Grants:Project/Ambrascura/3D cultural objects

Project idea
[edit]What is the problem you're trying to solve?
[edit]What problem are you trying to solve by doing this project? This problem should be small enough that you expect it to be completely or mostly resolved by the end of this project.
Remember to review the tutorial for tips on how to answer this question.
Using the open source Blender software for image modeling, we are planning to digitize in 3D some objects of the collection belonging to the Egyptian museum of Turin, make them available in Commons to be used by an audience of potential users including video game developers. The virtual three-dimensional form enhances the use of that objects by facilitating its cultural interiorisation in contexts that are not only linked to the physical ones of the museum but also range in playful areas such as video games, as well as professional. Basically the 3D model of the artistic and cultural asset allows a more immersive and participatory enjoyment of the same than its simple two-dimensional reproduction of the cultural object within a digital product such as video games, much appreciated by the new generations, or a virtual reality tour inside a museum with the help of OSM.
The project intends to be a small example to solve a more important problem linked to the Italian regulatory context of use of digital reproduction of artistic and cultural heritage. In fact, in Italy the management of digital image rights is guided not only by copyright rules but also by rules for the protection of cultural assets which in fact place major limits on the free circulation of digital reproductions of assets. The relationship with the GLAM world is made difficult by the lack of adoption of licenses that allow free reuse of the digital image by adopting the cc by sa license. With this project we intend to relese with open licenses some objects belonging to the collection of the Egyptian Museum of Turin; through the 3D digitization of these objects and their making available on Wikimedia Commonsa, we intend to implement a good practice that can be systematically taken as an example by other museums. In general, the project intends to overcome the distrust of the Italian cultural institution for the release of reproductions of its assets under a free license and this collaboration represents the starting point for subsequently establishing an ongoing collaboration with the museum through the presence of a Wikimedian in residence to upload photos of all museum collections to Commons, fill in the Wikidata items correctly and promote editathon to enrich the entries on Wikipedia. This project prepares the conditions for hiring a Wikipedian in residence with whom to start a continuous collaboration.
What is your solution to this problem?
[edit]For the problem you identified in the previous section, briefly describe your how you would like to address this problem.
We recognize that there are many ways to solve a problem. We’d like to understand why you chose this particular solution, and why you think it is worth pursuing.
Remember to review the tutorial for tips on how to answer this question.
We propose a digitization of the cultural object in 3D because 3D allows wider application areas for its use on the Net that goes beyond traditional textual editorial productions. A 3D object in fact offers the possibility of creating an augmented reality path by connecting the object's references to the Wikipedia pages; furthermore, the intention is to enrich the Commons collection of freely available objects that can be reused and recreated by users with the 3D printer. Moreover, this solution not only covers a gamification gap of our projects, but by its nature turning to the world of children / teenagers (a band usually not covered in our projects), it makes them approach the wiki world in a fun way.
Project goals
[edit]What are your goals for this project? Your goals should describe the top two or three benefits that will come out of your project. These should be benefits to the Wikimedia projects or Wikimedia communities. They should not be benefits to you individually.
Remember to review the tutorial for tips on how to answer this question.
The project goals are:
- Increase the number of 3D objects released in Wikimedia Commons under CC by SA licenses
- Create the conditions to establish a wikimedian in residence at the museum that connects the museum's assets to the various wiki projects: wikidata, commons and wikipedia in Italian
- Create a virtual tour of the museum with an augmented reality path by linking the items on Wikipedia
- Create a video game with objects from the museum's collection
- Promote the use of free licenses and free software in cultural institutions.
- Create an interconnection with other communities that promote free software so that it is adopted in cultural institutions
Project impact
[edit]How will you know if you have met your goals?
[edit]For each of your goals, we’d like you to answer the following questions:
- During your project, what will you do to achieve this goal? (These are your outputs.)
- Once your project is over, how will it continue to positively impact the Wikimedia community or projects? (These are your outcomes.)
For each of your answers, think about how you will capture this information. Will you capture it with a survey? With a story? Will you measure it with a number? Remember, if you plan to measure a number, you will need to set a numeric target in your proposal (i.e. 45 people, 10 articles, 100 scanned documents).
Remember to review the tutorial for tips on how to answer this question.
