Hibah:Program/Penelitian Wikimedia & Hibah Teknologi/Dana Penelitian Wikimedia
Groups, individuals or organisations. Established Wikimedia researchers or established researchers who want to become Wikimedia researchers.
Research Proposals (Type 1), Extended Research Proposals (Type 2), and Event and Community-Building Proposals (Type 3).
Up to 12 months (Type 1 and 3) and up to 24 months (Type 2). Proposed work can start as early as July 1, 2025 and must end no later than the end of grant period.
Berapa banyak?
Requests must be over 2,000 USD. The maximum request is 50,000 USD (Type 1 and 3) and 150,000 USD (Type 2) (with a maximum of 75,000 USD per year).
We have made some changes to the Research Fund for the 2025 round. Please read the information below carefully to determine fit and prepare your application.
Who we fund
The Research Fund supports individuals, groups, and organizations with expertise and interest in conducting research on or about Wikimedia projects. We encourage submissions from across research disciplines, including but not limited to the humanities, social sciences, computer science and engineering, education, and law.
Applicants should be established Wikimedia researchers (i.e., people with a history of conducting research related to Wikimedia projects) or established researchers who want to become Wikimedia researchers. We will fund proposals primarily based on our assessment of whether a grant will result in high-quality and high-impact scholarship. We will prioritize proposals from applicants who have limited access to research funding, are in regions of the world where the Wikimedia research community has less representation, have experience conducting research in collaboration with Wikimedia communities, and/or are proposing work that has the potential for direct, positive impact on either the global or local Wikimedia communities.
Apa yang kami danai 
For the 2025 round, we welcome three types of submissions.
Type 1: Research Proposals
We expect to fund 4-10 grants to support basic or applied research projects related to Wikimedia projects. We expect that these projects will include the following types of research:
- The production of research products (especially peer-reviewed scholarly publications) that can:
- Contribute to generalizable knowledge that has the potential to improve and expand our understanding of the Wikimedia projects and their impact;
- Identify and/or evaluate novel technical and socio-technical solutions that can enhance the technology or policy in support of the Wikimedia projects;
- Inform important social or policy decisions that organized groups within the Wikimedia communities want to make.
- The development of datasets of importance for Wikimedia communities (including but not limited to Wikimedia research communities).
We are particularly interested in proposals that advance the Wikimedia Movement towards the 2030 strategic direction, the Multigenerational strategy, and/or seek to provide evidence of causal effects.
Our funds are limited and we want to focus the funds on the most important and unaddressed research gaps on the Wikimedia projects that existing Movement organizations and initiatives are less likely to tackle. To this end, we will not fund:
- Research proposals to develop a product or technology in support of the Wikimedia projects;
- Research proposals that involve conducting a study that is identical or similar to a study previously conducted in one language edition of Wikipedia in another, unless there is a strong reason to believe the result will differ.
Funding Amount: Funding of between 2,000-50,000 USD per proposal.
Time Period: Work should be conducted for up to 1 year (12 months).
Type 2: Extended Research Proposals
We expect to fund up to two grants for extended research proposals. This proposal will have the same scope and goals as the “normal” research proposal described in the section above but will be higher in total funding amount and in the time period the work is carried out.
Funding Amount: Funding of up to 50,000-150,000 USD (over all years of the grant period with up to USD 75,000 per year) per proposal.
Time Period: Work should be conducted for up to 2 years (24 months). We will consider (re-)applications in the second year of these grants for a third year of funding to continue or extend work made during a potential third year.
Type 3: Event and Community-Building Proposals
We will fund up to 5 proposals by established members of the Wikimedia research community to organize events or conduct community-building projects to strengthen, expand, and diversify the community of researchers studying Wikimedia projects and increasing the Wikimedia research community’s collective impact.
Funding Amount: Funding of up to 50,000 USD per proposal.
Time Period: Work should be conducted for up to 1 year (12 months).
Other Types of Projects
For other Wikimedia Foundation funding options, please see: Wikimedia Foundation grant programs including the Wikimedia Community Fund.
Syarat kelayakan 
- Individu, kelompok, maupun organisasi dapat mengajukan.
- Permohonan dana hibah harus lebih dari 2,000 USD dan maksimal 50,000 USD.
- Jangka waktu hibah bisa sampai 12 bulan.
- Penerima harus menyetujui persyaratan laporan, bersedia menandatangani perjanjian hibah, dan memberikan Yayasan Wikimedia informasi yang diperlukan untuk proses hibah. You can read more about eligibility requirements.
