Grants:Project/Orgio89/Offline Wikipedia outreach in Mongolia/Final
This project is funded by a Project Grant
proposal | people | timeline & progress | finances | midpoint report | final report |
- Report accepted
- To read the approved grant submission describing the plan for this project, please visit Grants:Project/Orgio89/Offline Wikipedia outreach in Mongolia.
- You may still review or add to the discussion about this report on its talk page.
- You are welcome to email projectgrants at any time if you have questions or concerns about this report.
Welcome to this project's final report! This report shares the outcomes, impact and learnings from the grantee's project.
Part 1: The Project
[edit]In a few short sentences, give the main highlights of what happened with your project. Please include a few key outcomes or learnings from your project in bullet points, for readers who may not make it all the way through your report.
The project developed materials are well outreached the local educational community. The project outcomes are well accepted with the Mongolian Ministry of Education and they issued their supporting letter that our further project expansion and Wikipedia DVDs distribution is inline with their policies. Our project researcher's diversified study got recognized and ranked very well with the local Teacher Research competition during 2017. Through the project research process we have developed fresh Wikipedia educational process design that we hope Wikipedia researchers and educational researchers of other communities might get certain research and development ideas. During the project implementation we have collected important English teaching current trends in Mongolia that our generated resource can be shared well with local and other English teaching communities through newer text book and other ways which the next sections will explain.
Methods and activities
[edit]What did you do in project?
Please list and describe the activities you've undertaken during this grant. Since you already told us about the setup and first 3 months of activities in your midpoint report, feel free to link back to those sections to give your readers the background, rather than repeating yourself here, and mostly focus on what's happened since your midpoint report in this section.
The project is intended to develop Wikipedia environment based educational improvement process design through following steps of activities:
- The project team has distributed 1240 Wikipedia dvd's to 10 public schools and to 11 public libraries.
- The project has taught Wikipedia based English classes through 9th to 12th grades of those 10 schools to experiment and
determine the linkage possibilities of educational features of Wikipedia and real educational process.
- The project has taken questionnaire from 10 schools to determine real current situation in relation to project intentions.
- And distributed 1400 Wikipedia editing userguides to each of 10 schools, total 14 000 pieces. Taught Wikipedia editing classes to schools students and provided suggestions to teachers to use the guidebooks for expanding their teaching.
- The project intended to associate local small wikipedia and its expansion needs with local educational necessities and to drive the process for counter developing one another. As for pilot project level the project process has gone well that both schools and libraries accepted the Wikipedia DVD very well. The team developed English lessons for 9 through 12th grades and schools English teachers prepared through our lesson plans and taught those lessons.
- Through our project study the current Mongolian secondary educational phase and possible Wikipedia educational usage tendency has numerous positive outcomes or expectations and requiring further development works:
- Both educators and students are very interested in using Wikipedia for their studying process;
- The local Ministry of Education and their policy is postively considers Wikipedia as education friendly source;
- The general public very positively regard Wikipedia as a knowledge source although only highly educated social groups recognize in such way and
well informed other smaller types of groups recognize as well; in total around 20% of population.
Further development requiring works:
- For local English teaching process using Wikipedia materials requires further processing of words and terminations in the materials that they need to be more easily understood by students;
- More offline Wikipedia outreach attempts through schools and public libraries is required;
- For non internet accessed environment current offline Wikipedia solutions are based on personal computer and smartphone but for regular educational process most Wikipedia materials needed to be distributed through paper version and further ideal integrative solutions development is required. And the pilot project has attempted to solve it through given timeframe. And some schools highly restricted smartphone usage in school zone although if teaching process requires to use it then phones usage can be allowed.
Outcomes and impact
[edit]What are the results of your project?
Please discuss the outcomes of your experiments or pilot, telling us what you created or changed (organized, built, grew, etc) as a result of your project.
- 10 public schools and 11 libraries were provided by 1240 offline Wikipedia DVDs;
- The project researchers has developed first of its kind of English lessons that involved Wikipedia elements involved for grades 8-12th.
