Grants:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/Multi-year plan grant Wikimedia Österreich 2022-24
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Applicant details
[edit]Wikimedia username(s):
- User:Claudia.Garad
User:Raimund.Liebert (WMAT)
- Wikimedia Österreich
Have you received grants from the Wikimedia Foundation before?
- Applied previously and did receive a grant
Have you received grants from any non-wiki organization before?
- Yes
Which organization(s) did you receive grants from?
- (Internet Stiftung Österreich), Österreichische Forschungsfördergesellschaft - FFG, City of Vienna, Land Burgenland, Wirtschaftsförderung Wien, Erasmus+
Organization details
[edit]What is your organization or group's mission?
- Wikimedia Österreich promotes Free Knowledge in Austria
Wikimedia Österreich unites people who work to advocate Free Knowledge Wikimedia Österreich is a learning and responsible organisation Wikimedia Österreich is part of a global movement for the advancement of Free Knowledge Full mission statement here:
If you would like, please share any websites or social media accounts that your group or organization has. (optional)
Grant proposal
[edit]Please state the title of your proposal. This will also be a title for the Meta-Wiki page.
- Multi-year plan grant Wikimedia Österreich 2022-24
Where will this proposal be implemented?
- Austria
Indicate if it is a local, international, or regional proposal and if it involves several countries? (optional)
- International
If you have answered regional or international, please write the country names and any other information that is useful for understanding your proposal.
What are the main challenges you are trying to solve and your proposed solution?
- Wikimedia Österreich’s annual plan consists of three programs: Community Support, Free Content and Awareness and Change. Our role in Community Support is that of a reliable service provider, close to the Austrian community's needs and culture and efficient and responsible regarding our resources. In addition, we enable many important activities in the Wikimedia Movement as hosts and /or fiscal sponsors for international groups of volunteers, e.g. WLM, CEE spring (not finding a host organisation is a serious blocker for many communities and WMAT is actively trying to overcome this challenge). Our aim is a motivated, skilled, diverse, proud and open community which is highly networked and capable of regeneration. Free Content is not only about the quantity of Free Knowledge content as such, it is also an area where our long-time expertise in quality, demand and usage plays a central role. We also facilitate productive partnerships between institutions and our volunteer community. Awareness and Change means shaping our framework conditions: both externally through advocacy and public policy work and in the education sector, and internally by making it easier for less privileged communities outside of Austria to develop and by participating in the implementation of the movement strategy. We can and will consciously apply the Movement Strategy Principles in our context and thus, by setting an example, contribute to their being firmly anchored in our movement culture. For a more detailed exploration of the challenges in 2022 and beyond, please compare our 3-year plan document.
What is the main objective of your proposal?
- As this grant provides the financial basis for the work of a whole affiliate,it makes no sense to give 1 main (programmatic) goal.The goal is to provide resources to implement our strategy.Also,a causal,goal driven logic is only suitable under circumstances where the environment is largely predictable.In uncertain,complex situations however we need more entrepreneurial approaches.Hence we complement our strategic work with a resource driven approach called effectuation (
Describe your main strategies to achieve this objective and the main activities you will be developing as part of these strategies.
- Community Support:We support a diverse community that commands a wide range of expertise, desires to improve in its work&offers a constructive&equitable environment to existing&new contributors.Regarding existing volunteers our goal is to provide the resources they need in an unbureaucratic, low-threshold manner. E.g. with travel funds, meeting spaces, organisational support or tech equipment.We also want to foster ties between volunteers (on a local, national & international level) by organising on- &offline events &other spaces for meeting, learning & exchange.We are making these spaces welcoming & safe.Another focus of our work is on peer-based skill building &sharing via events, networks & mentorships.Last but not least, we foster equity in the movement on various levels:On the one hand, in the German-speaking world, the Austrian community is marginalised,e.g. in terms of language representation & access to resources.We aim to reduce this equity gap for our volunteers, by increasing their visibility, advocate for their needs & by working towards a more equitable fundraising & grantmaking structure.In the wider Movement on the other hand, WMAT enjoys privileges compared to others.We have been actively working on changing these structures for the better within the strategy process(e.g. by taking a leadership role in advocating for decentralisation and subsidiarity) but also within our own international support programs (i.e. MENA region), resource sharing &contributions to peer support structures.Free Content:We support the generation, production &distribution of free content that reliably represents the knowledge established in society, in its diversity.In addition,we want to ensure easy access to and easy reuse of this content for all.We support community-initiated action for more & better content &co-design projects with the communities that aim at closing content gaps(e.g. WikiDaheim). We also proactively work with GLAM institutions to free relevant content.Free knowledge - awareness and change::We want to help shape political changes in favour of free knowledge at various levels and support people when it comes to using the internet as an open and public resource.We do this by supporting the EU advocacy group &furthering their work with local civil society partners on a national level.We also conduct independent campaigns, i.e. for free licenses in public broadcasting.In addition, we raise awareness &foster skills around free knowledge in education
Please state if you will be carrying out any of these activities within your programs? Select all that apply.
