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Grants:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/Rapid Fund/Expedition first-semester foto.wiki.br (ID: 22028101)

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Expedition first-semester foto.wiki.br
proposed start date2023-06-01
proposed end date2023-10-31
grant start date2023-07-01T00:00:00Z
grant end date2023-11-30T00:00:00Z
requested budget (local currency)4195.57 CAD
requested budget (USD)3041.75 USD
amount funded (USD)3041.75
grant typeIndividual
funding regionLAC
decision fiscal year2022-23
applicant• R.T.Argenton
organization (if applicable)• N/A
Review Final Report

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Applicant Details

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Marcella Gomes Montenegro



Are you a member of any Wikimedia affiliate or group, including informal groups like Wiki Fan Clubs, emerging language communities, not recognized Wikimedia groups etc.? Please list them all.


Grant Proposal

M. Please state the title of your proposal. This will also be the Meta-Wiki page title.

Expedition first-semester foto.wiki.br

Q. Indicate if it is a local, international, or regional proposal and if it involves several countries? (optional)


Q2. If you have answered regional or international, please write the country names and any other information that is useful for understanding your proposal.

R. If you would like, please share any websites or social media accounts that your group or organization has.

https://foto.wiki.br/ https://www.instagram.com/foto.wiki.br/

1. What is the change that you are trying to bring about and why is this important.

The change we are proposing is to increase the availability of free photographs of Brazilian natural heritage on Wikimedia Commons, with a focus on sites that are difficult to access, have limited access to the general public, and currently have no photos available. This change is essential for several reasons:

Firstly, Brazil has vast and unique biodiversity that is facing significant loss due to deforestation, land use changes, and climate change. Conservation efforts require not only the protection of natural sites but also the education and involvement of the public. By providing free photographs of Brazilian natural heritage, we can increase public knowledge and understanding of the importance of protecting and conserving biodiversity in Brazil.

Secondly, many of these natural heritage sites are difficult to reach and have limited access to the general public, which makes it challenging to document and monitor changes over time. By providing free photographs of these sites on Wikimedia Commons, we can help researchers and conservationists access important visual information and use it to track the progress of conservation efforts.

Lastly, there are some natural heritage sites in Brazil that currently have no photos available on Wikimedia Commons or even on the internet overall. By providing photos of these sites, we can help fill this gap in knowledge and increase awareness of their importance.

The main challenges we are trying to solve are the lack of access to photographs of difficult-to-reach natural heritage sites in Brazil and the lack of awareness of the importance of protecting and conserving biodiversity in Brazil. By opening this information, we hope to inspire people to take action and support conservation efforts.

Águas do Cuiabá Ecological Station is the choice for this expedition, as it is a remote place, with no photos at Commons, and is a difficult place to access. Moreover, the phytophysiognomy of the Ecological Station is composed of Savana 57,97% of Contato Savana-Formações Pioneiras and Savana 42,03%. Cerrado is the most biodiverse tropical savanna in the world, however, it is highly in danger and the greatest portion of it is under private property making it one of the most challenging biomes to be preserved in Brazil.

