Grants:Project/Rapid/Igniting Swahili Wikipedia and Capacity Building in Kenya
Project Goal
[edit]Briefly explain what are you trying to accomplish with this project, or what do you expect will change as a result of this grant. Example goals include, "recruit new editors", "add high quality content", or "train existing editors on a specific skill".
- Capacity Building for community organisers in Kenya on how to train community members to contribute in Swahili Wikipedia.
- Train new swahili Wikipedia editors
- Increase wikipedia swahili content in the longrun -as of 11 May 2020 at 1722Hrs (UTC) Swahili Wikipedia had an average of 137 active editors 11 admins, 58,868 articles.
- Learn how to incorporate Swahili translation as an activity when running existing english wikipedia campaigns in Kenya such as the Months of African Cinema, Wiki Loves women etc.
- Learn some of the Swahili Wikipedia administrative skills from the Swahili admins from Tanzania so that Kenyan community members can be helped when they face technical problems while contributing to Swahili Wikipedia.
- Explore current statistics on the growth of Swahili language in Africa (East Africa & SADC) hence brainstorm how Wiki For Universities can bring in intellectuals and Wiki communities to increase content on Wikipedia.
Project Plan
[edit]A team of two experienced Swahili Wikipedia Admins from Tanzania will facilitate the capacity building. The workshop will be a hybrid. Owing the current Intl travel ban, the facilitators will conduct the training virtually and a team of 3 Kenyan representatives will gather with the target coastal community at Pwani University to initiate contact and facilitate the trainning.
[edit]Tell us how you'll carry out your project. What will you and other organizers spend your time doing?
- We plan to host the 2day workshop at Pwani University in Kilifi, Kenya. The location is ideal as it is based in a region (coastal Kenya) of native Swahili speakers and will also give us a platform to tap in the network of students at the university, who will help us grow the Wikimedia Kenya community in other institutions in the region.
- The organisers will spend time exchanging knowledge of the basics of Swahili Wikipedia and areas of improvement as well as introducing the new community members to wikimedia projects and conducting the trainning.
- We'll be preparing topics to be used as case studies during the program and future editing activities by the ne editors.
- We'll be proof reading and correcting some mistakes/errors that can be done onwiki during the program.
- We will also be reaching out to potential partners
How will you let others in your community know about your project (please provide links to where relevant communities have been notified of your proposal, and to any other relevant community discussions)? Why are you targeting a specific audience?
- Members of the Wikimedia Community User Group are already aware of the project but we already have a meta page in place Igniting Swahili Wikipedia and Capacity Building in Kenya/Project with the project details that we will share to community members via talk pages, telegram and WhatsApp groups. We also plan to have a social media campaign that will give the peoject more publicity on twitter and facebook.
Why this Project is important to Kenyans?
Despite Swahili being a widely spoken national language in Kenya, Swahili Wikipedia has only a 10 per cent contribution in the country, this is largely because the emerging wikimedia community in Kenya has only been exposed to English Wikipedia Projects and training. We however fear that if we as a community do no pay attention to Swahili Wikipedia, we will be leaving a big chunk of our information and people marginalised considering swahili is a national language in Kenya.
The Community Organisers from Kenya targetted in this capacity buiding are also key considering they are actively engaged in trainning new editors through edit-a-thons, they will be more skilled to incorporate Swahili editing as part of theor projects.
Pwani university also has a Bachelor of Arts in Kiswahili faculty, we will have a good network to tap into at the language department
What will you have done at the end of your project? How will you follow-up with people that are involved with your project?
- enhanced capacity of community organisers in Kenya on navigating swahili Wikipedia.
- trained atleast 15 new Swahili editors in Pwani University
- Increase number of Swahili editors and content
- Enhance the visibility of Swahili wikipedia
- Create new networks and partners
Engaging Participants
We will create a whatsApp/telegram group for the participants and keep them updated on current and upcoming Wiki4Universities activities. We will also have a weeklong social media campaign to publicize the project.
Are you running any in-person events or activities? If so, you will need to complete the steps outlined on the Risk Assessment protocol related to COVID-19. When you have completed these steps, please provide a link to your completed copy of the risk assessment tool below:
[edit]How will you know if the project is successful and you've met your goals? Please include the following targets and feel free to add more specific to your project:
- Number of total participants - 20
- Number of articles created or improved - atleast 30
- Number of photos uploaded to Wikimedia Commons= 15
- Number of photos used on Wikimedia projects = 20
- Number of new participants= atleast 15
- Increased participation of Kenyan Wikimedians on Swahili Wikipedia
- The number of new members who join the wikimedia community Usergroup Kenya
[edit]What resources do you have? Include information on who is the organizing the project, what they will do, and if you will receive support from anywhere else (in-kind donations or additional funding).
- We have a team that is capable of making the goals of this program to be successful and we also have the goodwill of the Vice Chancellor, Pwani University, who will provide us with a venue at the insititution's Library with computers for use during the trainning.
We have also mapped out a target club in the institution under the leadership of the chief Librarian that we will be keen on leveraging on for easier management and follow up even post the trainning.
[edit]- Winnie Kabintie
- Faith Mwanyolo
- Carol Mwaura
- Abdullahi Abdi
- Sean Obell
- Antoni Mtavangu-Cofounder Wikimedia Tanzania/ Swahili Wikipedia Admin
- Ingo Koll-Cofounder Jenga Wikipedia ya Kiswahili User Group/Swahili Wikipedia Admin
What resources do you need? For your funding request, list bullet points for each expense:
- Accommodation 3 pax – 4000 PP per night on BB, total ksh24,000 (2 Nights)
- Team Meals and refreshments (3pax) – Lunch and Dinner (2 days) – Ksh 12,000
- Participant’s lunch – 15 pax (2 days) – total ksh12,000
- Tshirts 20 pc (Unit cost ksh 600) – ksh12,000
- Banner ksh10,000 (Design and printing)
- Social Media Campaign ksh20,000
- Data Support - ksh10,000
- Local transportation that covers airport transfers in Kilifi (Car Hire/fuel and driver inclusive) – ksh15,000
- 3pax travel from Nairobi to Malindi Airport (Return)- (12k pp) total ksh 36,000
- Nairobi Airport Tranfers (3pax/departure &Arrival) - Ksh 6,000
- Stationery – Ksh3000
- Online Tools to facilitate virtual training with Tanzania Facilitators that include webcams - 30,000
- Miscellaneous expenses that include bank charges, flight fare fluctuations – Ksh 26,500
- facilitation/Coordination & Documentation – Ksh 45,000
- Venue charges - Pwani University has agreed to provide a free venue for the trainning.
TOTAL KSH261,500 (USD 2,292)
[edit]- Cmwaura I endorse this project being done for the first time in Kenyan University in Swahili.
- FaithMwanyolo I endorse this project as it is a worthy cause and will greatly benefit Swahili Wikipedia.
Strong support Great work to be done. I support these efforts! Magotech (talk) 22:17, 22 February 2022 (UTC)