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Grants:Project/Rapid/UG GE/Wikipedia Asian Month 2018 in Georgia/Report

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Report accepted
This report for a Rapid Grant approved in FY 2018-19 has been reviewed and accepted by the Wikimedia Foundation.

This report represents the general report of the "Wikipedia Asian Month 2018" and "Georgian WikiConference 2018". Please visit this page and this page for more details on the conference & "WAM 2018" report.



Did you meet your goals? Are you happy with how the project went? We fully achieved all our goals that we had at the beginning of the project. Both, in the "Wikipedia Asian Month 2018" contest and at the "Georgian WikiConference 2018", we achieved all the goals we set ourselves.

  1. Recruit new editors: 12 editors of the Georgian Wikipedia participated in the competition, from where 4 participants were new.
  2. Increase skills for existing editors: existing and new participants were able to catch and learn new skills, for example: creating templates for articles.
  3. Add or improve content: existing Wikipedia articles on Asia were improved, but most were created new articles.
  4. To spread awareness about Wikimedia projects in Georgia: Since we awarded the participants with prize vouchers, interest in the competitions was high both in Georgia and outside of Georgia.
  5. Popularization of Wikimedia projects: the conference was devoted to the popularization of Wikimedia projects and to the development of the Wikimedia movement in Georgia.
  6. Create new articles about Asia: 12 participants in total created 148 new articles in the Georgian Wikipedia.



Please report on your original project targets.

Target outcome Achieved outcome Explanation
Number of participants: ~15-20 12 Lower than we expected.
Number of new editors: ~5-10 4 Lower than we expected.
Number of of articles created or improved:50-60 148 More than we expected!


The conference, which was devoted to the popularization of Wikimedia projects and to the development of the Wikimedia movement in Georgia and was very important for us, since this is the first large-scale event in Georgia, which we hold and serves to popularize Wikimedia projects, was designed for 50 people. The conference was attended by both experienced Wikipedians and new Wikipedians, as well as Wikimedians. The conference was attended by representatives of various non-governmental organizations and celebrities. In total, more than 40 people participated.



Projects do not always go according to plan. Sharing what you learned can help you and others plan similar projects in the future. Help the movement learn from your experience by answering the following questions:

  • What worked well?
Starting from the stage of calculating the whole project and the conference, to the end of the whole project everything went without problems. We were able to hold a successful competition and conference.
  • What did not work so well?
During the entire project there were two less significant incidents: 1) it turned out that one of the contest participants used two accounts, but the administration of the Georgian Wikipedia found and took drastic measures. 2) during the registration for the conference there was an attempt to destabilize the conference, which was not allowed by the organizers.

There were no serious problems.

  • What would you do differently next time?
Everything worked out well for us, next time we will organize our future events even better.



Grant funds spent


Please describe how much grant money you spent for approved expenses, and tell us what you spent it on.

# Category Description Unit cost (GEL) cost total (USD)
1 Prize First place 1 200 ₾ (GEL) 169 $ (USD)
2 Prize Second place 1 150 ₾ (GEL)
3 Prize Third place 1 100 ₾ (GEL)
4 T-shirts For Staff 5 150 ₾ (GEL) 57 $ (USD)
5 Certificates For participants 10 20 ₾ (GEL) 7.6 $ (USD)
6 Accommodation conference hall rental and small lunch 1 1 180 ₾ (GEL) 444 $ (USD)
7 Pens Branding 100 160 ₾ (GEL) 173.5 $ (USD)
8 Notebooks Branding 100 300 ₾ (GEL)
9 Stickers featuring wikipedia and wikimedia logos 300 45 ₾ (GEL) 17 $ (USD)
10 Transport For taxi 1 10 ₾ (GEL) 3.8 $ (USD)
11 Bank fees Fees for transfers and currency exchange 2.8 ₾ (GEL) 1 $ (USD)
Actual cost grand total 872.4 $ (USD)

Total project budget: 872.4 $ (USD)

Total amount requested from WMF: 1 143 $ (USD)

Total amount received from WMF: 1 146 $ (USD)

Total amount spent on the project: 872.4 $ (USD)

Remaining funds

The funds remaining from this grant in the amount of US$274 were deducted from another grant payment for Grants:Project/Rapid/UG-GE/Bakuriani WikiCamp (March, 2019).

Do you have any remaining grant funds? 274 $ (USD) in unspent funds, which we would like to use for this grant.

Images from the conference


Anything else


Anything else you want to share about your project?