2. Describe your main approaches or strategies to achieve these changes and why you think they will be effective.
Develop a comprehensive plan
The project team will develop a detailed plan that outlines the key objectives of the expedition, the specific species and habitats to be targeted, and the methods to be used for data collection and image capture. The plan will also include a timeline and budget for the expedition.
A pre-expedition survey can be conducted to gather information on the area's biodiversity and identify potential locations for photography. This survey could involve interviewing local people or consulting with experts to gather information on the area's biodiversity.
Engage local stakeholders
The project team will work with local organizations, researchers, and community members to ensure that the expedition is aligned with ongoing conservation efforts in the area. By engaging local stakeholders, the project team can build support for the project and ensure that the data and images collected are used to inform conservation efforts.
This project should aim to collaborate with scientific research organizations and universities that are conducting research in the same area or are interested in conducting research in the area. By doing this, the project can leverage the expertise and knowledge of these organizations to identify key species and habitats to focus on during the photography expedition.
The project should develop a comprehensive photography plan that outlines the key species and habitats to focus on, the equipment required, and the best times of day to capture images. This plan should be developed in collaboration with scientists who have expertise in the area.
Select an experienced team
The project team will select a team of experienced photographers to lead the expedition. The team will have a deep understanding of the local environment and be skilled in capturing high-quality images of the biodiversity in the area. By selecting an experienced team, the project can ensure that the data and images collected are of high quality and can be used for scientific research.
To ensure high-quality images, the project will select photographers who have experience in scientific photography. And we will conduct online sessions for interested photographers, providing them with information about the key species and habitats that will be the focus of the expedition, and ensuring that they select the necessary equipment to capture high-quality images.
Data collection
The project team will use technology, such as GPS trackers and digital cameras, to enhance data collection during the expedition. By using technology, the team can collect more accurate data on species identification and distribution, which can be used to inform conservation efforts and future research.
All images and data collected during the expedition should be organized and stored in Wikidata and Wikimedia Commons. Making it available to the scientific community for further analysis and research.
Proper data management is important to ensure that the data collected during the expedition is organized, stored securely, and easily accessible for further analysis and research. The team should develop a plan for data management and ensure that all data is properly labelled and organized.
Disseminate the results
The project team will disseminate the results of the expedition through scientific publications, presentations, and outreach to the local community and the general public. By sharing the results, the project team can raise awareness of the importance of Águas do Cuiabá Ecological Station and its biodiversity and encourage ongoing conservation efforts in the area.
The project should aim to raise awareness about the conservation efforts and the importance of the Águas do Cuiabá Ecological Station. The project can achieve this by sharing images and data collected during the expedition on social media platforms and other communication channels.
3. What are the activities you will be developing and delivering as part of these approaches or strategies?

Photo expedition


We will organize a five-day photo expedition to Águas do Cuiabá Ecological Station with the jury members of WLE, members of foto.wiki.br, the winner of WLEBR2022, and a select volunteer of Wikimedia Environment via scholarship. The expedition will be led by experienced wildlife photographers and guides who will help the participants capture high-quality images of the flora and fauna in the region. During the expedition, the participants will also have the opportunity to interact with local communities and learn about their culture and way of life. Multiple photography sessions to capture the wildlife and their natural habitat.

After each photography session where the participants will have the opportunity to showcase their best photos to the jury members and receive feedback on how to improve their photography skills. This will help the participants learn and grow as photographers. Also, have informal sessions where the jury members will share their experiences and insights on wildlife photography. This will create a community of like-minded photographers who can continue to support each other beyond the expedition.


  • A pre-expedition survey will be conducted to gather information on the area's biodiversity and identify potential locations for photography. This could involve interviewing local people or consulting with experts.
  • A comprehensive photography plan will be developed that outlines the key species and habitats to focus on, the equipment required, and the best times of day to capture images. This plan will be developed in collaboration with scientists who have expertise in the area.
  • A team of experienced photographers will be used to lead the expedition. The team will have a deep understanding of the local environment and be skilled in capturing high-quality images of the biodiversity.
  • The project team will work with local organizations, researchers, and community members to ensure that the expedition is aligned with ongoing conservation efforts in the area. By engaging local stakeholders, the project team can build support for the project and ensure that the data and images collected are used to inform conservation efforts.
  • The project will collaborate with scientific research organizations and universities that are conducting research in the same area or are interested in conducting research in the area. By doing this, the project can leverage the expertise and knowledge of these organizations to identify key species and habitats to focus on during the photography expedition.
  • The success of the project will be monitored and evaluated by tracking the number of high-quality images collected, the data gathered on the distribution of key species and habitats, and the impact of the project on ongoing conservation efforts in the area.

Itinerant photo exhibition:


Following the photo expedition, we will organize an itinerant photo exhibition across Brazil to showcase the photographs taken during the expedition. The exhibition will travel to different cities and venues over a period of six months, allowing a larger audience to appreciate the beauty of the region and learn about the importance of conservation.

  • Selection of photos:
We will select the most significant photos from the expedition to showcase in the exhibition. We will also consider the theme and create a narrative to connect all the photos.
  • Exhibition design:
We will design an exhibition that will showcase the selected photos in the best possible way. We will consider the lighting, framing, and placement of the photos to create a visually stunning exhibition that will attract visitors.



