Grants:Project/Wikipedia Asian Month/2021 coordination/Midpoint
This project is funded by a Project Grant
proposal | people | timeline & progress | finances | midpoint report | final report |
- Report accepted
- To read the approved grant submission describing the plan for this project, please visit Grants:Project/Wikipedia Asian Month/2021 coordination.
- You may still review or add to the discussion about this report on its talk page.
- You are welcome to email projectgrants at any time if you have questions or concerns about this report.
Welcome to this project's midpoint report! This report shares progress and learning from the first half of the grant period.
[edit]In a few short sentences or bullet points, give the main highlights of what happened with your project so far.
- The competition was successfully completed. 4011 qualified articles has been created and 285 users finished the goal of 4 qualified articles.
- 47 languages Wikipedia participated, including 8 newly.
- Increased about 200 fans of Facebook fans page.
Methods and activities
[edit]How have you setup your project, and what work has been completed so far?
Describe how you've setup your experiment or pilot, sharing your key focuses so far and including links to any background research or past learning that has guided your decisions. List and describe the activities you've undertaken as part of your project to this point.
Under the global pandemic of COVID-19, the challenging of running the program is much more than we thought. Some communities in Asian countries do not participate the project for lack of energy. However, we still finished the competition on time. Our works has been done includes:
- 宣傳
- 我們從10月6日起重新啟動了亞洲月的臉書粉絲專頁,到目前為止幾乎維持每日更新的頻率。帖子的主題是與亞洲國家相關的歷史上的這一天;在10月、11月間會偶爾發佈鼓勵參與的帖子。
- 除了少數系統限制的情況,大多數臉書的帖子都同步發佈於Instagram。
- 維基部分,我們申請了CentralNotice的橫幅在賽事期間播放;以及使用massmessage提醒過往的組織者再次加入支持社群。
- Promoting
- We made the fans page on Facebook active again on 6 October 2021, and keep almost a new post a day till today. The main theme of these posts is about the day in history of Asian countries. Some posts that encourage people to participate the competition were also posted during October and November.
- Most Facebook posts were published to Instagram synchronously, unless some system-limited situation.
- On Wikimedia platform, we applied CentralNotice banner to promote the program during the competition time; and reminded passed organizers to support us again via massmessage system.
- 賽事
- 除了韓文與Telugu語維基百科,徵集條目的行動在11月1日到11月30日之間進行。
- Cantonese Wikipedia, Italian Wikipedia, Swedish Wikipedia and Slovak Wikipedia 組織了子項目競賽。
- Competition
- Except the Korean Wikipedia and Telugu Wikipedia, the action of calling for articles was running during 1 November to 30 November.
- Communities of Cantonese Wikipedia, Italian Wikipedia, Swedish Wikipedia and Slovak Wikipedia organized subcontests.
Midpoint outcomes
[edit]What are the results of your project or any experiments you’ve worked on so far?
Please discuss anything you have created or changed (organized, built, grown, etc) as a result of your project to date.
- 主要成果:
- 總共有47種語種的維基百科加入,其中8個語種是去年未參與而今年加入的,然而有18個去年參與的社群今年並未參加。
- 總共有4011個質量合乎標準的亞洲條目被創建。
- 285位使用者完成創建4個條目的目標。
- 其他成果:
- 臉書2021年10月6日至2022年1月15日間平均每日觸及人數為110人;其中賽事前一個月與賽事中,平均觸及為160人。
- 粉絲專頁的按讚人數在11月期間有顯著增加,由1600多人增加到1800多人。
- Main:
- 47 languages Wikipedia participated, including 8 languages that didn't participate last year. However, 18 communities which has joined us last year left didn't join this year.
- 4011 qualified Asian articles has been created.
- 285 users finished the goal of 4 qualified articles.
- Others:
- The average of daily reach of the Facebook Fans page from 6 October to 15 November 2021 is 110. The number is 160 during the competition month and the month before competition month.
- The likes of the Facebook Fans page has a significant increasing in November, from more than 1600 to more than 1800.
[edit]Please take some time to update the table in your project finances page. Check that you’ve listed all approved and actual expenditures as instructed. If there are differences between the planned and actual use of funds, please use the column provided there to explain them.
