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Grants:Project/Rapid/Bridges2Information/Wikipedia & Academic Libraries Edited OA Book

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Bridges2Information/Wikipedia & Academic Libraries Edited OA Book
This edited volume will be a collection of approximately 20 chapters about Wikimedia projects and academic libraries, authored by academic library workers, Library and Information Science (LIS) faculty, disciplinary faculty, and Wikipedians in Residence.
targetThe finished book will be in English (in print and online). The online version will be Open Access and hosted by Maize Books (Michigan Publishing). Authors have the option of depositing chapter translations, in any language, in the online version. Our hope is that this book will impact librarians around the world.
start dateOctober 1
end dateJune 1
budget (local currency)$2,000
budget (USD)$2,000
grant typeIndividual
contact(s)• Laurie.Bridges(_AT_)oregonstate.edu

Review your report

Project Goal


Briefly explain what are you trying to accomplish with this project, or what do you expect will change as a result of this grant. Example goals include, "recruit new editors", "add high quality content", or "train existing editors on a specific skill".

Offline promotion of Wikimedia project(s)/campaign(s) to academic librarians
Stengthen the community of academic librarians working with Wikimedia projects
Increase current volunteer motivation and commitment
Recruit librarians to the Wikimedia movement
Increase the number of OA publications related to librarianship, education, and Wikimedia projects
Share best practices for teaching and working with Wikimedia projects

Project Plan




Tell us how you'll carry out your project. What will you and other organizers spend your time doing?

The co-editors of this book, Laurie Bridges, Ray Pun, and Roberto Arteaga, have already completed the following activities:
  • Secured a contract with an OA publisher, Maize Books, for a 20-chapter book.
  • Advertised a Call for Proposals through social media, listservs, and professional organizations.
  • As a result of the Call for Proposals we received 60 chapter proposals. We have selected approximately 20 for the book; authors are from Brazil, Canada, Hong Kong, Ireland, Kyrgyzstan, Mexico, Netherlands, Nigeria, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Authors and tentative tiles include:
  • Why Wikipedia works: A case study on using the online platform in an upper-level anthropology course by Jessica Lott and Jennifer Sullivan
  • Hong Kong Literary Landscapes: A Wikimedia for literary reading and writing by Leo Ma and Sam Mak
  • Academic libraries partnering with Wikimedia projects: Values and benefits by Adaora Obuezie and Millie Horsfall
  • Do Black Wikipedians Matter?: Confronting the whiteness in Wikipedia with archives and libraries by Kai Alexis Smith and Kelly Foster
  • Learning design to embed digital citizenship skills in the undergraduate classroom: A collaboration among instructor, library, and Wikipedia by Crystal Fulton, Marta Bustillo, Rebecca O’Neill
  • Exploring the why: A practical guide for implementing a Wikipedian in Residence Program by Erin O'Neil and Sarah Severson
  • OCR we there yet? The National Library of Scotland’s project to upload and transcribe 3,000 Scottish chapbooks during the Covid-19 crisis by Gavin Willshaw
  • Crowdsourcing and collaboration from coast to coast: NNLM’s #CiteNLM Wikipedia edit-a-thons by Kelsey Cowles, Liz Waltman, Margie Sheppard, Tess Wilson, Aimee Gogan, and Amanda J. Wilson
  • Structuring bibliographic references: Taking the Journal Anais do Museu Paulista to Wikidata by João Alexandre Peschanski, Éder Porto Ferreira Alves, Paul R. Burley
  • Bibliowikis: the volunteer-driven, Catalan case study of libraries as hotspots for new Wikipedians and high quality sources by Carme Fenoll i Clarabuch, Vicenç Allué Blanch, Amparo Pons Cortell, F. Xavier Dengra i Grau, and Francesc Fort Silvestre
The three co-editors will complete the following activities before December, 2020:
  • Communicate with authors, recruit and coordinate peer-reviewers, and edit chapters.
  • Submit final drafts of chapters to Maize Books.
Maize Books will do the following:
  • Copy editing
  • Typesetting
  • Indexing
  • Promotions
  • Hosting the online book
  • Sales and distribution of the print book

How will you let others in your community know about your project (please provide links to where relevant communities have been notified of your proposal, and to any other relevant community discussions)? Why are you targeting a specific audience?

The book will be available online and in print.
Maize Books will promote the book through their publishing channels.
The three co-editors will promote the book in social media, listservs, and through professional organizations.
The co-editors will give presentations (through conferences and other professional activities) that highlight the importance of OA projects (like this one) and Wikipedia.
It is assumed that chapter authors will promote their chapters and therefore, the book.

What will you have done at the end of your project? How will you follow-up with people that are involved with your project?

