同學反應作業太困難。今年民族條目改由6-7位同學一組共同編輯,一共有8組。每位同學另外從民族學的課程中找一個自己有興趣的小知識編輯,只要增添3000位元組以上資料就算及格。目前所有分組作業都合乎維基百科的方針,成為條目內容;個人作業則還在檢核中。
  2. 醫學翻譯小組仍持續每週都有新的翻譯成果。今年每季會設定一個「科別」的條目,邀請專科的醫護人員協助審稿。目前完成了心臟科專題、正在進行婦產科和兒科的專題。台南成大則舉行了一場翻譯工作坊。
  3. 台大維基社今年也有跟學校老師合作開課,並且在5月辦了一場勞工主題工作坊。
  4. 花蓮慈濟大學5月12日舉行了一場翻譯工作坊。
  5. 花蓮慈濟附中學生社團有定期的編輯課程,2018上半年有22個同學參與,編修了6個條目。
  1. The lectures which delivered by Department of Ethnology, National Cheng Chi University enter the fourth year. The article editing rules are changed slightly. In the past each student needed to edit one article of ethology by themselves. Some students responded that the assignments are too difficult because they have to edit a lot. From this year, the ethological articles are distributed as teamwork, each team has 6-7 students, total 8 teams. Beside the teamwork, ethological article editing, each student has to choose one interested knowledge from the lectures to edit and add at least 3000 unit information to get the pass score. All the ethological articles students edited together fit the guideline of wikipedia, the personal assignments are under judging.
  2. WikipediaMed translation group have new translation results every week. This year we set up specific topic and pick up the related articles each season, invite the professional medical staffs to review articles. We reached the achievement of cardiology subjects, gynecology and pediatrics subjects are on going. We also held a translation workshop in Chung Kong University in Tainan.
  3. National Taiwan University Wiki Club cooperated with professors to add wikipedia editing into lectures this semester and held a labor right edit-a-thon.
  4. We held a translation workshop in May 12 at Tzu Chi University in Hualien.
  5. A student club in Tzu Chi Senior High School Affiliated with Tzu Chi University have regular wikipedia-editing meet ups. There are 22 students participated in the activities and edited 6 articles in the first half of 2018.

What we do well 我們做對了什麼

  • 工作成果的紀錄與公開:今年有不少新的合作伙伴主動找台灣分會合作。我們過往累積下來的工作成果讓他們知道台灣分會的存在,也在我們和潛在合作伙伴聯繫的過程順利許多。通常我們會展示兩種頁面,第一種是中文維基百科上的課程頁面,可以幫助老師大概了解維基百科編輯怎麼樣在課程中實行;第二種是雲端儲存的傳記類條目學習單,這份文件中教學生如何一步一步撰寫出一個符合DYK標準的傳記條目,讓老師對於學生能夠寫出合格條目較有信心。
  • The Achievements: This half year some new cooperate partners, who know WMTW from our past achievements, contact Wikimedia Taiwan actively to seek for future cooperation, also help us on the progress of contacting potential partners. We share two different teaching materials with our partners. One is the teaching material for Chinese Wikipedia editing, this teaching material helps teachers briefly understand how to combine wikipedia editing into the lectures. Another one is the study sheets of biographical articles editing, those storages on google clouds. These documents can guide students to write a biographical articles which fit DYK standard step by step, also convince teachers that their students have the ability to complete articles with good quality.
  • 紀錄工具的應用:今年上半年執行的專案中,政大民族系課程、台大主題工作坊、慈大翻譯工作坊、成大醫學翻譯工作坊都採用了 Programs & Events Dashboard 紀錄撰寫成績。這點大幅節省了工作人員紀錄的時間,使我們可以承接更多的專案而不用擔心超出負荷。
  • The usage of recording tools: In this half year, we use program & events dashboard to record and track article editing in the lectures of Department of Ethnology, National Cheng Chi University, the labor right edit-a-thon National Taiwan University held, the translation workshop in Tzu Chi University and the Medical Translation Workshop in Cheng Kong University. It saved staffs time on recording outcomes that help us can accept more projects without burn out.

