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Grants:Project/Rapid/Uniba - Dipartimento LELIA/Translatathon Uniba/Dissemination

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Uniba - Dipartimento LELIA/Translatathon Uniba Dissemination
This project is meant as a follow-up to the peoject named Translatathon@Uniba to support dissemination activities
targetTranslate us
start date0720
end date0920
budget (local currency)500 euros
budget (USD)559.014
grant typeorganization
non-profit status>
grantee"Gatto Uniba"
contact(s)• maristella.gatto(_AT_)uniba.it• direttore.lelia(_AT_)uniba.it
organization (if applicable)• Dipartimento LELIA - Università di Bari

Review your report

Please see the sample Travel application before drafting your application.

Project Goal


Choose one or more of the following goals. You can add or delete goals as needed.

  1. Expand network of potential partners
  2. Increase awareness of Wikimedia projects

Project Plan




Tell us how you'll carry out your project. Be sure to answer the following questions:

1. What is the purpose of the event you're attending and why is it important that you attend?

The event I’m attending is the biannual Conference of the Italian Association for English Studies (AIA - Associazione Italiana di Studi di Anglistica), which is taking place, this year, at the University of Padova, one of the Italian Universities most significantly involved in University projects with Wikimedia

2. Will you be presenting at the event?

Yes. My abstract for a talk on “Out of the (sand)box. Developing translation competence through Wikipedia” has been accepted without revisions (see attached feedback from the 2 blind reviewers) so I will be presenting at the XXIX AIA Conference. Feedback from Reviewer #1 and Reviewer #2

3. What kind of outreach activity do you plan to do?

The audience will include English studies scholars from Universities all over Italy, many of whom have a specific interest in the didactics of translation which is at the core of our Translatathon@Uniba project. It is a good opportunity for me to share our extremely positive experience in teaching translation via Wikipedia and to discuss with other scholars the potential for further development of this project.

4. How will you let other participants know about your outreach activity?

The Conference is extremely popular with English studies scholars in Italy. It is advertised through a dedicated website and through the AIA Facebook page

5. Do you have a specific networking plan? (e.g. specific people, organizations, groups you would like to develop partnerships with)

The University of Padova itself is a potential partner for follow-up projects in teaching translation with Wikipedia, having run a similar project and having been involved for a long time in a larger project with Wikipedia. Other scholars from Italian universities running programmes in Specialized Translation are attending the conference (e.g. Trieste, Forlì, Lecce…) and I am planning to meet individual staff members interested in joining forces in this field.

6. What is your plan to follow-up with new contacts?

The plan is in the first place to share good practice among people interested in using Wikipedia in the didactics of translation. Nonetheless, as a translation studies scholar, I also plan to join/create a research group interested in further investing the multilingual nature of Wikipedia and addressing key theoretical issues at the intersection zone between Wikipedia Studies and Translation Studies. In particular I am interested in exploring  the impact of teaching with Wikipedia both at the level of the translation process (e.g. constructivism and  cooperation; development of the translation competence) and at the level of the translation product (descriptive tranlsation studies).



How will you know if the project is successful and you've met your goals? Please include the following targets as applicable:

1.    Number of presentation attendees: 20

2.    Number of new potential partners: 3



What resources do you have? Include in-kind donations or additional funding.

212,29 euros (remaining funds from Rapid Grant for Translatathon@Uniba Translatathon@Uniba]

What resources do you need? For your funding request, list bullet points for each expense and include a total amount.

1.    Travel: 200 Euros

2.    Accommodation for 3 days: 300 Euros

3.    Total 500 Euros/559.014 USD (if allowed to use the remaining 212,29 Euros the total becomes 287,71 euros)



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