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Grants:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/General Support Fund/PhilWiki Community Annual Plan 2025-2026

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
statusUnder review
PhilWiki Community Annual Plan 2025-2026
Fluxx IDR-GS-2503-18454
start date2025-07-01
end date2026-06-30
budget (local currency)8623670 PHP
amount requested (USD)149534.44 USD [note 1]
grant typeWikimedia Affiliate (chapter, thematic org., or user group)
funding regionESEAP
decision fiscal year2024-25
funding program roundRound 2
organization (if applicable)Philippine Wikimedia Community Inc.

This is an automatically generated Meta-Wiki page. The page was copied from Fluxx, the web service of Wikimedia Foundation Funds where the user has submitted their application. Please do not make any changes to this page because all changes will be removed after the next update. Use the discussion page for your feedback. The page was created by CR-FluxxBot.

Applicant information

Organization name or Wikimedia Username for individuals. (required)
Philippine Wikimedia Community Inc.
Do you have any approved General Support Fund requests? (required)
Yes, I have already applied and received a General Support Fund
You are applying as a(n). (required)
Wikimedia Affiliate (chapter, thematic org., or user group)
Are your group or organization legally registered in your country? (required)
Do you have a fiscal sponsor?
Fiscal organization name.
Please provide links to the following documents if they are available

These documentation can be provided in your local language(s), no translations required.

  • Organizational website
  • Detailed financial reporting and/or audits
  • Documentation of the governance structure, board list, governance processes
  • Documentation of the general assembly decision on your plan
User group page on Meta: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/PhilWiki_Community

Latest audit report: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TvD0KtLqBcHhUiodt5spOB6D83JABvgt/view?usp=sharing

Board meetings: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/3/folders/1girKrp9Jf_g0wZDO3meaQQVP_EHUDvrZ

Consolidated board resolutions: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EAeWYX7BmKS6g5xsOys0_vptFBI_fP7R/view?usp=sharing

The PhilWiki Community Blog post: https://philwikicommunity.wordpress.com/2025/01/20/community-discusses-its-programs/

Community engagement survey responses: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15d1dy7hBpfLJVAD77XRm3cU_1nrC9RYgcMXN-3BpSOw/edit?usp=sharing

Main proposal

1. Please state the title of your proposal. This will also be a title for the Meta-Wiki page. (required)
PhilWiki Community Annual Plan 2025-2026
2. Do you want to apply for the multi-year base funding for 3 years? (required) (only for returning applicants)
2.1. Provide a brief overview of Year 2 and Year 3 of the proposed plan and how this relates to the current proposal and your strategic plan? (required)


3. Proposed start date. (required)
4. Proposed end date. (required)
5. Does your organization or group have an Affiliate or Organizational Annual Plan that can help us understand your proposal? If yes, please provide it. (required)
Annual Plan 2025-2026:


6. Does your affiliate, organization or group have a Strategic Plan that can help us understand your proposal? If yes, please provide it. (required)
7. Where will this proposal be implemented? (required)
8. What are your programs, approaches, and strategies? What are the challenges that you are trying to address and how will your strategies support you in addressing these challenges? (required)

Our Annual Plan is consistent with the strategic direction of Movement Strategy, centering on the goals of knowledge equity and knowledge as a service. Our strategy is simplified into 5Ps or Promotion - Participation - Partnership - Pursuit of Purpose: 1) Promotion of Open Knowledge: Raise the awareness on Wikimedia projects as a platform that serves open knowledge, 2) Participation, Diversity and Inclusion: Increase participation from all sectors of the society, including but not limited to, the youth, underrepresented communities and ethnolinguistic groups, 3) Partnership and Collaboration: Create opportunities through partnership and collaboration with civic and professional organizations, and GLAM and educational institutions, 4) Pursuit of Purpose: Empower volunteers and enhance the organizational capacity in advancing the Movement’s strategic direction – Knowledge as a Service and Knowledge Equity

9. What categories are your main programs and related activities under? Please select all that apply. (required)
Category Yes/No
Education Yes
Culture, heritage or GLAM Yes
Gender and diversity Yes
Community support and engagement Yes
Participation in campaigns and contests Yes
Public policy advocacy Yes
Other No


9.1.1. Select all your programs and activities for Education. (required)
Wiki Club, Wiki Camp, Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom or other Reading/Evaluating Wikipedia Training, Editing Wikipedia Training, Translation, Research, Wikimedia Commons programs, Other Wikimedia project programs, Other activities
Other programs and activities if any: Wikisource Loves Manuscripts Philippines