Short term:
Publish a 20 chapter OA book online with Maize Books.
Publish and distribute print books at cost through Maize Books to libraries and the general public.
Long term:
We will continue communication with chapter authors, after the book is published, to let them know about any positive reviews, awards, speaking opportunities, etc.



How will you know if the project is successful and you've met your goals? Please include the following targets and feel free to add more specific to your project:

Short Term
  1. Publish 20 chapter OA (CC BY) book.
Long Term
  1. Altmetrics for the online publication and sales information about the print version.
  2. Citations to book chapters.



What resources do you have? Include information on who is the organizing the project, what they will do, and if you will receive support from anywhere else (in-kind donations or additional funding).

The three editors are donating their time to coordinate all activities related to editing and publishing this book.
Authors will donate their time to research and write book chapters.
Peer reviewers will donate their time.
We have applied for other grants for the remaining funds (Oregon State University Libraries and Press Lundeen Grant and The Awesome Foundation) and will also use professional development funds from our universities.

What resources do you need? For your funding request, list bullet points for each expense:

  • We are seeking a $2,000 Rapid Grant - partial funding of an estimated $4,500 for Maize Books publishing costs. All funders of the book will be acknowledged in the front matter of the book.


  1. Support Support Great project, with wide range of countries and experiences! Ederporto (talk) 06:19, 7 July 2020 (UTC)
  2. Support Support An appropriate budget request that relies in reasonable, different revenue sources. It is highly needed to academically review one of the most successful milestones of the Wikimedia movement. Besides, in agreement with the first comment, it is very posirive and reasonable that the book will represent the geographical diversity and different strategies to tackle libraries and Wikipedia. You have my full endorsement, good luck with it! —Xavi Dengra (MESSAGES) 08:20, 7 July 2020 (UTC)
  3. Support Support --Joalpe (talk) 13:08, 7 July 2020 (UTC). Documenting case studies is a priority in Wikimedia outreach. In this project, case studies are being curated by an experienced group of Wikimedia librarians, who have diligently chosen chapter proposals from diverse origins, gathering authors from a variety of backgrounds (Wikimedians, librarians, researchers, programmers). Budget is very reasonable, and this RG covers only of a part of what is necessary to print the book. Editors and authors are contributing volunteer time to this endeavor, as none will receive any direct compensation for their time. All chapters will be published under a CC-BY license, which is compatible with Wikimedia practices.
  4. Support Support --The mission of this project benefits knowledge of the Wikimedia Movement and the expertise involved in the project helps ensure professionalism in its plan. A reasonable budget for an effort projected with such lasting impact. The involvement of experienced librarian Wikipedians is another strong added bonus to it's very promising dimensions. Shanluan (talk) 15:30, 7 July 2020 (UTC)
  5. Strong support Strong support This project is unique and refreshing. We need such types of projects to improve the reach the reach of Wikimedia especially importance of libraries and their connection to Wikimedia with campaigns like #1Lib#1Ref by the Wikipedia Library Program. Reading global perspectives of librarians around the world is sure to inspire the masses. It will be interesting to know how communities connect and share their stories. Looking forward to see this project develop. A wonderful initiative with GREAT potential. Excited! Wikilover90 (talk) 22:13, 7 July 2020 (UTC)
  6. Support Support - This is money incredibly well spent as the resulting text will be CC-BY and freely distributable. We should be supporting the documentation of our own community and case studies like this for more people to read, and the list of contributors reflects diverse geography and background. If we want to be free of the yoke of academic publishers and the high prices they charge for these types of writings, we need to be funding projects like this. The proposer, Laurie Bridges, is a respected academic librarian who I first met when I was doing a Wikidata workshop at IFLA World Library and Information Congress in Malaysia in 2018, and she has been a staunch advocate for the Wikimedia movement. She has been a vocal advocate for more Wikimedia presence in the academic space, using it in the classroom and sharing experiences with the Wikimedia community. The only downside is that rapid grants are limited to $2,000 as we should be funding this even more. -- Fuzheado (talk) 15:15, 8 July 2020 (UTC)
  7. Support Support - Amazing project with a justified budget. Laurie is known to always deliever suitabely. Kaizenify (talk) 01:57, 9 July 2020 (UTC)
  8. Support Support - Look forward to see it tagged for translation on-wiki, to expand its outreach potential and gain readers. --Omotecho (talk) 16:43, 11 July 2020 (UTC)
  9. Support Support Encouraging more international collaborations between libraries and Wikimedia projects is a good idea, and supporting open licensing for a book like this makes sense. --LiAnna (Wiki Ed) (talk) 17:15, 13 July 2020 (UTC)
  10. Support Support - This is a great project that worths every support. The activities of the collaboration between libraries and Wikipedia would be discussed, bringing the worth and benefits of Wikimedia free education resources to the awareness of the globe. Obuezie (talk) 11:27, 22 July 2020 (UTC)