- Organizing Meet-up online, Organizing Meet-up offline, Workshops, Edit-A-Thons, Train-the-Trainer, Photowalk, WikiCamp, Contest, Wikimedian-in-Residence, Photo/Media campaign, Wiki Loves campaign, Conference/Event Organizing, Media outreach campaign, Central organizing for movement campaign
Are you running any in-person events or activities?
- Yes
- We will do risk assessments per event, at the appropriate time
Please state if your proposal aims to work on any of the identified content knowledge gaps?
- Content Gender gap, Geography, Language, Sexual Orientation, Important Topics (topics considered to be of impact or important in the specific context)
Please state if your proposal includes any of these areas or thematic focus.
- Education, Advocacy, Public Policy, Climate Change and sustainability, Culture, heritage or GLAM , Open Technology, Diversity
Will your work focus on involving participants from any underrepresented communities? Select all categories that apply.
- Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation, Geographic , Ethnic/racial/religious or cultural background, Linguistic / Language
Please tell us more about your target participants.
- Wikimedia Österreich operates in a complex multi-stakeholder environment: target participants are dependent on the context and design of the respective project or program. In the Community Support Program we deal with our members, existing project communities (in Austria but also internationally), potential newcomers and some partner organisations. Being a member is not a prerequisite to enjoy WMAT services, and not all members are active contributors. We work with Wikimedians in Austria and beyond, particularly in DACH and CEE regions. Community work is not limited to the existing Wikiverse, we work closely with like-minded communities such as Open Data and Open Knowledge communities but also other volunteering organisations, e.g. in order to use synergies or recruit contributors for Wikimedia projects. The main stakeholders of the Free Content Program are project communities (mostly Wikipedia, Commons, Wikidata) and content partner organisations such as GLAM institutions. The Awareness and Change Program addresses a broader set of stakeholders, such as the general public, our existing and potential new donors, public administration and political institutions, like-minded civil society organisations and individual activists. Another focus is on educational institutions and the international cooperation within the wider Wikimedia movement (communities and affiliates) is also part of it. Classical editor retention on the project is mostly dependent on factors that are beyond the influence of individual affiliates, hence most of us stopped using this as a classical goal and / or metric. Proper donor relations and retention is currently impossible as we only have access to a small fraction of donor data in Austria, despite our proactive efforts to change this over the years. Regarding the retention of our members and active community, an important tool is our annual community survey, where we get feedback that indicates their satisfaction and motivation. In partnerships retention in a narrow sense is not a goal per se as joint projects usually come to an end at some point. However, successfully finishing collaborations on good terms and being able to reactivate partners for new projects is something we strive for. To achieve this, proper planning and expectations management in the beginning, sound communication throughout the process and common lessons learned sessions at the end of a project are the key to success.
Do you have plans to work with other Wikimedia communities, groups or affiliates in your country, or in other countries, to implement this proposal?
- Yes
Please tell us about these connections online and offline and how you have let Wikimedia communities know about this proposal.
