Grants:Project/NCTE/CCCC Wikipedia Initiative 2020-21/Profile
This project is funded by a Project Grant
proposal | people | timeline & progress | finances | midpoint report | final report |

Dr. Melanie Kill - CCCCWI Founding Chair & Project Lead (User:Drkill)
[edit]Dr. Kill founded the CCCC Wikipedia Initiative (CCCCWI) in 2019 and is currently an assistant professor of English at the University of Maryland. Her research and teaching focus on digital rhetorics, rhetorical genre studies, technofeminism, disability rhetorics, and the public humanities. She has been editing and teaching with Wikipedia since 2007. In 2011, she was a Wikimedia Summer of Research Fellow and served on the Wikimedia Research Committee. Her current book project offers a rhetorical analysis of the ways Wikipedia both carries forward and modifies the genre of the encyclopedia. Dr. Kill has many years of experience organizing edit-a-thons, facilitating editing workshops, and introducing both students and scholars to Wikipedia's technical, procedural, and cultural practices.
Savannah Cragin - CCCCWI Wikimedian-in-Residence (User:Breadyornot)
[edit]Savannah has been working with the CCCC Wikipedia Initiative since December 2020, bringing with her several years of Wikipedia editing and teaching experience. Savannah received her B.A. in Media Studies from the University of California, Berkeley. She has worked alongside the Interdisciplinary Research Group on Privacy (IRGP) at the University of California, Berkeley to increase awareness of cybersecurity and surveillance issues on Wikipedia as both an Undergraduate Research Fellow and Wikipedia Coordinator. Additionally, she has worked with the American Cultures Center at Cal as their Wikipedian-in-Residence to assist instructors with Wikipedia-based assignments.
Dr. Jeffrey Keefer - Former CCCCWI Wikimedian-in-Residence (User:FULBERT)
[edit]Dr. Keefer worked with the CCCC Wikipedia Initiative from August 2020 to October 2020. A lifelong educator and learner, he holds a PhD in Educational Research and MA degrees in Adult and Organizational Learning, Business Education, English and American Literature, and Religious Studies. He is an active Wikipedia editor and was a co-author of the Wikimedia Movement Strategy Recommendations that will shape the future direction of Wikipedia and Wikimedia toward the goals of knowledge equity and knowledge as a service. He has worked with Wikipedia in higher education over the past three years with graduate students at New York University while also serving as the Wikipedian-in-Residence for the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI).
CCCCWI Committee Members
[edit]- Dr. Cheryl Ball (User:S2ceball) - Director, Digital Publishing Collaborative, Wayne State University (through Feb 2021)
- Dr. Sweta Baniya (User:Swetabaniya) - Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech
- Dr. Charles Bazerman (User:Cbazerman) - Professor, UC-Santa Barbara
- Dana Comi (User:Dcomi) - PhD Student, University of Kansas
- Dr. Dylan B. Dryer (User:Compositionist) - Associate Professor, University of Maine
- Dr. Tarez Samra Graben (User:Rhetorica19) - Associate Professor, Florida State University
- Dr. Alexandria Lockett (User:JaneNova) - Assistant Professor, Spelman College
- D’Arcee Neal - PhD Student, Ohio State University
- Dr. Matthew Vetter (User:Matthewvetter) - Associate Professor, Indiana University of Pennsylvania