Grants:Simple/Applications/Wikimedia Eesti/2017
- Application or grant stage: grant in progress
- Applicant or grantee: Wikimedia Eesti
- Amount requested: 62,251.24 EUR (~68,840 USD)
- Amount granted:
62,251 EUR62,867 EUR (68,840 USD) - Funding period: January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017
- Application created: November 1, 2016
- Recommended application date: November 1, 2016
- Midpoint report due: 15 July 2017
- Final report due: 30 January 2018
[edit]Link to these documents, for the upcoming funding period, only if you have them.
Please add your grants metrics to this sheet. Note that requirements for shared metrics have changed for grants starting 1 January 2017 or later. Please visit this worksheet to view global metrics targets and progress.
[edit]Please describe any changes to your programs for the upcoming funding period, including the addition of new programs or any programs you are no longer doing. Include your rationale for any major changes to your programs here.
Please use the templates provided to add information about each program you are planning for the upcoming funding period.
Local Activities
The goal of local programmatic activities is to improve the quantity and quality of Wikimedia content on the local level, which mainly involves supporting and expanding the local community producing Wikimedia content.
Theory of change
Ensuring the expansion of the organization’s education programme in a manner supportive of the creation of networks; the creation of sustainable partnerships based on the OpenGLAM network in the GLAM sector; the support, motivation and expansion of the existing community; and the promotion of open culture in Estonia through public activities, facilitates the growth of the efficiency and impact of the organization’s programmatic activities on the local level, which in turn will create good preconditions for the improvement of the organization’s public visibility and the quantitative and qualitative growth of the community and Wikimedia projects, resulting in the development of Wikimedia Eesti, the local and international community of Wikimedia projects, as well as the general awareness of open knowledge and open culture.
Measures |
In order to achieve the goal Wikimedia Eesti will implement following measures:
1. Expanding the education programme in a manner supportive of a network of educational institutions, teaching staff, and students; 2. Creating sustainable partnerships in the GLAM sector, which will involve assuming the leading position in shaping the OpenGLAM network in Estonia; 3. Supporting, motivating and expanding the existing community in the form of various community events and competitions; 4. Promotion of open culture in Estonia in the form of public events, meetings, publishing opinion pieces, and active policy formation. |
Expansion of activities |
Wikimedia Eesti’s education programme has involved activities on the level of both general school education and higher education, but past activities have been sporadic and generally related to individual lecturers and subjects. Even though Wikimedia Eesti finds that an individual approach plays an important role in the expansion of activities, such pursuits should be better structured and conceptualized. In September 2016, Wikimedia Eesti hired a part time education programme coordinator; one of their primary tasks is to structurally expand the number of institutions and subjects where assignments related to Wikimedia projects form a part of the studies. This involves communication with the representatives of different departments at the institutions, as well as individual lecturers, in order to ensure the fulfilment of the actual goals of these activities. The first priority here is finding motivated partners for initial activities, which, in turn, will hopefully become success stories to help inspire future programme partners. Past criticism of Wikimedia Eesti has included pointing out the narrow geographic scope of our activities; hence, in 2017, attempts will be made to expand the scope of our activities in this regard. We will continue to provide secondary-level students the opportunity to participate in a Wikipedia e-course open to all students across Estonia. |
Creation of networks |
To ensure the sustainability of the education programme, Wikimedia Eesti aims to create networks of participants on the level of institutions, educators, as well students. To achieve this, with the help of the education programme coordinator, we will seek to expand the target group reached by the organization’s participatory activities, in order to take the awareness of the possibilities of Wikimedia projects to as many people as possible. This is also a significant precondition for the creation of networks. Wikimedia Eesti will assume an active role in network creation, creating contact groups of people involved in the education programme to enable them to directly communicate and share experience with each other, which is an important factor in maintaining and increasing motivation and inspiration. |
Lowering the barrier to entry |
Observations accumulated over the years have led Wikimedia Eesti to the realization that writing a Wikipedia article can often be too difficult for people making their first steps in contributing to Wikimedia projects. As a result, activities related to other projects are planned for 2017 in order to evaluate their suitability for the expansion of open knowledge and promotion of open culture. Opportunities are sought for presenting students a general picture of the principles and fundamentals of Wikimedia projects, which in turn will increase their awareness of licencing issues, democratic process of knowledge creation, and the possibilities of Wikimedia projects. Assignments related to Wikimedia projects are tied to such activities, but more attention is paid to Commons, Wiktionary, Wikiquotes, and Wikidata environments. |
