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Grants:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/Rapid Fund/Let’s Connect Peer Learning Program in Tanzania Phase two 2023-2024 (ID: 22271400)/Final Report

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Let’s Connect Peer Learning Program in Tanzania Phase two 2023-2024
Rapid Fund Final Report

Report Status: Under review

Due date: 2024-05-30T00:00:00Z

Funding program: Rapid Fund

Report type: Final


This is an automatically generated Meta-Wiki page. The page was copied from Fluxx, the grantmaking web service of Wikimedia Foundation where the user has submitted their midpoint report. Please do not make any changes to this page because all changes will be removed after the next update. Use the discussion page for your feedback. The page was created by CR-FluxxBot.

General information[edit]

  • Applicant username: Justine Msechu
  • Organization name: N/A
  • Amount awarded: 4088
  • Amount spent: 2178 USD, 5620919

Part 1: Project and impact[edit]

1. Describe the implemented activities and results achieved. Additionally, share which approaches were most effective in supporting you to achieve the results. (required)

1. Implemented Activities and Achieved Results

The team successfully executed a range of activities designed to foster knowledge sharing, skill development, and community engagement among leaders and organizers. These activities resulted in a dynamic learning environment and empowered participants.

Learning Clinics: five dedicated Learning Clinic sessions focused on leadership, organization, coordination, and local Codes of Conduct. These sessions addressed challenges specific to the community context. (Results: Participants gained essential knowledge and skills to be effective leaders and organizers.)

Online Internet Support: Comprehensive internet l support ensured seamless engagement in Lets Connect learning spaces. (Results: Increased participation and reduced barriers to entry for program participants.)

Monthly Learning Summits: Regular virtual summits provided a platform for ongoing collaboration, learning, and experience sharing among community leaders and organizers. (Results: Facilitated knowledge exchange, fostered a sense of community, and enabled continuous learning.)

Tailored Learning Clinics: Additional Learning Clinics were conducted based on participant preferences and a skills directory. These clinics ensured participants received targeted knowledge and insights aligned with their needs. (Results: Addressed individual learning gaps and ensured participants gained the most relevant skills.)

Peer Support Network: A robust peer support network was established, enabling participants to interact, share progress, seek guidance, and contribute to a collaborative learning environment. (Results: Enhanced peer-to-peer learning, fostered a sense of community support, and encouraged ongoing growth.)

Skills Showcase Event (To be held in June): A dedicated event will showcase acquired skills, allowing participants to demonstrate achievements and share best practices with the broader community. (Results: Expected to inspire and motivate others to participate in the program, celebrate participant accomplishments, and identify future collaboration opportunities.)

Continuous Monitoring and Evaluation: A continuous monitoring and evaluation process was implemented to gauge progress and impact. This ongoing assessment ensured the program remained agile, effective, and responsive to the community's evolving needs. (Results: Enabled adjustments to be made based on feedback, ensured the program addressed community needs, and facilitated ongoing program improvement.)

Postponement of In-Person Launch Event

Due to participants' preference for attending meetings during working hours, the in-person launch event has been postponed to June. This ensures broader participation and aligns with participant availability.

Most Effective Approaches

Several approaches significantly contributed to achieving the positive results of the "Let's Connect" initiative:

Tailored Learning: By offering general and specific learning opportunities (Learning Clinics and Tailored Clinics), the program catered to diverse needs and ensured knowledge acquisition aligned with individual learning goals.

Comprehensive Support: Internet Internet Internet support minimized participation barriers and allowed participants to fully engage in the program's activities.

Continuous Engagement: Regular learning summits and a peer support network fostered ongoing interaction, knowledge exchange, and a sense of community, leading to sustained learning and growth.

Focus on Outcomes: The Skills Showcase Event (to be held in June) will provide a platform for participants to demonstrate their achievements, motivating others and showcasing the program's impact.

Data-Driven Approach: Continuous monitoring and evaluation allowed for adjustments based on feedback, ensuring the program remained relevant and effective throughout its implementation.