What we need / plan to do 我們還需要/應該做什麼

  • 我們需要與合作伙伴之間建立更多的互動。今年因為新增的職員孟佳怡擁有不錯的英語能力,所以她每月會翻譯Wikipedia Education globe This Month in Education的所有標題,並挑選其中一則台灣社群最值得關注的文章,針對內文做重點摘要。我們想引進國際資訊來刺激合作伙伴的討論,但得到的回應很少,需要找更多的方式引起互動,讓教育專案有更多新鮮的點子。可能需要建立跟合作伙伴間互動紀錄,定期主動跟他們聯繫並找出他們關心的事情。
  • We need to have more interactions with our partner. The new officer, chia-Yi Meng, is good at English. She translates all the topics of Wikipedia Education globe This Month in Education every month, them choose one article which Taiwanese community should pay attention on and take notes. We want to inspire our partners and have more discussion; however, we received few feedbacks. We are seeking new ways to create interactions and new ideas for education program. We will build up the documents of interactions record, contact them regularly and find the issues they focus.
  • 推廣成果。目前從Programs & Events Dashboard的數據觀察,在教育專案中建立的條目,被閱讀的次數都不多。嘗試增加這些產出的影響力,應該會讓更多人願意投入專案。
  • Promoting our Achievement: According to the data from programs & events dashboard, the page views of the articles created in education program are few. We try to increase the impacts for the outcomes to attract more people join this program.

Program 2: GLAM Partnership Initiative 館聯專案


What we done 我們的成果

  • 目前與1間館聯機構「李梅樹紀念館」合作,舉行了5次的工作坊。李梅樹是台灣日治時期重要的油畫家。由於紀念館捐出他畫作的著作權,在我們舉辦的工作坊中,就上傳這些畫作到維基共享資源,並為每幅畫建立維基數據上的項目。我們在一個教育論壇中展示了工作坊的成果,有16名參與者加入了這個議程,跟我們有不少的反饋。下半年我們可能會舉辦黑客松,看看有沒有人找出利用這些畫作和數據的好點子。
  • Till now, we cooperate with one museum called Li Mei -Shu Memorial Gallery and held five workshops. Li Mei-Shu is an important painter in Japan colonial period. Memorial Gallery donates the copy rights of his painting, we upload the pictures of these painting during the workshop and create items on wikidata for paintings. We present our achievement in a education form and 16 participants joined the session and gave us a lot of feedbacks. We would like to held hackathon in the next half year to seek some good ideas for usage of these painting wikidata.
  • 我們有嘗試接洽新的合作伙伴台南成大博物館,負責經營的教授對我們提出的合作可能表現出友善正向的態度,需要再聯繫看看是否可能發展。
  • We are trying to approach new cooperate partner, Tainan Chen Kong University Museum. The manager gave our cooperation offer a friendly and positive feedback. We will keep in touch for further discussion.

What we do well 我們做對了什麼

  • 將維基數據納入專案。我們發現到這至少有兩個好處:
    1. 讓活動內容變得比較豐富。如果我們讓參與者一直上傳圖片會變得有些無聊,如果我們要求為每幅畫撰寫維基百科條目又太困難。維基數據的編輯時間可以彈性調配,也能讓活動變得更有趣。
    2. 讓上傳的典藏品有更多用途,比方說我們能夠規畫下半年變黑客松,維基數據的建立是很重要的工程。
  • We involved wikidata into our project and found out two main benefits:
    1. It can make the editathon become more flexible. Keeping uploading pictures to wikipedia will bored the participants; however, it's more difficult to ask participants to keep writing the articles for all the pictures. The editing time for wikidata is flexible, that makes all the events become more interesting.
    2. It makes all the uploaded items have more function; for example, wikidata set up helps a lot on our plan for the editathon in the next half year.

What we need / plan to do 我們還需要/應該做什麼

  • 我們目前還很難說服館聯機構加入我們,需要找到更知名的博物館至少做出一個成功的專案。
  • It has some difficulties for us to convince museum union to join the program. We need to find a more famous museum to achieve at least one successful project.

