Grants:Simple/Applications/Wikimedia Eesti/2018/H1
- Application or grant stage: grant in progress
- Applicant or grantee: Wikimedia Eesti
- Amount requested: 64,464.84 EUR (58,604 EUR + 5860 EUR contingency) (75,000 USD)
- Amount granted: 30,000 EUR (including contingency) (37,000 USD)
- Funding period: 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2018
- Application created: 1 November 2017
- Recommended application date: 1 November 2017
- Midpoint report due: 15 April
- Final report due: 30 July
[edit]Link to these documents, for the upcoming funding period, only if you have them.
- Link to your organization's staffing plan, for the upcoming funding period. Google Drive
- Link to your annual plan, for the upcoming funding period. Google Drive
- Link to your strategic plan, which includes the upcoming funding period. Google Drive (Strategic plan for 2016-2018. New strategic plan will be developed in 2018.)
Please add your grants metrics to this sheet. Note that requirements for shared metrics have changed for grants starting 1 January 2017 or later. Please visit this worksheet to view global metrics targets and progress.
[edit]Please describe any changes to your programs for the upcoming funding period, including the addition of new programs or any programs you are no longer doing. Include your rationale for any major changes to your programs here.
Please use the templates provided to add information about each program you are planning for the upcoming funding period.
Local Activities
Theory of change
Ensuring the expansion of the organization’s education programme in a manner supportive of the creation of networks; the creation of sustainable partnerships based on the OpenGLAM network in the GLAM sector; the support, motivation and expansion of the existing community; and the promotion of open culture in Estonia through public activities, facilitates the growth of the efficiency and impact of the organization’s programmatic activities on the local level, which in turn will create good preconditions for the improvement of the organization’s public visibility and the quantitative and qualitative growth of the community and Wikimedia projects, resulting in the development of Wikimedia Eesti, the local and international community of Wikimedia projects, as well as the general awareness of open knowledge and open culture.
Measures |
In order to achieve the goal Wikimedia Eesti will implement following measures:
1. Expanding the education programme in a manner supportive of a network of educational institutions, teaching staff, and students; 2. Creating sustainable partnerships in the GLAM sector, which will involve assuming the leading position in shaping the OpenGLAM network in Estonia; 3. Supporting, motivating and expanding the existing community in the form of various community events and competitions; 4. Promotion of open culture in Estonia in the form of public events, meetings, publishing opinion pieces, and active policy formation. |
Summary of education program activities |
Our social network within various universities significantly expanded in 2017 and we would like to continue this trend in 2018. Our endorsement by the University of Tartu facilitates introducing Wikipedia to students and lecturers. While up until now University of Tartu has been spearheading the Miljon+ project, we plan to gradually increase our contribution to match their efforts and accelerate the project's completion. Several outreach programs for Wikipedia and its sister projects also fall into the field of education. For instance, photography, where science photo competition is carried out to bring scientist closer to Wikipedia or first rephotography competition is planned to find innovative ways on how to approach people interested in learning about local history. But developing Wikisource and Wikiquote is also something to strive for. For feedback on the high school e-course, we are looking for sources of funding other than WMF. 80 students registered to the e-course in 2017. While we consider the introduction of Wikipedia to high school students important, we can't simply rely on volunteers, as giving individual feedback at least four times over the course of the studies is both time and energy consuming. We are attempting to find additional funding opportunities for the upcoming year in collaboration with the Ministry of education and science. As a part of our commitment to knowledge equity, one of the key values of the new strategic direction of the Wikimedia movement, we are also seeking to expand the scope of our associations (teacher and librarian training, looking into opportunities for involving the elderly). Assigned to: Education program coordinator |
Objectives |
Objectives for the program for the year 2018 are:
1. An at least three-month Wikipedian in Residence pilot program will take place in 2018. 2. At least two new cooperation projects are started with museums. 3. At least one new project with Finno-ugric communities of Wikimedia will be initiated. |
Summary of GLAM activities |
In 2017, we actively begun introducing Wikipedia to museums, which has led to larger scale collaborations with several of them. We have come to a point where many museums are prepared to upload materials to Wikipedia. They are, however, severely limited in terms of human resources. Therefore, it is imperative that we improve our capability to receive the materials the museums are prepared to contribute. For this reason, we have created the position of GLAM coordinator (although the coordinator is busy organizing the Digital Humanities Conference until the end of November 2017), and experimental plans have been made to place a Wikipedian in Residence near the various museums. The GLAM-coordinator also takes an active role in communicating with both Finno-Ugric and other chapters or user groups of Wikimedia. There has been some thoughts of doing co-operation with the Erzan user group and as well with Wikimedia Norge. Under the Miljon+ project, the GLAM-coordinator is in charge of interns and volunteers who want to cooperate with Vikipeedia and Wikimedia Eesti, as well as actively encouraging local student organizations to take part of Miljon+ project. Assigned to: GLAM coordinator |