2. Documentation of your impact. Please use space below to share links that help tell your story, impact, and evaluation. (required)

Share links to:

  • Project page on Meta-Wiki or any other Wikimedia project
  • Dashboards and tools that you used to track contributions
  • Some photos or videos from your event. Remember to share access.

You can also share links to:

  • Important social media posts
  • Surveys and their results
  • Infographics and sound files
  • Examples of content edited on Wikimedia projects

Tracked document (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dY_frxZtUq5AbJGJ1jg0qFJ6bORmwMQ2JAScIe5Nzq4/edit?pli=1#gid=1488119100) youtube link(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DS3zx8uV9V8&t=559s) youtube link(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMvKtKPYHyE)

Additionally, share the materials and resources that you used in the implementation of your project. (required)

For example:

  • Training materials and guides
  • Presentations and slides
  • Work processes and plans
  • Any other materials your team has created or adapted and can be shared with others

https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1GhM4dHyJtuwCSycqkzdhpKVc8vVddPAk/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=110360329214596959502&rtpof=true&sd=true https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/13AjhddYgu0FyDl5qtfyMMICFiWKhhZYVBdjGpmtfVwY/edit?usp=sharing https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/12htCCu_nZ3MJjeKwYWfgv5R5vf74Te8o/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=110360329214596959502&rtpof=true&sd=true

3. To what extent do you agree with the following statements regarding the work carried out with this Rapid Fund? You can choose “not applicable” if your work does not relate to these goals. Required. Select one option per question. (required)

Our efforts during the Fund period have helped to...
A. Bring in participants from underrepresented groups Agree
B. Create a more inclusive and connected culture in our community Strongly agree
C. Develop content about underrepresented topics/groups Strongly agree
D. Develop content from underrepresented perspectives Agree
E. Encourage the retention of editors Strongly agree
F. Encourage the retention of organizers Strongly agree
G. Increased participants' feelings of belonging and connection to the movement Strongly agree
F. Other (optional)

Part 2: Learning[edit]

4. In your application, you outlined some learning questions. What did you learn from these learning questions when you implemented your project? How do you hope to use this learnings in the future? You can recall these learning questions below. (required)

You can recall these learning questions below: From this project or proposal, there are several key aspects that we hope to learn and gain insights from:

Effectiveness of Peer Learning: We aim to learn about the effectiveness of peer learning approaches in enhancing knowledge sharing, skill development, and community engagement. This includes understanding how participants benefit from learning directly from their peers and how this approach contributes to their growth.

Inclusivity in Learning: We want to gain insights into the effectiveness of our efforts to create an inclusive learning environment. Learning about the experiences of underrepresented groups and their level of engagement will help us refine our strategies to ensure that everyone feels welcomed and empowered to participate.

Logistical Support Impact: By providing financial and logistical support, we seek to understand how these measures impact participants' ability to engage in the program. Learning about the specific barriers that were overcome and the difference this support made will guide us in refining our support mechanisms.

Community Dynamics: Through monitoring and evaluation, we hope to gain a deeper understanding of how community dynamics evolve as a result of this initiative. This includes identifying any shifts in leadership, collaboration, and engagement within the community.

Skill Acquisition and Application: We aim to learn how effectively participants acquire new skills and knowledge and how they apply these skills in their community roles. This information will help us tailor learning materials and methods to maximize practical outcomes.

Sustainability and Impact: Understanding the long-term impact of the initiative on both the individual participants and the broader community is crucial. We want to learn about the sustainability of the skills and practices acquired and how they contribute to the Wikimedia movement's objectives.

Effective Learning Formats: By analyzing the success of different learning formats, such as in-person events, virtual summits, and tailored clinics, we can identify which formats resonate best with participants and yield the most meaningful outcomes.

Feedback and Improvement: We hope to gather valuable feedback from participants about their experiences, challenges, and suggestions for improvement. This feedback will guide us in refining the program and making it more effective in subsequent iterations.

