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Grants:Project/Rapid/Summering2018/Wiki Loves Africa 2020 in Egypt

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statusnot funded
Wiki Loves Africa 2020 in Egypt
Wiki Loves Africa is an annual continental photo contest held on the African continent to increase the number of visuals and audiovisuals of African origin for use on various Wikimedia projects.
targetCommons - Wikipedia (ar-en)
start dateJanuary
end dateApril
budget (local currency)29,336
budget (USD)1820
grant typeindividual
contact(s)• Summering2018
organization (if applicable)• none

Please see the sample Contest application before drafting your application.

Project Goal


Choose one or more of the following goals. You can add or delete goals as needed.

  1. Add more images about transportation in our country
  2. To increase potential Wikimedia projects contributors such as professional photographers
  3. To share useful skills of how to contribute to wikicommons and how to contribute useful photos which can be used in other Wikimedia projects
  4. Create awareness about the Wikimedia movement and its activities.

Project Plan




Tell us how you'll carry out your project. Be sure to answer the following questions:

1. Are you doing one editathon or training or a series of editathons or trainings?

This year we will focussed on the The Wiki Loves Africa 2020 theme is Transportaion!
communicate about the contest in various venues and within my networks and my friends networks
Prizes for the top three winners and 10 t-shirts for ten winners printed on the logo of the competition

2. How will you let your community know about the event? Please paste links below to where relevant communities have been notified of your proposal, and to any other relevant community discussions.

By Social Media promotion (Facebook / Instagram / Twitter )

3. Do you have experienced Wikimedia editors to lead the event?

I have experienced Wikimedia editors who are helping me to lead the event

4. Do participants have the equipment or skills needed to participate and contribute high quality content? If not, how will you support them?

Yes participants have the equipment and skills to participate and contribute high quality content

5. How will you engage participants after the event(s)?

We will make an award ceremony and hold an exhibition of the top ten photos

6. Is there anything else you want to tell us about this project?



How will you know if the project is successful and you've met your goals? Please include the following targets:

  1. Number of events: 2
  2. Number of images uploaded 1000
  3. Number of participants : at least 100
  4. Number of new editors 30
  5. Number of articles created or improved 20
  6. Number of repeat participants (for projects that include a series of events) :20



What resources do you have? Include information on who is organizing the project, what they will do, and if you will receive support from anywhere else (in-kind donations or additional funding).

What resources do you need? For your funding request, list bullet points for each expense and include a total amount.

Summer kamal, Project Leader
Ahmad Hedaya, Project assistant


What resources do you need? For your funding request, list bullet points for each expense and include a total amount.

S/N Item Quantity Total cost (EGP) Total cost (USD) Notes
Project costs
1 Contest prizes 3 8000 500 1st prize = 250 USD, 2nd = 150 USD, 3rd = 100 USD
2 Social Media Promotion - 2400 150 Sponsored posts and ads on FB / Instagram pages
3 Venue 2 days 3200 200 rent a venue
4 snaks 2 days 3200 200 snaks and food in 2 days
5 T-Shirts 10 1600 100 10 T-shirts for the first ten winners
6 Certificate 10 320 20 10 Certificatefor the first ten winners
7 Transport - 1600 100 Internet will be used during events for photo uploading. Communication-Marketing
8 Banners - 1600 100 Wiki Loves Africa banner
9 Compensation of the jury members 3 4800 300 Jury bonus of the national competition(e.g. Amazon gift cards)
10 Photo printing for the top 10 winners 10 800 50 Printing the top 10 selected photos for closing ceremony exhibition.
11 Additional Amount - 1600 100 Unforeseen expenses
- TOTAL PROJECT COST 1 29230 EGP 1820 USD ** The exchange rate used is $1 = 16.06. As of Saturday, December 9, 2019



Community members are encouraged to endorse your project request here!

  • It is a good opportunity to enrich commons with new materials
  • Really wonderful to see Egypt join in again and glad to see Summer here ;) Kudoos ! Anthere (talk)