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Grants:Programs/Wikimedia Alliances Fund/Building Community for Human Rights Change

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Building Community for Human Rights Change
Create a community of changemakers by facilitating an environment where freedom of expression (FOE) can be exercised, mirroring Wikimedia's Movement facilitation of free exchange of information. Fortify Rights has an understanding of risks resulting when FOE is restricted and opportunities that arise when FOE is promoted. In partnership with the Wikimedia Movement, this project will strengthen the operational and political space for changemakers to exercise, celebrate and champion those rights.
start date1-Apr-2022
end date31-Mar-2022
budget (local currency)3365000 THB
budget (USD)100000 USD
organization typeNon profit organisation
organization (if applicable)• Fortify Rights

This is an automatically generated page based on the applicant's application on the Wikimedia Foundation's Grantee Portal on Fluxx.


What is the main objective of your proposal? Please state why you think partnering with Wikimedia Movement helps to achieve this objective?

Create a community of changemakers by facilitating an environment where freedom of expression (FOE) can be exercised, mirroring Wikimedia's Movement facilitation of free exchange of information. Fortify Rights has an understanding of risks resulting when FOE is restricted and opportunities that arise when FOE is promoted. In partnership with the Wikimedia Movement, this project will strengthen the operational and political space for changemakers to exercise, celebrate and champion those rights.

建立一個變革者們的社群,一個自由言論得以被確保並且與維基媒體運動訊息自由的目標相互呼應的社群。Fortify Rights非常清楚言論自由所能帶來的機會與效益以及如果被限制所產生的風險。與維基媒體基金會的合作可以使我們更加強大,並能我們爭取到更多的政治能量,讓變革者們在執行、推廣以及宣揚基本人權時能有所依靠。

Describe your main strategies to achieve this objective?

To implement this project, we will rely on trusted network of partners in the region, including grassroots leaders from at-risk communities, and employ a three-prong strategy to strengthen the initiatives of local changemakers. We will facilitate:

  • - Technical Support: Based on the needs and objectives of the changemakers that we work with, we will provide technical support to help build practical skills and knowledge. Activities will include action-oriented trainings and workshops, strategy coordination and networking, and support on partner-led outputs. Among such activities, we will promote the use Wikimedia as a platform for sharing information on human rights knowledge within the communities where we work.
  • - Access to opportunities: To amplify the work of changemakers in Southeast Asia, we will help facilitate access to people with power, including the media. We will ensure that the changemakers we work with have a “seat at the table” by facilitating meetings, establishing inter-personal connections, and arranging platforms to engage people with power.
  • - Protection from reprisals: By exposing and challenging abuses and violations that take place within their communities, changemakers often face reprisals and security risks. To ensure changemakers have sufficient protective space to facilitate their work, we will monitor their security and provide tailored support to ensure physical and mental security.

Supported by Wikimedia Foundation, Fortify Rights will redouble efforts to investigate and document abuses that would otherwise fester in the shadows of impunity while simultaneously building the power and credibility of local changemakers. Fortify Rights will explore new methods to maximize documentation and awareness of human rights issues in the region. We will use this knowledge to strategically engage with senior government officials, relevant U.N. representatives, members of the international community, and the media. We plan to expand our multimedia production to develop new types of content to capture human elements of our work, create new and positive ways to engage people with power and reinforce our distribution methods, whilst supporting local partners to showcase their work, investigations, and their organizations’ capacity to respond to violations. Wikimedia can provide us with a well-established platform for sharing knowledge that would otherwise sit in silos. Our strategic is attached, which is a living document, updated regularly.

A potential risk to the project is the Thai government limiting activities carried out in The Fort or using forms of harassment against our team members. To overcome this, we will conduct regular risk assessments of activities, communicate our work regularly to the government, U.N., and diplomatic communities and invite them to join our activities to ensure ongoing support. We will also maintain our already existing close communication and relations with relevant Thai authorities.