Wiki Edu PH Conference Storybook Translation Training

9.1.2. Select all relevant audience groups for Education. (required)
Primary school students, Secondary school students, Vocational, tertiary, or higher education, Teachers or professors, Senior citizens
Other groups if any: N/A

Culture, heritage or GLAM

9.2. Select all your programs and activities for Culture, heritage or GLAM. (required)
Documenting or incubating languages on Wikimedia projects, Introducing new approaches to underrepresented culture and heritage, e.g. decolonising or reparative work; oral and visual knowledge; outreach to communities of origin, indigenous and first nations self-determination, Supporting institutions to open up their collections, data, metadata, and research, Supporting GLAM professionals to incorporate use of Wikimedia in their work, through documentation, training, or Wikimedian in Residence programs, Partnering with institutions, professional associations, and allied organizations to raise awareness of open culture, ethical sharing, and related issues
Other programs and activities if any: N/A

Gender and diversity

9.3. Select all your programs and activities for Gender and diversity.
Bringing in women and/or gender diverse participants and editors, Focusing on creating content about women and/or gender diverse groups, including biographies, intersectional topic areas and/or adding images, Focusing on creating content about marginalized (underrepresented) communities and their knowledge, Focusing on knowledge equity by bringing in contributors from underrepresented communities, Building organizer skills in women and diversity groups, Fomenting female leadership within the movement (either staff, members or boards), Sensitize and educate for gender perspective among Wikimedia projects stewards and editors
Other programs and activities if any: N/A

Community support and engagement

9.4. Select all your programs and activities for Community support and engagement.
On-wiki training of community members, Off-wiki training of community members, Organizing meetups, conferences, and community events, Supporting community members' participation in events and conferences, Offering micro-funding and other financial support to community members , Offering non financial support and services to community members (equipment, space, books, etc.)
Other programs and activities if any: N/A

Participation in campaigns and contests

9.5. Select all campaigns that apply. (required)
1Lib1Ref, Feminism and Folklore, Wikipedia Asian Month, Wiki Loves Earth, Wiki Loves Folklore, Wiki Loves Monuments, WikiGap, Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos, Wikipedia Birthday or Anniversary
Other programs and activities if any: N/A

Public policy advocacy

9.6.1. What specific laws, or legislative topics, are you targeting with your advocacy plans? Please be as specific as possible. (required)

Freedom of Panorama Law Multilingual Policy in Education

9.6.2. What are the main methods and tactics via which you plan to advocate for this public policy change? Please be as specific as possible. (required)

The PhilWiki Community will conduct symposia and discussions with the United Architects of the Philippines, PB Writers Inc., Department of Education, and 170+ Talaytayan Multilingual Education (MLE) Inc. to promote the open knowledge and Wikimedia movements as well as collaborate with them in advocating the intellectual property rights among architects, artists, designers, educators, writers and artists.

9.6.3. Approximately, how much of the requested budget will you dedicate to public policy advocacy (local currency)?
10. Please include a link to or upload a timeline (operational calendar) for your programs and activities. (required)
11. Describe your team. (required)

Lead: Maffeth Opiana-Sto. Tomas (User:Maffeth.opiana) She is an incorporator and the current board president of the user group. She has been the project lead of Wiki Loves Earth Philippines since 2018. She is also among the members who lead the Wiki Gap Campaign Philippines, Wiki Loves Folklore Philippines, and Wiki Loves Fashion Philippines. She is the first Filipino woman to complete the 100 Wiki Days Challenge. As a volunteer since 2014, she has been a contributor, facilitator, participant, and organizer in different campaigns and outreach activities.

Co-lead: Marife Altabano (User:Marife.altabano) She is the current board treasurer of the user group. She also serves as the chair of education committee which runs the Wiki Education Philippines program. A senior high school teacher, she volunteers in organizing activities that involves teachers and students. Recently, she spearheaded a seminar-workshop attended by around 30 students which led to the formation of CNHS Wiki Club, an extra-curricular organization. She has been part of the movement as a volunteer since 2020.

Team members:

Ian Kenneth L. Orasa - He is the board chair of the user group and also the chair of advocacy committee. He previously served as public information officer from 2021-2022. He supports in networking with cultural organizations and academic institutions fostering collaborations. In 2018, he spearheaded a partnership with an organization of architecture students for the photography walk held during the Wiki Loves Monuments Philippines.

Bernadette Roco - She is the board secretary. She recently joined the organization after participating in different outreach activities. She participated at the GLAM Wiki Conference 2024 as the conference secretariat.