Community events |
The community is the backbone of all Wikimedia projects, meaning that supporting their sense of community and creating additional motivation is extremely important. Wikimedia Eesti finds that community events play an key role in this, as real-world meetups and discussions are an important supplement to on-Wiki discussions and are central to the creation and maintenance of sense of community. They also provide an opportunity for immediate discussion, which could also be a significant precondition for the success of projects and improving the general atmosphere. Wikimedia Eesti will support monthly community meetings in Tallinn and Tartu, some of which are held between the members of the organization and others arranged for the community in general. We will continue organizing summer days and end of the year events, but the community will also be provided support for organizing local events. Starting from late 2016, Wikimedia Estonia has been giving out a small Wikipedian of the Month award based on a community vote. To celebrate the 15th anniversary of the Estonian Wikipedia, we also gave out a Friend of Wikipedia award; we are planning to turn this into an annual tradition. As a recognition of our burgeoning community of photographers, we are also launching an annual award for the best photographer. Assigned to: GLAM coordinator |
Local competitions |
To energize the activities of the community related to Wikimedia projects and engage new participants, various competitions will be carried out in Wikipedia as well as on Commons. WMEE continues with our most long standing local competition - the translation bee Tõlketalgud in cooperation with European Commission in Estonia, and we will provide a prize for the best newcomer. In 2018, we also plan to restart the Wikipedia category in the nature photo competition held by the Eesti Loodus magazine; awards in this category were last handed out in 2012 & 2013. We also plan to add a competitive element to the education program and award the best contributions of high school and university students. But this is directly linked to the Miljon+ project and not to our budget.. Assigned to: GLAM coordinator |
Community expansion |
Wikimedia Estonia will seek to expand the circle of volunteers both on and off-Wiki through cooperation with other organizations. We will help these organizations curate contributions to Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects in their field. This kind of cooperation will help us involve new social and age groups in the movement, including seniors. The target groups for this activity will be determined in the course of meetings with various stakeholders, as well as the public opinion survey carried out by University of Tartu researchers (see the Development and growth section in the annual plan document). Building tools for allies and partners to organize and exchange free knowledge beyond Wikimedia is a key part of the Wikimedia movement strategy. To promote cooperation with external partners in this field - mainly the burgeoning startup community in Estonia -, tool creation and open data hackathons will be organized to expand our community of technology-savvy users. Assigned to: communication manager |
Public events |
As Wikimedia Eesti seeks to support the development and growth of open knowledge and Wikimedia projects in Estonia, the chapter must also focus on events targeting the general public providing people the opportunity to meet in person with people related to Wikimedia and ensuring greater public interest in the activities and efforts of Wikimedia. One of such events will be presenting the annual Friend of Wikipedia award on the anniversary of the Estonian Wikipedia; we are also looking for an opportunity to hold a seminar on European data rights involving Dimitar Dimitrov from the EU policy working group. Assigned to: communication manager |
Meetings with stakeholders |
Over the past few years, Wikimedia Eesti has actively campaigned for the adoption of Freedom of Panorama in Estonia, which has involved meetings with a variety of stakeholders and policymakers. These meetings have enabled Wikimedia Eesti to familiarize the stakeholders with the principles of open culture and they have proven extremely useful. Contact with these groups has to be continuously maintained. In light of the above, Wikimedia Eesti will continue discussions with various stakeholders in 2018 and, when appropriate, contribute to different development plans, action plans and development of new legislation. Further promotion of the Public Domain Manifesto translated by us and signed by a number of cultural heritage institutions in 2017 will provide a good ground for communication and finding common interests with groups who might otherwise perceive us as their opponents (e.g. authors’ organizations). Assigned to: communication manager, reporting specialist |
Media activities |
Various media activities are an important method for generating public attention; to ensure better coordination of such activities, Wikimedia Eesti will prepare a media plan in 2018, which will form the basis for systematic activities ensuring better coverage of Wikimedia Eesti and Wikimedia projects in media. This, in turn, will facilitate the realization of Wikimedia Eesti’s mission at the local level. We will also increase our activity on social media, engaging people on Twitter and Instagram in addition to our popular Facebook account. Assigned to: communication manager |
International Activities
The goal of international programmatic activities is to create networks of Wikimedia and external partners on the regional and global level, facilitating sharing experience and shared learning, but also the realization of more extensive joint projects increasing the quantity and quality of Wikimedia content.
Theory of change
Ensuring the organization’s active involvement on the international level through sharing experience and learnings; participation in joint projects and conferences; and the development of international cooperation, supports the development and growth of the organization itself, but also the increase in the value of the organization’s competences, experience and learnings through sharing local knowledge and experience with the international community and external partners, resulting in the development of Wikimedia Eesti, the local and international community of Wikimedia projects, as well as the general awareness of open knowledge and open culture..
