Grants:Project/Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton/Instituto Biológico
Project idea
[edit]What is the problem you're trying to solve?
[edit]- About the situation of Brazilians museum (especially university museums)
Brazil is a Third World country, and museums are not a priority, for that reason it's quite common to see thefts (i.e. São Paulo Museum of Art#Theft (2007), Museu da Chácara do Céu (2006)), fires (i.e. National Museum of Brazil#2018 fire, Instituto Butantan#2010 fire), floods (Museu Casa do Pontal (2016)) ...
And the new federal government (2019-) already cut 30% of the investments in universities (some light about this question), all the biggest universities in Brazil, including USP, are public schools, and almost all the biggest museums are under a public university administration. They also cut scholarships [1], that maintain most of the museum researchers, and students, that make the museum engine keep going...
As a result, some museums will close (as some hospitals), and digitalisation that was already costly for them, will be impossible to accomplish. In this catastrophic scenario, any digitalisation initiate could be the only register of items, so it's utterly important to have this serious digitalisation projects running in Brazil, especially now.
Instituto Biológico (IB)
[edit]The Institute is a reference in studies around agro defenses, is an important polo of knowledge around the subject.
However, a great part of their archive is not digital, and the consultancy and access to the archive is very limited, even with the important relevance that it has to the Science.
The archive has on it around 200K articles, under their patrimonial rights.
Relationship with the local community
[edit]This is the first time in Brazil, as far I know, that we have a project dedicated only to academic papers, the current Brazilian WUG have other priorities and all the resources are dedicated to other areas. I am also an independent volunteer that have a good relationship with their group, but bellowing to, for now, an informal group.
For that reasons, I am requesting this as an Individual.
South educational content
[edit]The gap of South educational content and the North stills an issue, not only at academy, but we, as Wikimedia, have a reflexion of that in our content.
Diseases, plagues, animals, and other matters endemic to Brazil, the IB working area, is an area that we have a giant gap. I can see some reasons, first by the lack of investments around the subject generating little literature about it, second, by the language barrier, most of the material generated are under Portuguese, allowing fewer volunteers to contribute with. Both that we can contribute little, but also there is a lack of access to the present available material. This we can solve, also solves our lack of content around the subject.
What is your solution to this problem?
[edit]This is starting project to digitalize the Instituto Biológico archive, the pilot target will be the compilation of papers published by the Institute magazine, that part of it are under digital archives, and cc-by licence, and not digital papers, that I will support to digitalize.
There have around 12 articles per year, and we will have access to all years, since the beginning of the magazine in 1928.
This is a good start to their 200K articles at their collection.
Project goals
[edit]The final goal is to establish an active wiki environment inside IB, so for this project the main goal is to run a pilot to understand all the challenges that will be necessary to face to digitalise the whole IB archive.
Their archive includes more than 200K scientific articles under their copyright, more than 50k preserved species of insects, plants and fungi, more than 20k photos and negatives of scientific photos, more than 300 historical scientific objects... they have some collections under their domain, this digitalisation is the first step requested by the director of the museum to set all the necessities to create a wiki camp inside IB. So, not only this grant will bring immediately a lot of scientific articles, but also will open a whole world inside the IB.
Direct content of this project
[edit]In this process, I'll already digitalise all the articles under the magazines, make a pdf available at Commons, the text at Source, and strutted of all them at Wikidata and Commons. There is a possibility to also create educational content for Wikibooks and Wikiversity.
Creating entries for the references, the authors, the articles, and the magazine, around 90 articles, with ~20 references, estimated 1800 new Wikidata entries. Diminishing the lack of the content at Wikimedia around endemic issues in Brazil.
Bring the articles to Wikimedia will create a possibility to expand the content. Every photo, graphic, data, inside the article, can be used in other articles and researches. Translation is also a reality under the Wikimedia ecosystem. Furthermore, structured all the articles, issues, authors... is a great addition, not only for us, but also for all people that are looking for this information.
In this process of including the content, the local online community will be involved into it, firstly being presented to the project, but also to be invited to help and give us feedback, in order to improve our work.
Build a path to the future
[edit]I will use all necessary tools to investigate what are the best practices in the case of working with IB, I have a background both in the academy and in previous works on the third sector that allow me to create maps of process to best practices. New GLAM, with diverse content, even reading the previous cases of success, there are always a room for improvements.
The idea is to create a path based on Kayzen and other methods to a good balance between effectiveness, efficiency and efficacy. A method which could work not only to digitalise the IB articles, but also expand to other collections, and even GLAMs. Creating a method based all on online exchanges. Identifying and fixing possible holes, and treats, but also possibilities and opportunities.