For choosing a scholar, we will open a call as soon as possible, let it open for 3 weeks, and evaluate with all the collaborators available. We will ask them to send a portfolio and answer some questions that will reflect the criteria.

The criteria are not exhaustive, and additional criteria specific to the project's requirements may be considered during the selection process. The scholarship recipients will be chosen based on a holistic evaluation of their qualifications, skills, experience, and alignment with the project's goals.

  1. Demonstrated passion for wildlife photography and conservation: Applicants should have a genuine interest in wildlife photography and a strong commitment to conservation efforts. They should be able to articulate their motivation for participating in the project and their dedication to raising awareness about the importance of protecting biodiversity.
  2. Photography skills and experience: Applicants should have a solid foundation in photography techniques and be able to showcase their skills through a portfolio of their previous work. They should have experience in capturing high-quality images of nature and wildlife, demonstrating a good understanding of composition, lighting, and capturing the essence of the subject.
  3. Knowledge of Brazilian biodiversity: It is important for applicants to have a basic understanding of Brazilian biodiversity and the ecological significance of the region. They should be familiar with the challenges faced by natural heritage sites in Brazil and the need for conservation efforts.
  4. Ability to work in a team: The scholarship recipients will be part of a team and will be collaborating with other photographers, project leaders, and local stakeholders. Applicants should possess good interpersonal skills and the ability to work effectively in a team setting, showing respect for others' perspectives and being open to feedback.
  5. Commitment to community engagement: The project aims to engage with local communities and raise awareness about the importance of conservation. Applicants should demonstrate a willingness to engage with local stakeholders, respect local cultures and traditions, and be effective communicators who can convey the project's message to diverse audiences.
  6. Availability and commitment: The scholarship recipients should be available to participate in the entire five-day photo expedition to Águas do Cuiabá Ecological Station and be willing to commit additional time for post-expedition activities, such as organizing the itinerant photo exhibition and participating in outreach efforts. They should be able to commit to the project's timeline and demonstrate reliability.
  7. Language proficiency: Proficiency in Portuguese, as the project will involve communication with local communities, and project members.
  8. Financial need: Preference may be given to applicants who demonstrate financial need and would benefit from the scholarship opportunity. This criterion aims to ensure that deserving individuals who may face financial barriers are given an equal opportunity to participate in the project.



In addition to the photo exhibition, we will also leverage social media to reach a wider audience and raise awareness about the importance of conservation. We will create a social media campaign to promote the photo exhibition and share the photographs taken during the expedition. The campaign will include posts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Tiktok will be targeted at a Brazilian audience interested in wildlife and nature photography. The social media outreach will be ongoing throughout the period of the expedition and exhibition, with regular updates and engagement with the audience.

4. Are your activities part of a Wikimedia movement campaign or event? If so, please select the relevant campaign below. If so, please select all the relevant campaigns from the list below. If "other", please state which.
5. Do you have the team that is needed to implement this proposal?