Measures |
In order to achieve the goal Wikimedia Eesti will implement following measures:
1. Sharing experience and learnings gained in working with small Wikimedia projects and small communities on the international level; 2. Representation and active participation in major Wikimedia meetings and conferences; 3. Development of cooperation with Finno-Ugric communities and Nordic and Baltic partners; 4. Participation in policymaking at the EU level and support of activities related to the Wikimedia movement. |
International events |
WMEE will once again take part in the WMCEE Spring article writing competition. Science photo competition will take place at the end of 2017, but all the awarding events would be in 2018 (national winners in January and international in March). Therefore, a lot of expenses are also to be made in 2018. In cooperation with Ajapaik (a crowdsourcing geotagging and rephotography site) and Estonian National Heritage Board, we are planning to hold a rephotography competition of cultural monuments. It should take place in September and is planned to involve participants from other Nordic countries. It will also include some public walks (“expeditions”) around bigger cities in Estonia to talk about local history and take (re)photos. There is also one international event in the plan, that should cover all the Baltic states. A bigger photography expedition around Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania near the track of planned railway connection. Rail Baltic, a company preparing to build it, would help to fund this event. It would also be linked to the rephotography part, but this time so that we are taking photos of something that would change a lot in the future so that few years into the future it would be possible to provide a comparison on how has the landscape changed. Assigned to: education program coordinator, GLAM coordinator |
International meetings |
We plan to send at least two people to CEE meeting and two to WMCon in Berlin. In 2018 the first meeting of Nordic Wikimedians would likely take place and so we hope to send five people there. There is also a plan to send one person to Wikimedia hackathon (as a competition prize) and we set money aside to visit two more conferences. Assigned to: reporting specialist |
Support of European policy activities |
European Wikimedia chapters have jointly decided to support the work of FKAGEU; Wikimedia Eesti will also contribute to this. Our support will include both financial and time resources through availability for timely exchange of information, consultations, and local-level support activities. This will provide Wikimedia Eesti with good access to information impacting our general and public activities on the local level. To provide financial support to FKAGEU, we will hold a funding drive among local Internet startups; in return, we will invite Dimi to speak to them about the situation of data rights in Brussels. Assigned to: communication manager |
Sharing experience |
Wikimedia Eesti has been actively engaged in local policymaking, gaining knowledge and experience that could also be beneficial to the international community. Wikimedia Eesti has also participated in the Big Fat Brussels meetings where we have gained additional knowledge but also shared our local experience. In 2018, Wikimedia Eesti seeks to focus more on international activities. In light of this, we will also participate in any potential 2018 meeting focusing on policymaking, and share our local experience on the international level in different forms. Assigned to: reporting specialist |
Staff and contractors
[edit]Please describe any changes to your staffing plan for the upcoming funding period. These should include increases in staff or contractor hours, new staff positions, or staff positions you are removing. Include your rationale for any staffing changes here.
For each new staff or contractor position, please use the template provided to add information about each new staff or contractor you are planning for the upcoming funding period (or to describe significant increases in hours or changes in job descriptions for existing staff). You are not required to provide this information for existing staff where no changes are required.
The executive assistant's position will be transformed into that of a GLAM coordinator. This is related to a) increased administrative efficiency freeing up staff time and b) increased GLAM work load. 2) Two temporary part-time positions are created for replacing our ED during her maternity leave. The ED's administrative responsibilities are shared between the GLAM coordinator and the new part-time reporting specialist. Her communication duties are taken up by the new part-time communication manager.
See the staffing plan for more details.
Budget and resource plan
[edit]Link to a detailed budget for the upcoming funding period. This budget should include all of your organizations expenses. Please specify which expenses will be covered from your APG.
Midpoint report
[edit]This is a brief report on the grantee's progress during the midpoint reporting period: 1 January - 31 March 2018.
Program story
[edit]Please link to one program story that showcases your organization's achievements during the reporting period.
- "Nationwide campaign Miljon+ on national TV main news program" (video in Estonian)
[edit]Please add text or a link to a page with details on your program progress. This should including reporting against each of the SMART objectives form your proposal.
Wikimedia Eesti has had a good start of the year, despite the WMF's decision to stop financing paid positions. Wikimedia Eesti will henceforth continue operations with a new board and, for the time being, with a volunteer workforce. We ask the readers to bear in mind that the presented plan we're reporting about was intended as a full year plan, not a half year one, so this is effectively more of a "quarter-point" than a midpoint.
Education program

