Grants:Project/Nattes à chat/Les sans pagEs/Timeline
This project is funded by a Project Grant
proposal | people | timeline & progress | finances | midpoint report | final report |
Timeline for Nattes à chat
[edit]Timeline | Date |
Blog website for les sans pagEs: | 5 July 2018 |
Launch effective in each location: Grenoble, Geneva, Nantes, Paris, Sion | 25 april 2018 |
one new location is added: Mediterranée with regular meetups organized in Marseille and Montpellier | june 2018 |
Monthly updates
[edit]Please prepare a brief project update each month, in a format of your choice, to share progress and learnings with the community along the way. Submit the link below as you complete each update.
All are events are tracked on the dashboard and most of them can be seen on the general campaign les sans pagEs:, apart from the group in Nantes and Grenoble who do not work with the dashboard. Some groups have active page on Wikipedia where the activity is documented regurlarly.
- Les sans pages general activity updates in French
- les AFFS (Nantes) has an active project project page listing their events here:éminisme_(Nantes)
- les sans pagEs Valais (Sion) :
- les sans pagEs Paris
- les sans pagEs Méditérranés
- In Grenoble we have participants to the local cabale de la Noix (Wikimedia France local group) and they do not have an active page listing their activities specifically for the gender gap.
All events are listed in the sans pages calendar here very regurlarly:, and we also try to put them on meta here: Events calendar
Therefore it was very hard to ask participantes to again fill out this page on meta in English again after asking them to fill out the francophone part. Therefore we will post the links to the dashboards instead of writing monthly reports.
January 2018
[edit]Link to event page We held our first meetup in the la Gaîté Lyrique public library, on the theme "Women in Sports" with a special focus on the 2018 Olympics. Our event had 25 in-person attendees, and together we created 19 articles, amounting to more than 271k words added on Wikipedia. These 19 articles included 7 articles by first-timers on Wikipedia. The event benificiated from a press coverage by Slate. One attendant decided to organize a Wikisource workshop before the next event in february, hosted by Wikimedia France.
We are planning to send representants to Montpellier in March, to support an university project that could turn into a recurrent les sans pagEs event later in 2018. We have requested one Wikimania grant: if denied, we would like to use our travel funds (as specified in the grant request) to pay for the representant's plane ticket as specified on the grant discussion page.
[edit]Project page Monday 22 january 2018 - Workshop#9 Preparing and planning the event La Folle Journée. 10 persons
Wenesday 10 january 2018 - Workshop#8 10 persons, for 5 persons it's their first workshop. and we had a call from then CNIL
[edit]Thursday, january 25 2018: Wikijeudis in Lestime
Proposition to work on :
- translation in English of Mouvement de libération des femmes (Suisse) (not done!)
- Elisabeth Thommen created from the DHS (swiss history dictionnary) done
- fr:Nedra Johnson translated from english to French - done
- Enciclopèdia del plaer, translated to catalan - done
Participants ***Makita Angela***, Aneses, Nattes à chat, DragonApil, one person who just wanted to take a look and understand Wikipedia better
[edit](to be translated) Wikipepermanence January 15 Link to project page
The meeting took place at the mediatheque of Sion
Participants : Magatim,Lezecoto, eauclerc, Huambo81 et Nattes à chat.
Created articles: Isabelle Darbellay-Métrailler, Marcelle Monnet-Terrettaz
We talked about the wikimedia grant and WIkiAlpenforum.
[edit]wikipermanence march 12 Link to project page Magatim, Lezecoto, Huambo81 et Capucine redaction about articles : Nathalie Luyet girardet, Marylène Volpi We talked about collaborating on the same subject in order to collaborate better
Other Activities
[edit]February 2018
[edit]We held our February meetup in the la Gaîté Lyrique public library, on the theme "Afrocyberfeminisms", which was the current exposition at the library. We counted Oulimata Gueye, the afrocyberfeminism exposition commissary, among us. The presentation of Wikipedia and its rule was done by Kvardek_du.
Our event had 26 in-person attendees and one remote contributor, and together we created 11 articles and edited 32 articles, amounting to more than 16.9k words added on Wikipedia. These 11 articles included 7 articles by first-timers on Wikipedia. In the morning, one attendant hosted a Wikisource event dedicated to books by women.
