Grants:Project/MSIG/Peer support for administrators. Edition 2024

Nie jest wymagane, aby wnioski były w języku angielskim. Prosimy o wypełnienie wniosku w preferowanym języku.
Cel projektu
[edit]Jakie będą rezultaty waszego projektu i jak te rezultaty przyczynią się do rozwoju konkretnej Inicjatywy Strategii Ruchu
The major aim of the project is to maintain the increasing activity and involvement of the Polish administrators in the development of Wikipedia. In times of disinformation and fake news, the role of experienced functionaries is increasing. Their involvement in Wikimedia projects is crucial to maintain and develop the free knowledge ecosystem. We will be working to improve their competences, resilience and level of commitment. The long term goal is to prepare leaders for the new times of machine content creation and the evolution of the role of administrators and editors in the age of AI. The program will become one of major point in WMPL annual plan.
- Na jakiej konkretnej Inicjatywie Strategii Ruchu skupia się Twój projekt i dlaczego? Proszę wybierz jedną z opisanych tu inicjatyw.
- Increase the Sustainability of Our Movement
in particular: Develop a systematic approach to improve the satisfaction and productivity of people engaged in the Movement by: Assessing the needs of groups and volunteers, taking into account their local contexts for effective support and recognition of efforts.
As our report shows, there is a great need among administrators to meet, learn and exchange experiences, as well as focus on the practical aspects of their activities. A survey conducted after the end of the previous project for the Polish administrators shows that 94% of participants consider the support for the administrators to be very important and declare their willingness and need to continue such support. In their opinion, the current support for Wikipedians who are the administrators is insufficient. The most important aspects in which the administrators need support were the following factors: integration of the administrators' environment – 78.9%, support in technical issues (especially with AI) – 73.7%, tools and methods to fight disinformation – 68.4% and legal support – 63.2%. These answers show the key areas in which the Polish Wikipedia administrators need support to effectively carry out their role and tasks. In their opinion, the program will help to keep the involvement on a steady level and prevent the burnout in this group.
Invest in Skills and Leadership Development
in particular: Establish a methodology that maps assets and needs as well as generates aggregated data for deploying skills development initiatives based on real needs
The group will learn how to react to changing environment (e.g. AI presence and growth) and communicate. The program will improve their leadership skills. Creating regular and methodological forms of engagement (different from everyday admins’ activity) and developing them will help keep participants active and attract new ones. We plan to call up a small working group within the admins' community that will discuss needs and communicate them to design workshops and trainings more accurate.
Provide for Safety and Inclusion in particular: Establish a baseline of community responsibilities for safeguarding and maintaining a healthy working atmosphere for both online and offline Wikimedia involvement, along with procedures for reporting and follow-up Combating disinformation and hate speech is part of the group’s everyday work, which is a hard and exhausting challenge. The program will enable them to develop better communication.
Kontekst projektu
[edit]- Kiedy zamierzasz rozpocząć realizację tego projektu i kiedy zostanie on zakończony?
Start date: May 2024
End date: February 2025
- Gdzie będą odbywać się działania w ramach projektu?
- regular online meetings
- one offline AdminCamp in Autumn 2024
- online workshops (at least 3)
- Czy współpracujesz przy tym projekcie z innymi społecznościami lub afiliantami? Proszę podać szczegóły dotyczące tego, w jaki sposób partnerzy zamierzają współpracować, aby osiągnąć cel projektu.
The project will collaborate with other communities and affiliates, including the CEE Hub and Volunteer Supporters Network, to achieve its goals. Collaboration with these partners will involve various activities aimed at gathering insights, sharing best practices, and fostering a supportive environment for administrators across different regions.
Participation in CEE Hub Catch Up sessions: The project will be discussed during CEE Hub Catch Up sessions, providing an opportunity to engage with stakeholders from various regions and gather feedback on project initiatives. This collaboration will enable the project team to ensure that the needs and perspectives of administrators from different communities are taken into account.