- We believe that this question is not really tailored to the complex context of annual plan grants but we try to answer it as good as possible. WMAT collaborates with various communities & affiliates across a wide range of topics. In the DACH region we coordinate our volunteer support and GLAM activities with WMCH & WMDE. In the CEE region we support projects (e.g. CEE Spring) with administrative resources, help coordinate, organise and finance events (e.g. CEE Meeting) and play a central role in the implementation efforts of the Movement Strategy. Furthermore, WMAT works with marginalised communities to help lower the barrier to access resources (e.g the Farsi community & LGBT+ User Group). We initiated and co-manage some of the most successful peer support networks (e.g. Volunteer Supporters Network & the ED group). And we support the work of international groups of volunteers without dedicated affiliations such as Wiki Loves Monuments International as fiscal sponsors.
Will you be working with other external, non-Wikimedian partners to implement this proposal?
- Yes
Please describe these partnerships.
- We have a strong focus on sustainable strategic partnerships and even our own metric around this (see below). As we have numerous partnerships across projects and programs, there are many ways we share resources in the respective context. In an average year we obtain up to 17,000 EUR in in-kind donations (such as free meeting venues, catering, presents for competitions, reduced rates for professional support etc). In addition, many partner orgs also provide human resources for projects. In some cases, we also apply for grants together, sometimes these grants are administered by Wikimedia Austria, sometimes by a partner org. Currently, we have an Erasmus+ grant with various organisations for Wikipedia 4 Peace Camp [Queer Edit] which is planned for summer 2022. The grant will be administered by WMAT.
How do you hope to sustain or expand the work carried out in this proposal after the grant?
- WMAT is a learning organisation, the current strategy and implementation plan is a result of our past experiences and results. We regularly reflect on our progress towards goals or new effectuation cycles in the context of our regular strategy meetings (~4 per year) and adjust our plans accordingly. In between our staff team works within agile weekly planning cycles. Where possible we aim at scaling up our efforts, although we also have to recognize that not every activity can be scaled and that does not necessarily make it less worthwhile. Espcially in dealing with volunteers, you need to account for the human factor - trust and relationships on eye-level require time and can't be streamlined or scaled. This proposal is a multi-year plan and the potentials for growth and development are indicated in our 3-years-plan document (see attachment) and will be subject to iterations as we move forward.
Do you have the team that is needed to implement this proposal?
- Claudia Garád, Executive Director (User:Claudia.Garád / User:Ki7sun3)
Raimund Liebert, Head of Programs (User: Raimund.Liebert (WMAT) ) Manfred Werner, Project Manager (User: Manfred.Werner (WMAT) ) Annemarie Buchmann, Project Manager (currently on maternity leave) (User:Annemarie.Buchmann (WMAT) / User:Harlekess) Bettina Windischhofer, Office Assistant (User:Bettina.Windischhofer (WMAT)
In addition, we work with some freelancers for tech support in some of our projects or as project coordinators in peak times, when the number of activities requires additional staff. This flexibility enables us to maintain a comparably lean workforce compared to the scope of our activities and international commitments. We also have a stable group of volunteers in various positions (Board of Trustees, Good Governance Committee, internal auditor, expert groups etc) who support our work on the strategic and operative levels. WMAT operates on a sociocratic leadership model (also called dynamic self-governance; it is our way to implement subsidiarity and decentralisation of decision making in the organisation) with expert groups, which helps to distribute responsibilities but also the power of formative action on more shoulders. The groups consist of community, board and staff experts who decide and co-create new projects and initiatives, shape organisational development, decide on budgets and also contributed to our new multi-year strategy. Last but not least, we also collaborate with partners on different levels in order to achieve our goals. Especially in areas where we try to innovate and apply effectuation principles, partners play a central role in bringing these projects to the next level. They can bring expertise, perspectives, resources and networks to the table that enhance the possibilities of our work.
In what ways do you think your proposal most contributes to the Movement Strategy 2030 recommendations. Select a maximum of three options that most apply.
- Increase the Sustainability of Our Movement, Provide for Safety and Inclusion, Coordinate Across Stakeholders, Invest in Skills and Leadership Development
Please state if your organization or group has a Strategic Plan that can help us further understand your proposal. You can also upload it here. (optional)
Learning, Sharing, and Evaluation
[edit]What do you hope to learn from your work in this fund proposal?
