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Grants:Project/Rapid/Maffeth Opiana/Wiki Loves Fashion in the Philippines/Report

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Did you meet your goals? Are you happy with how the project went? Some goals were not met but I am happy with the quality of photos uploaded during the campaign. Also over hundreds of articles related to fashion were added. The target for editing articles is supposedly for Central Bikol only but some participants edited in Tagalog so I might consider including other languages in the next edition.



Please report on your original project targets.

For photo contests:
Target outcome Achieved outcome Explanation
Number of participants: 100 46 Some participants opted to upload photos during the deadline of submission. It became a problem since the time of submission was already closed.


Number of photos uploaded on Wikimedia Commons: 1000 204 Late submission of entries


Number of photos used on Wikimedia projects: 20% 22.5% (as of April 14, 2022) Target reached https://glamtools.toolforge.org/glamorous.php?doit=1&category=Images%20from%20Wiki%20Loves%20Fashion%20in%20the%20Philippines&use_globalusage=1&ns0=1&projects[wikipedia]=1&projects[wikimedia]=1&projects[wikisource]=1&projects[wikibooks]=1&projects[wikiquote]=1&projects[wiktionary]=1&projects[wikinews]=1&projects[wikivoyage]=1&projects[wikispecies]=1&projects[mediawiki]=1&projects[wikidata]=1&projects[wikiversity]=1&fbclid=IwAR3TjVma2FqqagGfWqQq9tfO5vglM0vCBY2ZhJVDrqSh80cLfpAOO2Xamf0

For editing activities:
Target outcome Achieved outcome Explanation
Number of participants: 50 12 Did not reach the target


Number of new and improved articles related to fashion: 50 117 Target reached



  • What worked well?

Still social media promotion is an advantage. The boosted post in the facebook page (Wiki Loves Fashion in the Philippines) reached 54,625 people. Having competent team (international and local) made it easier for me to organize the event.

  • What would you do differently next time?

For the next edition of Wiki Loves Fashion in the Philippines, I am planning to have photo walks and edit-a-thon in different languages. Also, the next edition will be Modern Philippine Fashion.



Grant funds spent


Please describe how much grant money you spent for approved expenses, and tell us what you spent it on.

1 USD = PHP 49.80 (as of September 3, 2021 according to www.oanda.com)
Project budget table
No. Quantity Total (PHP) Total (USD) Total Expense (PHP) Notes
1 Social media promotion PHP 7,000 USD 140.56 Php 7,000 Sponsored posts to reach wider audience
2 Prizes PHP 25,500 USD 512.05 Php 27,500 1st prize: Gift Certificate worth PHP 10,000 (USD 200.80)
2nd prize: Gift Certificate worth PHP 7,500 (USD 150.60)
3rd prize: Gift Certificate worth PHP 5,000 (USD 100.40)
Special prize: Gift Certificate - PHP 3,000 (USD 60.24) - most number of quality images contributed
3 Outreach activities PHP 20,000 USD 401.60 PHP 19,942.25 Meals for the outreach participants
4 Facilities and internet data PHP 20,000 USD 401.60 Php 21,450 Editing sessions
5 Promotional material editor PHP 5,000 USD 100.40 Php 5,000 Posters and video presentations to be uploaded on Commons
6 Logistics PHP 8,250 USD 165.66 Php 7521.45 Meetings or unexpected expenses
TOTAL: PHP 88,413.70 (USD 1,775.38)

Total fund received: PHP 85,650 (USD 1719.88)

Remaining funds


Do you have any remaining grant funds? none

Anything else


Anything else you want to share about your project?

