Grants:Project/Whose Knowledge/VisibleWikiWomen2019/Profile
This project is funded by a Project Grant
proposal | people | timeline & progress | finances | midpoint report | final report |
Mariana Fossatti - VisibleWikiWomen Coordinator
Mariana will be returning as campaign coordinator from last year’s pilot. She’s a Wikimedian with experience working with partners both inside and outside the movement, and is involved in user groups that work to reduce the gender gap in Wikipedia in Spanish, such as Wikimujeres and Muj(lh)eres Latinoamericanas in Wikimedia. Mariana is a sociologist, visual artist, and activist in free culture, digital rights, and feminism from Uruguay. She’s involved in projects like the digital cultural center Ártica, the Uruguayan research group Laboratorio Datos y Sociedad (Datysoc), Wikimedia Uruguay (where, among other things, she’s coordinated several edit-a-thons about women), Creative Commons, GenderIT Blog and Ella - Encuentro Latinoamericano de Feminismos. She'll be organizing, facilitating, building and scheming to make the project successful from start to finish.
Claudia Pozo - Communications Lead
Claudia has been working with Whose Knowledge? since April 2018, bringing her design skills and communications expertise to the team. Claudia is a Bolivian ciberfeminist and digital rights activist devoted to bridging tech communities know-how with grassroots movements’ necessities. She holds a BA in Social Communications and a Master’s Degree in Development Management from the University of Agder in Norway. She’ll be managing social media and other communications for the campaign, and designing campaign materials.
Adele Vrana- Project facilitator
Adele is Co-Director and co-founder of Whose Knowledge?. Adele has led business development and partnerships initiatives to help build a more plural and diverse communities in her native country of Brazil and globally. She is the former Director of Strategic Partnerships at the Wikimedia Foundation and a 2015 Erasmus Prize laureate on behalf of her work to expand access to Wikipedia in the Global South. Adele holds a BA in International Relations and a Master’s Degree in Political Science from the University of Sao Paulo.
Siko Bouterse- Project Support and General Rabble-Rousing
[edit]Siko is Co-Director and co-founder of Whose Knowledge?. She’s organized, localized and imagined a more plural and truly global web for over 10 years. She is former Director of Community Resources at the Wikimedia Foundation. Siko has an MA in Middle East History from the American University in Cairo, where her award-winning thesis focused on social history not captured in traditional historical sources. She also holds a BA in Anthropology from UC Berkeley where she worked at the Phoebe Hearst Museum.
Anasuya Sengupta- Project Support and General Rabble-Rousing
[edit]Anasuya is Co-Director and co-founder of Whose Knowledge?. She has led initiatives in India and the USA, across the global South, and internationally for over 20 years, to amplify marginalised voices in virtual and physical worlds. She is the former Chief Grantmaking Officer at the Wikimedia Foundation and a 2017 Shuttleworth Foundation Fellow. She received a 2018 Internet and Society award from the Oxford Internet Institute. Anasuya holds an MPhil in Development Studies from the University of Oxford, where she studied as a Rhodes Scholar. She also has a BA in Economics (Honours) from Delhi University.