Digitization Dutch-language letters from the Tamansiswa Dewantara Kirti Griya museum in the amount of 600 pages
100% complete
981 out of 600 pages have been scanned
Digitization Javanese-language magazines from Yayasan Sastra Lestari in the amount of 100 editions
100% complete
100 out of 100 edition of Kajawen Magazine have been scanned
Transcription of Dutch-language letters by volunteers from the Netherland
46.7% complete
Approximately 154 out of 330 pages in the Dutch language have been transcribed in the Dutch Wikisource
Translation of Dutch-language letters by paid freelancer
75.8% complete
Exactly 250 pages of letters have been translated into Bahasa Indonesia
Wikipedia and Wikisource training for people to campaign free content and free license
66.7% complete
Two pieces of Wikisource trainings held
Use the material on 100 articles as the reference, especially in Javanese Wikipedia
0% complete
The scanned materials have not been used yet in Wikimedia projects since the important materials (i.e. letters) are ready to be in Bahasa Indonesia at the end of February 2018 and have not yet announced in Javanese Wikipedia's village pump. Kajawen Magazine in PDF format was uploaded after March 12.
Three WikiLatih (editathon) for this project (10 participants per batch)
33.3% complete
Ten out of 30 participants joining the Wikisource training
One of the letters in the Dewantara Kirti Griya Museum, Yogyakarta
With the objective of increasing the cultural and historical contents of Indonesia, Wikimedia Indonesia partnered to digitize the collection of letters of Dutch colonialization era from the Dewantara Kirti Griya Museum (Special Region of Yogyakarta Province) and Kajawen Magazine from the collection of Yayasan Sastra Lestari (Central Java Province). The collections are available under the free license and can be accessed via Wikimedia Commons.
This project was running between March 13, 2017, to March 12, 2018. In the first two months, the association and the institutions held several internal meetings to discuss with materials is to be rolled out first for scanning. Later, a memorandum signed by each party and the activity started afterward.
During the project, 981 pages of letters have been scanned and saved in PDF format. There are 330 pages of letters are in the Dutch language. A hundred editions of Kajawen Magazine has been scanned and saved in PDF as well. The collections can be found in Wikimedia Commons under Category:Letters from Tamansiswa Dewantara Kirti Griya Museum library and Category:Majalah Kajawen respectively.
To make use of the letters, Wikimedia Indonesia and Wikimedia Netherlands partnered to transcribe those letters in the Dutch Wikisource. Until the end of the project (March 12, 2018), there were 154 pages have been transcribed and summarized on this page. Besides the transcription, the letters were translated into Bahasa Indonesia, as well, in the amount of 250 pages, instead of 330 pages, due to the lack of time for the translator to complete his translation.
Wikimedia Indonesia held two times of Wikisource training: one in Yogyakarta and one in Jakarta.
Lesson learned
During the project, the hurdle faced was to socialize the objectives and benefits derived from the project to the targeted audiences. Creative Commons licenses which provide discretion for the copyright holder must be submitted correctly and easily understood by the audiences in order to avoid misinterpretation and raise the notion that this license removes the copyright of the work of the original copyright holder. The straightforward explanation was necessary to avoid raising the notion that the results of digitalization disseminated to the internet will be commercialized. From one side, the assumption is true, but on the other hand, such commercialization actions can be minimized by the availability of the same material/content that can be used freely and for free instead of using the commercial content.
The digitization of Kajawen Magazine was facing the difficulty in the third quarter (September to December 2017). It was a disruption to the scanner machine in Surakarta. Some of the problems that arise such as (1) the results of the camera portrait is unclear, (2) excessive lights that result in reducing the visibility of the photo, and (3) some edition of Kajawen Magazine's metadata was not available on sastra.org, thus requiring the Javanese language expert to read the Hanacaraka script from the magazine to extract the metadata.