User:LeahLhey - She is a board member of the user group and a former chair of education committee. A university instructor at Central Bicol State University of Agriculture, she participated at the WikiTutorial conducted in 2018-2019. Ever since, she has been involved in community outreach activities including the Wiki Loves Art mural painting activity, WPWP, meet-ups and editing activities. She is among the first female board members of the user group.

User:Daragang Nagueña - She is a past board secretary and is the chair of diversity committee. Her first participation in the Wikimedia movement was in 2020 during the WikiGap Campaign. Since then, she has actively participated and organized various activities that foster inclusiveness. Recently, she organized the WikiWomen Filipinas, a network of women formed during the culmination of WikiWomen Meet-up event which she organized in December 2023 in support of Wikimedia movement’s advocacy to promote inclusivity and improve the representation of women across Wikimedia projects. The group includes youth and women sectoral leaders, teachers, young professionals, and mothers including grandmothers.

User:ShiminUfesoj - He is the current auditor of the user group. He is an active contributor on Bikol Wikipedia and is the youngest admin on the project. A prolific contributor since 2018, he was a beneficiary of a laptop from the Hardware Donation Program.

User:Kabu Sawsaw - He is a past board member and is the current chair of GLAM committee which runs the GLAM Philippines program. Ever since he participated in Wiki Gap Campaign in 2020, he has been involved in community outreach activities. A senior high school teacher, he has organized a Wiki Loves Art mural painting activity in his school, distributed over 200 localized Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom booklets, and participated in photography walks. He support the activities of the user group as a facilitator and as a resource speaker.

User:Ranieljosecastaneda - He has been an active contributor on Wikimedia Commons since 2018. An award-winning photographer both in the national and international level, he won the Wiki Loves Fashion Philippines in 2021 and 2022, and Wiki Loves Earth Philippines in 2021. He recently joined the user group and participated at the WikiCommons PH Conference 2023 wherein he gave a presentation on bird photography. He supports the activities of the user group as a resource speaker and part of the documentation committee.

User:Alvin Casitas - He is an award-winning photographer and a newbie contributor on Wikimedia Commons. He won the Wiki Loves Monuments Philippines in 2022. He recently joined user group and participated at WikiCommons PH Conference 2023. He supports the activities of the user group as a facilitator and part of the documentation committee.

User:Jessartcam is an award-winning photographer and a newbie contributor on Wikimedia Commons. He won the Wiki Loves Food Philippines 2022. He recently joined the user group and participated at the WikiCommons PH Conference 2023 wherein he gave a presentation on landscape photography. He supports the activities of the user group as a resource speaker and part of the documentation committee.

Irvin Sto. Tomas (User:Filipinayzd) is the founding chair/president of the user group and a member of the ESEAP Preparatory Council. He currently serves as the Program Manager (contractor). He supports in overseeing the formulation and development of PhilWiki Community programs, in ensuring that the project coordinators of the various programs adhere to the budget for efficient fiscal management ensuring maximum impact with their available resources, and in establishing new partnerships with local, national and international institutions.

Jessa Arca serves as the Liaison Officer (contractor). She assists the Programs Manager, create and develop and expand a network of PhilWiki Community partners and maintain liaison with such institutions; coordinate with established partners, government and non-government institutions that support sustained implementation of PhilWiki Community projects; assist in conducting orientation and/or planning workshops for project coordinators and partner institutions.

Judith Arendaing (User:Judith.arendaing) is active in Wikisource. As the Office Admin (contractor), she manages the day-to-day operation of the office; support the administrative needs of the various programs and projects; assist in organizing meetings, events and conferences; booking transport and accommodation, ordering stationery and supplies.

12. Will you be working with any internal (Wikimedia) or external partners? Describe the characteristics of these partnerships and bring a few examples of the most significant partnerships. (required)

We will be working the following institutions and organization as partners: with the Nueva Caceres Heritage Movement Inc. (NCHMI) in the Wikisource Loves Manuscripts PH and other GLAM programs; the Bikol Wikipedia Community in various advocacy campaigns including the Feminism and Folklore and Wiki Gap; the Central Bicol State University of Agriculture (CBSUA), the Alliance for Open Education Collaboration Inc. and the Cararayan National High School in different education programs; the City Government of Naga, the University of Nueva Caceres (UNC) and the Center for Rinconada Arts and Culture at Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges (CSPC) in advocacy programs centered on the promotion of language, history, heritage and culture.