- The initial Wikipedia associated english classes at public schools were successfully taught and well accepted by teachers and students of 10 public schools. And the project team has collected crucial study process experiment datas.
- The project pilot phase has developed initial version of Wikipedia environment based educational improvement process but it will be fully developed at second stage of this project.
- During the project the volunteers and staffs added 198 articles into the local Wikipedia.
- From 10 public schools total 3294 students were responded to our questionnaire and the key statistics are:
* English (86%), Mathematics (56%), Social study (45.9%), Mongolian language (40.8%) ranked as key classes with local students; * 61% considered study condition and 51% considered teachers skill as their successful study factors; * 62% of low income district and 83% of medium income district students have home computers but this number is certainly exxaggerated little bit and this number needed to be compared with other sources; * Students preffered study means were 1. Computer (62%), 2. Books (58%), 3. Online (45%), 4. Smartphone and tablet applications (36%) * Students online time spending categories: a. 1-5% of period used for Wikipedia, b. 30-40% of period used for Facebook, c. 10-20% of period used for chatting services.
- The project team has developed full project report and recommendation and submitted it to the Ministry of Education.
- Our project researcher who is full time English teacher Khandjav Terbish successfully adopted our project outcomes and used many of our project results and conclusions and she has developed her own English learning method study and participated "Teachers Research competition of 2017" that organized by the Ulaanbaatar city Educational Agency. And her research which in a way our diversified research was ranked 2nd place in district level and 8th place in the city level during November 2017. Her research title is "The usage possiblity of Wikipedia encyclopedia for English teaching".
Local Wikipedia usage increase
[edit]Through our project we instructed 10 public schools English teachers to use our distributed DVDs and user guides to expand their teaching resources hence during the new school year period of September and October 2017 the local Wikipedia view counts spiked over 20% compare to previous years count:
- During September 2017 Mongolia's Wikipedia view count was 2.9 million and 6 views per user but 2016 same period numbers were total 2.4 million views and 5 views per user. (20% increase of total views) (but September 2018 total views were only 3.1 million views which is only less than 10% increase)
- During October 2017 Mongolia's Wikipedia view count was 3.5 million and 7 views per user but 2016 same period numbers were total 2.9 million views and 5 views per user. (20% increase of total views)
The Wikipedia educational process design
[edit]The project activities logical mapping shows detailed activities and their successive stages and interaction and thus shows possible future development. And this mapping actually shows certain succeeded operational process design in expanded way according to our project outcomes.
Step 1:
Through Wikipedia users and editors experiences wikipedia information gathered for project use. And from opposite side
the more closer chosen local English educational program resources collected for project resource integration.
Step 2: Merged both resources of Wikipedia and English: a.Identified problems and opportunities, b. developed operations methods, c. developed strategies.
Step 3: The project activities and methods got implemented.
Step 4: The project activities and methods implementation impacting to wider educational community and environment and thus collecting of conclusions and outcomes through Step 5.
Step Z: This evolved into the next figure of Wikipedia and local educational resource interaction and co-development structure or process design according to our project activities and according to our key goal. But this process design is early version due to limited resources of pilot stage project. Only one setting of english classes being taught to schools for brief period and gathred research data. And the project need to conduct more experimental classes with multiple settings with more researchers manpower to develope more clear fuller research outcome. As both Wikipedia development and local Mongolian educational development going on faster so this project operation able to develop more full version of process design through project renewal stage.
![The wikipedia and educational counter development process design](
This structure show more formulated version of above extended version of process design. At the development stage which is the End stage 1 both resources interacted and merged with their possible elements so Wikipedia development can reflect more educational values thus impacting back to general educational processes. At End stage 2 the sharing and distribution occurs with wider educational communities. At End stage 3 the wider communities will impact back through correcting and modifying of the Wikipedia and educational interaction process. Because the local Wikipedia development is needed to adopt local educational process structures it should turn into same or closer structural design as educational structure hence it can absorb the needed elements from the local educational trends and can be able to react and exchange effective elements with the local educational structure.
And there are certain Wikipedia and educational information development wider areas needed to be studied to develop a full version of process design.
