Grants:Project/Rapid/Editatona Mujeres latinoamericanas 2017/Report
- Report accepted
- To read the approved grant submission describing the plan for this project, please visit Grants:Project/Rapid/Editatona Mujeres latinoamericanas 2017.
- You may still comment on this report on its discussion page, or visit the discussion page to read the discussion about this report.
- You are welcome to Email rapidgrants at wikimedia dot org at any time if you have questions or concerns about this report.
[edit]Did you meet your goals? Are you happy with how the project went?
We are very satisfied with the activity and we hope that some of the new users will continue collaborating. The main goal of this editathon was to encourage more women collaborators to create and increase the number of articles on Wikipedia in Spanish and to increase the presence of Latin American women in Wikipedia. We were supposed to create biographies of Latin American women but some participants decided to create biographies of women of other nationalities. Of course we support them, because we are interested in Latin American women editing about what they want. There have been changes on the original plan, as different needs emerged in practice. The editathon was supposed to consist of two days working but we decided to do it one day more because the women were very interested and it was difficult for them to do it alone. You can see the schedule here. We had a list of 20 articles to be created but they created more articles.
[edit]Please report on your original project targets.
Target outcome | Achieved outcome | Explanation |
We expected 20 participants. | We received 22 participants. | Due to the big demand that we have in each editathon, we don't accept more than 20 participants. In our experience, each newbie can, hopefully, create one article during the editathon. Many newbies don't even create nothing. This time we received 22 participants but some of them never dared to edit and 18 were editing even if the dasboard says 15 (its wrong). |
We expected 20 new articles. | 30 new articles were created and 105 articles were improved. | We exceed our expectations regarding the quantity of new articles but we are frustrated with the use of the dashboard. |
We expected 10 new images | Even if the dashboard says 27, more than 30 images were uploaded. | We uploaded more images to Wikimedia Commons, than the number that appear in the dashboard. Participants still continue uploading. |
[edit]Projects do not always go according to plan. Sharing what you learned can help you and others plan similar projects in the future. Help the movement learn from your experience by answering the following questions:
- What worked well?
The participantes were so interested that we worked one more day. We created more articles that we had thought. We are still uploading photos. We worked on articles that were edited on Wikipedia and we created the entries on Wikidata. At the end, we did an evaluation of the articles created and the work. Most of the participants were very happy with the work. The atmosphere was warm and collaborative. None of the articles was deleted.
- What did not work so well?
They brought their own laptops but in some cases they had to share computers because those that had brought cell phones or tablets could not work properly. The software was not very kind for tablets and cell phones. We also faced some difficulties with the browser, because Mozilla Firefox didn't showed the buttons. We also had problems with a bot that reverted new users's editions despite there were good.
The Dashboard was a nightmare. It was our first time using it. When I entered my Dashboard I saw this:

But when the participants, new editors ,tried to choose Editatona Mujeres latinoamericanas V 2018 they could not see it. Instead, they saw the campaign Mujeres latinoamericanas en Wikimedia. I could see my program page, Editatona Mujeres latinoamericanas V 2018, but new editors that tried to enroll cannot find it and cannot enrol. There was no search button to find the program, if they went to the general list of campaigns it did not appear and in the programs either. Those who had Windows click control F and the name of the editathon but the result was 0 coincidence. If I entered the program it existed but there was no way to add more participants. You can see in the photo that I am inside Editors but there is no bottom that allows me to add participants.

And when the participants entered and tried to find the program to register they find that it does not exist. I wanted to Create a Program within the Campaign in order to track separately each event, but I could not.
I edit the Details section of the Program Editatona Mujeres latinoamericanas V 2018, then I click the "+" button for Campaigns, and I look for the Mujeres latinoamericanas en Wikimedia from the list but it did not existed. The only way that I could enter to the editathon was with the url. Some participants were trying during the three days to enroll, but, even after three days working, when I gave to one of the editors the exact url address of the course, she tried to register and she couldn't. The message that she received was that the registration failed:
«Este curso no ha sido aprobado para la inscripción». (This course has not been approved for registration).
The crazy thing is that some of the participant had already enrolled.

There were 18 users editing, however in the dashboard appear only 15 editors. Users uploaded images but in the course activity did not appeared in the dashboard. Tey took photos to upload to Wikimedia Commons. We uploaded more images to commons but it appear only 27. We understand why so many editors don't want to use the dasboard.
If you see the dashboard today it looks like this:

- What would you do differently next time?
We need to learn well how to use the dashboard before using it in a editathon because we lost a lot of valuable time trying to use that tool, time that we would have needed to teach.
[edit]Grant funds spent
[edit]Please describe how much grant money you spent for approved expenses, and tell us what you spent it on.
- Transportation (tickets, trips, taxi, gasoline, tolls, buses) = $503
- Hotel = $672
- Food and beverages = $439
- Child care = $205
- Logo, print and banner design= $87
Total amount = $1906
Remaining funds
[edit]Do you have any remaining grant funds?
We have 1.246 pesos argentinos that we did not use. Remember that the dollar increases every day in my country so now they are less dollars. We are going to do an editathon on March for Art + Feminism. We can use that money there for the food.
Unspent funds
[edit]- Ink Cartridge black and wite $725 pesos argentinos
- Ink Cartridge clulour $895 pesos argentinos
- Total amount $1620 pesos argentinos
Anything else
[edit]Anything else you want to share about your project?
We wanted to do a tutorial but we couldn't. We hope to do it next time.