Grants:Project/Rapid/Jaluj/How to re-integrate mentally ill into the community using Wikimedia
Please see the sample Editathon/Training application before drafting your application.
Project Goal
[edit]Choose one or more of the following goals. You can add or delete goals as needed.
- To recruit new editors and encourage beginners to work in Wikiquote.
- To add content and to train beginners to improve the quality of Wikiquote's articles.
- To upload images to Wikimedia Commons.
- To spread the word and make known the work of the movement and to create awareness about Wikimedia Projects in the mental health community
Project Plan
[edit]The main goal is to encourage mental health patients to increase the number of articles in Wikiquote in Spanish. I want to continue the course in which the patients can experience editing of Wikiquote articles. The project supports diversity and empowers vulnerable population by helping them to collect and develop educational content and feel as part of a bigger community. I chose Wikiquote because we have a low level of participation and I am a sysop there.
[edit]Tell us how you'll carry out your project. Be sure to answer the following questions:
1. Are you doing one editathon or training or a series of editathons or trainings?
- This a course of twice a week about two hours each time from April 17 to June 7.
2. How will you let your community know about the event? Please paste links below to where relevant communities have been notified of your proposal, and to any other relevant community discussions.
- Patients will be referred by the staff of he hospital who already know my work.
- Banner at the entrance of the computer laboratory.
- Page in Wikiquote.
- Wordpress. I will write about the course in my blog on WordPress.
- Conferences I will present it in professional conferences.
3. Do you have experienced Wikimedia editors to lead the event?
- The pilot was succesfull. You can read my report here. I The Foundation blog published an article about it, I presented a video showing the whole process during the WikiDiversity Conference 2017 and I presented the work in three professional conferences in Buenos Aires.
4. Do participants have the equipment or skills needed to participate and contribute high quality content? If not, how will you support them?
- The Hospital de Emergencias Psiquiátricas Alvear provides a laboratory room with computers but not wifi connection. I need to pay a router to have it.
5. How will you engage participants after the event(s)?
- I will maintain an online accompaniment, monitoring and supervising patients's edition making suggestions to improve their editing.
6. Is there anything else you want to tell us about this project?
- I prefere small groups because allows more individual adaptation. I have easily access to different Departments of the hospital and I have the community support of the staff since I've already done another course in 2016. Unfortunatelty, it didn't continue because they had no more wifi connection.
[edit]How will you know if the project is successful and you've met your goals? Please include the following targets:
The importance of this project does not lie on the number of articles added to Wikiquote but to the social imprint that means the inclusion of this type of people and the increase of visibility, awareness and understanding of the Wikimedia projects among colleagues and professionals. The repercussion that the course could have it is what matters to me. My other goal is to research about the beneficial effects of editing for patients, so, to know if the project is succesfull I don't need to count how many bytes or images we upload. But I would like to recruite at least three new editors, to upload at least 20 photos to commons, create at least 10 new articles in Wikiquote, at least 10 articles improved, to create at least three more categories, to create at least one paper to present in a professinal Conference and one good video about the work to present it in Wikimania and other Conferences and to create at least two learning patterns for helping others to do the same work in their countries.
I will report:
- Number of new contributors.
- Number of images uploaded to Wikimedia Commons.
- Number of categories created in Wikimedia Commons.
- Number of articles created in Wikiquote.
- Number of the uploaded pictures featured in webpages outside the Wikimedia domain.
- Number of articles that were improved at Wikiquote.
- Number of people participating including staff.
- Number of images uploaded to Wikimedia Commons embedded in Wikipedia articles.
- Number of videos created showing the process.
- Number of presentation in Conferences.
- Number of learning patterns created.
[edit]What resources do you have? Include information on who is organizing the project, what they will do, and if you will receive support from anywhere else (in-kind donations or additional funding).
- I'm a long-term wikimedian, with long experience teaching at edit-a-thons in Argentina, Uruguay and Spain. I am a licensed professional psychologist, qualified to provide direct services to patients over 30 years of working. The Hospital de Emergencias Psiquiátricas Alvear provides a laboratory room with computers. I am going to lead the course, teaching editing tools and organizing the materials, monitoring and supervising patients's edition.
- Project Leader responsabilities:
- ) Creating a banner to use in the lab.
- ) Interviews with the staff of the hospital to explaine them the scopes of the proyect.
- ) Preparation of the equipment, checking if the Wifi connection and the computers.