Progress towards stated goals
[edit]Please use the below table to:
- List each of your original measures of success (your targets) from your project plan.
- List the actual outcome that was achieved.
- Explain how your outcome compares with the original target. Did you reach your targets? Why or why not?
Planned measure of success (include numeric target, if applicable) |
Actual result | Explanation |
To develop Wikipedia environment based educational improvement process design. |
The initial version of Wikipedia environment based educational improvement process design is developed through project research datas. Please see The Wikipedia educational process design section. |
Because the project setting was in pilot level with limited resources, limited manpower and shorter time the process design development and research unexpectedly extended. But we developed early version of good process design that might take certain educational researchers interests.
The local schools will begin to use Wikipedia as their curriculum enrichment source. |
The 10 schools who recieved Wikipedia DVDs were fully satisfied with our version of DVDs. |
Especially Offline Wikipedia contents were selected specifically for students curricullum and general interest areas.
The local Wikipedia will increase by 10% in size |
The local Wikipedia volume increased by 2.8% with sole project contents but from general public it increased around by 3% separately. |
Initially our project has planned to organize students to learn the editing process and add the articles but schools teaching process and their curriculum schedule was not flexible enough hence the project volunteers worked on 460 new articles and added it locally.
1400 new active Wikipedia editors will be added. |
This goal has fullfilled indirectly through distruted DVDs and materials. |
The project has provided 1240 Wikipedia dvd's, 14 000 wikipedia editing guidebooks to 10 schools and 11 libraries plus taught Wikipedia classes to schools students. Which signifacantly familiriased the Wikipedia potential with local youth and students.
Will provide good development alternative solution for WMF for their efforts of developing small Wikipedias. |
This was first kind of pilot project that attempted linking the Wikipedia development through the educational development process and has achieved significant notifications among the local educaitonal experts. Which its diversified version was ranked 8th place in city educational research contest. |
As a pilot project most of project operations were new to local educational community and yet was accepted very positively.
Think back to your overall project goals. Do you feel you achieved your goals? Why or why not?
Global Metrics
[edit]We are trying to understand the overall outcomes of the work being funded across all grantees. In addition to the measures of success for your specific program (in above section), please use the table below to let us know how your project contributed to the "Global Metrics." We know that not all projects will have results for each type of metric, so feel free to put "0" as often as necessary.
- Next to each metric, list the actual numerical outcome achieved through this project.
- Where necessary, explain the context behind your outcome. For example, if you were funded for a research project which resulted in 0 new images, your explanation might be "This project focused solely on participation and articles written/improved, the goal was not to collect images."
For more information and a sample, see Global Metrics.
Metric | Achieved outcome | Explanation |
1. Number of active editors involved | 10 people added 198 articles | Through our project user guides certain undetermined numbers of editors added articles. |
2. Number of new editors | 8 project volunteers and 2 active editors worked. | The volunteers prepared articles and 2 editors added the articles. |
3. Number of individuals involved | 10 public schools and 11 public libraries got the project DVD's and user guides. | Over 10 000 of students heard and involved with our project operation. |
4. Number of new images/media added to Wikimedia articles/pages | Articles = 198pcs, Images = 10, Video = 1 | Please see Project resource section. |
5. Number of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects | ||
6. Absolute value of bytes added to or deleted from Wikimedia projects |
- Learning question
- Did your work increase the motivation of contributors, and how do you know?
Indicators of impact
[edit]Do you see any indication that your project has had impact towards Wikimedia's strategic priorities? We've provided 3 options below for the strategic priorities that Project Grants are mostly likely to impact. Select one or more that you think are relevant and share any measures of success you have that point to this impact. You might also consider any other kinds of impact you had not anticipated when you planned this project.
Option A: How did you increase participation in one or more Wikimedia projects?
Option B: How did you improve quality on one or more Wikimedia projects?
Option C: How did you increase the reach (readership) of one or more Wikimedia projects?