- Our impact matrix includes three main aspects of our work: people, content, and partnerships. Regarding people we work with, we try to understand how involvement in various roles is developing in quantitative terms over time, such as the number of participants, editors, organizers and newly registered users. As mentioned above, classical editor retention on the online projects is mostly dependent on factors that are beyond the influence of individual affiliates, hence most of us stopped using this as a classical goal and / or metric. Organizers on the other hand are in the realm of affiliate work and influence and retaining these volunteers is a major goal for us, that we also want to measure. On the qualitative side, we are looking into the diversity and motivation of our communities. When it comes to content we also pay attention to quantity (number of content pages in Wikimedia projects and beyond) as well as quality (featured content and usage of content). And last but not least we are striving to build lasting strategic partnerships which contribute to growth, diversity and sustainability of Free Knowledge.
Core Metrics
[edit]Enter a description of the metric and a number in the target field. If the metric does not apply to you, enter N/A for not applicable.
Core metrics | Description | Target |
Number of participants | 4000 | |
Number of editors | 3000 | |
Number of organizers | 280 |
Wikimedia Project | Description | Target |
Wikipedia | N/A | 17000 |
Wikidata | N/A | 32000 |
Wikimedia Commons | N/A | 60000 |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
If for some reason your proposal will not measure these core metrics please provide an explanation.
- N/A
Additional Metrics
[edit]Enter a description of the metric and a number in the target field. If the metric does not apply to you, enter N/A for not applicable.
Additional Metrics | Description | Target |
Number of editors that continue to participate/retained after activities | N/A | N/A |
Number of organizers that continue to participate/retained after activities | N/A | N/A |
Number of strategic partnerships that contribute to longer term growth, diversity and sustainability | N/A | N/A |
Feedback from participants on effective strategies for attracting and retaining contributors | N/A | N/A |
Diversity of participants brought in by grantees | N/A | N/A |
Number of people reached through social media publications | N/A | N/A |
Number of activities developed | N/A | N/A |
Number of volunteer hours | N/A | N/A |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
What other information will you be collecting to learn about the impact of your work? (optional)
- Newly registered users: 250 new accounts are created on Wikimedia projects in the context of WMAT activities
Organizer Retention: 200 of the organizers in our projects are returning organizers, i.e. have been involved as organizers before. Diversity of organizers: At least 33% of our organizers are non-male (female, non-binary). Community motivation: A minimum percentage of 80% of the participants of community surveys agree that WMAT’s activities contribute to motivating them for their online work. Free content beyond Wikimedia projects: As a result of our support efforts 1,200 freely licensed content pages are being created in Non-Wikimedia projects (e.g. RegiowikiAT). Quality content: 5,000 of the content pages supported by WMAT qualify as quality content. This includes community decorations for media files (featured, quality, valued) and articles (quality, featured) – and improved quality – the number of improved main namespace pages tagged as having quality issues. Media usage: Our projects result in 3,000 distinct new media files used in the main namespace of Wikimedia projects. Strategic partnerships: We strive to initiate or retain 75 partnerships that enable and amplify growth, sustainability and diversity for our communities.
What tools would you use to measure each metric selected?
- For the quantitative metrics we use PetScan, GLAMorous, Outreach Dashboard, event metrics, Qualtrics & Integraality. Some things we will have to count manually, as no tool offers the option (such as pages in the Wikipedia name space, which have been added in the new definition of content pages). Also, many tools are not maintained properly and often can’t be used over extended periods of time. For qualitative metrics we use surveys, interviews and feedback sessions/lessons learned sessions.
How do you hope to share these results so that others can learn from them?
- Share results with our communities, Participate in one on one peer sharing session with other grantees, Share it on Meta-Wiki
Financial Proposal
[edit]What is the amount you are requesting from WMF? Please provide this amount in your local currency. If you are thinking about a multi-year fund, please provide the amount for the first year.
- 280000 EUR
What is this amount in US Currency (to the best of your knowledge)?
- 317904 USD
Do you want to apply for multi-year funding?
- Yes
If you have calculated it, please provide an estimate of the year 2 or year 3 request.
- The amount for the upcoming years will depend on how 2022 goes (including the pandemic), the international strategy implementation and inflation. Currently, we believe that if inflation will continue at the current rates, adjustments of at least 2-3% will be necessary.
Please share your budget for this proposal.
- Please see attached file.
What do you do to make sure there is a good management of funds?