- ) Taking interviews to recruite participants among the patients of the School, de Day Care Center and the Adolescent Department, interviewing all the applicants and choosing those who will participate.
- ) Asking parents or legal tutor's written permission to get data and take photos of the participants.
- ) Conducting individual interviews to select candidates. Each interview will be semistructured with questions regarding their expectations for the course.
- ) Exploring and identifying the interests of the participants, their talents, skills and preferences.
- ) Choosing or creating multimedia material to use teaching.
- ) Creating the project page in Wikiquote.
- ) Identifying important articles on Wikiquote to improve them.
- ) Creating a list with suggestions of articles.
- ) Hands-on introduction to Wikiquote editing.
- ) Explaining Wikimedia's mission and some of its key features.
- ) Teaching new users how to create their accounts and to choose an appropriate username.
- ) Welcoming them on-wiki.
- ) Explaining what Wikiquote is, what is the Main Page, what is the Community Portal and the Café (like the Village Pump at English Wikiquote), rules like Civility and what is a Category.
- ) Teaching basics of editing, formatting and explaining how to add citations.
- ) Teaching them how to post a new topic on the Talk page if they have suggestions for improving an article.
- ) Teaching them how to send a User Talk message and how to interact with other users, like what is the Noticeboard.
- ) Teaching some policies, some guidelines for editing articles, what is a link, an internal link and an external link, and a little of the manual of style.
- ) Interviews with the staff of the hospital to explaine them how the patient’s work is going on.
- ) Beginning to edit some articles improving them.
- ) Practicing in user space.
- ) Reading articles and thinking about how they can be improved.
- ) Learn how to access the needed information and evaluate its sources critically.
- ) Creating small and manageable tasks every class with incremental writing.
- ) Editing target articles, teaching more policies and guidelines, etiquette, neutral point of view, some copyright issues and consensus editing and teaching more complex editing tools.
- ) Creating one category tag to upload the photos of the course to WikiCommons.
- ) Video some of the classes.
- ) Monitoring and supervising patients's edition making suggestions to improve their editing.
- ) Geting feedback from the participants and from the professional staff.
- ) Developing and managing group in social media such as Facebook to encourage progress and get feedback.
- ) Developing links with others internal Departments and colleagues, liaising with professional staff, working with colleagues by attending and participating in departmental meetings.
- ) Integrating new learning into existing classes. Monitoring and supervising patients's edition making suggestions to improve their editing. Keeping online record of articles improved or created.
- ) Uploading photos of the course to WikiCommons.
- ) Creating Learning Patterns.
- )Conducting basic research.
- )Creating a survey to collect information among participants and staff.
- ) Editing a video with the most relevants moments of the process.
- ) Doing Global Metrics.
- ) Writing a paper with the results of the research and the test, documentation of the process and the results of the course.
- ) Sending notifications to the es:Wikiproyecto:Psicología and the es:Wikiproyecto:Medicina and Wikuqote projects..
- ) Writing about the course in my blog on WordPress.
I am only going to charge for my professional fees during workshop hours when the patients attend the course. The extra work of sending notifications, meetings with the staff interviewing doctors and psychiatrists to ask referral of patients, developing and managing group in social media to encourage progress and get feedback, making the online follow-up in Wikiquote supervising patients's editions, working with colleagues by attending and participating in departmental meetings, doing metrics, writing the reports, documentating the process, writing a professional paper, editing the video, downloading the photos and uploading them to commons, writing about the course in my blog on WordPress and creating Learning Patterns are not included even though there will be many hours of volunteer work.
What resources do you need? For your funding request, list bullet points for each expense and include a total amount.
- Router Smart WiFi, el dispositivo a $999 argentinos + $569 argentinos x 1 mes Plan 10GB + $569 argentinos x 1 mes Plan 10GB total amount U$D 110
- Ink for the printer for the flyers, black and white, colour and the banner at the computer laboratory and certificates to recognize participants contributions, paper total amount U$D 90
- Project Leader fees for sixteen classes of two hours each = 16 x 2 x 40 = U$D 1280
- Total amount U$D 1480.
[edit]Community members are encouraged to endorse your project request here!
Support Interesting. Regards, Krishna Chaitanya Velaga (talk — mail) 08:30, 10 March 2018 (UTC)
Support Slowking4 (talk) 00:52, 12 March 2018 (UTC)
Support RachelWex (talk) 14:13, 19 March 2018 (UTC)
Support ManosHacker talk 04:15, 20 April 2018 (UTC)