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Grants:Project/Rapid/Wikipedia Aymarata 2017/Report

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Report accepted
This report for a Rapid Grant approved in FY 2016-17 has been reviewed and accepted by the Wikimedia Foundation.
  • To read the approved grant submission describing the plan for this project, please visit Grants:Project/Rapid/Wikipedia Aymarata 2017.
  • You may still comment on this report on its discussion page, or visit the discussion page to read the discussion about this report.
  • You are welcome to Email rapidgrants at wikimedia dot org at any time if you have questions or concerns about this report.


Did you meet your goals? Are you happy with how the project went?

We reached with our goals at 75% (25% is due to lack of understanding for the university population about the way the Wikipedia progresses, philosophy). The organizers we are happy with project activities, because aymara academic people already have experimental information about Wikipedia and the possibility of revitalizing the language of Aymara.


Please report on your original project targets.

Target outcome Achieved outcome Explanation
ACTIVITY 1. 2 coordination meeting with university authorities and teachers for implementation of practical training workshops. The coordination between the project responsables (Jaqi aru team, university authorities, professors and students) was successful. Although the times of coordination were more than two times (seven times) during the project.
ACTIVITY 2. Systematization and organization of a guide (bilingual) in physical and digital (in relation to encyclopedic writing in Aymara) for workshops. The team and the people involved in the project made the guide to learn editing Wikipedia in aymara language (is the first version in Aymara). The draft was elaborated by Jaqi Aru team and checked by the participants (Aymara proffesors and students).
ACTIVITY 3. 2 practical workshops for 15 teachers for creation, editing, translation and publication of articles in Wikipedia Aymara based on teaching-learning approach. Instead of 2 workshops were made 3 with total of 11 Aymara professors who learnt first of all how to edit on Wikipedia and experimented with the draft of guide. The draft was elaborated by Jaqi Aru team and checked by the participants (Aymara proffesors and students).
ACTIVITY 4. 10 practical workshops for students where they will learn to create, edit, translate and publish articles in Wikipedia Aymara. Those 10 practical workshops were completed according to the plan. More than a hundred students participated in this workshops. Photos could be seen with the tag "Aymar Wikipirya" like this one https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Aymar_Wikipirya,_yatiqirinakampi.jpg The problem was the time to experiment with each one during the workshop. The professors has one our and half each class, the facilitators had to finish during that time with 10 to 15 students. There were just few computers like 5 or 7 laptops, although most of them had smartphones (we did not realize about how to edit Wikipedia with a cellphone).
ACTIVITY 5. Monitoring and supervising the editing and publication of 100 Articles for the Aymara Wikipedia. The Aymara Wikipedia team of facilitators, we have been monitoring until 29 of june. So we have found more than 50 articles with the Wikipedia editing protocol. The semester finished next month July, so we guess that more students are going to upload or write more articles, that is the version of some professors. As Jaqi Aru and Aymara Wikipedia facilitators found that many of the professors and the students saw for the first time the possibility of positive contribution on Wikipedia. They needed more practice of editing because we found a couple their articles uploaded on different place, like this one: https://ay.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usuario:Mary_cauna_copa and we the team helped to riwrite https://ay.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lumasa. But this is good for us, they are experimenting with just one practical workshop. And we hope to have more classes about editing Wikipedia in the future. These are some articles worked during the project:

1. Allpaqa https://ay.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allpaqa

2. Allpi https://ay.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allpi

3. Awyayala https://ay.wikipedia.org/wiki/Awyayala

4. Aymar arsunaka https://ay.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aymar_arsunaka

5. Ayni https://ay.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ayni

6. ch’ayña https://ay.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ch%27ay%C3%B1a

7. ch’illkha https://ay.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ch%27illkha

8. Ch’iwa https://ay.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ch%27iwa

9. Ch’uñu https://ay.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ch%27u%C3%B1u&action=history

10. Ch’usiqa https://ay.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ch%27usiqa

11. Chhuqha https://ay.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chhuqha

12. Chiwaqu https://ay.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiwaqu

13. Inalmama https://ay.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Inalmama&action=history

14. Isla del sol marka https://ay.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isla_del_Sol_marka

15. Ispi https://ay.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ispi

16. Jallupacha https://ay.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jallupacha

17. Jaqi Aru https://ay.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaqi_aru

18. K’alla https://ay.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%27alla

19. k’añasku https://ay.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%27a%C3%B1asku

20. K’uwisu https://ay.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%27uwisu

21. Kuyawani 2.0 https://ay.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amta_Kuyawani_2.0

22. Lady Gaga https://ay.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lady_Gaga

23. Lumasa https://ay.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lumasa

24. mamalillu tatalillu https://ay.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tatalillu_mamalillu