- The cooperative efforts with the University of Tartu (UT) continue both with the Miljon+ project, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia, and with efforts to get the university students to write Wikipedia articles. In this semester alone at least 8 courses will be held and already nearly 130 articles are in draft phase.
- A language editing competition that started at the end of 2017 and during which 40 participants edited 735 articles came to its conclusion in March. It was organized in cooperation with the university, Tartu Hansa Rotary and the Estonian Copy Editors' Association.
GLAM program

- We have started a new cooperation project with the Tartu Art Museum, as part of which the museum assets will be described in Wikidata, and high quality images added to Wikimedia Commons when legally possible. So far, the information about museum's painting and watercolor collections have been imported into Wikidata and we are preparing our first batch uploads.
- Talks are ongoing about cooperation with the National Library of Estonia and the Estonian Natural History Museum.
Community program

- In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia, we asked 100 scientists, scholars, writers, journalists, environmentalists and activists to write Wikipedia articles. Plenty of new articles were created and some people decided that only one article clearly wasn't enough.
- There have been several volunteer events and workshops, including an article writing event in connection with the same 100th anniversary which led to multiple new articles and improvements.
- Unfortunately, the Estonian representative office of the European Commission discontinued the support of translation bees this year, which meant that event didn't take place. We're confident of still reaching our original goal of 4 local level competitions nevertheless by the end of 2018.
Public activities

- The Miljon+ project has received good media coverage:
- Our board member Märt Põder gave a long interview on the Estonian Radio 2
- Our volunteer Ivo Kruusamägi wrote 2 new Estonian Wikipedia articles live during the morning program "Terevisioon" on the main public national television channel.
- Public events:
- A public article writing event took place in March 10 in Tartu (and was mentioned in the media during the Terevisioon segment linked above), with another planned in cooperation with the Prima Vista literature festival.
- Meetings with stakeholders:
- Public policy
- Our board member Eva Lepik held a presentation on the copyright reform of the EU for the Estonian Students Society.
International activities
- The Science Photo Competition was organized as planned. The submission phase ended in 2017 and multiple juries around the world have already selected their national winners, with the international winners to be chosen soon.
- Our board member Eva Lepik participated in the Copyright Action Week in Brussels at the invitation of the Copyright for Creativity.
- Our board member Käbi Suvi and our volunteer Ivo Kruusamägi will be attending the WMCon in Berlin in April 2018.
- A learning pattern was made available, related to our organization of the Digital Humanities Conference in 2017.
[edit]Please report your organization's total spending during the reporting period, or link to a financial document showing your total spending.
- 13091,5 Euros
Final report
[edit]This is the final report for your grant, describing your outcomes from the period 1 January - 30 June 2018.
Program story
[edit]Please link to one program story that showcases your organization's achievements during the reporting period.
- Kas juba sügisel kuuleme interneti luigelaulu?, an article about the new EU copyright proposals by board member Märt Põder. Wikimedia Eesti was very active nationally in working against the worst points of the proposed EU directives, leading to a lot of coverage of the issue in the Estonian press (e.g. [1], and many more in early July that go under H2).
Learning story
[edit]Please link to one learning story that shows how your organization documents lessons learned and adapts its programs accordingly.
- How not to organize a conference, about our experience with the Digital Humanities Conference in 2017.
[edit]Please add text or a link to a page with details on your program results. You should report on each of the objectives you included in your Simple APG application.

An independent audit was commissioned on the 2017 finances, and found no issues (English summary).
Wikimedia Eesti has had a good first half of the year, despite the volunteer workforce. In addition to the per-program information below, the board and other very active members of Wikimedia Eesti got together twice for an entire day to discuss and plan the future strategic goals of the association. We expect the progress to be faster in the second half thanks to the newly funded positions. We ask the readers to bear in mind that the presented plan we're reporting about was intended as a full year plan, not a half year one, so this is effectively more of a midpoint than a final report.
Education program

- The cooperative efforts with the University of Tartu (UT) continue both with the Miljon+ project, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia, and with efforts to get the university students to write Wikipedia articles. At least 8 courses including Wikipedia assignments were held in the H1 semester in UT, with 278 users (274 of them new) writing and improving 294 pages. UT even organized its own wikiarticle competition for law students of UT. Digihariduse konkurss, that is organized under UT, also took place in this spring semester.
- Exercises involving wikiarticle writing kept spreading in Estonia. The newest addition among the institutions involved was the Estonian Aviation Academy.
- A language editing competition that started at the end of 2017 and during which 40 participants edited 735 articles came to its conclusion in March. It was organized in cooperation with the university, Tartu Hansa Rotary and the Estonian Copy Editors' Association.
GLAM program