Description of quality assurance processes |
Quality assurance plays an important role in the education programme. On one hand, it enables more comprehensive and accurate evaluation of the activities carried out in the frames of the programme; on the other hand, it also facilitates cooperation with teachers and lecturers in evaluating the results of the work of the students. Wikimedia Eesti also plans to expand education programme activities to projects previously untested in Estonia; the development of quality assurance procedures and mechanisms plays a key role in the evaluation of the sustainability of such experiments. |
Expansion of activities |
Wikimedia Eesti has attempted to prioritize the education programme in its activities, meaning that the numerous possibilities of GLAM have tended to receive insufficient attention. Recently, however, several opportunities have materialized for bringing quality materials from memory institutions into open use and Wikimedia Eesti plays a key role in such efforts in Estonia. As a result, Wikimedia Eesti is currently carrying out negotiations with several GLAM partners for establishing potential plans for 2017 which would result in the addition of high quality content published under free licences to Wikimedia projects; this would mainly involve the addition of media files to Commons, but also improvements to Wikipedia articles and, potentially, materials for Wikisource and Wikiquotes. |
Increasing awareness |
Even though the general IT level is high in Estonia, memory institutions are loathe to make use of the various solutions on offer, as a cloud on information systems has already been created by the state that everyone is obligated to use. As a result, the OpenGLAM movement and the release of data and materials into open use has been ignored. Wikimedia Eesti has the perfect opportunity here to become the advocate of OpenGLAM in Estonia, which could significantly contribute to the release information and materials on Estonia and Estonian culture digitized using public sector resources into open use, including a variety of Wikimedia projects. With this in mind, Wikimedia Eesti has participated in a number of meetings in 2016. In 2017, we will seek to significantly increase the visibility of ourselves and our message in GLAM meetings. |
Description of quality assurance processes |
Just as in education, quality assurance plays a key role in the valorization of GLAM projects by enabling more comprehensive and accurate evaluation of the activities and facilitating cooperation with GLAM partners and feedback processes. Hence, in cooperation with GLAM partners, Wikimedia Eesti will seek to develop appropriate processes for the evaluation of the contribution of Estonian memory institutions in the increase of open knowledge and more extensive promotion of their field of competence. |
Community events |
The community is the backbone of all Wikimedia projects, meaning that supporting their sense of community and creating additional motivation is extremely important. Wikimedia Eesti finds that community events play an key role in this, as real-world meetups and discussions are an important supplement to on-Wiki discussions and are central to the creation and maintenance of sense of community. They also provide an opportunity for immediate discussion, which could also be a significant precondition for the success of projects and improving the general atmosphere. Wikimedia Eesti holds various community events, some of which are meant for the members of the organization and others to the community in general. We will continue organizing summer days and end of the year events, but the community will also be provided support for organizing local events. |
Competitions |
To enliven the activities of the community related to Wikimedia projects and engage new participants, various competitions will be carried out in Wikipedia as well as on Commons. Local cooperation with our past partners (European Commission, National Heritage Board) is continued and attempts are made to increase the reach of the competitions by involving new parters. Possibilities are sought for connecting the competitions to educational activities. |
Engagement of local communities |
In 2017, Wikimedia Eesti seeks to take an active role in the involvement of existing local communities in Wikimedia projects. Communities are encouraged to improve the presentation of their home region in the open Wikimedia environment and they are provided relevant training and support. The aim of these activities is to create a network of local communities, the members of which are actively contibuting to Wikimedia projects. One of the options being evaluated is organizing a home village photo competition which would involve a lower threshold for participation than writing articles while adding valuable visual information to existing materials. |
Microgrants |
In 2017, Wikimedia Eesti will continue with the microgrant system, but the focus will be on small applications which could offer additional motivation and inspiration for a larger number of community members. This will also involve more extensive promotion of the availability and possibilities of microgrants. |
Public events |
As its seeks to support the development and growth of open knowledge and Wikimedia projects in Estonia, Wikimedia Eesti must also focus on events targeting the general public providing people the opportunity to meet in person with people related to Wikimedia and ensuring greater public interest in the activities and efforts of Wikimedia. One major event is planned for 2017 for presenting the newly (and, at long last) published translation of Lawrence Lessig’s “Free Culture” and celebrating the 15th anniversary of Estonian Wikipedia in August 2017; alongside this event, a few smaller public talks and discussions are planned. |