  • 技術協助:根據合作夥伴的實際需求與目標提供相關的技術性支援,協助他們建立實務性的技能與知識。具體活動包括:活動導向的訓練與工作坊、策略與網絡協調以及協助夥伴們進行。在這些活動中我們將會推廣維基平台作為社群間的資訊集散交換管道。
  • 獲取機遇:為了加強東南亞中變革者們的力量,我們將會協助進行與當權者的交流。我們將會透過加強人員間的聯繫、協調與當權者的會議並打理活動相關場地等方式確保我們的夥伴將能一起「坐上談判桌」。
  • 安全協助:身為一名揭露並挑戰社會中各種不公不義的變革者,自身的安全狀況往往相當令人堪憂。為了確保我們的夥伴們能擁有安全的環境來進行他們的工作,我們將會監控他們的人身安全狀況並提供量身訂做的協助來確定他們能擁有健康的身心狀態。透過與維基媒體基金會的合作,我們將可以加倍努力調查並紀錄各種若是無人介入則將會在不公不義中持續惡化的權力濫用情形,並同時建立變革者夥伴們的力量與其公信力。Fortify Rights將持續尋找新的方法來最大化人權相關議題的公眾意識和文獻紀錄工作。我們將會使用這些知識來進行策略性地擴展,接觸如高級政府部門、聯合國代表、國際社群與媒體。我們計畫要對我們的多媒體部門進行擴張,開發更多面向的內容,分享在我們活動中的人情味,創造新的、更加積極正面的方式來與當權者接觸以及強化我們的觸及率;並協助我們當地的夥伴們分享他們的成果、調查以及他們組織抵抗侵擾的能力。維基媒體的各個完善的平台能夠協助我們共享知識串聯社群;我們的目標是相互交合的,都是要建立一座會持續定期更新的線上文件庫。


What is the challenge or problem you are addressing and why is this important?

The rights to freedom of expression, peaceful assembly, association, and other basic freedoms are routinely suppressed throughout Southeast Asia and are becoming increasingly restrictive, particularly for individuals viewed as “changemakers.” These changemakers include human rights defenders, community leaders, civil society representatives, journalists, peaceful protesters, and others. Instead of celebrating and championing changemakers, authorities in Southeast Asia often use laws, policies, and practices to silence, isolate and disempower changemakers. Their work is increasingly carried out in a climate of fear where people are subjected to harassment and censorship. For example, in Thailand, human rights defenders face criminal sanctions for speaking out against the government and are being arbitrarily detained for engaging in anti-government protests. In Myanmar, the junta has outlawed numerous independent media outlets and violently crackdown on journalists, human rights defenders, and others. In Bangladesh, the government has periodically cut off access to the internet and restricted access to mobile communication for Rohingya refugees — a persecuted minority facing ongoing genocide in their home country of Myanmar and now exiled to the world’s largest refugee camp.

Freedom of expression is a fundamental human right enshrined in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Like Wikimedia, Fortify Rights believes in the power of knowledge and the critical importance of the free exchange of information. We work to ensure that all people can freely exercise their right to free expression. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights describes human rights as being “universal and inalienable; indivisible; interdependent and interrelated. As a fundamental human right, freedom of expression reinforces all other human rights, it is the foundation of democracy and essential for social and economic growth. Restrictions affecting individuals and civil society groups, particularly in their capacity to express dissenting views and speak up for underrepresented populations, pose serious democratization and sustainable development challenges.

However, in the face of such restrictive environments, innovative approaches exist to support, strengthen, and expand the collective work of changemakers. Formal and informal partnerships are vital for sharing learning and information, raising issues, increasing legitimacy and influence, and exchanging resources. By breaking down silos among changemakers working in different sectors, from diverse places, and various issues, solidarity, and community are possible.

言論自由、和平集會以及其他基本的自由在東南亞地區經常性的被壓迫,並且對那些「變革者」們尤是如此。這些變革者們包括人權維護者、社群領袖、記者、和平示威者等。然而,東南亞的許多當權者們並不樂見這些變革者們的活動,並且經常使用立法政策等各種手段來靜音、孤立並消除這些變革者的能量。他們所必須面對的社會環境愈發惡劣。舉例而言,在泰國,當人權運動者們在挺身反對政府的作為時就必須經常面對刑罰的處分,並且會因為參與反隊政府的抗議活動而被任意拘留;在緬甸,軍政府已宣布眾多獨立媒體為非法,並對記者、人權捍衛者和其他人進行暴力鎮壓; 在孟加拉,政府甚至定期的切斷羅興亞難民們的網路連接並且限制他們對行動通信設備的使用——這些受迫害的少數民族在其祖國緬甸遭受持續性的種族清理,而現在流亡到世界上最大的難民營中。

言論自由是在《世界人權宣言》第 19 條中所紀載的一項基本人權。就像維基媒體基金會,Fortify Rights相信知識的力量和資訊自由的重要性。我們為了人們得以自由的表達自我想法而努力。《世界人權宣言》將人權描述為普遍且不可剝奪的、不可分割的、 相互依存並相互關聯。 作為一項基本人權,言論自由強化所有其他各種人權,它是民主的基礎,對社會和經濟的增長而言至關重要。 對個人或社會群體限制其表達不滿或為弱勢發聲的權力將會是民主與永續經營的一大挑戰。


Where will this proposal be implemented?