[edit]Jeudi 1er février-Dimanche 4 février 2018 - Evènement#1 - La Folle Journée
[edit]Festival de musique classique. Nous n'avons eu ni pass ni accréditation presse ce qui nous a fotemement compliqué la tâche.
Mercredi 7 févier 2018 - Atelier#10
[edit]La production de contenu liée à La Folle Journée :
15 articles créés 3 en cours d'écriture 8 articles améliorés 3 articles encore à créer (dont un celui de Denisa Kerschova)
La liste et le détail des articles
Jeudi 15 février-Dimanche 18 février 2018 - Evènement#2 - Festival Atlantide
[edit]Festival de littérature accueillant et chaleureux où nous sommes bienvenues.
Lundi 19 février 2018 - Atelier#11
[edit]Le bilan du festival Atlantide :
19 portraits ont été réalisés au Lieu Unique soit 18 auteures + une journaliste. 3 articles créés Fanny Chartres, Emmanuelle Favier, Lucy Mushita) 6 articles modifiés (Marion Achard, Oriane Lassus, Kim Thúy, Julia Wauters, Kaoutar Harchi, Chinelo Okparanta, Julia Wauters) Tous les articles
Un article publié en allemand Sandy Hill (alpiniste) (de) 7 personnes, beaucoup d'échanges sur les projets à venir
[edit]- Meetup at Lestime on 22 February 2018, link to project page. 3 participants, we explained Wikipedia to a newcomer who was more intterested in knowing how to use wikipedia than to contribute
March 2018
[edit]March is always a busy month for women-oriented projects. On March 8th, we organised an edit-a-thon at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris. We had 254 attendees, who created 110 articles in 5 languages, and added a total of 388k words in the span of four hours. This wwas by far our largest event, and it was very successful: we are planning to hold it again on International Women's Day in 2019. We had the support of Wikimedia France, the Swedish, Canadian, European union, Icelandic and Ukrainian Embassies to UNESCO, UNESCO itself, INA, and the Chanel Foundation.
On March 17th, we had one Parisian organiser go to Montpellier for a local edit-a-thon that wasn't part of the usual les sans pagEs groups. This workshop had 23 participants and may be the beginning of a real local group in Montpellier next year.
On March 24th, we hosted the usual workshop at the Gaité Lyrique with the theme Biologists and Ecologists. It was smaller than usual at 19 contributors, as our communication efforts had focused on the UNESCO event instead of that one, but the results were impressive with 17 new articles and 35 edited articles, amounting to 15.7k words added to Wikimedia projects. We were happy to welcome attendees who returned after coming to the January or February event, and had 12 newcomers who created their account on the spot.
[edit]Mondaz 19th March 2018 - Workshop#12
[edit]First workshop in Mediagraph, an office better located, warmer and welcoming. 12 people , 4 of them were new participants.
Mercredi 7 mars 2018 - Média et Wikipedia - Présence des femmes
[edit]Table ronde organisé dans le cadre des journées du 8 mars. Il s'agissait de faire le parallèle entre les médias en France et Wikipedia francophone.> 30 personnes présentes
Reportage audio sur Prun radio
[edit]- Meetup at Lestime . A person who participated to the Art+Feminism, Galahm, event joined the meetup. She wants to create Art+Feminism session in the Dominican Republic so she needs to learn how to contribute.
Sion, 12 March 2018
[edit]A meetup was held in Sion. Report
Groupe Valais Les Sans PagEs
April 2018
[edit]Paris, 28 April 2018
[edit]- Gaité Lyrique, Voix de femmes 28 April 2018April was a lighter month after the March craze, always induced by the International Women's Day.
On April 28th, we hosted the usual Wikipedia event at the Gaité Lyrique on the theme of Women in Music, Dashboard 6 articles created, 42K bytes added, 17 editors,
- Wikisources Autrices 28 April 2018
In the morning, a contributor, FreeCorp, organized a Wikisource event at the Wikimedia France office. The dashboard for this wikisource event did not track activity, it was used solely for registration, but it was the first go for this type of wikisource event.
