Grants:Project/Indigenous Audiovisual Archives through Wiki tools in Cambodia
Project idea
[edit]What is the problem you're trying to solve?
[edit]What problem are you trying to solve by doing this project? This problem should be small enough that you expect it to be completely or mostly resolved by the end of this project. Remember to review the tutorial for tips on how to answer this question.
Cambodia is home to over 400,000 indigenous people from 24 different indigenous groups. The languages spoken by the minority groups, as well as their cultural activities are important cultural heritages that should be preserved, protect and revitalize. However, there are few records of audio-visual documents in indigenous languages, and the indigenous communities lack the capacity to create audio-visual archives to document their lives and culture. In addition, there is blank of information about Broa, Kreng, Tampuon, Jarai and Kachak communities and their languages, lives and culture on Wikipedia and other wiki platforms.
UNESCO believes in the essential role that languages play in the daily lives of people, especially as repositories of people's memories, identities, culture and traditions. We also think that the indigenous languages can be preserved and revitalized by archiving them and making them openly accessible by the wider audience on the internet. Therefore, within the framework of protecting, preserving and revitalizing indigenous languages, and with the help of Working Group on Indigenous Languages under Memory of the World Committee for Asia-Pacific (MOWCAP), UNESCO would like to work with Bophana centre, a Cambodian audio-visual resource center with experience in training indigenous youth to make documentaries, to build a wiki-based open access audio-visual indigenous archives, documenting the languages, lives and culture of indigenous people in Cambodia, and train the indigenous youths to be able to document their lives through audio-visual recordings.
What is your solution?
[edit]For the problem you identified in the previous section, briefly describe your how you would like to address this problem. We recognize that there are many ways to solve a problem. We’d like to understand why you chose this particular solution, and why you think it is worth pursuing. Remember to review the tutorial for tips on how to answer this question.
Through the Wikimedia Project Grant, UNESCO would like to:
- Work with Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center to create an online audio-visual archive, with all contents upload to Wikimedia Commons, to preserve documents in indigenous languages, including audio recordings, video recordings, documentary films, etc., as well as improving the contents in indigenous languages on Wikimedia platforms.
- Train indigenous youth from five indigenous communities of Ratanakiri, Cambodia, on making audio-visual documentaries and the methodology to record oral histories through audio-visual recordings, as well as using Wikimedia tools to share the audiovisual contents on the online repository. The audio-visual contents will be stored on the database of UNESCO, Bophana and other partners (such as MOWCAP, Wikitongues, etc.), and uploaded to Wikimedia Commons.
- Link to the International Decade of Indigenous Languages (IDIL 2022-2032) to organize a Wiki-Campaign for preserving indigenous languages, which will be able to engage language activists as well as different stakeholders from Cambodia and worldwide to enlarge the reach of the project.
- Engage with Wikitongues, Wikimedia Thailand and Wikimedia Khmer user group to involve volunteers in the project and improve the visibility and impact of the project.
- Together with the support of Wikimedia Thailand, employ two Wikimedians in Residence (one based in UNESCO Bangkok, one in Cambodia with Bophana), who will be dedicated to
- (1) organize training on using Wiki tools and platforms for the participants of the project,
- (2) document the capacity-building training and produce guidelines for language minority users to document their languages and make them open access through Wiki-platforms
- (3)develop an open access policy for the indigenous archives and support the making of the online archives
- (4)support UNESCO to organize Wiki-Campaign on preserving indigenous languages within the framework of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages, as well as
- (5)support UNESCO Bangkok in engaging other regional GLAM institutions and UNESCO Memory of the World network in Open Access and Wiki projects.
Project goals
[edit]What are your goals for this project? Your goals should describe the top two or three benefits that will come out of your project. These should be benefits to the Wikimedia projects or Wikimedia communities. They should not be benefits to you individually. Remember to review the tutorial for tips on how to answer this question.
The project aims to
- Build the first online open access audio-visual indigenous archives that preserve audio-visual documentaries in indigenous languages by indigenous people in Cambodia.