Thailand 泰國

Organization details[edit]

Organization name

Fortify Rights

What is your organization or group's mission and how does it align with the Wikimedia movement?

Fortify Rights is an award-winning human rights organization working to ensure human rights for all. We believe in the influence of evidence-based research, the power of strategic truth-telling, and the importance of working in close collaboration with individuals, communities, and movements pushing for change. We investigate human rights violations, engage people with power on solutions and strengthen the work of human rights defenders.

Fortify Rights 是一備受肯定的人權組織,旨在保障所有人的基本人權。我們相信實證研究、策略性對話的影響力,以及與社會大眾共同努力的重要性。我們調查侵犯人權的事件、接觸有能力解決問題的當權者,並支持人權維護者們的工作。

Please tell us how your organization is structured.

Fortify Rights operates on a shared leadership model that distributes authority and responsibility throughout the team. We strive to ensure that our work contributes to long-term transformations that strengthen human rights movements. In 2019, we shifted to a progressive organizational approach to ensure team members have more discretion and autonomy over their work. This resulted in a more self-managed approach to operations and a greater emphasis on team members' independent leadership over their specific areas of work. We emphasize the importance of knowledge sharing and responsibility among team members, resulting in the formation of a key team rather than a key person. In addition, we employ mitigation strategies to reduce reliance. For example, our team uses open communication to increase transparency and ensures that all team members are actively involved in planning. This not only improves quality control, but also provides a backstop.

Working in Southeast Asia, we understand the significance of assembling a team of human rights defenders from the countries in which we operate. Furthermore, while men tend to play the most active roles in Southeast Asia's human rights work, we prioritize the recruitment of qualified women. Our team is currently made up of nine men and nine women. Four of our five Senior Specialists are from the region, and the majority of Fortify Rights team members have strong ties to the communities we serve.

Fortify Rights 透過共同領導模式將權力與責任分配給整個團隊。我們努力確保我們的工作有助於加強人權運動的長期變革。2019年,我們將組織方式改為漸進式組織模式,確保我們的團隊成員在其工作上能夠擁有更多的自由和自主權。這一決策導致了一種更加注重自我管理的營運模式,更加強調團隊成員對自身工作的獨立自主權。我們強調團員之間的知識共享和負責的重要性,從而造就了我們獨特的關鍵團隊文化,而非更為常見的關鍵人物模式。此外,我們也採納了緩解策略來減少整體專案的依賴性。例如,我們的團隊使用開放式的溝通模式來提高程序透明度,確保所有成員皆能積極參與活動的規劃。這不僅僅改善了我們專案管理得質量也提升了我們的可靠性。


Do you have the team that is needed to implement this proposal?

Fortify Rights has recently recruited an experienced Fort Director who will be responsible for providing strategic direction, guidance, and leadership to The Fort. She will create an annual plan for the Fort, organize events with partners, strengthen our community networks, and ensure the effective implementation of the Fort. The Fort Director will also be responsible for facilitating our partnership with Wikimedia.

Additionally, Fortify Rights has a full-fledged in-house “creative media team” and an “operational team” who will be directly involved with project implementation to ensure sustained participation.

Creative media team: Fortify Rights’ current “creative media team” comprises of two Multimedia Specialists, two Visual Design Specialists, and a Communication Associate.

Operational team: Fortify Rights’s operational team comprises of a Senior Grants Specialist, a Grants Associate, an Impact Monitoring and Learning Associate, and an Operations Specialist—providing much-needed support to maintain high organizational performance and ensure effectiveness in project implementation. The operations team will be responsible for securing sufficient resources for the Fort and ensuring accurate data is gathered and analyzed to monitor our activities and continuously evaluate our impacts.

Further information on specific roles is in annex 1.


除此之外,Fortify Rights也擁有完整的創意媒體團隊,以及一個將會直接執行專案計畫的執行團隊。



更多詳細資訊請見附屬文件 1。

Please state if your organization or group has a Strategic Plan that can help us further understand your proposal. You can also upload it here.


Have you received grants from the Wikimedia Foundation before?

Did not apply previously

Have you received grants from any non-wiki organization before?

Which organization(s) did you receive grants from?
Please see attached Annex 2, 'Partner organization - Funding' section
Please state the size of these grants from the following options.
Above 50,000 USD
What type of organization (s) did you receive grants from?
Government, International NGO, Bilateral or Multilateral Organizations
What percentage of your program budget do other funders contribute to?
Less than 30%

Project Proposal[edit]

Indicate if it is a local, international, or regional proposal and if it involves several countries?