Program 3: Marginal Communities Facilitation Program 多元社群專案


What we done 我們的成果

  • 性別多元:女性社群仍有固定聚會,形式上改成一個月在周末下午、一個月在周間晚上。三月時也成功地舉行了「藝術與女性主義編輯松」,總計有49個參與者編輯了124個條目,還有5個女性組織(媒體和NGO)的成員參與。因為她們的影響力,台灣婦女團體全國聯合會(NATWA)已經邀請台灣分會在8月底、9月初為全台灣的婦女NGO舉辦兩場維基編輯教學營隊。
  • Gender diversity: Female community still has regular meet ups. The meet up times changes to one month in weekend afternoon, next month in weekday night. We also help the Artist and Feminist edit-a-thon in March successfully. There are total 49 participants edited 124 articles and some members from five female organizations (Media and Non government organization) join the edit-a-thon. Due to their impacts, NATWA already invited Wikimedia Taiwan to held two wikipedia edit workshops for the female NGO all over Taiwan in the end of August to the beginning of September.
  • 程式社群:協會理事 User:MGDesign 與台大維基社、開源社舉行了一次MediaWiki技術實驗課程,並在課後組織了一個Slack頻道。另外一家科技公司邀請了台大資工系和台灣分會合作,預計將開發能判別中文維基百科條目品質的AI系統,會以開放原始碼的形式發佈。台灣分會和該公司先簽訂了合作意向備忘錄,待申請到地方政府的補助經費後會討論合作細節。
  • Program community: Board member, User:MGDesign, had one experimental lecture of MediaWiki with NTU wikipedia club and open source club, and organize a slack channel after lecture. One technology company invited Department of Capital Engineering, National Taiwan University and Wikimedia Taiwan to develop an AI system to judging the quality of Chinese wikipedia articles, and launched as open source code. Wikimedia Taiwan already sign a contract memo with the company and we will discuss further detail after we apply and receive the grant from the local government.
  • 拍照專案:我們去年和台灣知名的環保團體「荒野保護協會」合作舉行「維基愛地球」,今年再次成功邀約,有機會發展成長期合作關係。
  • Photo project: Wikimedia Taiwan cooperated with a famous green group, The society of wilderness to hold Wiki loves earth last year. This year they accept our invitation again. It has high chance to developed a long-tern cooperation relationship.
  • 台北以外地方社群發展:去年和嘉義縣政府合作的專案,獲得台灣行政院文化部的肯定,所以確定會在10月再次進行;而且因為文化部內公務員的介紹,這個專案在嘉義縣的聯絡人將會到桃園縣分享心得,很有可能在第二個地方推動類似的專案。
  • The community development outside Taipei city: The project we ran with Chia Yi County Government was certificated by Taiwan Executive Yuan Culture Department. We will have further cooperation this. What's more, due to the officers in culture department build up the bridges, the contact person from Chia Yi County Government in this project will share their experience in Taoyuan County. We might have similar project in different place.
  • 非中文維基媒體計畫的活動:我們與政大原民中心合作孵育台灣原住民族族語的計畫今年結案中,下半年應該會有第二期計畫。同時透過台灣分會的介紹,政大原民中心的工作團隊共有4名成員會參與南非的Wikimania,尋求跟全球有志推廣小語言維基百科的志工交流。
  • Non Chinese Wikipedia project: We complete the first stage of cooperation, Taiwanese Indigenous Language Wikipedia Program, with NCCU Center for Aboriginal Studies and there are going to have the second stage cooperation. There are four members from NCCU Center for Aboriginal Studies will participate in the Wikimania at South Africa, through the introduction from Wikimedia Taiwan, seek for the global volunteers who have the same goal to promote the small language wikipedia.

What we do well 我們做對了什麼

  • 我們去年專案都有如期完成,成果也多能達成目標,所以今年多個計畫都能延續舉行,甚至有新的合作對象加入。
  • We completed and achieved all the projects' goals on time last year. In this year, most projects run smoothly and have new cooperate partner.
  • 這個專案下的計畫,台灣分會的人力多半不是主辦人。女性社群是由社群自發運作,地方社群和小語言則是提供教學資源、擔任計畫顧問,顯示我們賦與社群能力與熱情的部分相當成功。
  • Most of projects in Marginal Communities Facilitation Program are run by the project managers and their own human powers from their community, Wikimedia Taiwan doesn't play a role as organizer but supervisor. The female project is run by theirselves; when it comes to local communities and small language communities, Wikimedia Taiwan provides the teaching materials and supervise them. It shows that we are successful in empowered and impassioned communities.

What we need / plan to do 我們還需要/應該做什麼

  • 我們需要跟社群之間建立更好的成果紀錄方式。上半年一些社群成果並沒有被完整紀錄下來,填寫紀錄對一些小型社群相當困難。我們需要協助他們解決問題。
  • We should find a better way to record the output of their event. There are several metrics missed because recording is difficult for some small communities. We need to assist them to solve the problems.