Grenoble, 25 April 2018
[edit]On April 25th we hosted a full-day edit-a-thon in La Casemate on the theme Women and Science. Around 10 participants wrote good quality contributions about women scientists.
Dashboard visible here. Project page 2 created articles, 9 editors, 9,25K bytes added
Berlin, 18 to 22 April 2018
[edit]Nattes à chat went to the Wikimedia conference in Berlin with the Wikiwomen user group. A report was made in French here for the sans pagEs community.
Nantes, 21 April 2018
[edit]- Wikisource workshop on 21 April 2018
- Debate at West Media Lab on the 18 April 2018 press article here with a participant from les Ateliers Femmes et Féminisme
- Workshop on 11 April 2018 report here (in French)
Sion, 9 avril 2018
[edit]- Monthly meetup in St Maurice. An introduction to Wikidata was given by Nattes à Chat in order to use with infoboxes. Report here
Médiathèque Sion
Asperges du Valais
Les sans pagEs Valais 9 avril 2018
[edit]Session at Lestime on 26 April 2018
May 2018
[edit]Following the meeting of Anthere, Sophiedidacressources and Nattes à chat in Salon de Provence in Opération Libre Les Canourgues., Sophiedidacressources created the project page Les sans pagEs Méditerranée, with the idea of forming a group working on the gender gap in the mediteranean area, wihich will reunite many countries, culture and languages.
[edit]r: Editathon about poetess in a park 21st May ]].
[edit]Session at Lestime on 31 May 2018. Few persons come to these events held in an association which does not accept men on its premisces. An exeption was asked but the comittee of Lestime agreed to an exeption every three months which is not enough for a regular practice. Discussion to replace the meetup by an online event to be more inclusive and allow distant participation were made.
[edit]Preliminary talks and Preparation of a WikiAlpenForum event as Wallis is a francophone and germanophone canton in the Alps. The theme of witches and healing with plants could be introduced in WAF. Discussion had been started with Diane Ranville, the Wikimedia France referent in Grenoble in december to have themes around the lives of women in the Alps. An introduction to the dashboard was given, to track contribution during an event. We created a dashboard and registered to a WAF event in Bern. Report is here
[edit]Ateliers Femmes et Féminismes 16th May 2018.
Other event whith les sans pagEs participation [[ |Sessions mensuelles à la BM Lyon]. On 17th May La cabale de Lyon organized an event focused on women.
June 2018
[edit][Lyrique] 16th June Editathon focus on Woman and dance.]]
[edit][Launch of sans pagEs Méditerranée project] On 20th June sans pagEs project is present in Marseille and its new extension Méditerranée look for mobilise structures and people interested to create and complete articles related to reduce the gender gap. This event is present by Anthere, sophiedidacressources, Nattes à chat and Tatakdh with collaboration of Urban Prod and Didac ressources.
[edit]GLAM on tour à Genève au MAMCO 22 au 24 juin 2018 [1]
[edit]The meetup was held on 20 June 2018. Report
July 2018
[edit]Geneva, July 2018
[edit]- 26 July 2018 : Workshop in Lestime, report here, project page
Workshop at Lestime on 26.07.2018
[edit]Les sans pagEs Méditerranée : first editathon in Marseille on 4th July 2018 [2]
Septembre 2018
[edit]14th September in Paris: Feminims Summer University
[edit]Find here the video realised during the summer university where les sans pagEs has been presented. film en direct réalisé
Marlène Schiappa, photo prise à l'Université d'été du Féminisme 2018 organisée par le secrétariat d'État à l'égalité entre hommes et femmes à Paris les 12 et 13 septembre 2018
Sketch humoristique sur le tunnel des Template:Nombre des actrices de cinéma - Université d'été du Féminisme 2018
Débat sur le voile entre Lunise Marquis du printemps républicain et Laura Cha de l'association Lallab
Le Conseil national des femmes françaises à l'Université d'été du féminisme en septembre 2018
Lunise Marquis et Nadège Beausson-Diagne, photo prise à l'Université d'été du Féminisme 2018 organisée par le secrétariat d'État à l'égalité entre hommes et femmes à Paris les 12 et 13 septembre 2018
Lunise Maruis et Nadège Beausson-Diagne à l' Université d'été du Féminisme 2018
Rachel Khan de Noire n'est pas mon métier à l'Université d'été du Féminisme 2018
Discours de fermeture de Marlène Schiappa à Université d'été du Féminisme 2018 organisée par le secrétariat d'État à l'égalité entre hommes et femmes à Paris les 12 et 13 septembre 2018
15th September 2018 "journées du matrimoine" in Paris
[edit]Les sans pagEs has participated to "Matrimony sessions" in Paris. We did a wikisource workshop atelier Wikisource in Cléry ], and other workshjop in La Station about the matrimony music. See some information about the event page du projet sur Wikisource and compte-rendu.