25. Miji https://ay.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miji

26. P’isaqa https://ay.wikipedia.org/wiki/P%27isaqa

27. Paka https://ay.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paka

28. Parina https://ay.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Parina&action=history

29. Phichhitanka https://ay.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phichhitanka

30. Pukupuku https://ay.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pukupuku

31. Pututu https://ay.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pututu

32. Q’illu jamach’I https://ay.wikipedia.org/wiki/Q%27illu_jamach%27i

33. Q’urawanaka https://ay.wikipedia.org/wiki/Q%27urawanaka

34. Qanqata https://ay.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qanqata

35. Qañuqiya https://ay.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qa%C3%B1uqiya

36. Qapu https://ay.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qapu

37. Qaqinkura https://ay.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qaqinkura

38. Qayti https://ay.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qayti

39. Qillwa https://ay.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qiwlla

40. Qullanaka https://ay.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qullanaka phuqhachañawa

41. Qullasïwi https://ay.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qullas%C3%AFwi

42. sami (naka) https://ay.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sami

43. Saräwinaka https://ay.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saräwinaka

44. Sillinq’u https://ay.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sillinq%27u

45. Suma Qamaña https://ay.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Suma_Qama%C3%B1a& action=history

46. Tenochtitlan https://ay.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tenochtitlan

47. Tikitiki https://ay.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tikitiki

48. Tunta https://ay.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tunta

49. Wallata https://ay.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wallata

50. Wankara https://ay.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mimula

51. Waq’ana https://ay.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waq%27ana

52. Waychu https://ay.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waychu

53. Yaka yaka https://ay.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yakayaka


Projects do not always go according to plan. Sharing what you learned can help you and others plan similar projects in the future. Help the movement learn from your experience by answering the following questions:

  • What worked well? To reach with Wikipedia philosophy to Aymara academic population was fundamental because they are potential editors and contributors. The team of Jaqi Aru have been following the contributor, one thing which we saw is that Wikipedia aymara had in the past very few native aymara speaker contributors. In a few words, the partcipants of the project "Wikipedia Aymarata 2017" are very inspired with the possibility of strenghten the Aymara language and culture through Wikipedia.
  • What did not work so well? The lack of time and equipment (laptops), professors have one hour and half of time to teach share with aymara wikipedians which so shor time for a practical workshop with 10 to 15 students. Another thing which did not work well was to provide each student a laptop in order to experiment editing.
  • What would you do differently next time? Plan to have more time for the workshops and to provide through the project some laptops because not all the students have one.


Grant funds spent[edit]

Please describe how much grant money you spent for approved expenses, and tell us what you spent it on.

  • ACTIVITY 1. 7 coordination meeting with university authorities and teachers for implementation of practical training workshops. = 132 USD (4 packs of printing paper = 18, refreshment for participants = 30, taxi-callings-refreshment for coordinators = 60, rent of projector two hours = 24 ) SPENT
  • ACTIVITY 2. Systematization and organization of a guide (bilingual) in physical and digital (in relation to encyclopedic writing in Aymara) for workshops. = 1048 USD (Rent of unlimited Internet for workshops and coordination for three months = 240, taxi-callings-refreshment-lunch for facilitators and coordinators = 200, rent of projector for eight hours = 96, print of 500 brochures = 500) SPENT
  • ACTIVITY 3. 2 practical workshops for 15 teachers for creation, editing, translation and publication of articles in Wikipedia Aymara based on teaching-learning approach. = 243 USD.(refreshment for 15 professors = 75, taxi-callings-refreshment for facilitators and coordinators = 120, rent of projector for four hours = 48 ) SPENT
  • ACTIVITY 4. 10 practical workshops for students where they will learn to create, edit, translate and publish articles in Wikipedia Aymara. = 465 USD( taxi-callings-refreshment for facilitators and coordinators = 225, rent of projector for twenty hours = 240 ) SPENT
  • ACTIVITY 5. Monitoring and supervising the editing and publication of 100 Articles for the Aymara Wikipedia = 112 USD (facilitators and coordinators meeting = 50, incidental expenses = 62) SPENT

Receipts are sent through the email.

Remaining funds[edit]

Do you have any remaining grant funds?

No remaining grant funds, because we didnot notice about the taxes in the country since we did not have a financial admiistrator for the project.

Anything else[edit]

Anything else you want to share about your project?

Guide in aymara to edit on Wikipedia
Guide in Aymara to edit on Wikipedia.

Pictures about the events:

Practical workshop about Aymara Wikipedia with students
Workshop with aymara professors in a conversation with Vahid of WMF
Practical workshops about editing on Wikipedia
Practical workshops about editing Wikipedia
Poster of Wikipedia Aymara