Here are the collaborators of foto.wiki.br

  • Alberto Andrich,
    • Adventure, nature, and culture photographer and cinematographer. Documentary filmmaker with numerous works in the field of nature and sustainability. Specialist in exploratory expeditions, Founder and President of WAS - World Adventure Society.
    • Instagram:@al_andrich
  • Alexandre Lobo,
    Cave explorer for over 30 years, member of the Bambuí Group of Speleological Research and director of speleology at the World Adventure Society (W.A.S.).
    Speleophotographer, a specialist in cave documentation through topography, photography, and virtual reality.
    One of the most awarded speleophotographers in the country, Lobo started his speleological activities in 1991 with the exploration and documentation of caves. His passion for cave photography began in 1993.
    He conceived the project "Natureza Subterrânea", where the photographer seeks to document the caves of Brazil and the world, bringing to the surface the beauty of the underground world.
  • Alexandre Socci,
    • Photographer and director of photography, specializing in expeditions, adventure racing, extreme sports, nature, and underwater photography. From cave diving to skydiving, he spends most of his time surrounded by nature, working as an adventure sports photographer and documentarian. He partnered with several famous brands (Red Bull, Canon, Canal Off) and co-founded the adventure sports photography team Green Pixel.
    • Instagram:@alexandre.socci
  • Ana Gomes,
    • Specialized photographer in baby and maternity shoots. Graduated in Social Communication and Human Resources. For 6 years, she has been dedicating herself solely to photography.
    • Site:anagomesfotografia.com.br Instagram:@fotografia_anagomes
  • Clau Lizieri,
    Clau Lizieri is a professional who holds a degree in Biological Sciences from the State University of Mato Grosso (2007), a Master's degree in Botany from the Federal University of Viçosa (2009), and a Ph.D. from the same institution with a sandwich period at the Center for Antarctic Studies (Gateway Antarctica), University of Canterbury, New Zealand (2014). She has worked as a lecturer in Environmental Engineering, Biological Sciences, and Biomedicine (2015-2018) at the Center for Higher Education in Belo Horizonte. Clau Lizieri was also the President of the Executive Board of the Association of Early Career Researchers and Educators on the Sea and Poles APECS-Brazil (2018-2020). Currently, she uses science and teaching in public management, working as a Ministerial Assistant in the Natural Environmental Support Center of the Public Prosecutor's Office in the state of Mato Grosso. Clau Lizieri has conducted research on ecophysiology and biotechnology of cyanobacteria, microalgae, and aquatic plants, as well as environmental impact studies, especially in Antarctica, where she has been a few times, and in the Pantanal Biome, her birthplace. As a citizen and member of society, Clau Lizieri develops projects to disseminate and popularize science involving private and public education networks and society as a whole. She designed the project "Science on the Trails," created to make science accessible to everyone, of all ages and locations. Clau Lizieri is a nature enthusiast who loves mountains and enjoys coffee, tea, music, art, and good conversation.
    Lattes Curriculum:4952358090434338 website: clizieri.com.br IG: @clau.lizieri /@ciencianastrilhas
  • Dilma Souza Santos,
    Photographer, climber, native and remnant of Igatu, in Chapada Diamantina - Bahia. Daughter of Delzuita Santos and Delcy Alves, miners.
    Through naturalistic photography, she enjoys collecting images and stunning scenery of the District of Igatu, its people and history.
    Over the years, she has been refining her artistic eye, portraying everything from photos of childhood in Igatu to spontaneous and picturesque records of the small community known as the Brazilian Machu Picchu.
  • Emanuel Silveira,
    • Photographer, filmmaker, mountaineer, and mountain guide.
    Driven by adventure and a passion for photography, he always seeks to combine the two in a unique way through his perspective, being the creator of the YouTube channel "Longe da Rotina" and the documentary web series "LA ESPINA - Uma aventura pelos andes" and "Transmantiqueira". He directed the film "MAJE - Sentimentos de estrada" which was selected by the 2nd Mountain Festival and also the short film "A Trilha da Vida", which was selected in various film festivals around the world. Among them: Festival Internacional de Cine del Cono Sur - Chile, Cinema Ambiente Avezzano - Italy, First-Time Filmmaker Sessions - Los Angeles and London, T.I.F.A - Tietê International Film Awards - Brazil, Mostra de filmes de Montanha - Brazil and recently highlighted at Rocky Spirit, a festival that is in its 11th edition where it won as the Inspiration Film of the Year. He has also received the Best Film award in the audience's choice at the renowned Freeman Festival - Latin America.
    He has had photographs shared by National Geographic Brasil and aims to focus on landscape and adventure photography. With a somewhat emotional style in his photos, he tries to convey his feelings in every captured glance.
    He is a Mundo Terra ambassador, Co-founder of Papo Outdoor, Trekking SP administrator, and a Mountain Guide by Latitude 51.
  • Ester Ramirez,