The other main result is to empower the IB staff, allowing they to have tools to digitalise the documental part of their archive. In the future, after this pilot, the idea is to have two parallel teams working at IB. One of the teams would be constituted by the staff of IB, and they would focus on digitalise (and upload here) their documents (scientific biographies, papers, ...), the other team would be constituted by photographers of registering their biological material, and may also historical scientific objects, which are under their collections. To achieve this step, is necessary to stablish a good relationship at IB, have a good trained staff, and a perfect method to receive and upload all the produced material.
In short
[edit]So, to summarize, the priorities of this pilot are:
- To establish an ongoing set of activities with Instituo Biológico, such as educational programmes, edit-a-thons, photo walks, courses, in order to focus on improving content around their knowledge throughout the whole Wikimedia Movement spreading it for the Humankind;
- Empower IB to their staffs and associates to run part of the future digitalisations of scientific documents, biographies, and articles, without much assistance;
- Understand the challenges to establish a round, and fine partnership with IB, and create a workflow that will accomplish future interactions with them;
- Improve the methodology of activities with partnership, including digitalisation, courses, workshops;
- Bring high educational value images unpublished at Wikimedia Movement and inaccessible for most Brazilians.
Project impact
[edit]How will you know if you have met your goals?
[edit]- Have at least 70 articles in pdf at Commons;
- At least 70 entries at WikiSource pt;
- At least 1500 entries at Wikidata;
- Have by the end an established programme for all the 200K articles to be digitalized, and may create a path to other collects, as their holotype insects, fungi, plants collections.
- Have a good wiki base inside the Instituto Biológico, where the staff understand better the Wikimedia Movement, and call create by them ideas to projects in conjunction;
- Create at least 5 online wiki workshops;
- Create at least 5 content marathons online;
- Create a good step by step material about this digitalization;
- Create a bridge between the Wikimedia Movement and the IB.
Project plan
[edit]- Activities related to this project already accomplished
- I already did some meetings explaining the Wikimedia Movement in all levels of the IB, including the head and the operational;
- I also talk about what is necessary and what are the responsibilities, ours and theirs, in a project like that;
- We are already working in a textual agreement between my volunteer work and the IB;
- We already start slowly organize (do to the amount of free time that I have at this moment) a very small set of articles
- I created one Wikidata entry about an article: d:Q98536174
- Some observations:
- I had to create all the cities work, so for just one article I had to create 55 others other entries to compose it.
- Some things are not round and sharp, but I follow all the Wikidata community current suggestions, we talked, and they gave me the best for this now. (part of the conversation [2]).
- Some observations:
- My responsibilities:
- First steps
- Organize and structured the current digital archive, importing to Wikimedia Commons;
- Create all the entries relative to the articles and their authors at Wikidata;
- Create a WikiSource version of the periodic, for each edition;
- Give online workshops around the Wikimedia Movement to the IB staff, to their be more able to see other possibilities of activities, and better understanding of what we do;
- Create in conjunction with the IB staff online lectures about the IB and their work to the Wikimedia Movement;
- Raise information around knowledge holes inside Wikimedia Movement that are under the IB speciality;
- Raise all educational potential of the material shared;
- This will take at least 400 hours as all the authors, references and archives are not organized either structured.
- Second phase
- Online orientation to digitalize the not digital periodic (how to use the scanner, what are the formats...)
- Receive the files, edit, upload and structured all of them;
- Create parallel entries at Wikidata for all articles;
- Create all Wikisource versions of the periodic;
- Raise all educational potential of the material shared;
- Analyse what are the potential knowledge that IB could supply to the Wikimedia Movement, fixing the holes raised in the previous section
- After this create a pool of online marathons with their chain of collaborators.
- Create a set of activities under the educational potential raised of the first and second part of the material shared
- As this will be variable, I will not be determinist on this point, could be a course at Wikiversity, a book at Wikibooks, ..., more bold material that we can create in conjunction.
- 8 months to conclude;
- Third phase
- Conclude the educational materials, share the results not online with the Wikimedia Movement, but also with the scientific community
- To that, online lectures, reports, ... will be created.
- Create a well-structured "how to" explaining all the challenges, solutions, to have a chapter of a "cookbook" of GLAM under this specific topic, scientific periodicals.
- Conclude the educational materials, share the results not online with the Wikimedia Movement, but also with the scientific community
- First steps
[edit]- The Institute already received via São Paulo Research Foundation the digitalization necessary equipments, scanner, computer. They will also provide 3 staffs, and we already have the director of the Institute approval to all necessary work
- I will need for these 12 months a subsistence allowance of 1200 USD/month, as this will require a full time dedication, due to the volume and the lack of current, and have all the costs associated.