Meetings with stakeholders |
In 2015 and 2016, Wikimedia Eesti has actively campaigned for the enaction of Freedom of Panorama in Estonia, which has involved meetings with a variety of stakeholders and policymakers. These meetings have enabled Wikimedia Eesti to familiarize the stakeholders with the principles of open culture and they have proven extremely useful. In light of the above, Wikimedia Eesti will continue discussions with various stakeholders in 2017 and, when appropriate, contribute to different development plans, action plans and development of new legislation. |
Media activities |
Various media activities are an important method for generating public attention; to ensure better coordination of such activities, Wikimedia Eesti will prepare a media plan in 2017, which will form the basis for systematic activities ensuring better coverage of Wikimedia Eesti and Wikimedia projects in media. This, in turn, will facilitate the realization of Wikimedia Eesti’s mission at the local level. In 2017, opinion pieces are published on important subjects related to open culture and attempts are made to generate more public attention to content published in the Wikimedia Eesti blog. |
International Activities
The goal of international programmatic activities is to create networks of Wikimedia and external partners on the regional and global level, facilitating sharing experience and shared learning, but also the realization of more extensive joint projects increasing the quantity and quality of Wikimedia content.
Theory of change
Ensuring the organization’s active involvement on the international level through sharing experience and learnings; participation in joint projects and conferences; and the development of international cooperation, supports the development and growth of the organization itself, but also the increase in the value of the organization’s competences, experience and learnings through sharing local knowledge and experience with the international community and external partners, resulting in the development of Wikimedia Eesti, the local and international community of Wikimedia projects, as well as the general awareness of open knowledge and open culture..
Measures |
In order to achieve the goal Wikimedia Eesti will implement following measures:
1. Sharing experience and learnings gained in working with small Wikimedia projects and small communities on the international level; 2. Contributing to the initiation of and participating in regional projects (Erasmus+, Europeana 1914-1918); 3. Representation and active participation in major Wikimedia meetings and conferences; 4. Development of cooperation with Finno-Ugric communities and Nordic and Baltic partners; 5. Participation in policymaking at the EU level and support of activities related to the Wikimedia movement. |
Sharing experience |
A Wikimedia education programme has been developed in Estonia for a while now, the unique feature of which is working with small projects and communities. At the same time, the organization has recently hired an education programme coordinator who is currently making their first steps in promoting the Wikimedia education programme in Estonia. This provides a great environment for the accumulation of new experience and revision and rethinking of old learnings, which could also provide valuable information to the international community. In light of the above, in 2017, Wikimedia Eesti seeks to actively share stories related to the progress of the education programme on the international level at conferences, in blog posts, and various newsletters. In addition, learning patterns related to educational activities are created and supplemented. |
Joint regional project |
Since Wikimedia Eesti employs an education programme coordinator and the organization has expertise in initiating and carrying out projects, Wikimedia Eesti has decided to assume an active role in launching an international Erasmus+ education project in the Central and Eastern European region, involving various Wikimedia organizations and top regional universities. The project involves connecting the expertise of Wikimedia representatives, lecturers and education technology specialists for creating new or improving existing models for using Wikimedia projects in modern education and testing the models created in select test groups. This will hopefully result in the creation of solutions that can be used in educational programmes in other regions and the development of a network facilitating the further development of educational programmes in the Central and Eastern European region. |
Participation in meetings |
Over time, the Wikimedia movement has developed a network of GLAM coordinators and enthusiasts where Wikimedia Eesti has not played a significant role so far. In connection with the development and growth of activities connected to GLAM organizations at the local level, Wikimedia Eesti also has more to offer to and gain from an international network, leading to a desire to actively participate in the activities of the network. In 2017, Wikimedia Eesti participates in the meeting of European Wikimedia GLAM coordinators and its follow-up activities. As on the local level, communication with memory institutions participating in the Europeana network also plays an important role, we will also consider participating in the 2017 annual Europeana meeting. |
Participation in a joint project |