314 total participants (Javanese: 110; Sundanese: 204) including 165 new user (Javanese: 70; Sundanese:95)
26 of participants on average editing every month during the competition
84.6% complete
22 participants in average per months (Javanese: 14; Sundanese: 8)
18 of participants editing one month after the competition
11.1% complete
Only 2 participants (Javanese: 1; Sundanese: 1 -but now editing in ID-)
8 of participants who are active editors one month after the competition
25% complete
Only 2 participants (Javanese: 1; Sundanese: 1 -but now editing in ID-), minimum 50 edits per month
2 of participants who are very active editors one month after the competition
50% complete
Only 1 users (Janese: 1; Sundanese: 0), minimum 100 edits per month
1200 new articles meeting the minimum criteria (5 sentences and 1 source)
100% complete
2,296 articles that meeting with the minimum criteria (Javanese: 2,138 <1><2>; Sundanese: 158, <1><2>). Total new articles are 3,364 (Javanese: 2,818; Sundanese: 546)
In Community Expo to promote Javanese Wikipedia
Two community members discuss in library room
Taking picture together in closing ceremony
Wiki Mrebawani II is a continuation of the Wiki Mrebawani (2015–16) which aims at increasing the number of active editors in the Javanese Wikipedia, and through that also aims at building the Javanese Wikipedia community and preserving the Javanese language. The rule of the competition is creating articles as many as possible, in which committee decides if the articles are accepted based on the established standard, and the judges will assess the quality of samples of the created articles. The rule is a simplification of the previous Wiki Mrebawani rules, which went through major changes during the course of the competition. The competition is held in two terms: the first was started at April 15th, 2017 and ended at September 14th, 2017, the second was started at September 23rd, 2017 and ended at February 23rd, 2018. In each term, a winner was announced.
Since mid-April to mid-September, also called the first term, 35 people registered the competition, 8 participated in editing, and 460 articles were created for the competition. The participants made 546 articles, edited 1,150 articles with more than 1,950 total edits during the competition. Several parties had been outreached such as Javanese Diaspora Network, a Javanese community with members from around the world, and Komunitas Jogja Peduli, a group for Yogyakarta local communities that concerns on education issues. The Javanese Wikipedia and a new way of preserving Javanese through encyclopedic writing were introduced to them. Besides the competition, a total of 3 (three) Wikipedia training have also been held to encourage more people in editing the Javanese Wikipedia and to improve skills in Wikipedia editing. From the training, we have got 16 participants joining with a total of 74 edits made.
First Javanese WikiTraining
Second Javanese WikiTraining
Adwi (left) is receiving prize as the second winner of Wiki Mrebawani II period 2. On the right is Amy, one of Wiki Mrebawani II committee members.
Participants of Wikipedia workshop in Surabaya
During the first term, the number of Javanese Wikipedia’s articles was finally reaching 50,000 and featured in a local newspaper. We also open a community space in Yogyakarta.
Partnered with Radya Pustaka Museum in Surakarta, Wikimedia Indonesia held the announcement and closure of the first term of Wiki Mrebawani II at the museum’s hall at September 17th, 2017. The winner of the first term of Wiki Mrebawani II is Igho with score 79,1 of 100 based on article's quality (40%), quantity (40%), and presentation (20%) aspects. Igho is previously an active Indonesian Wikipedia user and now also active in the Javanese Wikipedia during and after the competition. The closing ceremony is featured in Suara Merdeka, a national newspaper based in Semarang.
The second term was followed by 60 participants, with 16 of whom were active editors. Articles created during the second term were 1,824 or around four times the number of the first term. The closure of the second term was held at Data Building, Tamansiswa Complex in Yogyakarta. Ganyong was declared as the winner of the second term by scoring 88,4 of 100. The second term was covered by Jaya Baya and Djaka Lodang (magazines), and Republika (newspapers).
During one-year Wiki Mrebawani II, the committee members also held 11 Wikipedia editing workshops named WikiLatih Jawa in several cities in Java: Yogyakarta (5 times), Surakarta (2 times), Salatiga (once), Semarang (once), Cirebon (once), and Surabaya (once). Most of these workshops were to train participants of Wiki Mrebawani on editing Wikipedia.
Lesson learned
During first term, many participants submitted their articles in the last day, so the committe need to do extra work. In the second term, The committe already tried to remind the participants, but that's still happened.