- We have started a new cooperation project with the Tartu Art Museum, as part of which the museum assets will be described in Wikidata, and high quality images added to Wikimedia Commons when legally possible. So far, the information about museum's painting and watercolor collections have been imported into Wikidata. Additionally, the museum has provided Wikimedia Eesti with high quality images of the artworks by several well-known Estonian painters in the public domain to be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons, a process we expect to begin more seriously in H2.
- Talks are ongoing about cooperation with the National Library of Estonia and the Estonian Natural History Museum, and about data usage from the Estonian Art Museum.
- A cooperation between Wikimedia Eesti and the Estonian Photographic Heritage Society, ran by the Wikimedia volunteer and EPHS board member Vahur Puik, led to the standardized rights statements for online cultural heritage, being officially translated into Estonian.
- Also in collaboration with the Estonian Photographic Heritage Society, who edits and maintaining the Biographical Database of Estonian Photographers (EFEA) on KulturNav, the EFEA KulturNav IDs were added to the Wikidata entries for the photographers.
Community program

- In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia, we asked 100 scientists, scholars, writers, journalists, environmentalists and activists to write Wikipedia articles. Plenty of new articles were created and some people decided that only one article clearly wasn't enough.
- There have been several volunteer events and workshops, including an article writing event in connection with the same 100th anniversary which led to multiple new articles and improvements.
- Unfortunately, the Estonian representative office of the European Commission discontinued the support of translation bees this year, which meant that event didn't take place. We're confident of still reaching our original goal of 4 local level competitions nevertheless by the end of 2018.
- Wikimedia Eesti once again organized the Estonian section of the Central and Eastern European Spring article competition, which saw 10 participants creating or improving 212 pages.
- Wikimedia Eesti and Fenno-Ugria organized another edition of the Finno-Ugric article competition, leading to 5 participants (including one new user) creating or improving 15 pages).
- We were working on the preparations of two photo competitions in autumn and also prepared the Wikipedia summer days.
Public activities

- The Miljon+ project has received good media coverage:
- Our board member Märt Põder gave a long interview on the Estonian Radio 2
- Our volunteer Ivo Kruusamägi wrote 2 new Estonian Wikipedia articles live during the morning program "Terevisioon" on the main public national television channel.
- Public events:
- A public article writing event took place in March 10 in Tartu (and was mentioned in the media during the Terevisioon segment linked above). A second happened in May 12 in cooperation with the Prima Vista literature festival, with the presence of cultural figures such as singer and translator Peeter Volkonski (who wrote his first ever Wikipedia article during the event).

- Meetings with stakeholders:
- A meeting took place with Estonian Academy of Sciences
- Meeting in Tallinn City Government
- Public policy
- Our board member Eva Lepik held a presentation on the copyright reform of the EU for the Estonian Students Society.
- Wikimedia Eesti was a leading voice in the debate about the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market in Estonia, contacting the Estonian MEPs both with an open letter and privately, and writing articles in the Estonian press about the situation. This activity started during H1 and continued during the first weeks of H2.
- In cooperation with Tartu Häkkerikoda, a public viewing of the film Democracy – Im Rausch der Daten, about the EU General Data Protection Regulation, was organized in Tartu, with 15 attendees, including former MEP Marju Lauristin.
- Exhibitions
- We assembled an exhibition about the best science photos of Estonia. It would be traveling around Estonia for next few years.
International activities
- The Science Photo Competition was organized as planned. The submission phase ended in 2017 and the multiple juries around the world have already selected their national winners. A longer than expected delay in choosing some of the national winners means the international winners are yet to be chosen, but they should be picked soon.
- Our board member Eva Lepik participated in the Copyright Action Week in Brussels at the invitation of the Copyright for Creativity.
- Our board member Käbi Suvi and our volunteer Ivo Kruusamägi attended the WMCon in Berlin in April 2018.
- A learning pattern was made available, related to our organization of the Digital Humanities Conference in 2017.
- Wikimedia Eesti signed and translated into Estonian the Open letter in light of the 27 April 2018 COREPER I meeting.
[edit]Please link to a detailed financial report for your spending during the grant period. This should be in the same format as your detailed budget from your Simple APG application.
Please include the total amount of Simple APG funds you spent during the grant period.
- 19,806.11 €