Grants:Project/MSIG/Deepening Community Engagement on Movement Strategy Implementation Ngostary2k• wikianambranetwork@gmail.comApplications are not required to be in English. Please complete the application in your preferred language.
Project Goal
[edit]What will be the outputs of your project and how will those outputs contribute to advancing a specific Movement Strategy Initiative
This Project is to raise awareness and encourage community members on Movement Strategy initiatives,to advance movement strategy within our Network. This project seeks to move our community towards Change as we have new editors and groups with plan to engage,sustain interest Share outcome and celebrate success. We plan creating a support group in the community which will be a driving factor in social and digital transformation which will lead to improved outcomes for members of the Community. The project will increase Volunteer Retention and engagement through experiences and programs, Retain New editors by increasing Motivation and decreasing challenges, encourage one on one mentorship by experienced editors both in person and online, Ensure an inclusive and Welcoming Community thereby improving Community members experience and These will help in building a stronger Network.
- What specific Movement Strategy Initiative does your project focus on and why? Please select one of the initiatives described here
Invest in skills and Leadership Development This project will focus on a lot of initiatives but it's major initiative is Invest in Skills and Leadership Development
- Global approach for local skill development - gathering data, matching peers, Mentorship.
We choose this initiative because we want an environment we can learn from each other, increase on-wiki participation, involve in community outreach, Evaluate and learn Volunteer Motivations and Management, Encourage Advocacy, increase Communication etc.We look forward for a community with well trained skilled individuals. Improving skills and Leadership in the community will help us achieve sustainabilty. Introducing the focus of the Movement will not only guide but will shapen and widen their knowledge towards Sustainability.
It will help us build a communication channels to interact, collaborate and mentor each other and to make understandable resources available in our language. In Response to other initiatives, Educating Community members on the codes of conducts will help in maintaining a healthy working atmosphere for community members.
Training more people to fill the leadership roles will help avoid burnout and help our leaders support our community and will also introduce to community members Learning platforms like Wikilearn , Let's Connect etc.
Project Background
[edit]- When do you intend to begin this project and when will it be completed?
We planned starting by 1st June and complete it by September.
- Where will your project activities be happening?
Anambra State involving participants from the Igbo Community.
- Are you collaborating with other communities or affiliates on this project? Please provide details of how partners intend to work together to achieve the project goal.
We plan inviting the experienced Wikimedians, Let's Connect Sharers, Cordinators from the Wikimedia Nigeria And The Igbo Community for Mentorship and knowledge transfer which is a huge invest in leadership.We will build peer spaces for Community members, Let's connect sharers will also encourage community members to join in peer learning which will help to build skills.
- What specific challenge will your project be aiming to solve? And what opportunities do you plan to take advantage of to solve the problem?
We want to increase Well trained Skilled individuals to help us achieve Sustainability and to help community members develop the skills necessary to collaborate, communicate and make decisions/governance Processes. There are many within the community who have not joined in discussions. This means that many are not aware of the opportunities that Movement Strategy brings and if aware,they don't know how to go about it. For example, the discussions regarding skills development, and increasing awareness of the movement are all important for many within the Community. Yet they have not actively engaged in these discussions. To educate community members on Movement Strategy initiative and encourage them to apply for their own Movement Strategy implementation grant. 80% of community members are not aware of MSIG grant or how to apply.
Translation We will translate the untranslated Movement Strategy pages to Igbo language to encourage readability .
We expect participatory on Movement Strategy initiatives after the project. Community Members getting involved in Movement Strategy Processes in general, also increase in digital and social transformation of Community Members. At the End At least 4 persons are expected to submit MSIG proposals
- Does this project aim to apply one of the examples shared in the call for grants and if so which one?
yes, Community engagement
Project Activities
[edit]- What specific activities will be carried out during this project? Please describe the specific activities that will be carried out during this project.
Awareness : We will create awareness weeks before the programs to get community members ready.
Translations: We will translate specific Movement Strategy documents and materials to engage the community. The Movement Strategy initiatives marked for translation have not been translated to Igbo,We will be translating the Initiatives. This would help community members understand the initiatives in their local language.
Mentorship and trainings: We will commence online and physical Mentorship, discussion, conversation, skills transfer and peer learning . We planned having 7 physical trainings and 3 online training within 3months with atleast 50 participants, training on what Wikimedia Movement is all about. In the first month,We will talk about the Movement Strategy Recommendations and their initiatives to enlighten community members on what to focus on and why they should fully get involved in Leadership skills invest.
The Second Month we will focus on investing on skills and development.
The Third Month will involve Skills transfer,how to Edit on Wiki spaces for New editors,how to organize projects,how to become a Knowledge Sharer etc.
- How do you intend to keep communities updated on the progress and outcomes of the project? Please add the names or usernames of these individuals responsible for updating the community
We will use the Community outreach pages to inform Community members and also prepare a survey form to get their reaction about Movement Strategy and their learnings.
We will announce the grant request to our community in its planning as well as the approval decision, if we receive it. We will create a documentations page on MetaWiki to document the project outcomes.
Sayvhior will distribute the translated documents to introduce Movement Strategy and the implementation grants to the community.He will be the one updating community members on the outcome and way forward of the project.
- Who will be responsible for delivering on this project and what are their roles and responsibilities?
Ngostary2k will be leading on this project, and collaborating with others to deliver on Cordinator Roles.