- The project has locally increased the Wikipedia presence through offline ways with 10 public schools and 11 public libraries by distributing digital media and printed materials. Which this step has important long term effect for potential wikipedia users and editors increasing and for their development. Plus the distribution of 14 000 wikipedia editing guidebooks to 10 schools have increased various class development options with the teachers.
- The project has acted as first dedicated project that revealed the Wikipedia potentials as an educational resource to local educators and Ministry of education. The project outcomes have attracted and local educational experts as first ever attempt to involve Wikipedia as English language teaching resource.
- Our distributed offline Wikipedia 200 dvd's have significantly improved Wikipedia readership through all district and city central public libraries.
Local media coverage
[edit]At this local news site our project article got published. And our project news interview was published with "The Government News" newspaper May 16 2018 edition.
Project resources
[edit]Please provide links to all public, online documents and other artifacts that you created during the course of this project. Examples include: meeting notes, participant lists, photos or graphics uploaded to Wikimedia Commons, template messages sent to participants, wiki pages, social media (Facebook groups, Twitter accounts), datasets, surveys, questionnaires, code repositories... If possible, include a brief summary with each link.
- Total 198 articles added from these 2 accounts:
- Media uploads: 11 images 1 video added
- Facebook: Project information uploads for local community from the NGO:
- Youtube account from the Progress gateway NGO that shares project information:
- In this Youtube account the wikipedia editing video guide uploaded and the url was shared at main user editing guide page in the local wikipedia.
[edit]The best thing about trying something new is that you learn from it. We want to follow in your footsteps and learn along with you, and we want to know that you took enough risks in your project to have learned something really interesting! Think about what recommendations you have for others who may follow in your footsteps, and use the below sections to describe what worked and what didn’t.
Among the most educators of Mongolia the Wikipedia is very well known and attracted their attention. They are willing to participate and organize any training or study activities involving the Wikipedia. But their current state of lacked local funding is made them just occasionally read the Wikipedia and suggest some related articles of Wikipedia to colleagues and students. For example when the project team first introduced the project to the prospective schools directors out of total 12 schools 2 directors rejected our project and 3 directors were not so sure about our project intention and rest of 7 were highly enthusiastic about our project. During the project process 2 school study managers were kind of not well cooperating with us but through the overall process they got their new study Wikipedia DVD's and got newer introduced Wikipedia related english classes through 9-12 grades.
Since there are too many smaller Wikipedias exist and our project was related with one of them and attempted to increase the outreach of Wikipedia through more educational approach and we have successfully initiated newer approach for this smaller branch Wikipedia issue.
- At local national level general educational support is lower than bigger Wikipedia countries. But the educators are highly aware of Wikipedia and they have higher interest to use or involve Wikipedia into their education.
- In most smaller Wikipedia countries it is usually press freedom is highly attacked and harassed by political and special interest groups. And Wikipedia as open knowledge source indirectly discouraged by higher local authorities. Yet as good educational source Wikipedia can play important educational tool to spread in that society and improve the public knowledge level.
What worked well
[edit]What did you try that was successful and you'd recommend others do? To help spread successful strategies so that they can be of use to others in the movement, rather than writing lots of text here, we'd like you to share your finding in the form of a link to a learning pattern.
- The 1240 pieces of Offline Wikipedia DVD launch was successfull and very well accepted by students and teachers;
- The project has well tapped into local educational networking process;
- Wikipedia based English lessons development for 9-12th grades and their teaching process has succeeded;
- The project research is on right track and well accepted by local educational experts;
- The project has added 198 articles into local Mongolian Wikipedia;
- The initial version of Wikipedia environment based educational improvement process design is developed;
What didn’t work
[edit]What did you try that you learned didn't work? What would you think about doing differently in the future? Please list these as short bullet points.
- The initial plan of adding 1400 new articles into local Wikipedia is achieved by 198 articles. Initially our project has planned to organize students to learn the editing process and add the articles but schools teaching process and their curriculum schedule was not flexible enough hence the project volunteers worked on 198 new articles and added it locally.
- Half of the Wikipedia DVD's were initially planned to include 4 million articles including offline Wikipedia version with Wikitaxi reader but certain technical challenges occurred and we changed that version by 40 000 articles with full graphics included Kiwix database version.