- Train 30 indigenous youth (hopefully 50% women 50% men) from 5 indigenous communities (Broa, Kreng, Tampuon, Jarai and Kachak) on making audio-visual documentation (audio recordings and short videos) to record and preserve their languages, customs, culture and daily lives, as well as
- Train the indigenous youth to use and contribute to Wikimedia Commons by taking them through the editorial processes and quality standards of the resources.
- Develop guidelines/handbook for indigenous or minority language users to document their languages, lives and culture through audio-visual methods and making them open access.
- Organize Wiki-Campaign and social media campaigns at the occasion of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages to raise awareness of minority language preservation, trying to promote visibility and involve as many stakeholders as possible for them to contribute to the preservation of indigenous languages and join the wiki communities that focus on this regards.
- Develop open access guidelines for the archives that help sustain the archives through sharing and reusing the content by a wider public and attracting future uploads of indigenous users.
The project will contribute to the development of high-quality contents in indigenous languages and Khmer, as well as on indigenous cultures of Cambodia on Wikimedia platforms. In view of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages, this project could serve as a good example/pilot project for UNESCO's member states or partners to launch similar projects in collaboration with Wikimedia communities, as well as engaging more indigenous people to become Wiki-Users and continue to contribute to improve contents in indigenous languages throughout the decade (2022-2032).
Project impact
[edit]How will you know if you have met your goals?
[edit]For each of your goals, we’d like you to answer the following questions:
- During your project, what will you do to achieve this goal? (These are your outputs.)
- Once your project is over, how will it continue to positively impact the Wikimedia community or projects? (These are your outcomes.)
For each of your answers, think about how you will capture this information. Will you capture it with a survey? With a story? Will you measure it with a number? Remember, if you plan to measure a number, you will need to set a numeric target in your proposal (e.g. 45 people, 10 articles, 100 scanned documents). Remember to review the tutorial for tips on how to answer this question.
The goals will be met if we have:
- online audio-visual archives developed by the end of the project, with at least 40 audio-visual documents made by the indigenous youths (with consents of the producers and indigenous people recorded), and all the videos uploaded on Wikimedia Commons
- training processes and methods about recording indigenous languages and activities are developed and shared, which can serve as a good resource for other indigenous empowerment and indigenous languages protection initiatives in the region or from other parts of the world
- trained 30 indigenous participants to produce audio recordings, videos or film documentaries in indigenous languages, and also
- trained them to become Wikimedians, who will be able to continue adding and improving contents in indigenous languages or on indigenous issues later on.
- Wiki-Campaign for preserving indigenous languages organized at the occasion of the launching year of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages (IDIL 2022-2032), reaching out to the wider audience of the Decade (such as sharing the campaign through the IDIL official channels) and encourage them to also join the campaign and contribute to indigenous contents on Wikimedia platforms, as well as raising the awareness of Wikimedia Communities of the importance of preserving indigenous languages and promoting digital language activism.
We will also reach out to Wikimedia volunteers from Wikimedia Khmer-Cambodia, Wikimedia Thailand and WikiTongues for project monitoring and evaluation.
When the project is over, it will continue to positively impact the Wikimedia movement. In particular, we expect that:
- 10-20% of the 30 participants of the project will continue to contribute to the archives and Wiki platforms or connect with WikiTongues to continue to protect indigenous languages,
- indigenous language activists will join Wikimedia communities and promote and facilitate Wikimedia campaigns for preserving indigenous languages during and after the International Decade of Indigenous Languages, and
- more regional GLAM institutions, the UNESCO Memory of the World regional network and indigenous organizations will be inspired by the initiative and organize activities on their own or continue to increase the contents in indigenous languages or on indigenous culture on Wikimedia Commons and other Wiki platforms.
Do you have any goals around participation or content?
[edit]Are any of your goals related to increasing participation within the Wikimedia movement, or increasing/improving the content on Wikimedia projects? If so, we ask that you look through these three metrics, and include any that are relevant to your project. Please set a numeric target against the metrics, if applicable. Remember to review the tutorial for tips on how to answer this question.