Community engagement
[edit]Part of the project will be held via, webinars, tutorials, and other punctual activities, will be delivery with the participation of other volunteers of the group, when the activity in question attend the scope of the group.
Discussions about how to address communities needs and potentials, will be held in conjunction with the content creators of the Wikimedia movement volunteer. Remembering that this project is a pilot, so this steps of conversations, and interactions are a necessity.
I also will create webinars presenting the project to the Wikimedia communities, in order to not only understand the project and follow, but also to engage with it, activating a community around the project of potential volunteers, receiving ideas, and support, and better integrate with the online communities.
Get involved
[edit]- Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton
- I am a Wikimedia Movement volunteer since 2006, having more than 60K uploads at Commons [3], and more than 10K entries at Wikidata [4]).
- I also did a digitalization of the Math Museum ([5])
- And helped and coordinate other activities, as GLAMS, workshops...
- Including Wikidata, Wikimedia Commons, WikiSource, workshops, marathons...
- Arquivos do Instituto Biológico staff
- Silvia Regina Galleti
- Mestre em Biotecnologia pela Universidade de São Paulo (2005), com graduação em Biologia pela Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (1989), é Pesquisadora Científica no Instituto Biológico (Secretaria de Agricultura e Abastecimento do Estado de São Paulo). Tem experiência em microbiologia (fitovirologia), atuando principalmente na identificação e caracterização ultraestrutural de fitovírus, aspectos citopáticos de plantas infectadas por vírus e imunolocalização de proteína viral. Atualmente, é diretora técnica da Unidade Laboratorial de Referência em Fitossanidade, editora-chefe do periódico Arquivos do Instituto Biológico (AIB) desde 2006, membro do conselho editorial da Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira (PAB) desde 2014, editora de área da Ornamental Horticulture (desde 2018), representante de agrárias no Comitê Consultivo do SciELO Brasil (gestão 2019-2021), editora de agrárias no SciELO Preprints (desde 2020), membro do Conselho Deliberativo (gestão 2010-2011), secretária-geral da diretoria (gestão 2012-2013), vice-presidente (gestão 2014-2015) e presidente do Conselho Deliberativo (gestão 2020-2024) da Associação Brasileira de Editores Científicos (ABEC Brasil).
- lattes
- orcid
- Simone Bacilieri
- Mestre em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) pela Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2005), com graduação em Ciências Biológicas pela Universidade Ibirapuera (1997), é Assistente Técnico de Pesquisa Científica e Tecnológica no Instituto Biológico (Secretaria de Agricultura e Abastecimento do Estado de São Paulo). Atualmente, integra a equipe da Unidade Laboratorial de Referência em Pragas Urbanas e também é membro do Comitê de Integridade Científica do Instituto Biológico (desde 2017). Tem experiência em Editoração e Divulgação Científica, atuando como diretora técnica do Centro de Comunicação e Transferência do Conhecimento do Instituto Biológico (2002 -2015), editora-chefe dos Boletins Técnicos do Instituto Biológico (2006 a 2014), editora assistente do periódico Arquivos do Instituto Biológico (1995-atual) e, desde 2015, assumiu também a função de Editora de Mídias Sociais deste periódico.
- lattes
- orcid
Community notification
[edit]Do you think this project should be selected for a Project Grant? Please add your name and rationale for endorsing this project below! (Other constructive feedback is welcome on the discussion page).
Strong support El proyecto se ve muy bien, y Rodrigo tiene experiencia en el tema. El hecho de que el instituto ya esté trabajando en el tema y apoye proyectos como estos, suma muchísimos puntos. Saludos! --Mauricio V. Genta (talk) 01:01, 19 March 2021 (UTC)
Support User has a track of successful GLAM-related contributions to the movement. Hopefully this project will lead to a sustained strong relationship with the institution. --Joalpe (talk) 03:15, 19 March 2021 (UTC)
Support Seems like a project with very useful goals and a simple plan by a wikimedian with a track record of successfully digitizing GLAM collections. Chico Venancio (talk) 01:10, 20 March 2021 (UTC)
Support Per above Sturm (talk) 04:26, 20 March 2021 (UTC)
Support Per above. + Wikimedia is growing as a core resource for biologists and the sum of biological knowledge, this project will be a valuable contribution for the community. TiagoLubiana (talk) 15:15, 13 April 2021 (UTC)