In 2017, the Europeana 1914-1918 project is launched in cooperation with Europeana, involving cooperation between local Wikimedia organizations and local memory institutions and regional partners with the goal of releasing data and media files related to the subject of the project into open use. Wikimedia Eesti has played an important role in planning this project and discussions related to the project, and we are eager to keep up active participation. In 2017, the project will be implemented in the local context and, once running, used for engaging a larger number of partners and bringing data to Wikimedia environments. |
Sharing experience |
Even though Wikimedia Eesti has previously not focused on GLAM activities, in 2017, such activities will be expanded, creating good opportunities for collecting and preserving experience and sharing it with the international community. Experience will be shared in the form of blog posts, newsletter articles and Wikimedia learning patterns. |
Participation in meetings |
In the past, Wikimedia Eesti has actively participated in international community events and we are planning to keep up this tradition in 2017. This will involve thorough analysis of experience and knowledge gained on the local level and finding the best forms for presenting and sharing them. Presentations are prepared concerning experience worth sharing with the community at international conferences. Wikimedia Eesti will also continue to actively participate in the central discussions at various meetings. |
Participation in networks |
Wikimedia Eesti has been an active member of the Central and Eastern European (CEE) cooperation network and the Finno-Ugric Wikimedia community. In 2017, we are seeking to preserve and, if possible, even increase our level of engagement. In this regard, Wikimedia Eesti is primarily interested in participation in and initiation of joint projects, but also contributing more actively to the smooth operation of the networks. Since participation in such networks has been a success for Wikimedia Eesti so far, we will also seek to promote Nordic and Baltic cooperation in 2017. |
International competitions |
Conducting joint competitions is important to the international community, but also motivates the local community. In light of this, Wikimedia Eesti plans to organize the traditional international events at the local level, with a focus on competitions related to the CEE and Finno-Ugric networks. In 2017, the WMCEE Spring competition and Finno-Ugric article competition are held on the local level. Participation in international photo competitions will probably include Wiki Loves Earth; we are also likely to participate in the international team organizing the Science Photo Competition. |
Supporting European policy activities |
European Wikimedia chapters have jointly decided to support the work of FKAGEU; Wikimedia Eesti will also contribute to this. Our support will include both financial and time resources through availability for timely exchange of information, consultations, and local-level support activities. This will provide Wikimedia Eesti with good access to information impacting our general and public activities on the local level. |
Sharing experience |
In 2015 and 2016, Wikimedia Eesti has been actively engaged in local policymaking, gaining knowledge and experience that could also be beneficial to the international community. Wikimedia Eesti has also participated in the Big Fat Brussels meetings where we have gained additional knowledge but also shared our local experience. In 2017, Wikimedia Eesti seeks to focus more on international activities. In light of this, we will also participate in any potential 2017 meeting focusing on policymaking, and share our local experience on the international level in different forms. |
Staff and contractors
[edit]Please describe any changes to your staffing plan for the upcoming funding period. These should include increases in staff or contractor hours, new staff positions, or staff positions you are removing. Include your rationale for any staffing changes here.
- No significant changes will be made. For details please consult our staffing plan!
For each new staff or contractor position, please use the template provided to add information about each new staff or contractor you are planning for the upcoming funding period (or to describe significant increases in hours or changes in job descriptions for existing staff). You are not required to provide this information for existing staff where no changes are required.
No new staff are requested.
Budget and resource plan
[edit]Link to a detailed budget for the upcoming funding period. This budget should include all of your organizations expenses. Please specify which expenses will be covered from your APG.
Midpoint report
[edit]This is a brief report on the grantee's progress during the midpoint reporting period: 1 January - 30 June 2017.
Program story
[edit]Please link to one program story that showcases your organization's achievements during the reporting period.
- "Nationwide campaign Miljon+ on local news" video in Estonian
[edit]Please add text or a link to a page with details on your program progress. This should including reporting against each of the SMART objectives form your proposal.
Local activities
As part of the education program we have achieved objectives 1, 2, 5 and 6 (see green check marks above):
- University of Tartu, Viljandi Culture Academy and Tallinn University (institutions in 3 different cities) are involved in the Wikimedia Eesti education programme. We are also negotiating with Võro Institute.
- Assignments related to editing Wikipedia are a part of 10 different university courses.
- 3 student groups engaged in improving Wikipedia have been created in the framework of the project Miljon+ (linguistics, language technology and Wikipedia training group).