The details about the participants and the contents of this project are included in the section above.
Impact of the project and sustainability
As the leading agency of the coming International Decade of Indigenous Languages (IDIL) 2022-2032, UNESCO will continue to prioritize its work on preserving, revitalizing and promoting indigenous languages, including implement projects to preserve the languages locally, and influence policy-making on protecting and revitalizing indigenous languages, as well as promoting open access to indigenous archives and knowledge. During the IDIL, UNESCO will use this project as an example to show to its member states and partners and promote similar initiatives in other communities in Cambodia, in other countries in Asia or worldwide, encouraging the collaboration with Wikimedia Communities, promoting exchanges between indigenous people, and the knowledge sharing through open access platforms like Wikimedia platforms.
Project plan
[edit]Tell us how you'll carry out your project. What will you and other organizers spend your time doing? What will you have done at the end of your project? How will you follow-up with people that are involved with your project?
UNESCO will hire two Wikimedian-in-Residence for a 10 months period to support the project, including planning the training, supporting the training on using wiki tools and building the online archive, making open access policy, support Wiki-Campaign during the International Decade of Indigenous Languages(IDIL) and support other open access or wiki-related initiative.
The project will consist of three main parts:
1. Training and audiovisual recordings production
Together with Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center and the Wikimedian-in-Residence, we will organize training for the indigenous youths to record indigenous languages, lives and culture through making audio-visual documents, including audio recordings and short videos, as well as using wiki platforms. 30 (thirty) indigenous youth from 5 (five) indigenous communities in Ratanakiri, Cambodia, will join the trainings. The indigenous youth will be trained from scratch the skills of making audio-visual documents, including using the equipment (camera, microphone, recorders, etc.), recording videos, video editing concepts and the techniques of using video editing tools to edit the videos (cutting, editing, subtitling, etc.).The procedures and techniques of the training will be noted down and documented by the WiR and shared in the archives later on. The youths will also be trained to use Wiki-tools so that they can upload the completed audio-visual recordings to the online repositories and Wikimedia Commons.
2. Building the archive
Together with the indigenous participants and the support of the Wikimedians in Residence, the audio-visual contents will be compiled to make online audio-visual archives, with all contents uploaded on Wikimedia Commons. The audiovisual documents will contribute to content about indigneous people and languages from Cambodia on Wikimedia platforms, and they will also be featured on the website of WikiTongues.
3. Online Campaign and Maintaining the archive
Together with WiRs, Wikimedia communities (Thailand, Khmer-Cambodia, Wikitongues) and UNESCO's partners in IDIL, at the launching year of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages, the archives will go public along with a Wiki-Campaign in preserving indigenous languages and promoting open access to resources in indigenous languages. The archive will be maintained on a regular basis. Also, new contents will be continually uploaded to the archive in the future.
Activities | Project month |
Hire Wikimedian in Residence | Month 1 |
Prepare training contents with WiR and Bophana | Month 1-2 |
Call for indigenous participants and selection | Month 2 |
Training on making audio-visual recordings and using Wiki-tools | Month 3 |
Indigenous youth produce films with the support of trainers | Month 4-6 |
Training on video directing and editing | Month 7-8 |
Training on sound mixing | Month 9 |
Training on video mixing and subtitling | Month 10 |
Compile the content and building the archives | Month 11 |
Wiki-Campaign within the framework of IDIL (2022-2032) | Month 11 - 12 |
Maintain and promote the visibility of the archives | Month 12 - future |
Conclude the project and evaluation and reporting | Month 12 |
Follow-ups: The follow-ups of the project will be
- maintaining and updating the archive,
- through the online campaigns to continuous raise awareness of the importance and benefits of preserving indigenous languages as well as making them open access, and
- actively seek opportunities and sponsorship for collaborations with Wikimedia communities applying similar methodologies of training to train more indigenous youth to include more participants and extend the initiative in other countries in the Asia-Pacific or around the world.
COVID-19 Risk Assessment: the project will be offline and online combine, so we completed the Risk Assessment Table (see embedded link). The province where the training will be held is in the COVID-19 low-risk zone. Only trainers, project managers and necessary equipment will be transported through the land during the project. The project will be implemented following strictly the rules of the local government.
