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Grants:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/Rapid Fund/Wikipedia Awareness In Akko (ID: 21986977)/Final Report

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Rapid Fund Final Report

Report Status: Under review

Due date: 2023-02-12T00:00:00Z

Funding program: Rapid Fund, Wikimedia Community Fund

Report type: Final


This is an automatically generated Meta-Wiki page. The page was copied from Fluxx, the grantmaking web service of Wikimedia Foundation where the user has submitted their midpoint report. Please do not make any changes to this page because all changes will be removed after the next update. Use the discussion page for your feedback. The page was created by CR-FluxxBot.

General information[edit]

  • Title of Proposal: Wikipedia Awareness In Akko
  • Username of Applicant: Usmanagm
  • Name of Organization: N/A
  • Amount awarded: 3581.42
  • Amount spent: 3581.42 USD, 1477350 NGN

Part 1 Understanding your work[edit]

1. Briefly describe how your proposed activities and strategies were implemented

The project trained and recruited fifty new editors from various higher institutions, writers and youth associations in Akko. Through the project, a diverse group of students and young people from different institutions, clubs, and associations within the target community were engaged, with a focus on familiarizing them with Wikimedia projects such as English Wikipedia and other languages such as Hausa.

Efforts were also made to raise awareness of the projects both online and offline, and the training provided hands-on experience for participants to create Wikipedia accounts, understand core content policies, and learn general editing principles, including creating new articles and performing minor edits to improve content about people, places, organizations, etc.

The project also created a community of Wikimedia editors in Akko and exposed them to user groups such as Hausa Wikimedians UserGroup and Fulfulde Wikimedians UserGroup, and established WhatsApp and Facebook groups for the new editors. The participation of facilitators who were founders of these user groups, Musaddam Idriss and Gwanki, helped to ensure the sustainability of the community through local and national partnerships. The outreach dashboard was used to track contributions and provide one-on-one support to the participants.

2. Were there any strategies or approaches that you felt were effective in achieving your goals? Please describe these strategies and approaches.

Recording both online and offline sessions has proven to be an effective method for delivering our project and sustaining the community. By providing participants with perpetual access to the trainings via YouTube, they are able to continue reflecting on the videos and building their skills in contributing to the largest repository of knowledge in the world, Wikipedia and its sister projects. This strategy has also been beneficial for those who were unable to attend the trainings, as they are able to access all of the knowledge taught through the recorded videos. Overall, this approach has worked well and will continue to benefit not only our community, but also others around the world who can use the recorded videos as a resource.

3. Please use this space to upload media and other files that help tell your story and impact.

Field to type in URLs.

1. Youtube links to videos of the Physical Sessions:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RThZvlt9Zhc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mz_eaRE1Y3k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16RrjzvsBCg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2EBcIlIOJ0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvDO_6y9uc4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQr13jlbGp4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3BJ7vcmv3I https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hf8206yojKU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nblPtujlblI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nblPtujlblI

2. Facebook Live of the First Physical Session:





3. Testimonies from Participants:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qbJiVOtuto https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vm87kw3P5J0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0xS3DVke-E https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8wGRyS1TX8

Refreshment Moments: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63x8YKu_1Tg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snxnipnRugA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjNFsNeYmwM

4. Twitter Post by one of the Facilitors:


5. Twitter post of the project that was liked by Wikimedia Foundation twitter handle:


6. YouTube Links to the Recorded Zoom Format Sessions:

First Day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFBTZSmJtSU second day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEwWIpbVlec

7.Link to the sustainable WhatsApp group (Akko Wikimedia Community): https://chat.whatsapp.com/Fs6KRa487NlAzH1DtPQvwc
8. Link to the Facebook page of the Akko Wikimedia Community: https://www.facebook.com/Akko-Wikimedia-Community-100584536245336/
9. Link to all the pictures taken during the events available on Wikimedia Commons: https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:MediaSearch&search=Wikipedia+awareness+akko&type=image

10. Dashboard link: https://outreachdashboard.wmflabs.org/courses/Akko/Wikipedia_Awareness_in_Akko/home

4. To what extent do you agree with the following statements regarding the work carried out with the support of this Fund? You can choose “not applicable” if your work does not relate to these goals.

Our efforts during the Fund period have helped to...
A. Bring in participants from underrepresented groups Strongly disagree
B. Create a more inclusive and connected culture in our community Strongly disagree
C. Develop content about underrepresented topics/groups Agree
D. Develop content from underrepresented perspectives Agree
E. Encourage the retention of editors Agree
F. Encourage the retention of organizers Strongly disagree

5. Is there anything else you would like to share about how your efforts helped to bring in participants and/or build out content, particularly for underrepresented groups?