- A responsible management of funds in our context has various dimensions: Firstly, aspects of due diligence and transparency. At WMAT for every transaction, at least two people need to be involved (four eyes policy). Furthermore, all expenses need receipts. Our entire book keeping is being checked by an external auditor and additionally by going through an annual process to receive the Austrian Donation Certificate (a national quality seal). Secondly, for the controlling of funds, i.e. the development of the income and spending in relation to the budget, we have regular checks by staff and quarterly updates and check-ins with the Board. Thirdly, we want to make sure the money is spent in the spirit and according to the needs of our communities. Hence, we discuss and decide budgets and programs with our expert groups (sociocratic and decentralised decision making) and have an internal auditor who checks our annual reports in parallel to the external auditor.
How will you contribute towards creating a supportive environment for participants using the UCOC and Friendly Space Policy?
- Regarding the UCOC a lot of details of implementation are still very much in progress while we are working on this proposal. We realized that the many discussions & feedback loops are overwhelming our Movement atm, most community members are not aware of the UCOC process, or don’t have the bandwidth to deal with it. This is even true for paid staff of many affiliates. As we have been following the process closely, we shared our insights with peer networks (e.g. Volunteer Supporters Network) & did our part to make this complex topic more approachable & to lower barriers for people to enter the discussions. WMAT currently has its own (on- and offline) friendly space policies , that fit our local context and requirements. To us it is unclear how all the current policies (including the WMF’s) will relate to the UCOC in future, especially regarding contradicting statements & processes. Our goal is to achieve consolidation on an international level to avoid confusion & potential conflicts.
Please use this optional space to upload any documents that you feel are important for further understanding your proposal.
- Staffing plan or organogram:
- Other public document(s):
Final Message
[edit]By submitting your proposal/funding request you agree that you are in agreement with the Application Privacy Statement, WMF Friendly Space Policy and the Universal Code of Conduct.
We/I have read the Application Privacy Statement, WMF Friendly Space Policy and Universal Code of Conduct.
- Yes
Year 2 Plan
Annual Plan for Year 2
1.1. Please upload or indicate a link for Year 2 Annual Plan. (required)
- Link:
- Strategischer Plan 2023.pdf
1.2. Please describe any major changes in your Annual Plan. If there are changes that require a budget change, please specify. (required)
New projects and initiatives are marked yellow in the uploaded spreadsheet. Two major developments, that were not forseeable when we planned the current grant over a year ago will have an impact on our program and budget: When we first drafted our mulit-year strategy the future of in-person meetings and travel was still uncertain. This has changed and international events will be happening around the globe in 2023. This will impact our travel budgets - even though we have a sustainability strategy now and we will certainly travel much less then in pre-pandemic times. At the same time travel costs increased tremendously due to inflation and the energy crisis. Another result of these changed circumstances is that WMAT will finally able to be the host of the German-language WikiCON in 2023. A wish that many community members have expressed over the years and not only from Austria. Now that the grant agreement does not exclude us from travel and events anymore we are happy to fulfill this wish, even if it means that we will have to put some of our activities on the backburner (evaluating and developing our education projects) to free capacities. It also means that we will need additional resources to make it happen. The other important development is the outstanding success of the International Museumsday Wikidata Competition - that really takes the beloved and proven concept of WLM & Co to the next level and is the first global camapaign around Wikidata. Additional funds from the movement strategy grants enabled us to experiment and innovate ( on creating content but also to buiold capacities in various communities around the world) and now we would like to continue this successful pilot on a global level and want to integrate it into our own future budget.
Budget for Year 2
2.1. Do you request an increase or decrease from what has been approved for Year 2? (required)
- Yes, I am requesting a budget increase for Year 2
2.2. Please upload a detailed budget file or indicate a link to it for the Year 2 proposal. The revised budget should show your anticipated yearly budget from the beginning of Year 2 through the end date of the grant. (required)
- Link:
- WMAT Budget 2023 - Planungswerkstatt.pdf
2.3. What is the percentage increase you are requesting for Year 2 (with respect to the Year 2 budget submitted with your original proposal)?