[edit]How you will use the funds you are requesting? List bullet points for each expense. (You can create a table later if needed.) Don’t forget to include a total amount, and update this amount in the Probox at the top of your page too!
- Bophana centre takes 25% or less cost for equipment used during the training for maintenance and mechanical loss.
Activity | Cost/unit | Number of units | Cost |
Hiring two Wikimedians in Residence (with the contribution from Wikimedia Thailand, for supporting them to conduct the training, the Campaign, working on Open Access related initiatives, and their travel, insurance and all the other costs during the project) | lump-sum 30,000USD | 1 | 30,000USD |
Human Resources from Bophana Center (Project Manager, Finance Officer, Audiovisual Assistant, IT Support) | 1,410USD/month | 10 | 14,100USD |
Management cost (stationery, electricity, bank charge, etc.) | 3,334USD | 1 | 3,334USD |
Subtotal 1 | 44,100USD | ||
UNESCO Communication and Information sector staff time for project management (in-kind) | 10,000 USD (estimated minimum investment of senior management staff time based on the current level of investment) | 2 | 20,000 USD |
Venue (UNESCO in-kind) - office, office services (computer, printing, photocopying, etc), meeting rooms for internal and external meetings | 12% of total grant budget | UNESCO standard costing of 12% of project cost | 12,000 USD |
in-kind subtotal | 32,000 USD |
Subject | Cost/unit | Number of units | Cost |
Trainer in cinematography | 400USD | 2 | 800USD |
Sound Trainer | 400USD | 2 | 800USD |
Video editing concept trainer | 400USD | 1 | 400USD |
Per-deim for 30 indigenous youths | 150USD/day | 30 | 4,500USD |
Per-deim for trainers per person | 25USD/day | 59 | 1,475USD |
Venue | 1,100USD/month | 1 | 1,100USD |
Cameras and tripots(rental) | 375USD | 1 | 375USD |
Sound devices(rental) | 125USD | 1 | 125USD |
Wireless mics(rental) | 125USD | 1 | 125USD |
Rental editing stations (computers with editing, color grading, visual effect software) | 225USD | 1 | 225USD |
Subtotal 2 | 10,645 USD | ||
Cameras and tripots(Bophana in-kind) | 1,185USD | 1 | 1,185USD |
Sound devices(Bophana in-kind) | 375USD | 1 | 375USD |
Wireless mics(Bophana in-kind) | 375USD | 1 | 375USD |
Rental editing stations (computers with editing, color grading, visual effect software,Bophana in-kind) | 675USD | 1 | 675USD |
TV monitor and laptop (Bophana in-kind) | 300USD | 1 | 300USD |
in-kind subtotal | 2,910USD |
Subject | Cost/Unit | Number of Units | Cost |
Video editing trainer | 400USD | 4 | 1,600USD |
Per-deim for 30 indigenous youths | 150USD/day | 135 | 19,950USD |
Per-deim for trainers and project follow-ups during producing and post-production (per person) | 25USD/day | 104 | 3,800USD |
transport costs during producing and post-production (land transport for equipment and project team members) | 2,200USD | 1 | 2,200USD |
Venue for post-production | 700USD/month | 3 | 2,100USD |
Cameras and tripots(rental) | 564USD | 3 | 1,782USD |
Sound devices(rental) | 190USD | 3 | 570USD |
Wireless mics(rental) | 190USD | 3 | 570USD |
Rental editing stations (computers with editing, color grading, visual effect software) | 1,938USD | 1 | 1,938USD |
Rental for sound studio (computer, sound card, mic, room, speakers) | 173USD | 1 | 173USD |
Subtotal 3 | 34,883USD | ||
Cameras and tripots(Bophana in-kind contribution) | 5,330USD | 1 | 5,330USD |
Sound devices(Bophana in-kind contribution) | 560USD | 3 | 1,680USD |
Wireless mics(Bophana in-kind contribution) | 560USD | 3 | 1,680USD |
Rental editing stations (computers with editing, color grading, visual effect software,Bophana in-kind) | 1,856USD | 3 | 5,568USD |
Rental for sound studio (computer, sound card, mic, room, speakers - Bophana in-kind) | 525USD | 1 | 525USD |
6 laptop (Bophana in-kind) | 150USD | 6 | 900USD |
Hard Disk 4TB, external hard disk 2TB (Bophana in-kind) | 886USD | 3 | 2,658USD |