    • Architect and urban planner; professional nature photographer specializing in birds; currently with almost 1600 registered bird species from Brazil and about 500 other species recorded in trips to Peru, Venezuela, Uruguay, Argentina, and Costa Rica. "And what makes me happy is being able to see the sparkle and smile in the eyes of those who appreciate a photo made by me. With this, I start a project to share the ability to photograph birds with other photographers through lectures and workshops, as well as train professionals involved in this complex activity, which requires a high degree of knowledge but is also highly enjoyable."
    • Instagram: @esterramirezphotography
  • Francielly Reis,
    • Biologist, works in the area of mammalogy with emphasis on primates. She has travelled through different Brazilian biomes and photographs elements of nature such as natural landscapes, flora, and mainly Brazilian fauna. With her photos, she collaborates with various projects and research in the conservation area. As a professional photographer, she has been capturing the looks and expressions of our animals.
    • Instagram: @franbio.sr
  • Gregory Fenile,
    • Brazilian photographer of Nature, Adventure and Wildlife.
    Graduated in Music Production, he always had nature, sports and art by his side, but it was in 2018 that he decided to take on photography as his newest travel companion.
    The desire to explore the world, travelling and experience more real experiences, is what motivates him to photograph and show the beauties of nature and that it is possible for us to live more connected to it.
    This is the story he wants to tell and, perhaps, inspire people to rescue this love for nature, and outdoor life and to enjoy more of this wonderful world that surrounds us.
  • Gustavo Massola
    • Plastic artist, documentary filmmaker and photographer, focuses mainly on the simple life and nature of Brazil Profundo, where he usually dives into solitary trips to mine images and real stories. More recently, painting has been part of his expression, the result of years of contact with Brazilian nature.
    • Instagram:@gusmassola
  • João Paulo Barbosa
    • Photographer, historian, and mountaineer have carried out about 50 expeditions in places such as Antarctica, the Andes, the Himalayas, Africa, the Amazon, North America, and Europe. He has been awarded by the National Geographic Society, Smithsonian Institution, Banff Centre, Memoria Maria Luisa, Desnivel, National Geographic Brazil, Patagon Journal, among others. He has held exhibitions in more than 40 countries and, since 2004, has a permanent exhibition at the Museum of the American Indian in Washington DC. His work is regularly published in Germany, Brazil, and France and acquired for private collections and institutions, such as the Fortaleza Photography Museum and the Memorial of Indigenous Peoples. For 20 years, he has organized photographic expeditions around the world, mainly by sailboat, jeep, and walking. Currently, he is represented by Vento Leste Publisher and Ashram Photo.
    • Instagram:@joaopaulobarbosaphotography
  • João Quental,
    • Nature photographer, mainly dedicated to bird photography. He has photographed more than 3000 species, with images taken on all continents and published in several books and journals.
    • João Quental is one of the most important bird photographers in Brazil, having gained recognition for his work through the online platform Fotolog and later Instagram. Born in Botafogo and having studied literature, João was co-founder of the publishing house Editora 34 Letras and is a professor of literature at Eliezer Steinberg and Escola Parque. He discovered his love for bird photography by chance during a trip to Africa with his wife, where he noticed the birds had a particular allure. As he began to identify them, João became hooked on photographing birds and started exploring the bird-watching community in Brazil. Over time, his hobby turned into a profession, and his photographs of Brazilian birds gained popularity, especially among the academic community. Despite this recognition, João still feels like an amateur and is surprised by the invitations he has received to give lectures and participate in events. He has travelled throughout Brazil in search of birds and has faced many challenges, but his passion for photography continues.
    • Instagram:@joaoquental
  • Julius Dadalti,
    • Photographer from Rio de Janeiro, who has travelled around the world and found in open-air photography great inspiration. His passion is nature, hence the care to try to awaken an ideal of respect added to the desire to preserve, conserve, admire, and strengthen the love for the populations that live in it.
    Expedition Leader, guides photographers and conducts Wildlife Workshops in African savanna fields, untouched Amazon, or in the heart of the Pantanal. He lectures on nature photography at universities and produces articles for specialized magazines and newspapers.
  • Luciano Lima,
    • Biologist and Master in Zoology, has experience in different themes related to Brazilian biodiversity, with emphasis on ornithology, conservation, sustainable tourism, and the interface between nature and health. In the last fifteen years, he has worked on research projects, technical consulting, and teaching in organizations in the public sector, private sector, and third sector, including Instituto Butantan, University of São Paulo, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation, Conservação International do Brasil, among others.
    He is currently a researcher associated with the Instituto Butantan Bird Observatory; consultant and content producer for the Terra da Gente program of EPTV, an affiliate of Rede Globo, and also Sustainability Manager of the Biophilia Group.