- 15%
2.4. How much do you request for Year 2 in USD with the increase? (required)
- 334490 USD
2.5. How much do you request for Year 2 in your local currency with the increase? (required)
- 322000 EUR
2.6. Please describe the main major changes in your new budget. Your response to this question should provide a brief summary of the changes and give the reasons for them. (required)
There is an overall cost of living / inflation adjustment to our budget as inflation in Austria is currently around 11%. We would like to increase the salaries by 8% and increase the overall amount of our workforce by 0,5 FTE as we will be hosting the German-language WikiCON 2023 in Linz (Upper Austria) which was not forseen in our original proposal. The event is the biggest in the German-speaking Wikiverse and usually attracts some 300 participants. In addition we will keep the organisation and coordination of the first and biggest global campaign around Wikidata (Museumsday Contest) which was so far partly financed by the VSN grant from the (Movement Strategy Implementation Grant) which needs man- and womanpower.
Metrics for Year 2
3.1. Main open metrics (required)
Metrics Name | Description | Target |
Newly registered users | Die Anzahl der Teilnehmenden, die im Rahmen der Aktivitäten des Projekts neue Benutzerkonten in einem Wikimedia-Projekt erstellen. | 300 |
Retention of organizers | Anzahl der Organisator*innen, die bereits bei vorangegangenen Aktivitäten Organisator*innen waren. | 250 |
Diversity of organisers | Mindestanteil der Organisator*innen, die weiblich oder nicht-binär sind. 33% | 33 |
Community motivation | N/A | 80 |
Free content beyond Wikimedia projects | Neuen Seiten mit frei lizenzierten Inhalten in Nicht-Wikimedia-Projekten (z. B. RegiowikiAT). | 1200 |
3.2. Core metrics (required)
Core metrics | Description | Target |
Number of participants | Personen, die an den Aktivitäten des Proposals teilnehmen oder davon profitieren, entweder persönlich (offline) oder virtuell (online). Sie können auf verschiedene Weise teilnehmen, es sind nicht nur Personen, die Wikimedia-Projekte bearbeiten. Teilnehmende, die auch organisierend an einer Veranstaltung, einem Programm oder einer Aktivität beteiligt sind, sollten in dieser Definition berücksichtigt werden. Nicht dazu gehören Follower in sozialen Medien, Spender*innen oder andere nicht direkt Beteiligte. | 4250 |
Number of editors | Personen, die Wikimedia-Projekte bearbeiten und dabei Inhalte erstellen oder verbessern, die aus den Aktivitäten des Grant-Empfängers resultieren. | 3500 |
Number of organizers | Personen, die dafür sorgen, dass Aktivitäten durchgeführt werden können, indem sie die notwendige Zeit, Unterstützung und das nötige Wissen bereitstellen. Diese Definition umfasst Personen, die an der Durchführung von Aktivitäten beteiligt sind, wie z. B. Planer*innen, Koordinator*innen, Trainer*innen, Lehrer*innen, Kontaktpersonen für die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Berater*innen, Moderator*innen, Leiter*innen der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Sprecher*innen usw. Organisator*innen können Freiwillige oder bezahlte Mitarbeiter*innen sein. | 340 |
Wikimedia Project | Description | Target |
Wikipedia | Neue oder verbesserte Seiten im Artikel- und im Wikipedia-Namensraum. | 17000 |
Wikidata | Neue oder verbesserte Wikidata-Items. | 32000 |
Wikimedia Commons | Hochgeladene Mediendateien. | 60000 |
N/A | Other Wikimedia Projects | 1000 |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
3.4. If you are introducing new metrics related to a major change in your budget or programmatic plans, please describe them below. (optional)
There are not enough fields for all of our metrics - please also compare our complete list here:
Additional information for Year 2
4.2. If there are additional links, files, or information you would like to share related to Year 2 planning, please add them here. (optional)
Year 3 Plan
Annual Plan for Year 3
1.1. Please upload or indicate a link for Year 3 Annual Plan. (required)
1.2. Please describe any major changes in your Annual Plan. If there are changes that require a budget change, please specify. (required)
Inflation and cost of living adjustments (particularly regarding salaries, rent, travel etc). Austria ist recovering more slowly from the inflation than most other countries in the region
Budget for Year 3
2.1. Do you request an increase or decrease from what has been approved for Year 3? (required)
- Yes, I am requesting a budget increase for Year 3
2.2. Please upload a detailed budget file or indicate a link to it for the Year 3 proposal. The revised budget should show your anticipated yearly budget from the beginning of Year 3 through the end date of the grant. (required)
2.3. What is the percentage increase you are requesting for Year 3 (with respect to the Year 3 budget submitted with your original proposal)?