in-kind subtotal | 18,341USD |
Activity | Cost/Unit | Number of Units | Cost |
Translation of indigenous languages and video subtitling | 90USD | 40 | 3,600USD |
Uploading all the videos and organize them on the audiovisual archive page and Wikimedia Commons | 2,500USD | 1 | 2,500USD |
Communication materials and social media boosting (to promote the visibility of the archive) | 938USD | 1 | 938USD |
Subtotal 4 | 7,038USD |
Subject | Cost |
Subtotal 1+ Subtotal 2+ Subtotal 3+ Subtotal 4 | 100,000USD |
Subject | Cost |
21,251 USD (Bophana) + 32,000USD (UNESCO) | 53,251USD |
Community engagement
[edit]Community input and participation helps make projects successful. How will you let others in your community know about your project? Why are you targeting a specific audience? How will you engage the community you’re aiming to serve during your project?
For the indigenous communities:
In Cambodia
- We will get consents from the communities where the indigenous youths are from for recording their languages, lives and cultural activities.
- Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center has been in contact with indigenous communities, especially indigenous youth and indigenous women through their previous Amplifying Voice project, from which 14 quality short documentary films on indigenous issues were produced and some of them were sent to be screened at film festivals. In a longer run, with the consent of the producers, this indigenous archives can include some of the outcome documentaries from their previous projects to share the indigenous documentaries to a wider audience, as well as connecting the indigenous communities online through Wikimedia platforms.
In Asia and Worldwide
- UNESCO is in close relation with Asia Indigenous Youth Platform and Asia Indigenous People’s Pact, through which the indigenous archives can also reach out to indigenous youth or indigenous groups in Cambodia and other parts of Asia.
- UNESCO will lead the International Decade of Indigenous Languages, in which a Global Task Force from all different regions of the world and language activists who work on preserving indigenous languages will join and work together. UNESCO Bangkok will try to engage as many stakeholders as possible to enlarge the reach of the project and engage more partners who would like to collaborate with Wikimedia communities and work on similar initiatives worldwide.
For GLAM institutions:
- The Memory of the World Committee for Asia-Pacific (MOWCAP) is connected to a big memory institution network in Asia-Pacific. Through the Working Group on preserving indigenous languages, MOWCAP will help to expand the influence of the online indigenous archive to GLAM institutions in the region
For Wikimedia communities:
- We will engage with Wikimedia Thailand and Wikimedia Cambodia for the hiring of Wikimedians in Residence and the training on using wiki tools, organizing the Wiki-Campaign, as well as the monitoring and evaluation of the project.
- We will engage with WikiTongues to link with existing online indigenous archives from other parts of the world.
For video and documentary making communities:
- As an audio-visual resource center, Bophana also works on vocational training to prepare the youth with skills to become archivists, filmmakers, documentary producers, etc. The indigenous archive will get connected to the film communities to attract voluntary contribution from the community.
- UNESCO has been working on promoting media and information literacy. Through UNESCO’s network on mass media and storytelling experts, the participants will get quality training, and the results of the project will have a wider impact.
Get involved
[edit]Please use this section to tell us more about who is working on this project. For each member of the team, please describe any project-related skills, experience, or other background you have that might help contribute to making this idea a success.