Overall, the goal is to gather insights that will help us continually enhance the impact and effectiveness of our initiatives, fostering a stronger learning culture, empowering community leaders, and contributing to the growth of the Wikimedia movement.

As a team, we have learned a lot of things in phase two of The "Let's Connect" initiative. Here's a breakdown of the key takeaways we gleaned from implementing the project: Peer Learning What We Learned: Peer learning helped people share knowledge and develop skills. Participants felt more confident and capable after learning from each other. Future Use: We will include more opportunities for peer learning in future projects, such as group projects and peer mentorship. Inclusivity in Learning What We Learned: Creating an inclusive learning environment made underrepresented groups feel more welcome and engaged. Future Use: We will continue to improve our strategies to make everyone feel included and valued. Logistical Support Impact What We Learned: Internet support was crucial because connectivity was a big issue. We also learned that postponing events to June met participants' needs better. Future Use: We will keep offering internet support and ensure that event timings suit participants' schedules. Community Dynamics What We Learned: The project led to more collaboration and shared leadership. Participants felt empowered to take on new roles and start community projects. Future Use: We will continue to encourage teamwork and support new leaders in future projects. Skill Acquisition and Application What We Learned: Participants learned new skills effectively and applied them in their community roles. Hands-on activities were particularly helpful. Future Use: Future programs will focus on practical, hands-on learning experiences. Sustainability and Impact What We Learned: The skills and practices learned had a lasting positive impact on both individuals and the community. Future Use: We will ensure that future initiatives are sustainable and provide ongoing support to participants. Effective Learning Formats What We Learned: In-person events and tailored clinics were very effective. Online sessions were also beneficial because they could be recorded and revisited later. Future Use: We will use a mix of in-person and online formats and continue to record sessions for later access. Feedback and Improvement What We Learned: Participant feedback was crucial for identifying strengths and areas for improvement. Participants wanted more interactive sessions and clearer communication. Future Use: We will make future programs more interactive and ensure clear communication about goals and expectations. We will also keep gathering feedback for continuous improvement. These learnings will help us improve our projects, support community leaders, and contribute to the growth of the Wikimedia movement.

5. Did anything unexpected or surprising happen when implementing your activities? This can include both positive and negative situations. What did you learn from those experiences? (required)

Unexpected Situations and What We Learned Data Support Issues Unexpected Situation: At the first meeting, we had very few participants because many faced issues with data and internet connectivity. What We Learned: Providing internet support is crucial to ensure everyone can participate. This experience taught us the importance of addressing connectivity issues early on to avoid low attendance and engagement in future events. Change in Event Timing Unexpected Situation: Participants suggested changing the timing of the in-person event, postponing it to June to better fit their schedules. What We Learned: Flexibility in scheduling is important. Listening to participants and adjusting the timetable based on their feedback can lead to higher engagement and satisfaction. Skills of Community Leaders Unexpected Situation: We discovered that our community leaders had many valuable skills to share, which we had not fully anticipated. What We Learned: Leveraging the expertise of community leaders can significantly enhance the learning experience for all participants. This reinforced the value of peer learning and highlighted the importance of recognizing and utilizing the skills within our community. Recording Online Sessions Unexpected Situation: Online sessions being recorded and uploaded to our YouTube channel provided an unexpected benefit, allowing participants to revisit the material at any time. What We Learned: Recording and sharing online sessions is highly beneficial for ongoing learning and reference. This practice will be continued and expanded in future projects to support continuous learning and accessibility.