    Nature photography has multiple interfaces with his work, ranging from scientific documentation to public awareness for environmental conservation.
  • Marcella Montenegro,
    • Communicator, volunteer forest firefighter, bachelor of philosophy, adventurer, photographer, and columnist in outdoor media vehicles. She is a World Adventure Society ambassador and anchor on the Reset Humano podcast, both initiatives whose DNA is based on the relationship between "human being x nature" and its transformative potential. She actively participated in the idealization and conception of a collective photography and audiovisual production project, curating and organizing its 1st photographic exhibition, collaborating through this with important outdoor segment events such as the Mountain Festival and Freeman Film Festival Brasil.
    • Instagram: @_marcellamontenegro
  • Marcello Cavalcanti,
    • Rio de Janeiro photographer, creator of the largest course on landscape photography in the Portuguese language, and author of 3 e-books on the subject. His photos are known for their high visual impact and extreme creativity and planning. On his Youtube channel, he teaches techniques on photography with videos recorded during the execution of the photos. Author of photographic projects "Fotofragmentos" and "Augusto Malta Revival," and winner of relevant awards in national and international photography, Marcello also has an active presence in the fine art market, with more than 2,500 photos sold in the last 12 years.
    • Website: marcellocavalcanti.com.br / Instagram: @marcellocavalcanti1
  • Moabe Carvalho,
    • Visionary, creator and collaborator of projects focused on empowering people through photography, climbing, trekking, and outdoor sports, believes that the concept of a collective is the engine for building solid new world perceptions.
    A practitioner of outdoor activities since he was 15, he is a co-founder of collectives such as Ponto Crux (climbing) and Escalada Urbana SP (climbing), Noroeste - SP (trekking), member organizer of GTM (Grupo Trilhadeiros Montanhismo), associated with GPM (Grupo Paulista de Montanhismo) and co-founder of the Vitaldark photographic project.
    He is currently Vice President of FEMESP (São Paulo State Mountaineering Federation), the highest entity in the state regarding mountaineering and its practices, a federation that seeks to represent the interests of mountaineers in the state.
  • Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton
    • Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton is a talented Brazilian photographer and photo editor with over a decade of experience in the industry. He has worked as a museum photographer and real estate photographer, covering all types of objects in digitization programs over the past five years. He has a background as a project consultant and manager in the Third sector, where he developed technological solutions in conjunction with other NGOs, mostly working with local communities. Rodrigo has studied partially mechanical and industrial engineering, which has given him knowledge of 3D software and some organization apps. Rodrigo's career in photography started as a teenager when he edited photos for photologs. Later he worked as a photographer covering events, such as fairs, expositions, and conventions. 2016 started to work photographing architecture and museums. He has a broad range of skills, experience, and knowledge that make him an excellent fit for any photo editor or photographer position. Rodrigo's interest in travel photography started to grow, and he received invitations to host lectures and workshops around Brazil and around the globe.
    • Since 2006, he has been working as a volunteer for Wikimedia Movement, organizing offline events to help out the community, such as workshops, presentations, strategic planning, conferences, photo walks, and photo contests.
  • Tom Santos
    • Born in Santo André in 1984, he spent most of his childhood in Ribeirão Pires, a mountain town in Greater São Paulo, where it was possible to have a lot of contact with nature and outdoor activities.
    His first contact with art was through music, as his family was made up of musicians. At the age of 16, he began playing the cello in the church where he still plays today.
    Coming from a simple and hardworking family, he needed to go to São Paulo to specialize in the technology field. He graduated as a cyber security analyst and, after being hired for his first internship, he fulfilled his dream of acquiring his first camera.
    Photography began as a hobby to capture anything possible through those lenses, but it was through it that he became eager to travel the world and transform the most inspiring places that our eyes can see into images.
    As a child, he remembers seeing many difficult-to-reach places, such as mountains and exotic phenomena like the aurora borealis, in magazines, and now, thanks to God, he has a record of them.
    Now, with nearly 20 countries visited and many projects underway, he sees photography as an art of expressing affection and conveying feelings through images, a way to discover new places, cultures, and the unknown, always striving to create his visual identity as an expression.
    What he likes most to photograph are mountains and cold places, where it requires physical effort but achieving exclusivity and peace for his photos.
6. Please state if your proposal aims to work to bridge any of the identified CONTENT knowledge gaps (Knowledge Inequity)? Select up to THREE that most apply to your work.