Atelier Wikisource autrices à Wikimedia France le 15 septembre 2018
Concert après l'atelier Wikisource autrices à Wikimedia France le 15 septembre 2018 avec MV, chanteuse et Hugo Cordier, guitariste
[edit]- Lestime could not host the event ont the last thursday due to a change in their programme, so there was no Wikijeudi.
[edit]October 2018
[edit]Wikiconvention francophone
Some of us where present to the Wikiconvention. Art+Feminism president has give a talk conférence à distance (via Skype). Nattes à chat run a workshop fro peoplo who would like do an Art+Feminism edithaton (voir:éminisme_en_francophonie_1). Sophiedidacressources present the new group from Marseille with the launch of les sans pagEs/Méditerranée, lors de la présentation éclair 2. Tatakdh draft the Montpellier. activities. Galahmm and Anthere assist to a meeting about the African contribution.compte rendu très détaillé ici .
Sukkoria has offer a homemade soft toy and it has been decided that it will be les sans pagEs' pet.
Paris October 2018
[edit]- Event women voices at the Gaité lyrique : 31 participants, 6 articles created, 34K bytes added.
La coordinatrice de la Gaité Lyrique présente le programme thématique annuel
Atelier Lingua Libre pour enregistrer des voix de femmes
Au boulot!
Festival podcast de la Gaité Lyrique
Ursula Octopedia envahit subrepticement Wikimedia France
- Wikisource workshop in the morning at Wikimedia France:,_VisiAutrices,_les_sans_pagEs_Paris/Atelier_Wikisource_autrices_(2018-10-20) + facebookevent
Tatadkh rencontre Ursula Octopedia la mascotte des sans pagEs
Ursula Octopedia assiste à la présentation de Constance Durand sur Marie d'Agoult
Atelier Wikisource Autrices du 20 octobre 2018
Geneva, October 2018
[edit]- Continuum contest launched with the University of Geneva on LGBTIQ themes: project page and Dashboard: with 250 CHF worth of prizes to be distributed in January 2019.
- Monthly GLAM events organized with help of Wikimedia Switzerland at the MAMCO : Project page and Dashboard
- Wikimidis are continuing every monday and we even had the visit of a segalese new contributor who met at at the francophone wikiconvention
[edit]We participated to the francophone Wikiconvention 5-6 October 2018 by giving a workshop on how to organize an Art+Feminism event and had a planned public conference with Mckenzie Mac. Unfortunately she was not able to come but we managed to have a skype conference. A GLAM contributor in Montpellier expressed interest to host an Art+Feminism event in the future. We paid special attention to represent Africa in the conference, having african contributors from Tunisia and Cote d'Ivoire to explain what they were doing within Art+Feminism. It was the occasion to meet participants of the sans pages project from Paris, Grenoble, Geneva, Marseille and Montpellier. During the convention, Sukkoria offered a knitted octopus with a witch hat and we decided to use it as a mascot or les sans pages to allow its participation to the cuteness association.
Ursula mascotte des sans pagEs
Wikiconvention francophone 2018
Art+Féminisme en francophonie, WikiConventin francophone 2018
Nantes, October 2018
[edit]Sion, 17 October 2018
[edit]- dashboard report here
- Two newcomers to this session thanks to a Facebook event created for this session. Magatim and Lezecotto announced that they will report the planned event in November to spring du to time constraints. they asked if it was possible to ask the WMF for a grant extension to next year. They feel they need another training week end to promote local interest in the project and felt a little demotivated after participating to the WAF event in Bern in June, which is why they explicitely asked Nattes à chat to come back for this session. They want to link this work with the work done by Via Mullieris, an association active i promoting the visibility of women's history in the canton of Waliis.