Our achievements are:
- Selection, in collaboration with the museum, of 15 objects whose entries are already present in Wikipedia or which are in any case of cultural relevance
- Intervention for the 3D return of the objects by a Blender operator
- Arrangement of the virtual path in the museum with augmented reality
- Activation of a Wikimedian in residence
- Inserting 1000 objects released with an open license in Commons
- Inserting 1000 items in Wikidata
- Activation of the gamer community
- Publication on commons of 3D reproductions of 15 objects chosen from the museum collections.
- Organization of 2 edit-a-thons to develop item entries on Wikipedia
- Use in the gaming world of digital reproductions of artistic goods with free license.
At the ent, these results will be captured
- Creating a video game with objects reproduced in 3D to be uploaded in Commons
- Organising communication campaigns by the museum institution and the Blender Italy Association.
Do you have any goals around participation or content?
[edit]Are any of your goals related to increasing participation within the Wikimedia movement, or increasing/improving the content on Wikimedia projects? If so, we ask that you look through these three metrics, and include any that are relevant to your project. Please set a numeric target against the metrics, if applicable.
Number | Metric | Actors | Expected result |
1 | Uploading 3D objects on Wikimedia Commons | Camelia.boban | uploading 15 3D images |
2 | Uploading on Wikimedia Commons of photos of other objects belonging to the museum collection | wikimedian in residence | 1000 files |
3 | New entries and implemented articles on the theme of ancient artistic heritage in Egypt | edithaton | 50 articles |
4 | New users | editathon | 20 |
Project plan
[edit]Tell us how you'll carry out your project. What will you and other organizers spend your time doing? What will you have done at the end of your project? How will you follow-up with people that are involved with your project?
The project follows two lines of development:
1) the first line provides
- a) the release of the images representing the objects of the museum with free CC by SA licenses
- b) their upload to the Commons,
- c) the development of contents in Wikipedia concerning the museum, the collection, the encyclopedic objects through the organization of two editathons.
This part will be done by the wikimedian in residence. 2) the second line includes a technical and gamification part, curated by the Blender Italia association, translate objects from the collection uploaded to Commons and Wikidata into 3D models, fine-tuning of the virtual visit to the museum using objects in augmented reality through OSM paths and with links to Wikipedia pages online video game preparation.
The 3D models and all the software produced will be released under open source licenses.
- Project plan
Number | Period | Activity |
1 | July - December 2021 | Realization of 3D objects Virtual tour realization Online game creation |
2 | November 2021 - March 2022 | Article writing and implementation Upload objects and photos to Wikimedia Commons; link with wikidata |
3 | March - June 2022 | Time recovery (see Covid emergency) and communication |
[edit]How you will use the funds you are requesting? List bullet points for each expense. (You can create a table later if needed.) Don’t forget to include a total amount, and update this amount in the Probox at the top of your page too!
Number | Activitiy | Actors | Description | Ammount (EUR) |
1 | Inclusion of photos of collection objects in Commons; wikidata input elements | Wikimedian in residence (to be indentified) | assignment of 4 months (renewable) for a total of 30 hours per month | 3.500 € (VAT included) |
2 | Render objects in 3D + Virtual visit + Gaming | Blender professional work |
To these expenses, at the end will be apply the VAT at 22%:
TOTAL 1: 1240 €
Technical instrumentation and software borne by the staff dealing with photogrammetry and modeling
TOTAL 2: 3600 €
Technical instrumentation and software borne by the virtualization staff.
TOTAL 3: 3660 € TOTAL (without VAT) = TOTAL 1 + TOTAL 2 + TOTAL 3 = 8500 €
VAT (22% of 8500 €) = 1870 € |
10.370 € (VAT included) |
3 | Conferences, publication and organizational costs | Museo Egizio | graphic design, prints | 500 € |
4 | Promotional Video | Museo Egizio | video creation | 500 € |
TOTAL | 14. 870 € |
Community engagement
[edit]How will you let others in your community know about your project? Why are you targeting a specific audience? How will you engage the community you’re aiming to serve at various points during your project? Community input and participation helps make projects successful.
[edit]This project will be brought to knowledge to the community through the publication of the news at the Bar (VillagePump) of Italian Wikipedia, to that of the WikiDonne project, on the various social channels of the wiki community on Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, Instagram. News will be given to that part of the wikitech community interested in software development and gamification.
