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Grants:Project/Rapid/MediaMOF/Photowalk at North Central Nigeria/Report

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Report under review

This report has been submitted by the grantee, and is currently being reviewed by WMF staff. Please create a discussion page for this grant report by following this redlink to add comments, responses, or questions, or by using the button below.

  • Review the reporting requirements to better understand the reporting process.
  • Note that if a grantee is unresponsive or uncooperative for 21 days or more, this report will be moved by WMF to incomplete.
  • With questions about commenting on a report, or with questions about submitting a report, please Email rapidgrants at wikimedia dot org.
  • Review all Rapid Grant reports under review.



Did you meet your goals? Are you happy with how the project went?

Overall, we are pleased to report that the project was successful, despite encountering some challenges along the way. We believe the results not only met our expectations but also provided valuable insights for future initiatives.



Please report on your original project targets. Please be sure to review and provide metrics required for Rapid Grants.

Target outcome Achieved outcome Explanation
If atleast 8 professional photographers participated 8 Photographers participated Mediamof, Obongawan1, Favouridowu, Hadassah Photostorie, Kaizenify Victor Zaviano, Maryam Abdulkarim, Trof16 and Ei'eke
If atleast 700 photos were uploaded to wiki commons About 700 photos uploaded Target was met and more images still expected to be uploaded
If at least 20% of the images collected are used 21% of the images collected have been used on Wikipedia This number was calculated using the [wikipedia=1&projects[wikimedia]=1&projects[wikisource]=1&projects[wikibooks]=1&projects[wikiquote]=1&projects[wiktionary]=1&projects[wikinews]=1&projects[wikivoyage]=1&projects[wikispecies]=1&projects[mediawiki]=1&projects[wikidata]=1&projects[wikiversity]=1 here]

Link to common for all the images here and here

Some of the photos from the Photowalk include:



Projects do not always go according to plan. Sharing what you learned can help you and others plan similar projects in the future. Help the movement learn from your experience by answering the following questions:

  • What worked well?
  • Better Collaboration with the volunteered photographers.
  • Alot of images from North central was gotten.
  • Partnering with government and security agency proved very effective.
  • The project created awareness and relationship with photographers from north central Nigeria.
  • What did not work so well?
  • Getting into the different states took lot of time and trouble due to bad road network.
  • We had security challenges at some state due to the northern Nigeria security challenges.
  • We were not able to upload all of the images on time..
  • Due to security risk, we had to break our journey and hence end up spending about 2 years as we couldn't cover some states and came back later.
  • We faced unexpected weather challenges on the various days of the photowalk, which limited our shooting time and affected some of the planned locations.
  • Some logistical aspects, such as transportation and access to certain areas, did not go as planned. This caused delays and forced us to adjust our itinerary
  • What would you do differently next time?
  • Only go to states that i am more familiar with.
  • We will allocated atleast 2weeks to cover the next region and ensure there is allocated days away from the photowalk for uploads.
  • Having other separate times for future uploads
  • We would incorporate a contingency plan for different weather conditions.
  • Better logistics and on time planning.



Grant funds spent


Please describe how much grant money you spent for approved expenses, and tell us what you spent it on.

Sl.No Item Quantity Rate (NGN) Total (NGN) Notes
1 Transportation for photographers A 1 120,000 120,000 This covered the cost of the car (and fuel) which conveyed the photographers that visited Nassarawa and Abuja.
2 Transportation for photographers B 1 185,000 185,000 This covered the cost of the car (and fuel) which conveyed the photographers that visited Kwara, Plateau and Niger.
3 Food and drinks 8(*12) 3,000 288,000 Food allowance for the 8 photographers during the photowalk.
4 Data allowance during the upload session 5 5,00 40,000 This covered the cost of data for each of the 8 photographers to upload their various images.
5 Accommodation 2(*7) 30,000 420,000 This covered the cost of accommodation for 11 nights for each of the photography lead.
6 Drone rent 1(*7) 20,000 140,000 This covered the cost of of renting of drones to capture more wider landscape.
7 Contingency cost 1 30,000 30,000 For calls and bank charges cost.
Grand Total (with contingency cost): NGN 1,285,760

Remaining funds


Do you have any remaining grant funds?

Yes, 62,760 NGN was left and will like it deducted for subsequent grant request if funded.

Anything else


Anything else you want to share about your project?