Geography, Other global topics for impact (topics considered to be of global importance)

6.1 In a few sentences, explain how your work is specifically addressing this content gap (or Knowledge inequity) to ensure a greater representation of knowledge.

Our work explicitly addresses the content gap in geographical diversity, language, and gender gap in Wikimedia Environment. By increasing the availability of free photographs of Águas do Cuiabá Ecological Station, a Brazilian natural heritage site, on Wikimedia Commons, we contribute to bridging the geographical content gap by providing a visual representation of a unique and difficult-to-access location. Additionally, with female organizers and speakers of Portuguese, we aim to promote more significant coverage of gender identity and cultural diversity by actively involving and engaging underrepresented communities at Wikimedia Environment.

7. Please state if your proposal includes any of these areas or THEMATIC focus. Select up to THREE that most apply to your work and explain the rationale for identifying these themes.

Education, Advocacy, Human Rights, Public Policy, Climate Change and sustainability

8. Will your work focus on involving participants from any underrepresented communities?

9. Who are the target participants and from which community? How will you engage participants before and during the activities? How will you follow up with participants after the activities?

To engage participants before and during the activities, we will utilize various strategies. We will leverage social media platforms to share information about the project, including its goals, activities, and benefits. We will create online communities where participants can connect, share their work, and interact with each other. Regular updates, discussions, and Q&A sessions will be conducted through these platforms to maintain engagement.

After the activities, we will organize an online meeting where participants can upload their photos. We will provide clear guidelines and instructions on how to submit their work. Additionally, we will encourage participants to actively participate in the curation process of the photo exhibition, seeking their input and suggestions to ensure their voices are heard and their perspectives are included.

After the activities, we will follow up with participants through social media channels, such as the existing WhatsApp group and other social media groups. We will keep them informed about the latest Wikimedia events, workshops, and opportunities for further involvement. Regular communication will be maintained to provide ongoing support, answer questions, and inspire them to continue contributing to Wikimedia Environment.

We have intentionally designed our project to be inclusive and open to participants with no prior experience with Wikimedia. No minimum level of Wikimedia experience is required to participate. We believe that by providing clear instructions, guidance, and mentorship, participants can easily get involved and contribute meaningfully. However, they should be a highly skilled photographer.

In terms of retaining participants, our strategies include linking our work with existing communities and organizations, showcasing the impact of their contributions, and facilitating exchanges with similar projects in Wikimedia Environment. We will encourage participants to become new readers and volunteers of Wikimedia Environment, nurturing their curiosity and interest in exploring and benefiting from the wealth of knowledge available. Constant mentorship and communication will be provided to inspire participants, support their ongoing article development, and engage them in newer projects that contribute to the development of Wikimedia.

10. In what ways are you actively seeking to contribute towards creating a safer, supportive, more equitable environment for participants?

We follow the WMF Friendly Space Policy and UCC, and our own Code of Conduct¹ and Agenda for Diversity, and Equity² that takes into consideration the Brazilian reality and our community, to ensure a continuous healthy environment.

¹Code of Conduct
²Code Agenda for Diversity, and Equity
11. Please tell us about how you have let your Wikimedia communities know about the planned activities and this proposal. Use this space to describe the processes you carried out to make the community more involved in planning this proposal. Please link the on-wiki community discussion(s) around the proposals.

As we normally do, we will exchange messages with the actual Brazilian WUG about this project. Also, as we do have a scholarship being offered, we will use the Portuguese online communities village pumps and newsletters, to invite to the application.

12. Are you aware of other Rapid Fund proposals in your local group, community, or region that are being submitted and that align with your proposed project?


If yes:

12.1 Did you explore the possibility of doing a joint proposal with other leaders in your group?
12.2 How will this joint proposal allow you to have better results?
This is very specific activity, we can have some satellite activities that other groups may want to promote, but this is the most skilled-required activity of foto.wiki.br
13. Will you be working with other external, non-Wikimedia partners to implement this proposal? Required.