• UNESCO Bangkok Office, Communication and Information Unit - organized Open GLAM Webinar Series in 2020, and #Wiki4Women on 'women hidden in history' in 2019
Misako Ito - Advisor for Communication and Information
Yufan Hu - Consultant at Communication and Information Unit
• Memory of the World Committee for Asia and the Pacific (MOWCAP) - MOWCAP is the network of memory institutions (GLAMs), a working group on preserving indigenous languages was created recently and focus on preserving indigenous languages through safeguarding documentary heritage
Andrew Henderson - Secretary-General of MOWCAP
Helen Jarvis - MOWCAP member
• Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center - an audio-visual resource center based in Cambodia, with experience of training indigenous youth to produce quality short documentary films. In 2020, Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center has produced 3 short documentary films about Elephant conservation and Indigenous experience in Mondulkiri province. The Center also collected 4 oral history videos from indigenous people in Ratanakiri related to their experience during the Khmer Rouge Regime in 2018. In addition, Bophana Center produced a feature documentary film "The Last Refuge" which is about environment and culture in Mondulkiri province which was screened in many international films. Another feature documentary film " Annâdya" was produced to promote appropriate technology for smallholders to increase food security among indigenous peoples.
Chea Sopheap - Director of Bophana Center
• Wikimedian-in-Residence (to be hired) - we will work with Wikimedia Thailand and Khmer-Cambodia to have two WiR who have expertise in open access and can speak English&Thai and English&Khmer
- Volunteer I want to help for the project from Thailand as a volunteer. B20180 (talk) 15:02, 22 April 2021 (UTC)
Community notification
[edit]Please paste links below to where relevant communities have been notified of your proposal, and to any other relevant community discussions. You are responsible for notifying relevant communities of your proposal, so that they can help you! Depending on your project, notification may be most appropriate on a Village Pump, talk page, mailing list, etc. Need notification tips?
Indigenous communities in Ratanakiri, Cambodia (notified in person by Bophana)
Wikimedia Thailand (Noticed and they would like to support the project so that we can have two WiRs, one based in Bangkok, Thailand and the other in Cambodia)
Wikimedia KH Cambodia (Got in touch through K. Attikhun from Wikimedia Thailand)
Global Task Force of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages (IDIL) 2022-2032
[edit]Do you think this project should be selected for a Project Grant? Please add your name and rationale for endorsing this project below! (Other constructive feedback is welcome on the discussion page).
Strong support! I'm very supportive of projects that bridge content gaps for under-resourced languages. This looks like a terrific effort to expand Wikimedia projects to new communities and ensure a better representation of Cambodian languages on Wikipedia and the Commons. Bogreudell (talk) 04:21, 24 February 2021 (UTC)
Strong support This project will help improve the content in indigenous languages from Cambodia on Wikimedia Commons as well as building the capacity of indigenous youths and engage new indigenous Wikimedians. Yufan Hu (talk) 05:29, 24 February 2021 (UTC)
- Yes, it's useful of indigenous youth and their community of cambodia. 08:05, 24 February 2021 (UTC)
- As someone who has volunteered at Bophana Center, I have observed first-hand the incredible work being done there. The staff is extremely dedicated to training young filmmakers in producing high quality, thoughtful projects and providing them with the education, technical skills and institutional support to not only learn how to be adept documentarians but to bring those skills back to their communities and produce films for and about the people and issues that matter to them. They are well-equipped to carry out this project! 08:11, 24 February 2021 (UTC)
- Great!support 08:20, 24 February 2021 (UTC)
- Support 08:27, 24 February 2021 (UTC)
- Support 08:42, 24 February 2021 (UTC)
- support 08:52, 24 February 2021 (UTC)
- support 09:09, 24 February 2021 (UTC)
- support 09:12, 24 February 2021 (UTC)
- support 09:16, 24 February 2021 (UTC)
- support! 10:01, 24 February 2021 (UTC)
- support! 10:01, 24 February 2021 (UTC)
- Support 10:06, 24 February 2021 (UTC)
- This is a vital project to ensure that Cambodian indigenous culture and language are archived and accessible for generations now and in the future. 10:06, 24 February 2021 (UTC)
- Great project! 10:09, 24 February 2021 (UTC)
- such a valueable piece of heritage 10:14, 24 February 2021 (UTC)
- As consultant for Sipar, I endorse this project of Bophana. Sipar is working in Ratanakiri since many years (mobile library for Tampuon and Jarai communities) and will develop a new program of Multilingual publishing (Tampoun/Khmer & Jarai/Khmer). Sipar has also supported the first Public library in Mondolkiri that can be used to show videos as well. I think these ethnolinguistic communities need to preserve and to share their cultural & linguistic heritage for the next generation. 10:20, 24 February 2021 (UTC)