Akwugo will cordinate the translation of untranslated movement Strategy pages to Igbo language.
Timzy D'Great He is an experienced Wikimedians that will help in Mentorship and Trainings.
Dera xoxo
Will assist in the cordination of the projects.
his role is to update community members on the outcome of the project on the community Talk Pages.
Additional information
[edit]- If your activities include community discussions, what is your plan for ensuring that the conversations are productive? Provide a link to a Friendly Space Policy or UCoC that will be implemented to support these discussions.
- The Wikimedia Foundation friendly space policy will be implemented during all the community discussions and The
Universal code of conduct We will invest in a welcoming environment for participants.
- If your activities include the use of paid online tools, please describe what tools these are and how you intend to use them.
We will subscribe to the Zoom pro package to enable effective online meetings, we will also hire a projector for in-person meet-up and also design flyers for effective communication.
- Do your activities include the translation of materials, and if so, in what languages will the translation be done? Please include details of those responsible for making the translations.
Yes ,we will be translating the untranslated movement strategy pages to Igbo language and Akwugo will Coordinate the language translation.
- Are there any other details you would like to share? Consider providing rationale, research or community discussion outputs, and any other similar information, that will give more context on your proposed project.
Yes,We will learn a lot of strategies towards Volunteer Retention and management, capacity building as its a 3 months program,it will help us to do proper evaluation in order to build a stronger Network.
[edit]After your activities are complete, we would like to understand the draft implementation plan for your community. You will be required to prepare a document detailing this plan around a movement strategy initiative. This report can be prepared through Meta-wiki using the Share your results button on this page. The report can be prepared in your language, and is not required to be written in English.
In this report, you will be asked to:
- Provide a link to the draft implementation plan document or Wikimedia page
- Describe what activities supported the development of the plan
- Describe how and where you have communicated your plan to relevant communities.
- Report on how your funding was spent
Your draft implementation plan document should address the following questions clearly:
- What movement strategy initiative or goal are you addressing?
- What activities will you be doing to address that initiative?
- What do you expect will happen as a result of your activities? How do those outcomes address the movement strategy initiative?
- How will you measure or evaluate your activities? What tools or methods will you use to evaluate your activities?
To create a draft implementation plan, we recommend the use of a logic model, which will help you and your team think about goals, activities, outcomes, and other factors in an organized way. Please refer the following resources to develop a logic model:
- Overview of logic models on Meta-wiki
- Example logic models for reference for other movement activities (such as partnerships and edit-a-thons)
- Blank logic model template on Google Drive
Please confirm below that you will be able to prepare a draft implementation plan document by the end of your grant:
- ...
yes Optionally, you are welcome to include other information you'd like to share around participation and representation in your activities. Please include any additional outcomes you would like to report on below:
[edit]How you will use the funds you are requesting? List bullet points for each expense. Don’t forget to include a total amount, and update this amount in the Probox at the top of your page too!
- Research (time needed to review, perform analysis, or investigate any information needed to support implementation ideas or planning):$200
- Facilitation (facilitation time including facilitator preparation, meeting facilitation time, and debriefing):$300
- Documentation (document preparation time, time spent documenting of discussion, post-meeting work):$200
- Translation (translation costs for briefs and global materials):$250
- Coordination (coordinator work to manage or support multiple workflows to prepare for meeting):$250
- Online tools or services
(subscription services for online meeting platforms, social media promotion):250
- Data (internet or mobile costs for organizers or participants to access or participate in activities):$300
- Venue or space for meeting (costs of renting a physical meeting space):$108.8 *7 = $761.4
- Transportation costs (costs of supporting organizers or participants to attend the meeting):$250
- Meals (costs related to refreshments, lunches, or other meals during in-person activities):$4.4* 50*7 = $1540
- Other:
Completing your application
[edit]Once you have completed the application, please do the following:
- Change the application status from
in the {{Probox}} template. - Contact strategy2030 to confirm your submission, as well as to request any support around your application.
[edit]An endorsement from community members (especially from outside your community) will be part of the considerations when reviewing your application. Community members are encouraged to endorse your project request here!
Strong support I strongly recommend the project because of the great impact it will have in the organisation to both the old & new editors.Senator Choko
Strong support I strongly recommend the project because of the great impact it will have in the organisation to both the old & new editors.Sayvhior
Strong support I recommend this project as it will give insight and deeper understanding of movement strategy to members of the network.Ngostary2k
Strong support I vehemently recommend this project. Because of the great impact to the members of the network and new editors.Ennydavids
Strong support I completely recommend this program because of the great impact it is going to have on the editors and community at largeDeventus
Strong support I attest to this project as it helps the community to learn what Wikimedia is doing and its plans to better the course of the organization. It would also assist in translating the charter in Igbo Language,thanks.
Strong support I endorse this application due to the Movement Strategy has not been known to many community members across the African Continent. It is a great opportunity for this particular community to create awareness to their members. Magotech (talk) 09:20, 18 February 2023 (UTC)
Strong support I strongly recommend the project because of the great impact it will have in the organisation to both the new and already existing editors.Lebron jay
Strong support I strongly recommend the project because of the great impact it will have in the organization to both the new and old editors. Dera xoxo
Strong support I strongly support this project as it would enlighten the members of the network on what the Movement Strategy is all about. ~ Timzy D'Great
Strong support
This project will help enlighten us the ew editors on how the movement operates. Chidex02