Grants:Project/Rapid/Evolution and evolvability/International Digital Curation Conference 2019
Please see the sample Travel application before drafting your application.
Project Goal
[edit]Choose one or more of the following goals. You can add or delete goals as needed.
- Train new editors on the capabilities of Wikimedia projects
- Increase awareness of Wikimedia projects within archivist, librarian and academic community
Project Plan
[edit]Tell us how you'll carry out your project. Be sure to answer the following questions:
1. What is the purpose of the event you're attending and why is it important that you attend?
The International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC) is the largest digital data management conference with a bread interdisciplinary reach. It covers both policy and practice, with this year's focus as "collaborations and partnerships in the field of digital curation and preservation"
2. Will you be presenting at the event?
I will be giving two presentations at the event, both on Wikimedia topics and tailored towards the archivist, curator, librarian and academic audience (program).
- Interactive, live demonstration of both Wikipedia and WikiData editing, tailored to audience
- Presentation about WikiMedia platforms and their use for outreach purposes (WikiJournals, Wikimedia Commons, Wikipedia, WikiData)
3. What kind of outreach activity do you plan to do? Outreach via presentations listed in section 2 and network contacts in section 5.
4. How will you let other participants know about your outreach activity?
- Attendees notified via the conference program
- Attendance will be advertised via WikiMedia Australia, WikiJournal twitter accounts, and Wikimedia+libraries facebook group (will also request of other wikimedia-affiliated soc media accounts)
5. Do you have a specific networking plan? (e.g. specific people, organizations, groups you would like to develop partnerships with)
There are several groups in attendance that I will be specifically targeting for networking, especially in terms of forwarding WikiData as a unified metaknowledgebase and releasing archive material to Commons:
- Executive Director, Coalition for Networked Information
- Director, National Library of Medicine
- Director, Digital Curation Centre
- Director of Digital Preservation, MIT Libraries
- Director Scholarly Services and University Librarian, University of Melbourne
6. What is your plan to follow-up with new contacts?
- Both slides and demonstration material will be made publicly available
- Interested contacts will be pointed to also join their national WikiMedia chapter to facilitate local collaboration (espec. WikiMedia Australia)
- Librarian and archivist collaborations will be fostered via GLAM
- Academic collaborations will be fostered through the WikiJournals
- Providing my email address as a contact and to assist in mediating further collaborations
[edit]How will you know if the project is successful and you've met your goals? Please include the following targets as applicable:
- Number of presentation attendees: 1
- Number of new potential partners: Focus on 10-20 individuals via presentation and demos, focus on 3-6 large institutions via networking
- Number of outreach activity participants: 300-500
- Number of new editors: ---
- Number of of articles created or improved: ----
[edit]What resources do you have? Include in-kind donations or additional funding.
What resources do you need? For your funding request, list bullet points for each expense and include a total amount.
- registration costs = US$585
- I will cover my own local travel
[edit]Community members are encouraged to endorse your project request here!
- Thomas is an experienced and skilled advocate for the use of Wikipedia in the research context. PlumpesDenken (talk) 06:06, 16 January 2019 (UTC)
- I support Thomas Shafee's project because the momentum for - and desirability of - Wiki work can only be built with increased awareness by senior leaders information management and scholarly organisations and the skilling up of editors. There needs to be as much top-down prioritisation and understanding of the work as grassroots skill and passion to contribute and participate. Tseenster (talk) 06:24, 16 January 2019 (UTC)
- Excellent opportunity to communicate Wiki opportunities to others and establish connections. Zeromonk (talk) 08:10, 16 January 2019 (UTC)
- As a knowledgeable and passionate advocate and leader in the WikiJournals project, I endorse Thomas' participation in this conference. Smvital (talk) 10:40, 16 January 2019 (UTC)
- I support Thomas' project because I know he is a knowledgeable, passionate and skilled advocate and leader of the use of Wikipedia in a research context and I think more people in information management, scholarly communication and cultural heritage organisations should have the opportunity to hear and learn from him. Clareifications (talk) 01:34, 18 January 2019 (UTC)
- I endorse Thomas' project, as he is a highly skilled and experienced communicator of information about the importance of Wikipedia in the research environment. This conference will attract key leaders in scholarly publishing, information and knowledge management, and the archival community. I trust that Thomas will actively communicate the Wiki mission to these stakeholders, which will be pivotal for getting buy-in and advocating for the Wiki community. Gixibyte (talk)
- Thomas has the knowledge and enthusiasm to connect the right people with the mission of Wikimedia. This is exactly the kind of event, and these are the kind of people, that Wikimedia should be connecting with, and Thomas will be an excellent ambassador. Loztron (talk) 01:31, 27 January 2019 (UTC)