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[edit]As for the main goal of the project creating SheSaid portal for Sudan this goal was met. But some of the detailed objectives of the project were not successful
[edit]Please report on your original project targets. Please be sure to review and provide metrics required for Rapid Grants.
Target outcome | Achieved outcome | Explanation |
3 events as follow:
The planned activities were implemented as planned
Journalist= 19-March-2022 Photographers= 22-March_2022 Edit thorn=27-Mrach-2022 |
16 new users trained (8 journalist + 8 Photographers) | 16 participants were trained | - |
Number of articles improved 120 | 41 | Number of the participants dropped along the way |
Number of articles new quotes 20 | 19 | not all participants were able to complete the required number of quotes |
10 interviews. | 0 | I was not able to reach out to a journalist tried several of theme and every time they drop along the way, the general political situation made it difficult to motivate them to join the project. |
20 Portraits . | 4 | the planned budget of was far from being realistic and i hardly convinced one photographer to do the task for 5 portraits as the photo sessions had to take place in different places not one place and date as planned due to the difficulties of arranging meet ups in the city due to the security hazard and the road block in demonstration days. most of the contacted nominated women dropped in last hours or was not reachable. |
[edit]Projects do not always go according to plan. Sharing what you learned can help you and others plan similar projects in the future. Help the movement learn from your experience by answering the following questions:
- What worked well?
For the Training sessions The Journalist Training session happened on19-March-2022 at Ebtikar Training Center Khartoum City, the Journalist attending the workshop were invited in collaboration with the network of Sudanese Female Journalist and through the community social media platforms. The workshop focused on three main session’s introduction to the project she said and the expected contribution of the participants. The second part of the workshop was on hand training on Wikipedia, wiki commons and wiki quotes. A list of pioneer women in Sudan to be targeted was developed and a whatsapp group created to follow up with the participants. Total of 8 participants were listed to be invited for the training (7 female and 1 male) Pictures taken within the project
- What did not work so well?
the Participants were cooperative and dedicated time and efforts to learn.
- What would you do differently next time?
It will be great to work on developing Sudanese Women Red list of articles to be created. It will be better to arrange several edit sessions within the project timeframe people tend to achieve more within the meeting time.
[edit]Grant funds spent
[edit]Please describe how much grant money you spent for approved expenses, and tell us what you spent it on.
Total received amount is 860,000 SDG
spent as detailed below:
Refreshments: =66,100 SDG
Venue: 3 days =60,000 SDG
Hygiene package (Masks, Sanitizers) : 20,000 SDG
Internet support: 3 days = 60,000 SDG
Outcomes of the training publishing in media (interviews and posters ) = 35,000 SDG
Communication outreaches (Facebook, Instagram) = 45,000 SDG
Stationary and Transportation for participants 3 dasys= 138,550 SDG
Photogrpher and Jurnalist= 45,000 SDG
Miscellaneous and contingency funds = 10,000 SDG
Total Expenses= 479,650
Remaining funds
[edit]Do you have any remaining grant funds?
Due to challenges in implementing part of the project planned activities (Interviews and photo sessions cancelation ) i have remaining balance of 416,350 SDG
Anything else
[edit]Anything else you want to share about your project?
- Women Profiles pictures taken within the project SheSaid 2021 Sudan
Asma Mohamed Abdalla, Khartoum
Nisreen Al Sayeem, Khartoum
Tayseer Alnorani, Khartoum
Sara Deifalla. Khartoum