For several years, Javanese community was growing so slow, buat because they have community space now, they have place to gather and can coordinate better. This is part of communal culture of Javanese people
Post-activities and follow-up
Javanese community decided to do more WikiLatih for next grants and finding new potential partners, especially educational institution
314 total participants (Javanese: 110; Sundanese: 204) including 165 new user (Javanese: 70; Sundanese:95)
26 of participants on average editing every month during the competition
84.6% complete
22 participants in average per months (Javanese: 14; Sundanese: 8)
18 of participants editing one month after the competition
11.1% complete
Only 2 participants (Javanese: 1; Sundanese: 1 -but now editing in ID-)
8 of participants who are active editors one month after the competition
25% complete
Only 2 participants (Javanese: 1; Sundanese: 1 -but now editing in ID-), minimum 50 edits per month
2 of participants who are very active editors one month after the competition
50% complete
Only 1 users (Janese: 1; Sundanese: 0), minimum 100 edits per month
1200 new articles meeting the minimum criteria (5 sentences and 1 source)
100% complete
2,296 articles that meeting with the minimum criteria (Javanese: 2,138 <1><2>; Sundanese: 158, <1><2>). Total new articles are 3,364 (Javanese: 2,818; Sundanese: 546)
Sundanese poster competition
Wiki Sabanda II is a multilevel system competition, which means a participant should finish one level to continue to the next level. The project was improved and its rules based on the lesson learned from previous competition. The competition is held in two terms: the first was started at April 15th, 2017 and ended at September 14th, 2017, the second is going to start at September 23rd, 2017 and to end at February 22nd, 2018. In each term, a winner was announced.
First Sundanese WikiTraining
First Sundanese WikiTraining
In the first term, 47 registered participants and only 5 people who participated in competition by claim its articles. There are 253 articles edited (including 148 new articles for competition), and total 1,690 total edits. Beside the competition, we did WikiTraining to Sundanese community for the first time, there are 2 participants with 6 new articles, 10 edited articles and 36 total edits. Promotional activities have been conducted, both online and offline. We collaborated with promoted literary community "Malam Puisi Bandung" and aggreed to promote via their on-air radio program and also social media. We also had meeting with Library and Archive Department, West Java and Reading Community Club (Taman Baca Masyarakat) Sukamulya in Bandung to know and explore more with Wikimedia projects, especially Wikipedia. In this first period selected one person champion of Wiki Sabanda II that is Dinototosugiarto with the score 64 of 100.
Wiki Sabanda II second term started on September 22, 2017. The competition was announced online (via social media) and offline (by visiting educational institutions and spread the competition via poster). There are 70 participants registered in this term: one of them was previously registered to this competition, 61 persons were new users, and 8 persons were registered but did not continue to create their Wikipedia account. Among the 70 participants, only 9 persons were actively writing in Sundanese Wikipedia. To attract more participants from the previous term, the committee decided that participants from the previous term can automatically be the participants in the second term and also collaborated with Sundanese Education, Faculty of Language and Literature Education, Indonesia University of Education.
There are 50 articles claimed by the participants to be scored, although there are 199 articles created. Wiki Sabanda II second term closed officially on December 31, 2017. Setia Muhammad Fauzi won the first place, and Zaenal Abidin won the second place. See the jury's score sheet here.
Wiki Sabanda II conducted 10 days Sundanese editathons during the second term, participated by 131 persons in total.
First training was held at SMK Informatika Terpadu on October 19-20, 2017, with the participation of 15 persons
Second training was held at SMK Farmasi Bakti on October 19-20, 2017, with the participation of 55 persons and writing pharmacy articles
Third training was held in Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia on October 27, 2017, with the participation of 15 persons
Fourth training was held at SMA Negeri 1 Cisarua on December 12, 2017, with the participation of 12 persons
Later, the committee decided to alter the competition design by joining an event conducted by Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia to attract university students in the competition. The committee conducted two pieces of training:
First training conducted on January 18-19, 2018 in Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia and participated by 20 participants in total
Second training conducted on February 1-2, 2018 in the same place and participated by 7 participants each day
Lesson learned
During the training session, most of the presentation and speech did not deliver entirely due to lack of time. There should be more time to deliver the presentation (more than 4-hour duration of the training).
All training participants should be forced to bring computers with them to avoid idling during the training session.
There was difficult to gather Sundanese Wikipedia community due to working time and regional disparity, thus it is better to have more than three committee living the same city or living in the nearby at least.
Post-activities and follow-up
Sundanese community plan to do meet up and WikiLatih, so the community is not gone after the competition.
16 events per year (twice a month) in every city in Indonesia where Wikipedian want to hold their own WikiLatih
100% complete
In one-year projects, we held 28 events
12 participants in every event (10 newcomers and 2 Wikipedians) or 192 participants
100% complete
Using manual calculation, we had 402 participants. Using Outreach tool 12; WikiLatih 3, we had 321 participants, as some of the participants are coming twice or more in some events, so using manual calculation the number ended up to 402.