13.1 Please describe these partnerships and what motivates the potential partner to be part of the proposal and how they add value to your work.

At the moment, the Nobres' secretary of tourism, the local administration of the Águas do Cuiabá Ecological Station, we are with undergoing negotiation with the ICMBio, and we have some positive local connections.

14. In what ways do you think your proposal most contributes to the Movement Strategy 2030 recommendations. Select a maximum of THREE options that most apply.

Increase the Sustainability of Our Movement, Invest in Skills and Leadership Development, Manage Internal Knowledge, Identify Topics for Impact, Innovate in Free Knowledge

Learning, Sharing, and Evaluation

15. What do you hope to learn from your work in this fund proposal?

As individuals eager to learn and grow in the areas of biodiversity conservation and public engagement, we have compiled a list of the five essential topics we are determined to explore and master:

  • Research and Knowledge Gathering:
It will be an opportunity to engage with experts, scientists, and local stakeholders to gain valuable insights and deepen our understanding of ecological sites and conservation practices.
  • Stakeholder Engagement and Collaboration:
How to establish and keep regular communication channels to maintain ongoing collaboration and learn from the expertise and experiences of stakeholders.
  • Project Planning and Management:
Increase our capability to develop comprehensive project plans that outline clear objectives, timelines, milestones, and resource allocation to guide our actions and ensure effective project management.
Get the knowledge to better assign specific responsibilities within our group, leveraging individual skills and expertise to maximize efficiency.
Learn how to implement monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to assess project effectiveness and make necessary adjustments for continuous improvement.
  • Capacity Building and Skill Development:
Engage with renowned scientists, photographers, and conservation practitioners at conferences and events to expand our knowledge and stay informed about innovative approaches.
  • Communication and Outreach Strategy:
Better understand how to develop a robust communication and outreach strategy utilizing various channels, including social media platforms, websites, and traditional media, to effectively engage our target audience.

By embarking on this learning journey and actively pursuing these five topics, we aim to acquire the knowledge, skills, and practical experience necessary to make a positive impact on biodiversity conservation and public engagement efforts. We are committed to continuous learning, growth, and collaboration as we strive towards a sustainable future for our natural heritage.

16. Based on these learning questions, what is the information or data you need to collect to answer these questions? Please register this information (as metric description) in the following spaces provided.
Main Open Metrics Data
Main Open Metrics Description Target
17. Core quantitative metrics.
Core Metrics Summary
Core metrics Description Target
Number of participants
Number of editors
Number of organizers 6
Number of new content contributions per Wikimedia project
Wikimedia Project Description Target
17.1 If for some reason your proposal will not measure these core metrics please provide an explanation.

18. What tools would you use to measure each metric selected? Please refer to the guide for a list of tools. You can also write that you are not sure and need support.


Financial Proposal

19. & 19.1 What is the amount you are requesting from Wikimedia Foundation? Please provide this amount in your local currency.

4195.57 CAD

19.2 What is this amount in US Currency (to the best of your knowledge)?

3041.75 USD

20. Please upload your budget for this proposal or indicate the link to it.


We/I have read the Application Privacy Statement, WMF Friendly Space Policy and Universal Code of Conduct.


Endorsements and Feedback


Please add endorsements and feedback to the grant discussion page only. Endorsements added here will be removed automatically.

Community members are invited to share meaningful feedback on the proposal and include reasons why they endorse the proposal. Consider the following:

  • Stating why the proposal is important for the communities involved and why they think the strategies chosen will achieve the results that are expected.
  • Highlighting any aspects they think are particularly well developed: for instance, the strategies and activities proposed, the levels of community engagement, outreach to underrepresented groups, addressing knowledge gaps, partnerships, the overall budget and learning and evaluation section of the proposal, etc.
  • Highlighting if the proposal focuses on any interesting research, learning or innovation, etc. Also if it builds on learning from past proposals developed by the individual or organization, or other Wikimedia communities.
  • Analyzing if the proposal is going to contribute in any way to important developments around specific Wikimedia projects or Movement Strategy.
  • Analysing if the proposal is coherent in terms of the objectives, strategies, budget, and expected results (metrics).