- Teachers and lecturers of the education program meet once a month, numerous Wikipedia training workshops have been organized for them.
In the GLAM program we have achieved objectives 1, 2, 3, 5, 6:
- Tartu Art Museum, Estonian Literary Museum, Estonian War Museum, University of Tartu Art Museum and Estonian Theatre and Music Museum are involved in the Wikimedia Eesti GLAM network.
- 14 people from memory institutions have been involved in Wikimedia projects this year.
- 6 public events and 3 private events related to the promotion of Wikimedia projects and actual content creation have been organized in cooperation with memory institutions.
- WMEE has taken charge of the promotion of OpenGLAM in Estonia by organizing the conference Open Licenses, Open content, Open Data: Tools for developing digital humanities. The conference takes place under the auspices of the Estonian Presidency of the Council of the EU. Also, numerous articles about WMEE GLAM initiatives have appeared in the local press and Wikimedia commons training courses have been organized for the staff of 7 memory institutions.
- Wikimedia Eesti is actively participating in the Summer Seminar of Memory Institutions and is in charge of organizing the Digital Humanities Conference.
In the community program we have achieved objectives 1, 4, 5:
- 15 community events have taken place with a total of 452 participants (hackathons, award ceremonies, meetings, student career days and crowdsourcing events).
- 4 competitions involved cooperation with 8 new local partners (Swedbank being the most prominent new partner).
- Estonian Research Council, Estonian Bar Association, the sorority Filiae Patriae, National Heritage Board and The Gifted and Talented Development Centre continually contribute to Wikimedia projects.
In the public activities program we have achieved objectives 3, 4, 5:
- 6 minor public events with a total of 148 participants have been held to introduce Wikimedia and the Miljon+ project.
- Wikimedia Eesti has been represented at 5 meetings with members of the Estonian and European Parliaments and representatives from the Government Office of Estonia, The Ministry of Culture, The Estonian Association of Interior Architects and The Art Museum of Estonia.
- 6 articles have been published in the Wikimedia Eesti blog and 1 article in the national volunteer platform "Vabatahtlike Värav" blog; links have been shared in social media.
International activities
As part of the education program we have achieved objectives 1 and 4:
- Experiences from the WMEE education programme have been shared at the Celtic Knot conference 2017, the 2017 European GLAMwiki Coordinators meeting, The Estonian Language Technology Conference 2017 and the Republic of Estonia's Information System Authority mini-conference.
- WMEE wrote the Erasmus+ project "Living in a digital world: open knowledge" in cooperation with 4 international partners. The project was submitted to the European Commission in due time (submission ID 1408175).
In the GLAM program we have achieved objectives 1 and 5:
- WMEE participated in the 2017 European GLAMwiki Coordinators meeting and its follow-up activities (read Vahur Puik's presentation).
- Estonian GLAM activities have been covered in the international monthly newsletter: exhibition "Changing Tartu in four views"; Linking Fotodugnad to Commons; BaltHerNet summer school.
In the community program we have achieved objectives 1, 3, 7:
- WMEE is represented at the Wikimedia Conference, Wikimania, and the Central and Eastern European Meetup (tickets have already been bought).
- We have actively participated in the work of CEE and Finno-Ugric networks: we took part in the traditional Wikimedia CEE spring competition and actively participated in the CEE strategy talk at the Wikimedia Conference 2017; WMEE board member Tanel Pern is part of the committee to decide next year's CEE meetup location; a Finno-Ugric meetup was organized in Tartu in May and a strategy conversation was held; help was given to organize the Mari Wiki Festival; a Finno-Ugric article competition was organized to commemorate to 90th birthday of the Fenno-Ugria society.
- WMEE education project coordinator Ivo Kruusamägi is the head of the International Science Photo Competition organizing committee.
In the public activities program we have achieved all the objectives for this year:
- WMEE participates in discussions related to European policymaking and covers major developments on the local level: Watch WMEE board member Eva Lepik discuss the EU copyright reform's proposal at EuroDIG; an article on the same topic was published in Sirp; Eva Lepik will participate in the 2017 CopyCamp Conference and conduct the signing of the Public Domain Manifesto by WMEE, the Estonian National Archive and the National Library of Estonia; WMEE chapter member Märt Põder advocates for better copyright laws on social media.