Involvement in the Volunteer Supporters Network: Collaboration with the Volunteer Supporters Network will involve sharing project updates, exchanging ideas, and seeking input from network members on strategies to support administrators effectively. This network will serve as a platform for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and mutual support among volunteers and supporters involved in Wikimedia projects.
Publication of the project report in English. To enhance accessibility and dissemination of project outcomes, the report will be published in English. This will enable stakeholders from different communities and regions to access and benefit from the insights and findings generated by the project.
Writing an article on Diff: The project team will write an article on Diff. This article will provide a comprehensive overview of the project, its goals, activities, and outcomes, as well as further contributing to knowledge sharing and community engagement.
Overall, collaboration with other communities and affiliates will enrich the scope of the project's impact, ensure inclusivity, and maximize its impact by leveraging the collective expertise, resources, and networks of diverse stakeholders involved in the Wikimedia projects.
- Jakie konkretne wyzwanie będzie miał na celu Twój projekt? Jakie środki planujecie wykorzystać, aby rozwiązać ten problem?
At the beginning of 2024 we have run a survey among administrators. All of them were asked if they wanted to participate in the next edition of the program (73,7% said “yes” for offline and online meetings; 21,1% said “maybe”). They pointed out new interesting issues, the need they want to fill: workshops on combating the disinformation and legal issues were suggested by around 70% of them; still, the technical issues and integration were pointed out as the most important by more than 73%. Skills in AI tools are necessary to lead the project into the future.
The specific challenge that the project aims to solve is the need for increased support and development opportunities for the Wikipedia administrators, particularly in the context of combating disinformation, navigating technical issues (especially with AI), and ensuring legal support. The administrators play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity and development of Wikipedia, especially in times of disinformation and fake news. However, they face various challenges, including integration into the administrators' environment, staying updated on technical advancements (such as AI), and effectively combating disinformation and hate speech. The project plans to address these challenges by providing comprehensive support and development opportunities for the administrators through various initiatives:
Regular online meetings: These meetings will provide a platform for the administrators to connect, learn, and exchange experiences. Specialists on technical issues, combating disinformation, and legal issues will be invited to provide insights and support. Integration and burnout prevention will also be addressed to ensure the well-being of the administrators.
Offline AdminCamp: The AdminCamp scheduled for Autumn 2024 will offer a more immersive experience for the administrators to engage in hands-on learning, workshops, and discussions on topics related to their role and challenges they face.
The opportunities the project plans to take advantage of to solve these challenges include:
- Assessing needs and providing tailored support. Based on the results of the survey conducted among administrators, the project will address specific challenges and areas where support is needed the most. Workshops on combating disinformation, legal issues, technical skills development, and integration will be organized to meet the identified needs of administrators.
- Building self-governance within the group: The project aims to empower the administrators by involving them in the decision-making process about the meetings and workshops and establishing a small working group to help to run the program. This group will communicate with the admins' community, discuss the details of meetings and workshops, and ensure the program's sustainability and effectiveness.
- Building leadership skills: Through structured engagement and leadership development initiatives, the project aims to empower the administrators to lead Wikimedia projects effectively, navigate challenges, and inspire others to get involved.
- Establishing community responsibilities: By establishing baseline expectations for safeguarding and maintaining a healthy working atmosphere, the project seeks to create a supportive and inclusive environment for the administrators, where they can collaborate, communicate, and address issues effectively.
In conducting this project, we will be using our previous work and experience with the plwikipedia admins that have been conducted by WMPL since 2021 (see our Wikimania talk about it), report form project for administrators 2023).
- Czy ten projekt ma na celu zastosowanie jednego z przykładów wymienionych w zaproszeniu do składania wniosków o dofinansowanie, a jeśli tak, to którego?
Aktywności projektowe
[edit]- Jakie konkretne działania będą prowadzone podczas tego projektu? Proszę opisać te działania, które zostaną przeprowadzone podczas projektu.
The specific activities that will be carried out during this project include:
Offline AdminCamp (Autumn 2024): Similar to the previous AdminCamp, this 3-day meeting will focus on team building, skill development, and self-care activities as well as provide practical workshops focused on addressing challenges related to disinformation and utilizing AI tools. These workshops will be designed to equip the administrators with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively combat misinformation, leverage AI tools, and adapt to evolving technological landscapes. The camp aims to create a space for the administrators to connect, share experiences, and learn from each other. It will be designed to accommodate 30-40 admins.
