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Grants:Project/Rapid/WM CA/In person meeting 2017

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WM CA/In person meeting 2017
The new Board of Directors of Wikimedia Canada will gather for a full two-day conference. They will have key guests and local volunteers attend the conference, discussing about Wikimania Montreal, strategy, priorities, APG, budget, and 2017 projects.
targetEnglish and French Wikipedia, Wikimania
start dateFebruary 17
end dateFebruary 20
budget (local currency)$2,604 CAD
budget (USD)$1,968 USD
grant typeorganization
non-profit statusincorporated organization
granteeBenoit Rochon
contact(s)• brochon(_AT_)wikimedia.ca
organization (if applicable)• Wikimedia Canada

Project Goal

The project’s goal is to bring the new Board of Directors of Wikimedia Canada together for a full two-day conference, as six of the eight Board members are new and have never met. Board members will have key guests and local volunteers attend the conference at different times of the day. Guests and discussion subjects will be related to Wikimania Montreal, strategy, priorities, APG, budget, and 2017 projects.

Project Plan



In September 2016, members of Wikimedia Canada elected a new Board of Directors. Most of us have never met because we are scattered from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Since December 2016, thanks to an agreement between Wikimedia Canada (WMCA) and Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec (BAnQ), we have an office space and an official mailing address: 535 Viger Avenue East, Montreal, Quebec H2L 2P3. The two day conference will be held in the Gilles-Hocquart Building on February 18 and 19, 2017, which will give our Board members the opportunity to visit our offices and meet each other.
During the two-day conference, Board members will hold our regular monthly meeting in person, and we will have special guests throughout the weekend. We will invite the Wikimania Montreal Committee to coordinate our efforts towards Wikimania 2017 and we will invite local volunteers to create an executive Wikimania sub-group within WMCA. We will also invite BAnQ’s directors to attend part of the conference, first because they are involved and are partners of Wikimania 2017, but it is also an opportunity to review and discuss the partnership between WMCA and BAnQ in place since 1st December 2016.
On December 13, 2016, we recruited two pro bono accountants from the Montreal area through a partnership with "Bénévoles d'affaires". We want to meet them in person and provide them and our Treasurer the opportunity to forge in-person links as they continue to work together.
In addition, we plan to discuss Wikimedia Canada's strategy, priorities, APG, budget & events for 2017, Wikimania Montreal, etc… and of course socialize!
All in all, Board and guests, we will always be 10-12 persons around the conference table.
Plan outlines
Friday night, Board members arrive in Montreal (Secretary and Treasurer will fly respectively from Edmonton and Toronto. Vice-President will drive from Ottawa. The President and three other Board members, guests, and local volunteers live in the Montreal area). All Board members will go out for social dinner Friday night.
  • Saturday, 9 am, conference starts, following the agenda.
  • Saturday, 6 pm, social dinner.
  • Sunday, 9 am, conference continues, as per agenda.
  • Sunday, 6 pm, social dinner for those who are able.


  1. Number of participants: 15.
  2. Create Wikimania Montreal subgroup within WMCA.
  3. Meet at least two BAnQ Directors in person.
  4. Have 2 lunches and 2-3 dinners to socialize, get Board members know each other.



What resources we already have.

  • Conference room * 2 days: $1,000 CAD
  • Multimedia equipment : ~$200 CAD
  • Security agent: 8 hours * $35/hour : $280 CAD
Total resources we already have: $1,480 CAD

What resources we will need.

  • Travel plane / driving mileage / local public transport : $1,021.68 USD
  • Meals for two days : $722.68 USD
  • Hotel : $223.11 USD
Total resources we will need: $1,967.47 USD
Unspent amount from last grant: $405.46 CAD (~$301.54 USD)
Grand total we will need: $1,665.95 USD