The Community, which is an underrepresented rural area, made efforts to bring in a diverse group of participants, particularly women, through targeted outreach and engagement initiatives. These efforts helped to improve representation within the training, and ultimately led to the creation of new articles and increased coverage of underrepresented groups, including women.

Part 2: Your main learning[edit]

6. In your application, you outlined your learning priorities. What did you learn about these areas during this period?

The project successfully created community awareness about Wikimedia projects in Akko both online and offline. This was achieved through various activities and events that were organized to educate the community about the importance of Wikipedia and its sister projects.

The project also provided comprehensive training to new editors, equipping them with the necessary skills to effectively edit and contribute to Wikimedia projects. The presence of facilitators both online and offline helped to ensure that the training was thorough and effective.

The project was highly beneficial to the target participants, as evidenced by their feedback. Many participants expressed their satisfaction with the knowledge they acquired through the project, and some even shared their feedback on social media. The links to the feedback of the participants and the data of the trained participants can be found in the link section (9b).

The project also encouraged the participants to actively contribute to Wikipedia and its sister projects. The contributions made by the participants can be tracked through the dashboard, which is uploaded in 3b.

Finally, the project successfully created a sustainable group of Wikimedia editors in Akko, known as the Akko Wikimedia Community. This group will serve as a platform for further learning, interaction, and collaboration among the community members. The link to the groups can also be found in 3b.

7. Did anything unexpected or surprising happen when implementing your activities?This can include both positive and negative situations. What did you learn from those experiences?

We received an overwhelming response to our call for applications for the training program, receiving hundreds of applications from individuals eager to participate. Despite this high number of applicants, we were only able to select fifty participants in order to stick to our target for the program. Given the rural community that we were targeting, we were surprised by the high level of interest and engagement.

While the large number of applicants made it difficult to select only fifty participants, we viewed this as a positive outcome. It indicated that the publicity and awareness efforts we carried out were successful in reaching and engaging individuals in the community. In order to ensure that those who were not selected for the training program would still have the opportunity to learn and benefit from the program, we made recorded videos of the training available on YouTube for anyone to access and watch. This way, everyone who applied had the opportunity to learn and grow, regardless of their selection status.

8. How do you hope to use this learning? For instance, do you have any new priorities, ideas for activities, or goals for the future?

Through this learning experience, I have gained valuable skills in community engagement, training facilitation, and curriculum development. I hope to use these skills to continue working in the field of knowledge management and open education.

In terms of new priorities, I plan to focus on increasing diversity and inclusion in Wikimedia projects. I believe that having a diverse group of editors and contributors leads to a more comprehensive and accurate representation of knowledge. I also want to explore ways to expand the reach of Wikimedia projects to underrepresented communities and promote their use as a valuable educational resource.

In terms of ideas for activities, I plan to organize more training sessions and workshops to recruit and train new editors. I also want to collaborate with other organizations and institutions to promote the use of Wikimedia projects in formal education settings.

In terms of goals for the future, I hope to contribute to the growth and sustainability of Wikimedia projects by increasing the number of active editors and improving the quality of content. I also want to continue to learn about new developments in the field of open education and knowledge management, and find ways to apply them to Wikimedia projects. Overall, I believe that this learning experience has provided me with the skills and knowledge to make a meaningful impact in the field of open education and knowledge management.

9. Documentation of resources: Use this space to upload any documents that would be useful to share with others (e.g. communications material, training material, presentations).

Here is an additional field to type in URLs.

1. Responses of Participants on their experiences during the project: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12Zar3ciDyd3Sa76Dlw9kVlZBeEiJ6gcC0ZQMRibTk1M/edit

2. Awareness Creation online with over 1000 beneficiaries:



Facebook posts by A Director General on the success of the project:


3.Participants' feedback on social media:



Part 3: Metrics[edit]

10a. Open Metrics reporting

In your application, you defined some open metrics and targets (goals). You will see a table like the one below with your metric in the title and the target you set in your proposal automatically filled in. Use the tables to report the result. Use the comments column to describe any aspects of this result that you find relevant. If the results were different from the initial target (goals) then you can explain why and what you learned from this. You can also provide any qualitative analysis regarding these results. In the last column please describe the tools and methodology used to collect this data and any difficulties you might have had.