Improving or making 20 articles in every event or 320 contents
100% complete
Improving more than 1820 contents in various Wikimedia projects or 1,195 edited articles and 625 created articles,
179 edit for every batch of WikiLatih or 2148 total edits
100% complete
4,812 total edits during the projects
2 Wikipedians volunteer in 6 hours every event or 32 volunteers or 192 hours
from March 13, 2017 to March 12, 2018, we've done 28 WikiLatih in several Wikimedia projects, Wikipedia (main projects), Wikimedia Commons, and Wikidata. The first WikiLatih under SAPG project (WikiLatih Indonesia, which is focused on Indonesian-related topics), it's a big WikiLatih with 54 participants and 13 Wikipedians. This is a collaboration project with Indorelawan and Goethe-Institut Indonesien. Beside Indonesian Wikipedia project, we did twice WikiLatih with Wikidata project, also 8 training for Minangkabau Wikipedia.
Collaboration partner
We collaborated with some partners including:
Indorelawan, as a local volunteering movement, Indorelawan helped us to organize WikiLatih Indonesiana and WikiLatih Bulan Relawan Nasional (National Volunteers Day). For the second event, Campaign.com provided us with the training space.
Koalisi Seni Indonesia, we had WikiLatih in Kupang, and they gave us the in-kind donation for the aeroplane ticket, accommodation, and local transportation.
SMP St. Yoseph Kupang, a local school in Kupang, providing us with the venue place for WikiLatih Fakultas FISIPOL Universitas Hasanuddin
Universitas Terbuka, is a government open university, we started to collaborate with the local university to improve Wikipedia content, all of the participants are the lecturer. Universitas Terbuka provided in-kind donations for place and food. There were 20 participants, the full report is here.
Goethe-Institut Indonesien, Germany official culture centre in Indonesia, they provided the in-kind donation for our first WikiLatih. Report is here.
Universitas Bina Nusantara, a private local university, they had a special program for their new students by asking them to join Social Working Day with local NGO, we gave them WikiLatih, there were 14 participants and we've got 28 new articles in Indonesian Wikipedia.
Konsil LSM Indonesia, we collaborated to train local NGO how to edit Wikipedia.
Faculty of Humanities, Andalas University, we collaborated with them to hold WikiLatih for students and lectures in Minangkabaunese departments, they also provided the space.
Balai Bahasa, a local division of Language Center Balai Bahasa in West Sumatera, we trained their staffs how to edit in Minangkabaunese and Indonesian Wikipedia.
Swedish Embassy, we collaborated to hold WikiGap, to increase women articles in Indonesian Wikipedia.
Lesson learned
During the projects, we collaborated with the various organisation, and we realized that we need them to make Wikimedia projects contents are diverse.
The workload of this project is higher than our prediction, so for our next grant, we plan to have the dedicated coordinator for this project.
Post-activities and follow-up
Before we finished the grant, we applied for the new grants, as a lot of potential partners contacted us and we'll plan to do WikiLatih with them, including IVAA and KUNCI Cultural Studies Center.
Wiki Loves Indonesia 2017 is our first project with photo contest via Wikimedia Commons. Before the contest, we prepared some communication strategies to help us to track down our progress and also to make the competition is well-prepared. We made:
Campaign upload page, before the event, one of the committe was contacted by Romaine to make Central Notice also campaign upload page. The central notice banner was availaible in Indonesia area and has bilingual banner, Indonesian and English.
There is 626 participants and 598 (95%) of them are new users; or, there's 630 participants accordi tong this tool, it's likely the user upload after the competition or another user who helped to reupload the picture, e.g. Embedded Data Bot.
WLE Indonesia 2017 Province Coverage, 25 provinces out of 34
Lesson learned
For the next competition, we should have a registration form, as we've got 626 with and planned to send merchandise to top 200, but we couldn't reach all of them, because they didn't provide the-mail address when they registered to Wikimedia Commons. We've been trying to contact them via their talk page, social media (some of the participants are using their real name, so it can easily be identified) and any possible channel, but the success rate is only 31.5%. Per March 12, 2018, we've sent to 63 participants out of 200, 2 of them are top 10.
The WLE tools and some tools need to have a fixed date option. It affected our metrics report as it changed too if Commons data's changed.
We plan to have more offline outreach events, so we can reach more broader participants and also educate them about Wikimedia Commons and Creative Commons and they can fully understand how useful the free license is.
Wikimedia Indonesia was invited by Wikimedia Deutschland for Partnership Workshop. As the newcomer of this group, we learnt a lot about partnership works and process from various Wikimedia chapter or user groups. This was a two-day workshop aimed to recapture and reviewing 6 vision from previous workshop and combining with the interpretation of Strategic Direction to create the Partnership Statement.