- I think this project will be a most worthy contribution to the protection and preservation of indigenous culture in Cambodia. I am impressed by the enthusiasm and energy which has been put into the making of the short documentary films produced so far. 10:55, 24 February 2021 (UTC)
- I have been able to explore Bophana's audiovisual archives in Phnom Penh during a visit there and have also attended screenings of their film projects at film festivals in the United States. I have been extremely impressed at the work they have done and continue to do to preserve and make available the audiovisual history of Cambodia and to train a new generation of young filmmakers who are creating powerful work to record and collect the experiences of indigenous and underserved and underrepresented groups in the country in compelling and creative ways. 2603:7000:3203:6A46:7CB1:3FF0:CEBF:A557 11:48, 24 February 2021 (UTC)
- This project is important and I would like to endorse accordingly. 12:53, 24 February 2021 (UTC)
- This project is urgently needed and will be faithfully executed by the archive (Chris Patterson, Ph.D., University of British Columbia) 13:20, 24 February 2021 (UTC)
- Very good initiative. In every country, minority ethnic groups should be recognized, and so is the case for Cambbodia. 2A01:CB00:C02:BF00:B9B7:A798:4549:3502 14:45, 24 February 2021 (UTC)
- This is an important project as there are few archival traces of Indigenous heritage in Cambodia. Bophana Center is at the vanguard of community-driven archival practice, there is no better organization to carry out this project in collaboration with Indigenous groups. 17:39, 24 February 2021 (UTC)
- This project is a major initiative to recover indigenous culture in tis broadest sense and conducted by one of the most creative and full of trajectory institutions in cultural, visual, and cinematographic aspects. 18:42, 24 February 2021 (UTC)
- This is an important project in the right organization to bring it to conclusion. 19:35, 24 February 2021 (UTC)
- I have followed the work of the Bophana Center for several years, and I fully endorse the purpose and quality of their important work.
George Chigas, PhD Associate Teaching Professor in Khmer Studies University of Massachusetts Lowell 2601:18C:D07F:A9C0:D466:2048:CA8B:C6AB 19:54, 24 February 2021 (UTC)
- Preserving and documenting the languages and customs of indigenous peoples in Cambodia is extremely important, and the Bophana Center, with its experience training indigenous documentary film makers and archiving and distributing the films that they create is definitely the right organization to undertake this project. 20:48, 24 February 2021 (UTC)
- The Bophana Center is an innovative, forward-looking organization, and this is a valuable, time-sensitive project. I heartily endorse your support of this project. Craig Etcheson, Harvard University 2601:192:4C80:3130:2D3B:3D9F:A07B:1F1F 21:36, 24 February 2021 (UTC)
- This is a vital and important project. Bophana Center has an outstanding track record and reputation in this field and will deliver excellence in collaboration with UNESCO. I strongly support and endorse this project. 22:41, 24 February 2021 (UTC)
- I think it is extremely important to have audio archive of languages used by indigenous people in Cambodia. This documentation will be crucial for researchers as well as future generation to learn about indigenous languages and cultures. 00:24, 25 February 2021 (UTC)
- Essential for preserving and development of ethnic minority cultures and languages in Cambodia 2001:67C:25BC:852:B10D:16:B1FF:130 01:35, 25 February 2021 (UTC)
- I would like the life, culture, language and tradition of indigenous people are documented and preserved. This is close to my heart and my responsible contribution Raoul Wallenberg Institute is working on indigenous people community in relation to legal capacity building and law. 2001:67C:25BC:852:B10D:16:B1FF:130 01:39, 25 February 2021 (UTC)
- We support this project of memory essential for young people and the remarkable work of Bophana that we follow since its creation. 14:33, 25 February 2021 (UTC)
- Bophana is an exceptional archive and resource for studying Cambodian art, history and culture. KhmerLit (talk) 16:39, 25 February 2021 (UTC)
- This is an important project for Cambodia. Little is known and has been done to preserve the languages, traditions and culture of the indigenous minority groups in Cambodia. The international community and Cambodia must come together before it is too late to preserve the languages and cultural activities of these indigenous groups as is being done by wealthier countries around the world, such as Canada, Australia, USA, etc 21:04, 26 February 2021 (UTC)
- Dear Committee Members,
I endorse this project since it provides two main points: conservation and sustainable capacity building for young people.
