Grants:Project/DBpedia/GlobalFactSyncRE/Timeline/Meeting June6 2019
June 6, 2019 Team Meeting
- Krzystof: provide Python code (for fact and source extractions) and initial data
- Sebastian: provide server
- Marvin:
- clean released data is there, re-release should be easy to get
- merging of MusicBrains
- new wikidata release before vacation
- integration of MusicBrainz into FlexiFusion after vacation
- Johannes:
- look at MusicBrainz to use for music albums as sync target, check how well it is mapped and linked
- Pick 5 properties for mapping
- Get in contact with user Jc86035
- Marvin has logs for usage (how many times someone goes on the website, but at the moment we cannot tell what they are doing there or if it’s just google bots)
- Marvin: come up with a tool/query to find the most likely errors
- Tina: expectations regarding user interface
- Tina and Sebastian: Establish means of communication within the group (slack channel? Wikipedia?)
next telco: Tuesday June 18, 11am