Regular Online Meetings: Regular facilitated meetups will be organized for the administrators to discuss challenges related to their work, share skills, and deepen conversations around safety, community health, and their roles. These meetings will not focus on specific cases or users but rather on general adminship experiences and project challenges.
Online workshops: We will organize three online workshops focusing on combating disinformation, addressing legal issues, and navigating technical challenges on Wikipedia. These workshops will provide the administrators with practical strategies and techniques to identify and mitigate disinformation, understand legal considerations relevant to content creation, and troubleshoot common technical issues. Led by experts from relevant fields, these workshops aim to empower the administrators with the skills, knowledge, and resources needed to maintain the integrity and quality of Wikipedia content amidst evolving digital landscapes. By offering both offline and online learning opportunities, the project seeks to foster a supportive environment for all the administrators to enhance their proficiency and effectiveness in administering Wikipedia.
Report with Learnings: At the conclusion of the project, a report will be prepared summarizing the practical learnings and best practices gathered throughout the project. This report will be shared on Diff, providing insights into creating and maintaining peer support groups, preventing burnout, and fostering safety and inclusion within Wikimedia projects. The results will be measured through surveys and individual interviews conducted within the admin community at the beginning and end of the project.
The expected results of these activities include:
- The administrators will have a network of mutual support, enabling them to reach out to each other for assistance in difficult situations.
- The administrators will acquire skills to promote safety and inclusion within Wikimedia projects, including dealing with stressful situations, harassment, and maintaining their own well-being.
- Findings from the project will provide valuable information for other communities on working with Wikimedia functionaries to enhance safety within the movement.
- Changes in admins' sense of support, knowledge, and understanding around safety and harassment prevention will be measured through surveys conducted at the beginning and the end of the project, along with individual interviews with the administrators.
- Enhanced skills and knowledge among the Wikipedia administrators to effectively combat misinformation, leverage AI tools, and navigate technical challenges, leading to improved content quality and integrity on Wikipedia.
- Increased awareness and understanding of legal considerations relevant to content creation, contributing to compliance with copyright laws and mitigating legal risks within the Wikimedia projects.
- W jaki sposób zamierzasz informować społeczność o postępach i wynikach projektu? Proszę dodać nazwiska lub nazwy użytkowników tych osób, które będą odpowiedzialne za informowanie społeczności na bieżąco.
We will be in contact with the community with our regular community communication channels:
- mailing list
- Polish Wikimedia Discord server, including the administrators discord channel
- main milestones can be communicated through our community newsletter
- the effects and outcomes of project be also communicate on our social media Facebook pages of Wikimedia Polska and Polish Wikipedia.
The main person responsible for communication will be Małgorzata Gramatnikowska (Community Support Team)
- Kto będzie odpowiedzialny za realizację tego projektu i jakie będą ich role i obowiązki?
The project will be carried out by the Community Support Team in Wikimedia Poland.
- project management, peer support group facilitation - Małgorzata Gramatnikowska (Community Support Team)
- administrative and logistic tasks - Grzegorz Kopaczewski (Office Manager in WMPL)
- minor organizational tasks - Damian Kujawa (Community Support Team)
- volunteer working group (3 to 5 administrators)
Dodatkowe informacje
[edit]- Jeśli Twoje działania obejmują dyskusje ze społecznościami, jaki jest Twój plan zapewnienia, że te rozmowy będą produktywne? Podaj link do odpowiednika "Friendly Space Policy" lub do Powszechnych Zasad Postępowania oraz informacje jak zostaną one wdrożone, aby wspierać te dyskusje.
All events organized by Wikimedia Poland are covered by our safe space policy. These include:
Our community support team will be responsible for enforcement of the policy.
- Jeżeli Państwa działalność obejmuje korzystanie z płatnych narzędzi internetowych, proszę opisać, jakie to są narzędzia i w jaki sposób zamierzasz z nich korzystać.