The most significant partnerships that PhilWiki Community created in the recent years are the CBSUA Wiki Education with Bikol Wikipedia Community and CBSUA-Calabanga; the Bikol WikiConference 2023 and Bikol Wikisource Training of Trainers 2024 with the City Government of Naga and NCHMI; WikiCommons PH Conference 2023 with the Commons Photographers User Group (CPUG) and different institutions including the UNC Museum, CSPC Center for Rinconada Arts and Culture, Ateneo de Naga University Social Sciences Department; and the GLAM Wiki Conference PH 2024 with the National Museum of the Philippines-Ilocos.

13. In what ways do you think your proposal most contributes to the Movement Strategy 2030 recommendations. Select all that apply. (required)
Increase the Sustainability of Our Movement, Improve User Experience, Provide for Safety and Inclusion, Ensure Equity in Decision-making, Coordinate Across Stakeholders, Invest in Skills and Leadership Development, Manage Internal Knowledge, Identify Topics for Impact, Innovate in Free Knowledge



Wikimedia Metrics

14. Please select and fill out Wikimedia Metrics for your proposal. (recommended)
14.1. Number of participants, editors, and organizers.

All metrics provided are optional, please fill them out if they are aligned with your programs and activities.

Participants, editors, and organizers
Metrics name Target Description
Number of all participants 500 N/A
Number of all editors 500 N/A
Number of new editors 200
Number of retained editors 100
Number of all organizers 20 N/A
Number of new organizers 10
14.2. Number of new content contributions to Wikimedia projects. (recommended)
Contributions to Wikimedia projects
Wikimedia project Created Edited or improved
Wikipedia 500 100
Wikimedia Commons 3000
Wiktionary 100 50
Wikisource 1000 200
Wikimedia Incubator 100 50
Wikibooks 10 5
Wikifunctions / Abstract Wikipedia
Description for Wikimedia projects contributions metrics. (optional)

Other Metrics

15. Do you have other quantitative and qualitative targets for your project (other metrics)? (required)
Other Metrics Description Target


16. Will you have any other revenue sources when implementing this proposal (e.g. other funding, membership contributions, donations)? (required)
16.1. List other revenue sources. (required)

Membership and annual dues Donations and contributions

16.2. Approximately how much revenue will you have from other sources in your local currency? (required)
17. Your local currency. (required)
18. What is the total requested amount in your local currency? (required)
8623670 PHP
Multi-year funding request summary
Year Amount (local currency)
Year 1 N/A PHP
Year 2 N/A PHP
Year 3 N/A PHP
Requested amount in USD
149534.44 USD [note 1]
Multi-year funding request summary in USD
Year Amount USD [note 1]
Year 1 N/A USD
Year 2 N/A USD
Year 3 N/A USD
  1. a b c The following amount in US dollars was calculated by Wikimedia Foundation staff using the fixed currency rates. This amount is approximate and may not reflect the actual currency exchange rates on the day of submission or distribution. If the application is funded, the funding will be sent in the recipient’s local currency.
19. Does this proposal include compensation for staff or contractors? (required)
19.1. How many paid staff members do you plan to have? (required)

Include the number of staff and contractors during the proposal period. If you have short-term contractors or staff, please include them separately and mention their terms.

In this proposal, we plan to have 3 Contractors: a Program Manager, an Office Admin, and a Liaison Officer.

Short-term contractors include: 5 Project Coordinators and up to 20 Facilitators

19.2. How many FTEs (full-time equivalents) in total? (required)

Include the total FTE of staff and contractors during the proposal period. If you have short-term contractors or staff, please include their FTEs with the terms separately.

In this proposal, we plan to have an Executive Vice President.
19.3. Describe any staff or contractor changes compared to the current year / ongoing General Support Fund if any. (required only for returning grantees)
In this proposal, the addition staff include: an Executive Vice President, 5 Project Coordinators and up to 20 Facilitators.
20. Please provide an overview of your overall budget categories in your local currency. The budget breakdown should include only the amount requested with this General Support Fund (required).
Budget category Amount in local currency
Staff and contractor costs 1596000 PHP
Operational costs 7027670 PHP
Programmatic costs 8623670 PHP
21. Please upload your budget for this proposal or indicate the link to it. (required)


Additional information

22. In this optional space you can add any other additional information about your proposal or organization that you think can help us when reviewing your proposal. (optional)

By submitting your proposal/funding request you agree that you are in agreement with the Application Privacy Statement, WMF Friendly Space Policy and the Universal Code of Conduct.

We/I have read the Application Privacy Statement, WMF Friendly Space Policy and Universal Code of Conduct.