- WMEE has been represented at international meetings on policymaking: Kaarel Vaidla attended the Wikimedia Executive Director's meeting in Lausanne'i in January and Marta Peebo was present at the ED meetings in Berlin during the Wikimedia Conference.
- An article about the Freedom of Panorama in national news.
[edit]Please report your organization's total spending during the reporting period, or link to a financial document showing your total spending.
Final report
[edit]This is the final report for your grant, describing your outcomes from the period 1 January - 31 December 2017.
Program story
[edit]Please link to one program story that showcases your organization's achievements during the reporting period.
Learning story
[edit]Please link to one learning story that shows how your organization documents lessons learned and adapts its programs accordingly.
[edit]Please add text or a link to a page with details on your program results. You should report on each of the objectives you included in your Simple APG application.
2017 has been a year of building partnerships and creating the networks.
Seven of 8 set goals are met (see green check marks and consult the midpoint report above).
- Our new partner universities include University of Life Sciences, Estonian National Defence College, Tallinn University of Applied Sciences, Tartu Art College. First attempts are made in Estonian Academy of Arts and Mainor Business School. Another college of Tartu University has joined the education program - University of Tartu Pärnu College. Tallinn University has added new courses where the assignments are related to editing Wikipedia. Estonian Aviation Academy is about to join from the next semester.
- New courses cover a wide range of fields: building, pharmacology, philosophy, art history, IT, law, finances, agriculture, life and exact sciences.
- At least 500 students and high school pupils have been writing articles to Estonian Wikipedia in 2017.
- There were 30 high school students (among the registered 80) who reached to participation level. As it was an e-course it is hard to tell exactly where they were from. In addition, 69 high school students wrote articles during the article contest which was organized for high school students. Winners of the contest (who produced content of admirable quality) were from Tartu and Võru high schools.
- Teachers and lecturers of the education program have continued their regular meetings.
- Planned experiment is in designing process and is postponed to 2018 as we have been quite busy with the universities network.
- As the main project in our education program is still Wikipedia we have created a quality assessing manual for the Wikipedia articles.
We have achieved all the objectives of our GLAM program.

- Our new GLAM partners are National Library of Estonia, TLU (Tallinn University) Academic Library and Estonian Museum of Natural History. We have been conducting negotiations with the Estonian National Museum and the National Archive. Of the previous partners, our cooperation continues with Tartu Art Museum, Estonian Museum of Natural History, Estonian War Museum, Estonian Literary Museum, Estonian Theatre and Music Museum, and University of Tartu Art Museum.
- Over a baker's dozen of people from various Estonian GLAM institutions have been involved in projects run by Wikimedia Eesti.
- In additional to numerous minor events, we have conducted a major conference on digital humanities and Wikimedia projects12 3 (with Asaf Bartov as the introductory keynote speaker, included in the official program of events of Estonian presidency of the European Union), several Wikidata workshops in GLAM and educational institution as well as in Tartu Startup Hub, a specific workshop on data art in Tartu Art Museum, and created a virtual exhibition (in four languages) in the framework of the Europeana 1914-18 program.
- Our GLAM activities concern at least three Wikimedia projects: Wikipedia, Commons, and Wikidata. By this aspect, our Europeana project is especially noteworthy, as it connects different Wikiprojects (with the Wikidata activities to be developed further in 2018). (See also our GLAM newsletter from Nov 2017.)
- WMEE has established its place in public discussions concerning cultural digitization processes and popularization of such projects, focusing on openGlam. In this field, we would like to stress the effects of our digihumanities conference (there is also a report in Latvian, thanks to Mārtiņš Bruņenieks, and another from Poland) as well as the activities concerning the Estonian translation of the Public Domain Manifesto and Lawrence Lessig's Free Culture (public signing, book presentation, and book exhibition in the National Library in Tallinn, the latter being turned into a virtual exhibition by the library in 2018, a book presentation in Tartu, and another public signing round in the National Museum during the digihum conference) 1 2.
- WMEE participated actively in the summer seminar of Estonian GLAMmery and on the digihumanities conference (for which WMEE was also the main organizer).
- Concerning quality control processes and general competency raising on open GLAM, the Estonian translation of the rights statement templates for GLAM institutions provided by has been produced (initiated by Vahur Puik, translated by Tanel Pern, edited and commented by Raul Veede) currently in the process of international review).
