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Grants:Project/Wikipedia Cultural Diversity Observatory (WCDO)/Profile/Timeline

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Project Grants This project is funded by a Project Grant


timeline & progress

Timeline for Wikipedia Cultural Diversity Observatory (WCDO)

Timeline Date
Selection of Cultural Context Content (CCC) 31 February 2018
Create the website "Wikipedia Cultural Diversity Observatory" 31 May 2018
Disseminate the observatory in academia and community engagement 31 June 2018

Monthly updates


January 2018

  • We created a Wikipedia_language_territories_mapping_quality.csv with the language - territories mapping (territories where the language is spoken today because it is official or indigenous) with ISO 3166 and 3166-2 codes, territory names in their corresponding languages and in English, demonyms, among others. Task finished.
  • We presented the project at the pre-hackathon and received valuable advice by some community members and data experts. Task finished.
  • We revised code used to obtain geolocated articles and those with specific keywords on title. Task finished.
  • We studied different new ideas in order to complement the strategies to create CCC datasets in a way that articles are related to territories and its strategy. Task in progress.
  • We are working on using Wikidata as a source of article gathering. Currently, we are debating whether it is better using the sparqle language or processing the dumps (this is taking longer than expected). Task in progress.
  • We created a github account (wcdo), a toolaccount in toolforge (wcdo) and the project complies with the requirements for 'right to fork policy'. Task finished.

February 2018


March 2018


April 2018


May 2018


June 2018


Is your final report due but you need more time?