- we will be using Asana for project management (provided by WMPL)
- Zoom for online meetings (provided by WMPL)
- Czy Państwa działalność obejmuje tłumaczenie materiałów, a jeśli tak, to na jakie języki będą wykonywane tłumaczenia? Proszę podać szczegóły dotyczące osób odpowiedzialnych za wykonanie tłumaczeń.
We intend to translate the report created after the project and containing a description of the effects and results of the project. We will do the translations ourselves.
- Czy są jakieś inne szczegóły, którymi chciałbyś się podzielić? Rozważ podanie uzasadnienia, wyników badań lub dyskusji społecznych oraz innych podobnych informacji, które nadadzą więcej kontekstu proponowanemu projektowi.
Wyniki projektu
[edit]Po zakończeniu waszych działań chcielibyśmy poznać projekt planu wdrażania dla waszej społeczności. Będziecie zobowiązani do przygotowania dokumentu opisującego ten plan wokół inicjatywy strategii ruchu. Raport ten można przygotować za pośrednictwem Meta-wiki, korzystając z przycisku Udostępnij swoje wyniki na tej stronie. Raport może być przygotowany w Twoim języku i nie musi być napisany w języku angielskim.
W tym raporcie należy:
- podać link do wersji roboczej projektu lub strony Wikimedia
- opisać, jakie działania wspierały opracowanie projektu
- opisać, w jaki sposób i gdzie przekazaliście informacje o waszym projekcie odpowiednim społecznościom.
- wykazać, jak zostały wydane fundusze przyznane na projekt
Twój plan projektu powinien zawierać wyraźne odpowiedzi na następujące pytania:
- Jaką inicjatywą lub celem Strategii Ruchu się zajmujesz?
- Jakie działania zostaną podjęte w celu realizacji tej inicjatywy?
- Czego oczekujesz jako rezultatu swoich działań? Jak te rezultaty odnoszą się bezpośrednio do inicjatywy Strategii Ruchu?
- W jaki sposób będziecie mierzyć lub oceniać wasze działania? Jakich narzędzi lub metod użyjecie do oceny tych działań?
Aby stworzyć projekt planu wdrożenia, zalecamy użycie modelu logicznego, który pomoże Tobie i Twojemu zespołowi myśleć o celach, działaniach, rezultatach i innych czynnikach w zorganizowany sposób. W celu opracowania modelu logicznego prosimy o skorzystanie z następujących źródeł:
- Przegląd modelu na Meta-wiki
- Przykłady modeli używanych w innych działaniach Ruchu
- Pusty szablon na Google Drive
Please confirm below that you will be able to prepare a draft implementation plan document by the end of your grant:
- Jacek Broda (WMPL) (talk) 10:33, 14 March 2024 (UTC)
Optionally, you are welcome to include other information you'd like to share around participation and representation in your activities. Please include any additional outcomes you would like to report on below:
[edit]W jaki sposób wykorzystasz fundusze, o które się ubiegasz? Wypunktuj każdy wydatek. Nie zapomnij podać całkowitej kwoty i zaktualizuj ją w Proboxie na górze strony!
The requested budget and budget breakdown should be in your or recipient’s local currency. We send grant payments preferably in your local currency. In some exceptional cases (e.g. hyperinflation), we allow grant payments to be made in US dollars. If you are requesting a grant in a currency other than your local currency, please reach out to your Program Officer to discuss.
In the long term, we aim to place the program as a regular point in our annual budget and keep increasing the WMPL funds on it, until the program is fully funded by WMPL. This year we would like to ask WMF to finance the project in around 30% only.
SUMA (w PLN):32 000 PLN
Completing your application
[edit]Once you have completed the application, please do the following:
- Change the application status from
in the {{Probox}} template. - Contact strategy2030 to confirm your submission, as well as to request any support around your application.
[edit]Poparcie członków społeczności (zwłaszcza spoza Twojej społeczności) będzie częścią rozważań przy rozpatrywaniu wniosku. Zachęcamy członków społeczności do poparcia wniosku projektowego poniżej!