- Examples on media contributed by the museums
Nikolai Triik. Old Garden
Konrad Mägi. On the Road from Viljandi to Tartu
Hermann Friedrich Schrenck. Emajõgi
Karl Anton Schulz. View to Tartu from Kassitoome
Aleksander Uurits. Portrait of a Lady
Jaan Koort. Portrait of Artist’s Wife
We have achieved almost all the objectives of our Community program, bar one.

- Of the community events on the narrow sense, keeping the wikicommunity in mind, we have been running monthly gatherings of Wikipedians (both in Tallinn and Tartu), Wikimedia Christmas parties (in both towns), our yearly Wikipedia summer days and as a community/public event, the 15th birthday party of Estonian Wikipedia (visited also by a major Finnish delegation). Online, there have been monthly elections of the Wikipedian of the Month, supported with small prizes by WMEE. In 2017 we also started the yearly election of the Wikipedia Photographer of the Year (Kristian Pikner). Of the community events on the wider sense (meaning the public community around Wikipedia), there have been the events concerning the Public Domain Manifesto and Lessig's Free Culture (see above), a copyright-themed music quiz in Tartu, several Wikidata workshops here and there, and a data art workshop in Tartu Art Museum (see above). Altogether, these events were visited roughly by 600 people.
- Concerning our goals for Wikiexpeditions, there have been a bit less expeditions (3 instead of 4 as prognosticated) but more pictures (660 instead of 200); of the hoped 100 in articles, 70 have been added, but part of the pictures are still being processed, so the final numbers will be higher.
- Instead of 3 local competitions in the goals, there were 5 article competitions, 3 photo competitions, and 1 editing competition, resulting in over 470 articles created or edited (the goal was 300) and ca 500 photos uploaded (the goal was 250). Also, Estonia coordinated the international science photo competition which brought over 10,000 photos by over 2,000 contributors all over the world.
- Instead of 1 competition in cooperation with a new partner, there has been cooperation concerning competitions with the Kae Maailma Foundation, NGO Mondo, and the Estonian Association of Copy Editors (see the midterm report for details).
- The local communities from Tallinn, Tartu, Võru, and Vigala as well as Kolodavitsa have been continually contributing to Wikimedia projects.
- Instead of "at least 500 images collected all over Estonia", we have acquired ca 60,000 images in donations. Due to the sheer amount, uploading into Commons requires major preparations and will be conducted throughout 2018.
- Out of 5 microgrants as hoped, none have been applied for. Apparently, the income levels among Estonian Wikipedians are more than adequate. Ain't much we can do in this matter, though.
RB2017 expedition: Riisa Bog
Vepsamaa 2017 expedition: Vepsan pies
LV2017 expedition: Dižstende Castle, Latvia
HELP8 image: Eurasian oystercatchers
Pildikorje 2017 image: Papiniidu bridge
Science photo competition image
Public activities
We have achieved almost all the objectives of our Community program.

- As referred above, the Estonian translation of Lawrence Lessig's Free Culture has finally been published, presented (thrice, in different cities), and covered in national media (1 instance of our press release in the largest cultural newspaper in Estonia, 1 review in a major intellectual journal, 1 upcoming radio show in the national public radio channel Klassikaraadio, devoted specifically to this book). The book has been met enthusiastically, and has already been added among the compulsory reading lists in university courses (in plural).
- Thanks to the public announcement of the Friend of Wikipedia prize, the 15th birthday event of Estonian Wikipedia has deserved mentions in publications as varied as the Estonian teachers' gazette, the newspaper of Tallinn City Government, and the internationally notorious propaganda channel Sputnik.
- About the public events concerning Wikipedia, see the description of community events above. This includes, again, the digital humanities conference, various workshops on Wikidata, the public birthday event of Estonian Wikipedia, etc. In addition, there have been several minor events focusing on volunteers. WMEE has participated in a hackathon affiliated with the University of Tartu, in a volunteer fair in Tallinn, in a social impact data hack at the Idea Lab of the University of Tartu, etc.
- WMEE has been presented in about a dozen meetings and consultation with different institutions and stakeholders like the universities, GLAM institutions, creative associations, and academic societies, up to the culture committee of Estonian parliament.
- There have been twelve blog posts in WMEE blog, concerning issues as varied as Wikimedia events (local and international), the history of Estonian Wikipedia, our education initiatives, and copyright issues during Estonian presidency of EU. Several posts have been republished by different channels in national media. One blog post was authored by Polish public policy activist Anna Mazgal.