- Some of our questionnaire statistics needed to be compared with local district authorities annual statitistics and was not obtainable due to certain bureaucracy barriers.
Other recommendations
[edit]If you have additional recommendations or reflections that don’t fit into the above sections, please list them here.
- This as a pilot project has achieved important educational development step for local educational development and possibly for small wikipedia development general attempt and we recommend that the project need to continue for the next renewal stage to achieve more full educational impacts and results.
Next steps and opportunities
[edit]Are there opportunities for future growth of this project, or new areas you have uncovered in the course of this grant that could be fruitful for more exploration (either by yourself, or others)? What ideas or suggestions do you have for future projects based on the work you’ve completed? Please list these as short bullet points.
- Mongolia's educational system is transforming very fastly to adopt western educational standards. Hence free educational source Wikipedia is ideal resource for students and educators of Mongolia to learn English and to enrich their English learning atmosphere. This trend is pushed our project development trend into developing English learning textbook that based on Wikipedia processes. Translation, error finding, comparing texts these are all Wikipedia process elements that occurs in typical English learning process and here in Mongolia both students and teachers are very open minded to try all learning processes to improve their English learning methods. With possible future project renewal our project team will develop this text book in given time frame.
- The original Wikipedia Educational Process design is very important concept to improve small Wikipedias and for general Wikipedia development. And we believe that we are on the right path to develop multi level research based Process design with our current early version of Process design.
- Small Wikipedia's development project is very important online free encyclopedic information development that these kinds of projects will improve any future diversification improvements. And according to our project example we have introduced fresh educational development trend for local educational research and development trends.
Part 2: The Grant
[edit]Actual spending
[edit]Please copy and paste the completed table from your project finances page. Check that you’ve listed the actual expenditures compared with what was originally planned. If there are differences between the planned and actual use of funds, please use the column provided to explain them.
Budget final
[edit]Expense | Approved amount | Actual funds spent | Difference |
1.DVD duplication | $1,997 | $1,970 | $27 |
2.Education experts (3) | $1,200 | $1,200 | 0 |
3.Software expert | $500 | $292 | $208 |
4.Printing | $3,800 | $3,800 | 0 |
5.Communications | $50 | $34 | $16 |
6.Meeting | $80 | $66 | $14 |
7.Poster | $53 | $53 | 0 |
Total | $7,680 USD | $7,415 | $265 |
Remaining funds
[edit]Do you have any unspent funds from the grant?
Please answer yes or no. If yes, list the amount you did not use and explain why.
- From the initial project of $7,680; $7,415 is spent and $265 is remained which will be sent back to the WMF. The reasons are:
- Item 1: The DVD duplication service payment got $27 due to currency exchange differences.
- Item 3: the software expert payment some file processing job performance did not meet our requirement hence $208 is returning.
- Item 5: Some participant volunteers quit the project during the midways hence unspent amount of $16 is returning.
- Item 6: Unspent remaining amount from the meeting expenses of $14 is returning.
If you have unspent funds, they must be returned to WMF. Please see the instructions for returning unspent funds and indicate here if this is still in progress, or if this is already completed:
- The returning budget amount of $265 will be returned to WMF through further contacts. The project staff is currently in process of communicating with the WMF staff for this matter.
[edit]Did you send documentation of all expenses paid with grant funds to, according to the guidelines here?
Please answer yes or no. If no, include an explanation.
- Yes
Confirmation of project status
[edit]Did you comply with the requirements specified by WMF in the grant agreement?
Please answer yes or no.
- Yes
Is your project completed?
Please answer yes or no.
- Yes
Grantee reflection
[edit]We’d love to hear any thoughts you have on what this project has meant to you, or how the experience of being a grantee has gone overall. Is there something that surprised you, or that you particularly enjoyed, or that you’ll do differently going forward as a result of the Project Grant experience? Please share it here!
- This project was very important and productive project for development of local Wikipedia and for the development local educational trends that impacted with Wikipedia influences.