Méditerranée October 2018
[edit]13th Octobre in Marseille - Urban Prod
[edit]On 3th October the 4th wikimeetup had place from from 9h30 to 17 h.
You can find more information here Projet:Les sans pagEs/Méditerranée tableau de bord (dashboard).
- dashboard event 13.10.2018 + Face Book page + project page,
- we visited the Stad Amsterdam clipper and made photos
Workshop sans pages Méditerrannée 13 October 2018 at Urban Prod
Workshop sans pages Méditerrannée 13 october 2018 11
Visiting Stad Amsterdam 13 October 2018 Marseille
November 2018
[edit]Mediterranée, October 2018
[edit]- wikidata event dashboard + facebook page + project pages
3rd November in Marseille
Thanks to Françoise Ubelka work, we have been able to carthography all Marseille street with women name Open Street map est ici.
[edit]We organized our annual ediathon with our partner La Casemate about "Women and Astronomy". We were collaborating to the big event "March 8 - Wiki4Women" (dashboard) and also made our own dashboard here. 11 editors, 17 articles created
Editors were mostly women (9 out of 11), with a good numbers of newcomers, but also women coming for the 2nd or 3rd time to our workshops. We also had a two men (among which one experimented wikimedian), and several members of an association working for the digital literacy of elder people (so they share what they learn with their senior students afterwards).
[edit]Opsylac from Grenoble was able to join an editathon in Paris.
Is your final report due but you need more time?
Extension request
[edit]New end date
[edit]midpoint: November 10 final July 2019 (if the extension date of the project is accepted for June 2019) new location : Méditerranée
[edit]We would need an
-1- an extension for the mid point report. We have been very busy and we are all now working full time next to this project. We have kept the operational side of the project going but are late in delivering the mid point report.
Although we are late we have kept regular records of what has been done through dashboards and regular reports on the project page seeés.
All events are listed here on the calendaar:
(Nearly) All activity is tracked through a global campaign on the dashboard see :
-2- the authorization to use funding for a new location les sans pagEs Méditerrannée which has been set up and is meeting now monthly in Urban Prod in Marseille. A gender gap section of contributors from Montpellier also joined (see their project page here:éditerranée).
-3- an extension of the project
Sion has decided to have the planned big event in Spring rather than november to be able to have outdoor excursions and more time to prepare. The group is still small (unlike Paris Sion is a very small town) and was planning to do a WAF event, but after the first meeting in June with WAF decided to rather do something on their own at their local level. They also feel they need more training before oragnizing a big event and wish to use the rest of the funding next year.
Grenoble has been involved in the francophone Wikiconvention in which les sans pages participated, and could not devote more volunteer time to something else but has held two events allready.
Nantes is functionning it seems but asking for funding of things that were not initially budgeted and is finding it hard to communicate and report in English.
Paris is continuing and has allready planned events until June 2019 at the Gaité Lyrique.
We would like to request an extension of the funding period in order to finish the project fully until the end of June 2019 if possible.
Extension approved: New end date June 30, 2019
[edit]Extension is approved for a new end date of June 30, 2019 and a midpoint of November 10, 2018. Marti (WMF) (talk) 18:26, 29 October 2018 (UTC)
- Your new final report due date is now 29 July 2019. Thank you -- JTud (WMF), Grants Administrator (talk) 16:21, 2 November 2018 (UTC)
New final report due date
[edit]31 October 2019
[edit]As you might have noticed we are late for the final report. This is due to the fact that : 1 - we have engaged an accountant in april 2019 who needs time to understand in order to make the reporting, and that I have had a knee accident and some health issues in july - august (I can provide a medical certificate). Would it be possible to extend the date to 31rst of october? Sorry for the delay. Nattes à chat (talk) 09:25, 11 September 2019 (UTC)
[edit]I am sorry to hear about your accident and health issues, Nattes à chat. Please take care. I hope that your accountant is working out well for les sans pagEs. I have noted your new final report due date as 31 October 2019. Kindly email to let us know your report has been submitted and to submit your grant receipts and expense documentation. Best -- JTud (WMF), Grants Administrator (talk) 16:52, 11 September 2019 (UTC)