It is the first time that I heard about the audio-visual indigenous. It is a unique project that indigenous languages have contributed by youth and gender balance since I have met few people from this group but could not even say their languages.
The second goal of this project focuses on capacity building for them by making audio-visual documentation and contributing to Wikimedia Commons by taking through the resources' editorial processes and quality standards. All these activities are not short-term, but the project has considered a long-term achievement for the community.
The existing NGOs' reports provided the key findings and recommendations on indigenous people's education (ADB, 2002). The formal education contributes to the indigenous young people focusing more on the Khmer language to use, have made original speak beyond, and disappear. There are concerns from researchers warn of a loss of languages and recommend documentation to preserve a dying language (VoA, 2009).
Thus, besides the conservation languages of indigenous, which is concerning by researchers, it also contributes to education, which existing reports recommend. I hope the participants in this project will use their skills for community benefits after finished this course.
Best Regards,
KUM Somaly 09:05, 2 March 2021 (UTC)
- Support your project! Thank you. 11:11, 3 March 2021 (UTC)
- I find this project really interesting in term of protect and preserve the culture of the Indigenous people as well as promoting their culture to the public. I really appreciate the idea of developing open access platform which is very essential.
Hopefully, this project will take much care in aligning the activities with the Indigenous Data Sovereignty (IDS) and Indigenous Data Governance (IDG). 06:54, 4 March 2021 (UTC)
- This will provide a larger exposure of Indigenous Identify in Cambodia. 07:13, 4 March 2021 (UTC)
- This project serves to protect and preserve Indigenous languages and cultures, while also encouraging and engaging youth in the process. Record of the culture, language, and life of the Indigenous will bring awareness to the needs of the community that can produce impact at a policy level. Sphou (talk) 15:05, 4 March 2021 (UTC)
- I endorse this project because I recognize the importance of documenting the indigenous communities of Cambodia. 2600:1700:83D0:2180:943C:8D59:1094:1DEA 20:15, 4 March 2021 (UTC)
- I strongly support this project which helps to safeguard and revitalize indigenous languages from Cambodia using Wiki tools while at the same time contributing to build the capacity of indigenous people to engage with Wikimedia community! Misako Ito (talk) 07:06, 5 March 2021 (UTC)
- The UNESCO Memory of the World Committee for Asia-Pacific (MOWCAP) was established in 1998 with the aim of assisting with the preservation of and universal access to documentary heritage of the Asia/Pacific region, and also to increase awareness of the existence and significance of the heritage. One area MOWCAP is concerned with is the preservation of documentary heritage in indigenous languages and in supporting the continued access and use of this material. In this regard, this important project can be a prototype/model for the Asia-Pacific region that can potentially be implemented in other countries. I fully support this project. Andrew Henderson, Secretary-General, MOWCAP. 04:26, 6 March 2021 (UTC)
- i love it so much 02:15, 7 March 2021 (UTC)
Strong support Wikimedia Thailand fully supports this project. As member of WMTH, we believe that this project has a potential and if effective could be a role model for other countries in the ESEAP region. Similar issues exist in our country and Thailand's indigenous knowledge is disappearing over time because the initiatives on preservation of these resources are lacking. In addition, we are also able to reallocate some of our budget to to support one additional Wikipedian-in-Residence based in Bangkok to work with the one in Cambodia. --Athikhun.suw (talk) 12:51, 21 April 2021 (UTC)