- Permohonan dan laporan diterima dalam bahasa Inggris dan Spanyol
- Calon pemohon tidak boleh mengajukan proposal jika salah satu dari berikut ini benar:
- Paling tidak satu pemohon telah menjadi karyawan atau kontraktor di Yayasan Wikimedia dalam 24 bulan terakhir
- Paling tidak pemohon memiliki hubungan dengan satu atau lebih dengan Ketua Komite Hibah Penelitian atau anggota tim Penelitian Wikimedia sebagai pemberi nasihat/penasihat.
- Paling tidak satu pemohon merupakan kolaborator resmi saat ini atau dulu dari team Penelitian Yayasan Wikimedia dalam 24 bulan terakhir.
- Paling tidak satu pemohon telah menulis publikasi bersama dengan ketua Komite dalam 24 bulan terakhir
- Potential applicants must meet all WMF General Eligibility requirements listed at Legal and conduct requirements.
Formulir dan panduan permohonan 
If you are submitting a proposal for a Research Proposal or an Extended Research Proposal, please use research-proposal-template to submit your application. Please read the template document carefully before preparing your final submission as it contains important instructions and the link to the budget template.
If you are submitting a proposal for an Event and Community-Building, please use event-and-community-building-template.
Similar to previous years, we will use OpenReview for application submissions. The submission form will open by Mar 20, 2025 and will be updated here. Please make sure to set up your account if you don’t have one yet.
Bagaimana kami mendanai 
Proses permohonan
Applicants submit proposals in response to the call for Research Fund Proposals. Proposals will be subject to an initial review by the fund chairs for conformance to eligibility criteria and potential for funding. All proposals that are considered for further review will be made publicly available to allow Wikimedia community members, Wikimedia affiliates, and Regional Fund Committees to provide optional feedback. These proposals will be subject to a technical review by the Research Fund chairs and third-party experts.
Proses penijauan
Kami akan menggunakan proses tinjauan single-blind di mana identitas pemohon diketahui, tetapi peninjau Komite Hibah Penelitian anonim. Anggota Komite Hibah Penelitian akan menyatakan sendiri keahlian mereka untuk setiap proposal dan mengungkapkan setiap potensi konflik kepentingan kepada ketua Komite. Setiap proposal akan menerima setidaknya tiga tinjauan dan dapat menerima masukan dari satu atau lebih dari tujuh Komite Hibah Penelitian Wikimedia jika diminta. Setiap proposal juga dapat menerima masukan dari komunitas sukarelawan Wikimedia melalui proses umpan balik terstruktur di Meta-Wiki. Setiap pengajuan akan menerima skor gabungan dan tinjauan komprehensif dari ketua Komite.
Kriteria seleksi
Kami akan menilai formulir pengajuan beasiswa berdasarkan kriteria berikut:
- Research. The proposed work's primary focus must be to conduct research designed to contribute to generalizable knowledge or research community building. Because they are not focused on generalizable knowledge, research efforts on understanding the specific needs of an organization or community will not be considered. Note that proposals with a primary focus on outreach, technology development/deployment, institutional support, other non-research activities, or research focused on specific organizations are funded through other funds offered by the Wikimedia Foundation. (This criterion is not applicable to Events and Community-Building Proposals.)
- Relevansi. Penelitian harus berada dalam atau sekitar proyek Wikimedia atau sangat penting bagi proyek Wikimedia.
- Dampak. Kami bertujuan untuk memprioritaskan proposal yang bertujuan untuk memungkinkan komunitas Wikimedia dalam membuat keputusan atau mengambil tindakan yang berdampak signifikan sebagai hasil dari penelitian yang dilakukan. Kami akan memberikan pertimbangan khusus pada proposal yang secara langsung membahas Wikimedia 2030 Arah Strategis (termasuk juga yanamun tidak terbatas pada Rekomendasi Gerakan) serta proposal yang mencoba menjawab pertanyaan penelitian pada Wikipedia bahasa lain yang memiliki sedikit penyunting.
- Geografi pelamar dan institusi terkait mereka. Karena kami bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keragaman geografis peneliti yang berkontribusi pada proyek Wikimedia, kami mendorong pengajuan proposal penelitian dari Amerika Tengah dan Selatan, Afrika, Eropa Timur dan Asia dan akan memberikan pertimbangan khusus pada proposal dari daerah ini.