Then, answer the following question here: Have you spent your funds according to plan so far? Please briefly describe any major changes to budget or expenditures that you anticipate for the second half of your project.
- 目前我們僅支出了Google Workshop的服務費用,在預算計劃內。
- Only the fee for Google Workshop has paid till now, and it's according to plan.
[edit]The best thing about trying something new is that you learn from it. We want to follow in your footsteps and learn along with you, and we want to know that you are taking enough risks to learn something really interesting! Please use the below sections to describe what is working and what you plan to change for the second half of your project.
What are the challenges
[edit]What challenges or obstacles have you encountered? What will you do differently going forward? Please list these as short bullet points.
- 亞洲月已經成立了用戶組,在預備以新的身份持續這個活動時,今年有兩個情況讓我們感覺到擔憂,同時也在思考未來如何處理:
- 我們期待有兩個維基導遊社群加入,但是沒有獲得回應。也許針對導遊社群另外安排一個徵件時間,維基社群比較知道導遊計劃也是被邀請的目標,而不是只注意到維基百科。
- 疫情導致一些社群活躍度下降,也退出了我們的活動。這需要用戶組更積極地聯繫,鼓勵他們重新活躍。
- Wikipedia Asian Month has established an User Group. For preparing to continue the program in a new role, there are two points worried us and need to be thought about how to solve it in the future:
- We planed 2 communities of Wikivoyage participating but got no replying. Maybe we should plan a different competition time for Wikivoyage, than they will noticed that they are also invited, and the WAM team not focus Wikipedia only.
- Some communities became inactive and left our program. The user group should contact communities more positively, to encourage them be active again.
What is working well
[edit]What have you found works best so far? To help spread successful strategies so that they can be of use to others in the movement, rather than writing lots of text here, we'd like you to share your finding in the form of a link to a learning pattern.
- Hiring a Program Coordinator:今年團隊有遇到人力問題,雇用經驗應該有幫助。
- Slow and spacious: feminist practices of care during Covid-19:一篇關於如何因應受疫情影響社群的好分享。
- Hiring a Program Coordinator:As we facing the manpower problem this year, the experience of hiring can be helpful.
- Slow and spacious: feminist practices of care during Covid-19:A good sharing about how to support communities which were impacted by the Covid-19 global pandemic.
Next steps and opportunities
[edit]What are the next steps and opportunities you’ll be focusing on for the second half of your project? Please list these as short bullet points.
- 完成評選與獎勵發送的工作。
- 完成及發佈針對社群組織者及參與者的調查。
- 如果可能,還是找到兩個維基導遊社群舉辦額外但符合亞洲月目標的活動。
- Finish the work of reviewing and awarding.
- Finish and publish a survey for community's organizers and participants.
- If it's possible, found 2 Wikivoyage communities to hold some additional events that matches the goal of Wikipedia Asian Month.
Grantee reflection
[edit]We’d love to hear any thoughts you have on how the experience of being an grantee has been so far. What is one thing that surprised you, or that you particularly enjoyed from the past 3 months?
對於亞洲月團隊來說這是第一次以project grant的方式取得資金,選由WMTW協助做為贈款人。雖然立云在2021年底以前同時身為計劃主持人與WMTW理事會成員,但兩組織原本是各自獨立運行,台灣分會僅協助亞洲月活動在地方的推廣。後來雙方都在亞洲月團隊人力吃緊、需要協助完成報告的情況下,發現分會可以在本計劃中有更深度的參與。我們也會依據這樣的經驗思考未來與亞洲其他自治體組織的合作方式。
For the Wikipedia Asian Month team, this is the first time to obtain funds via project grant with WMTW as fiscal sponsorship. Though Li-Yun Lin is both the grantee of WAM and board member of WMTW till the end of 2021, but the two organizes worked independent, WMTW only support the local promotion of Wikipedia Asian Month. However, we both found that the chapter could have a deeper involvement in this plan when WAM team was under manpower and needed assistance in completing the report. Based on this experience, we will also think about ways to cooperate with other Asian self-government organizations in the future.