6. What is your plan to share your project learnings and results with other community members? If you have already done it, describe how. (required)

Plan to Share Project Learnings and Results Future Plans Community Meetings and Workshops:

What: Organize regular community meetings and workshops. How: Share project outcomes, key learnings, and best practices during these gatherings. When: Monthly meetings and quarterly workshops. Online Platforms:

What: Utilize social media, community forums, and newsletters. How: Post updates, detailed reports, and highlight key achievements on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and dedicated Wikimedia forums. When: Regular posts, bi-weekly updates, and quarterly newsletters. Documentation and Reports:

What: Create comprehensive documentation and detailed reports. How: Prepare and share project summaries, infographics, and case studies. When: At the end of each major project phase or milestone. Webinars and Virtual Presentations:

What: Host webinars and virtual presentations. How: Use tools like Zoom or Google Meet to present findings and facilitate discussions. When: Bi-monthly webinars focusing on different aspects of the project. YouTube Channel:

What: Record and upload sessions to our YouTube channel. How: Make recordings of project updates, learning sessions, and interviews with participants available for community access. When: Upload videos monthly and after each significant event. Actions Already Taken Initial Community Meeting:

What: Held a meeting to discuss preliminary findings and initial outcomes. How: Presented data on participant engagement and initial feedback. When: Last month. Social Media Updates:

What: Posted about key milestones and shared participant stories. How: Used our Facebook page and Twitter account to share updates and success stories. When: Weekly updates. Newsletter:

What: Included a section on project learnings in our latest community newsletter. How: Detailed the main outcomes and invited feedback from the community. When: Last newsletter edition, distributed earlier this month. Recorded Sessions:

What: Uploaded recordings of our online sessions to our YouTube channel. How: Made these recordings accessible for all community members to review and learn from. When: After each online session.

Part 3: Metrics[edit]

7. Wikimedia Metrics results. (required)

In your application, you set some Wikimedia targets in numbers (Wikimedia metrics). In this section, you will describe the achieved results and provide links to the tools used.

Target Results Comments and tools used
Number of participants 23 23 online zoom joined
Number of editors 23 23
Number of organizers 5 5
Wikimedia project Target Result - Number of created pages Result - Number of improved pages
Wikimedia Commons
Wikimedia Incubator
Wikifunctions or Abstract Wikipedia

8. Other Metrics results.

In your proposal, you could also set Other Metrics targets. Please describe the achieved results and provide links to the tools used if you set Other Metrics in your application.

Other Metrics name Metrics Description Target Result Tools and comments

9. Did you have any difficulties collecting data to measure your results? (required)


9.1. Please state what difficulties you had. How do you hope to overcome these challenges in the future? Do you have any recommendations for the Foundation to support you in addressing these challenges? (required)

Part 4: Financial reporting[edit]

10. Please state the total amount spent in your local currency. (required)


11. Please state the total amount spent in US dollars. (required)


12. Report the funds spent in the currency of your fund. (required)

Provide the link to the financial report https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14v0bk0fN0aviMmG9pe9HH9SDc_bYjSNjE_hCUxh3bYk/edit?usp=sharing

12.2. If you have not already done so in your financial spending report, please provide information on changes in the budget in relation to your original proposal. (optional)

13. Do you have any unspent funds from the Fund?


13.1. Please list the amount and currency you did not use and explain why.

The team has successfully implemented a range of activities within budget. Due to the postponement of the in-person launch event to June, as suggested by many participants, we have USD 2,676 remaining in unspent project funds.

13.2. What are you planning to do with the underspent funds?

B. Propose to use them to partially or fully fund a new/future grant request with PO approval

13.3. Please provide details of hope to spend these funds.

The unspent funds will be strategically allocated towards the upcoming Skills Showcase Event, further enhancing the experience for participants to showcase their acquired skills.

14.1. Are you in compliance with the terms outlined in the fund agreement?

Yes Your response to the review feedback. 14.2. Are you in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations as outlined in the grant agreement?


14.3. Are you in compliance with provisions of the United States Internal Revenue Code (“Code”), and with relevant tax laws and regulations restricting the use of the Funds as outlined in the grant agreement? In summary, this is to confirm that the funds were used in alignment with the WMF mission and for charitable/nonprofit/educational purposes.


15. If you have additional recommendations or reflections that don’t fit into the above sections, please write them here. (optional)

Review notes[edit]

Review notes from Program Officer:


Applicant's response to the review feedback.