- 6%
2.4. How much do you request for Year 3 in USD with the increase? (required)
- 358088 USD
2.5. How much do you request for Year 3 in your local currency with the increase? (required)
- 327000 EUR
2.6. Please describe the main major changes in your new budget. Your response to this question should provide a brief summary of the changes and give the reasons for them. (required)
Metrics for Year 3
3.1. Main open metrics (required)
Metrics Name | Description | Target |
Free content beyond Wikimedia projects | Neuen Seiten mit frei lizenzierten Inhalten in Nicht-Wikimedia-Projekten (z. B. RegiowikiAT). | 1200 |
Quality content | Hohe Qualität - die Anzahl der Community-Auszeichnungen für Mediendateien (exzellent, qualitativ, wertvoll) und Artikel (lesenswert, exzellent) - und verbesserte Qualität - die Anzahl der verbesserten Seiten des Hauptnamensraums, die als mit Qualitätsproblemen gekennzeichnet sind. | 5200 |
Media file usage | Unterschiedliche neue Mediendateien, die im Hauptnamensraum von Wikimedia-Projekten verwendet werden. | 3100 |
STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS | Strategische Partnerschaften, die zu längerfristigem Wachstum, Vielfalt und Nachhaltigkeit beitragen | 75 |
Diversity of organizers | Mindestanteil der Organisator*innen, die weiblich oder nicht-binär sind in Prozent | 35 |
3.2. Core metrics (required)
Core metrics | Description | Target |
Number of participants | Personen, die an den Aktivitäten des Proposals teilnehmen oder davon profitieren, entweder persönlich (offline) oder virtuell (online). Sie können auf verschiedene Weise teilnehmen, es sind nicht nur Personen, die Wikimedia-Projekte bearbeiten. Teilnehmende, die auch organisierend an einer Veranstaltung, einem Programm oder einer Aktivität beteiligt sind, sollten in dieser Definition berücksichtigt werden. Nicht dazu gehören Follower in sozialen Medien, Spender*innen oder andere nicht direkt Beteiligte. | 4000 |
Number of editors | Personen, die Wikimedia-Projekte bearbeiten und dabei Inhalte erstellen oder verbessern, die aus den Aktivitäten des Grant-Empfängers resultieren. | 3500 |
Number of organizers | Personen, die dafür sorgen, dass Aktivitäten durchgeführt werden können, indem sie die notwendige Zeit, Unterstützung und das nötige Wissen bereitstellen. Diese Definition umfasst Personen, die an der Durchführung von Aktivitäten beteiligt sind, wie z. B. Planer*innen, Koordinator*innen, Trainer*innen, Lehrer*innen, Kontaktpersonen für die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Berater*innen, Moderator*innen, Leiter*innen der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Sprecher*innen usw. Organisator*innen können Freiwillige oder bezahlte Mitarbeiter*innen sein. | 340 |
Wikimedia Project | Description | Target |
Wikipedia | Neue oder verbesserte Seiten im Artikel- und im Wikipedia-Namensraum. | 17000 |
Wikidata | Neue oder verbesserte Wikidata-Items. | 9000 |
Wikimedia Commons | Hochgeladene Mediendateien. | 70000 |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
3.4. If you are introducing new metrics related to a major change in your budget or programmatic plans, please describe them below. (optional)
Additional information for Year 3
4.2. If there are additional links, files, or information you would like to share related to Year 3 planning, please add them here. (optional)
The full list of our metrics:
[edit]- Please add any feedback to the grant discussion page only. Any feedback added here will be removed.
- Wikimedia Community Fund/Proposals
- Year 3 plan funded General Support Funds for NWE in FY 2021-22
- Year 3 plan funded General Support Funds for NWE in FY 2021-22 (Round 1)
- General Support Funds for NWE in FY 2021-22 (Round 1)
- General Support Funds in FY 2021-22 (Round 1)
- Ongoing Multi-year General Support Funds