Open Metrics Summary
Open Metrics Description Target Results Comments Methodology
Number of Awareness Beneficiaries The total number of people that will benefit from the awareness that will be carried out in the community through online and offline mediums. 200 1300 I leveraged upon my large social media following to beat beyond expectations for the total number of awareness beneficiaries of both online and physical awareness. The link to the data is uploaded in 9b. Sharing flyers online and physically
Number of Editors The total number of participants that will be trained for the training. 50 50 The total number of trained Editors for the trainings. Online and physical trainings
Total number of articles created or edited The total number of articles that will be created or edited during the edit-a-ton. 200 931 The total number of articles across

Wikipedia and Wikidata

The use of outreach dashboard.
Number of events The total number of events during the training 5 5 Three physical sessions and two online (via zoom) sessions. online via zoom and three one-on-one events

10b. Core Metrics reporting

In your application, you defined targets for some core metrics and targets (goals). You will see a table like the one below with each core metric in the title and the target you set in your proposal automatically filled in. Use the tables to report the result. Use the comments column to describe any aspects of this result that you find relevant. If the results were different from the initial target (goals) then you can explain why and what you learned from this. You can also provide any qualitative analysis regarding these results. In the last column please describe the tools and methodology used to collect this data and any difficulties you might have had. Note: a table will appear for each Wikimedia project content contribution you defined in your proposal.

Core Metrics Summary
Core metrics Description Target Results Comments Methodology
Number of participants The total number of participants during the event including the facilitators 55 55 we had 55 participants including 5 facilitators. Google form
Number of editors The totaL number of new editors 50 65 We had 65 new editors, though in order to stick to our budget, we only accommodated 50 from them for the physical session. Google forms, Outreach dashboard

and project meta page.

Number of organizers The total number of the organizers 5 5 We were lucky to have all the facilitators during the online and physical trainings present which made it easier for everything to run smoothly and according to our plan. Zoom and physical sessions.
Number of new content contributions per Wikimedia project
Wikimedia Project Description Target Results Comments Methodology
Wikipedia Articles Created or improved during the training 50 379 Wikipedia articles created or edited

during the program.

Program outreach dashboard
Wikimedia Commons Non copyrighted photos uploaded during the training 300 2157 Total number of Wikimedia commons

photos uploaded during the campaign.

Program outreach dashboard.
Wikidata Number of wikidata created or improved during the training 30 552 Total number of Wikidata created or

editted during the campaign.

Program outreach dashboard

12. Did you have any difficulties collecting data to measure your results? This could include things like a lack of time or resources, or the expertise in your team to collect this data. It could also include difficulties with particular data collection tools.


12a. State what difficulties you had.


12b. How do you hope to overcome these challenges in the future? Do you have any recommendations for the Foundation to support you in addressing these challenges?


13. Use this space to upload any documents and provide links to any tools you have used that would be useful to understand your data collection (e.g., surveys you have carried out, communications material, training material, program and event dashboard link, project page on Meta).

Here is an additional field to type in URLs.

Dashboard link: https://outreachdashboard.wmflabs.org/courses/Akko/Wikipedia_Awareness_in_Akko/home

Metapage link: https://meta.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia_Awareness_In_Akko#

14. Have you shared these results with other Wikimedian communities (either affiliates, user groups, volunteers, etc., different to yours)? This can include things such as data and direct outcomes, lessons you have learned, or information on how to run or recreate your programs.


14a. If yes or partially, please describe how you have already shared them and if you would like to do more sharing, and if so how.

Part 4: Financial reporting and compliance[edit]

15. & 14a. Please state the total amount spent in your local currency.

1477350 NGN

16. Please state the total amount spent in USD.

3581.42 USD

17. Please report the funds received and spending in the currency of your fund.

17a. Upload a financial report file.

17b. Please provide a link to your financial reporting document.


As required in the fund agreement, please report any deviations from your fund proposal here. Note that, among other things, any changes must be consistent with our WMF mission, must be for charitable purposes as defined in the grant agreement, and must otherwise comply with the grant agreement.

17c. If you have not already done so in your budget report, please provide information on changes in the budget in relation to your original proposal.


18. Do you have any unspent funds from the Fund?


18a. Please list the amount and currency you did not use and explain why.


18b. What are you planning to do with the underspent funds?


18c. Please provide details of hope to spend these funds.


19. Are you in compliance with the terms outlined in the fund agreement?


20. Are you in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations as outlined in the grant agreement?


21. Are you in compliance with provisions of the United States Internal Revenue Code (“Code”), and with relevant tax laws and regulations restricting the use of the Funds as outlined in the grant agreement? In summary, this is to confirm that the funds were used in alignment with the WMF mission and for charitable/nonprofit/educational purposes.


22. If you have additional recommendations or reflections that don’t fit into the above sections, please write them here.

During the online awareness, over 100 people showed the zeal to participate in the project and 65 people created accounts but we only trained 50 of them to stick to our budget. The data of the remaining people were collected, documented and uploaded. If the provisions can be made available for another edition of the program, it will go a long way to create Editors who are passionate to contribute to Wikimedia and it's sisters projects. We have also prove easy access for them to have the recorded videos of the project, both online and offline.

Other documents