International Activities: Education
Four out of five objectives have been achieved, while one has been deemed to be pointless.

- Instead of three conferences as hoped for, the experiences of the WMEE education program have been shared on one conference: Käbi Suvi held a presentation on Celtic Knot (see the midpoint report).
- There were three reports in the international GLAM newsletter (January, June, and August), and one in the CEE newsletter.1,
- By the decision of our ED, WMEE has reconsidered its position and forgone dealing with the learning patterns, as there is remarkable lack of evidence of their actual impact as compared to the time spent of writing and painting them. (As for the future, don't hold your breath.)
- The application into the Erasmus program was finished (see the midterm report).
- The Central and Eastern European cooperation towards the establishment of an education network was continued.
International Activities: GLAM Program
Out of 6 objectives, 4 were achieved fully, one almost fully (a bit lower than the numerical goals), and one was scrapped (see also previous section).

1. Wikimedia Eesti participates in the meeting of European Wikimedia GLAM coordinators and its follow-up activities in early 2017.
2. In the second half of 2017, Wikimedia Eesti is represented at the annual Europeana meeting.
3. Wikimedia Eesti participates in the Europeana 1914-1918 project, engaging at least 3 partner organizations at the local level.
4. At least 100 media files are uploaded to Wikimedia Commons in the course of the project and at least 100 media files tied to relevant articles. This will result in the creation or improvement of at least 100 articles on Estonian and English Wikipedia.
5. Estonian GLAM activities are covered in the international monthly newsletter.
- WMEE participated in the meeting of European Wikimedia GLAM coordinators and its follow-up activities in early 2017.
- WMEE was represented at the annual Europeana meeting by Vahur Puik.
- WMEE participates in the Europeana 1914-1918 project, engaging several partner organizations at the local level. See the local news coverage, the virtual exhibition, and special mention by Europeana.
- Out of the pictures from Tartu Art Museum, 75 very high quality TIFs (and additional JPG versions) were uploaded to Commons (goal: 100). Of those, Wikipedia articles include over 60, and ca 25 of the Europeana images (altogether 85, goal: 100; still, there were some minor additions not counted).
- Estonian GLAM activities were covered in the international monthly newsletter of Europeana.
- As per GLAM learning patterns, see point 3 under International Education Activities above.
International Activities: Community
Out of 7 objectives, 6 were achieved, and 1 achieved 1 out of 3 numerical goals.

- Indeed, WMEE was represented on Wikimania, Wikimedia Conference, and CEE conference.
- WMEE held talks on Wikimania (Kaarel Vaidla), CEE Conference (Kaarel Vaidla, Eva Lepik and Raul Veede 1, 2), Celtic Knot (Käbi Suvi), Copycamp (Eva Lepik and Raul Veede 1), and European GLAMwiki Coordinators Meeting (Vahur Puik, see above).
- WMEE participated actively in the work of CEE and Finno-Ugric networks.
- The international Rail Baltic wikiexpedition was planned (to be conducted in 2018), the possibilities for Baltic and Nordic-Baltic cooperation were mapped, and the Greater Nordic conference organization was started (covering strictly Nordic countries as well as others in the Baltic Sea area). In addition, consultations with Wikimedia Norge were held on the matter of cooperatively resurrecting the Northern Sami Wikipedia. Also, discussions have been held on cooperation with the Erzyan Wikicommunity. A Fenno-Ugric meeting was held in Tartu.
- In the WMCEE article competition, there were 10 participants and 160 articles edited; in the science photo competition, there were 30 participants from Estonian community and 144 photos uploaded to Commons. Altogether, 40 participants (exceeding the goal: 30), 160 articles (goal: 300), 144 photos (goal: 500).
International Activities: Public Policy
All 3 objectives were achieved with flying colours.
- Wikimedia Eesti participated in discussions related to European policymaking and covered major developments on the local level. Our activities and statements received major public coverage in Estonian and occasionally in international media.
- In 2017, Wikimedia Eesti was represented with by more than one person on more than one international meeting on policymaking.
- Wikimedia Eesti published several stories (and no learning patterns, see above) on local experience in policymaking and/or communication with stakeholders. A radio broadcast on our experience is upcoming.
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- 58840,62 Euros.