- Komunitas. Kami berkeinginan untuk mendanai karya yang membantu komunitas-komunitas Wikimedia mengambil langkah-langkah berikutnya. Kami akan memprioritaskan proposal yang mendukung atau bekerja dengan grup pengguna Wikimedia, afiliasi, dan komunitas pengembang. Kami mendorong pelamar untuk memasukkan satu atau lebih anggota komunitasnya dalam tim mereka dan berkonsultasi dengan Komunitas-komunitas tersebut mengenai keperluan mereka dari tahun 2019, 2020, dan 2021 untuk memperoleh topik penelitian yang berkaitan dengan komunitas tersebut.
- Kontribusi sebelumnya yang terkait proyek akademik dan/atau penelitian terkait dan/atau terkait Wikimedia dan komunitas budaya bebas. Kami akan meninjau kontribusi yang dilaporkan sendiri oleh pelamar untuk mendapatkan pemahaman yang lebih dalam mengenai minat, keterampilan, dan kemampuan pelamar.
Please prepare your budget carefully using the budget-template which is prepopulated with sample expense details. Note that there are two sheets in the template – one for research proposals and one for events and community building activities. Please complete the relevant sheet based on your application.
Because the WMF mission is focused on education, budgets should not include faculty teaching “buyouts”—i.e., any budgeting for salary or effort that will result in a reduction of teaching. If the research project being proposed is absolutely not possible without a buyout, please provide context in your budget request and an exception will be considered by the Research Fund Committee.
Our overall budget for Research Funds is limited. We ask you to request funds only for the amount that you need to make your proposed research a reality and do not aim to necessarily reach the limit of the category you are submitting for. As a rule of thumb: the higher the budget you ask, the higher our expectation for your proposal to be comprehensive and impactful and the budget to be detailed. Higher budget generally translates to more scrutiny towards your application for us to assure we are distributing the funds in the best way we can.
Final grant amounts are up to the discretion of the Research Fund Committee, who may reach out to finalists to ask for a reduced budget and a proportionally reduced scope of work. For Type 1 research proposals and Type 3 event proposals, funds will be disbursed in one payment at the beginning of the funding period (as early as July 2025). For Type 2 extended proposals, funds will be disbursed in separate installments, as will be determined by the Research Fund Committee.
Semua proposal harus mengikuti prinsip etika penelitian dan aturan serta pedoman yang terkait dengan penelitian subjek manusia. Kami mendorong penulis untuk membaca Menlo Report untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang prinsip-prinsip etika, Allman/Paxson IMC '07 paper untuk panduan tentang berbagi data etis, dan Sandvig et al. '14 paper mengenai etika audit algoritma. Finalis harus mengatasi kemungkinan tantangan etika dan bagaimana mereka akan mengatasinya dalam proposal mereka. Tinjauan Dewan Peninjau Kelembagaan (jika ada) perlu diselesaikan sebelum dana didistribusikan.
Conflict of interest policy
In reviewing proposals, we will apply ACM’s conflict of interest policy to all Research Fund applications.
Hasil penelitian
Agar hasil penelitian Anda dapat ditindaklanjuti dan digunakan kembali oleh komunitas sukarelawan, afiliasi, dan Yayasan Wikimedia, Anda harus memastikan bahwa setiap hasil penelitian Anda mematuhi Kebijakan Akses Terbuka WMF. Anda dianjurkan untuk menyertakan biaya publikasi akses terbuka sebagai bagian dari anggaran Anda.
Penerima hibah diharapkan membuat halaman proyek di MetaWiki:Research untuk mendokumentasikan kemajuan pekerjaan mereka sebulan sekali. Selain itu, mereka juga diharapkan untuk menyelesaikan laporan keuangan dan proyek akhir menggunakan templat yang disediakan, dan hadir di acara Penelitian Wikimedia mendatang serta setidaknya di satu acara dalam komunitas penelitian mereka.
Important Dates 
16 April 2025
Application submission deadline
14 Mei 2025
Application notifications
All deadlines are 23:59 Anywhere on Earth.
Jam kerja 
We invite you to schedule 1:1 consultations with us to ask questions about the Research Fund program or the relevance of your proposed work. Schedule a session with Kinneret Gordon or schedule a session with Leila Zia. When scheduling your appointment, please provide a description of your proposed research topic or question.
We will also hold an open call to answer any questions people may have. Please join us on Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 17:15 – 18:00 UTC via Google Meet.
Hubungi kami 
Silakan ajukan pertanyaan anda ke research_fundwikimedia.org.
Panitia Penyelenggara 
Pimpinan komite hibah
- Benjamin Mako Hill (University of Washington)
- Leila Zia (Yayasan Wikimedia)
Apakah peneliti yang baru meniti kariri atau mereka yang baru dalam penelitian Wikimedia akan didukung?
- Kinneret Gordon (Wikimedia Foundation)