Italy is currently in lockdown for two weeks until Easter. In the project, people's movements are scheduled for the month of July where they can take the train or car respecting all the safety measures provided. In any case, should the restrictive measures persist, we can still organize the work by following the internal staff online, taking more time, and in this case we will not use the quotas provided for the trip.
Get involved
[edit]Please use this section to tell us more about who is working on this project. For each member of the team, please describe any project-related skills, experience, or other background you have that might help contribute to making this idea a success.
Number | Name | About | Affiliation | Work |
1 | Maria Pia Dall’Armellina | teacher | Former board member of Wikimedia Italia, Ambrascura, Utente:Piadarmi, WMIT site | main organizer |
2 | Camelia Boban | Wikipedian since 2007, Commons, Wikidata, Camelia.boban | WikiDonne UG | volunteer for uploading 15 3D images in Commons |
3 | Alessandro Passariello | architectonic designer, profile link | Blender Italia board | technical work with Blender |
4 | Virginia Cimino | manager | Museo Egizio di Torino, Communication team | museum contribution |
5 | Enrico Ferraris | museum curator | Museo Egizio curator | museum contribution |
6 | Wikimedian in residence (to be identified) | Wikimedia movement/Museo Egizio | uploading 1000 images in Commons and creation of the Wikidata items |
Community notification
[edit]You are responsible for notifying relevant communities of your proposal, so that they can help you! Depending on your project, notification may be most appropriate on a Village Pump, talk page, mailing list, etc.--> Please paste links below to where relevant communities have been notified of your proposal, and to any other relevant community discussions. Need notification tips?
The project will be notified to the community at:
- Italian Wikipedia Village Pump (done)
- WikiDonne Village Pump (done)
- Social media: Facebook (WikiDonne & WikipediaWeekly), Twitter, Youtube (TBD), Instagram
- Wikimedia Wikitech mailinglist: email on wikitech-l list sent on February 16th
News will be given to that part of the wikitech community interested in software development and gamification. Publication of the news on the site hosting the Blender Italia Community and the Blender Italia Association; social channels attributable to Blender Italia (website and social media about 25,000 registered users), publication of articles on Blender Magazine Italy (, exhibition of the project at BCON Italia and BCON Amsterdam (Italian and international conferences on Blender and the activities of the Communities), realization of workshops by the association on the theme of the techniques used for the realization of this project.
[edit]Do you think this project should be selected for a Project Grant? Please add your name and rationale for endorsing this project below! (Other constructive feedback is welcome on the discussion page).
- Nice project, the Turin Egyptian Museum is an important institution Sabas88 (talk) 17:02, 10 February 2021 (UTC)
- Very interesting project, oriented to the sharing and enjoyment of cultural heritage, a particularly debated problem in Italy. The Egyptian Museum is one of the most important museum entities in the world, it could therefore be an example for the whole heritage panorama. --Saverio.G (talk) 17:49, 10 February 2021 (UTC)
Strong support I usually don't endorse projects where I am engaged as volunteer. But this time I want to make an exception. This project is a great idea, not only because will increase the open content, but also because we need this kinda collaboration in GLAM (Museo Egizio in Turin is an important museum in the classic area, and the greatest about the Ancient Egypt history in Italy). Is also a funny, actual, and not covered environment in our projects, that help us bring new people inside our movement and show our projects outside the wiki world. Virtual activities increased during this pandemic and being able to visit spaces that are otherwise unreachable is cool. WikiDonne is interested and intends to use this prototype, and I think many other in GLAM, the project has the advantage of being a reusable and scalable project. --Camelia (talk) 11:01, 12 February 2021 (UTC)
- Very interesting project with one of the most important museum in Italy. I appreciated the idea to use Wikidata, Wikipedia and OpenStreetmap to create a virtual tour of the museum. I think it could actract many Italian teenager to contribute to these projects and also it could be a good use case for many other museums. Zaffo80 (talk) 21:47, 15 February 2021 (UTC)
Support Great project idea ǃ 3D objects are very important and we need to increase their number on Commons and Wikipedia. Looking forward to seeing these 3D objects ǃ Yamen (talk) 11:24, 18 February 2021 (UTC)
Strong support I think this is something that brings a lot of value and I wish there are m3D models of objects/buildings in every language in the future! We can learn a lot from this initiative. Marcmiquel (talk) 14:55, 20 February 2021 (UTC)