The Fort project will be based in Bangkok, Thailand. However, the project will serve the communities throughout Southeast Asia.

Are there any specific sub-regions or areas where your proposal will be implemented? (optional)

Are you running any in-person events or activities?


Please state if your proposal aims to work to bridge any of the identified content knowledge gaps?

Geography, Language, Socioeconomic Status, Important Topics (topics considered to be of impact or important in the specific context), Cultural background, ethnicity, religion, racial

Will your work focus on involving participants from any underrepresented communities? Select all categories that apply.

Geographic, Ethnic/racial/religious or cultural background, Linguistic / Language, Socioeconomic status, Digital Access

Please state if your proposal includes any of these areas or thematic focus.

Advocacy, Human Rights, Public Policy

Please tell us more about your target participants.

Like Wikimedia, we believe in empowering everyone and that the community of changemakers should be diverse and inclusive. Through this project, Fortify Rights (FR) will expand our reach and work with a broad contingent of changemakers, supporting them to speak out on critical human rights issues.

All involved in this project share the common goal of finding a sustainable solution to address human rights violations. The primary participants are community leaders and grassroots human rights defenders working on human rights concerns for at-risk and disadvantaged populations in the region, including refugees, migrants, and ethnic and religious minorities. The project will prioritize women changemakers from under-served, rural, and disadvantaged communities to strengthen their leadership skills and reinforce the feminist movement.

In addition to changemakers at the local level, secondary participants of the project include like-minded organizations from throughout the region and internationally. When working with our allies, we coordinate, share information, and provide mutual support to advance common strategic objectives through regular communication, consultations, and meetings.

In line with the Wikimedia mission, all who participate in the project will: ● help create a world in which everyone can freely share in the sum of all knowledge ● be part of a global community that will avoid bias and prejudice, and ● strive towards accuracy and verifiability in all its work.

To ensure all participants have a positive experience, we will embrace Wikimedia’s UCOC, which aligns with FR’s COC. FR also has a CPP intended to provide guidelines to ensure the safety and well-being of children and at-risk persons. We will abide by Wikimedia’s Friendly Space Policy at events to ensure a harassment-free experience for attendees.

We will sustain participation through a well-thought-out engagement strategy. We will regularly hold events, strategically leveraging our social media. FR has strong connections with mainstream and local media outlets. These outlets regularly cover the work of FR and will provide support in keeping our participants engaged. Since 2013, the work of FR has been mentioned thousands of times in more than 300 media outlets locally and internationally. As an FR initiative, the project is well situated to build on the already established network of community-based partners and media connections to ensure its success and sustainability.

與維基媒體基金會一樣,我們希望將能力賦予大眾並且確保一個多元包容的社群。透過這個專案,Fortify Rights將會擴展我的的影響力並且接觸更多的變革者們,協助他們發表自己對人權問題的見解。




  • 協助創造一個任何人皆能自由享受知識的世界
  • 成為避免偏見和偏見的全球性社群的一員
  • 並力求其所有成果的準確性和可驗證性。

為了確保所有參與者皆能有個正向積極的體驗,我們將會接納維基社群通用行為準則加入我們現有的行為準則規範之中。此外我們還有一個 CPP,旨在提供指導方針,確保兒童和處於危險中的人的安全和福祉。 我們將在活動中遵守維基媒體的友好空間政策,以確保為與會者提供無騷擾的體驗。

我們將通過精心設計的參與策略來維持受眾的持續參與。 我們將會定期舉辦活動,戰略性地利用我們的社交媒體。我們與主流以及在地媒體有著密切的關係;透過這些媒體定期報導Fortify Rights的工作,將支持我們的參與者保持參與。 自 2013 年以來,Fortify Rights的工作已在國內外 300 多家媒體上被提及數千次。 作為我們眾多工作中的一個專案,該項目非常適合在那些社群合作夥伴和媒體聯繫網絡的基礎上執行,確保其成效和可持續性。

Do you have plans to work with other Wikimedia communities, groups or affiliates in your country, or in other countries, to implement this proposal?


If yes, please tell us about these connections online and offline and how you have let Wikimedia communities know about this proposal.

We propose collaborating with the Wikimedia chapter in Thailand. Whilst we were unable to meet with them, due to their restructuring, we will engage with them in the future. We are eager to support and be supported by the Thai Wikimedia community.

We understand that Thai Wikimedians have been subjected to harassment and under increased pressure from authorities to not undertake the Wikimedia mission in recent times. As a human rights organization, we are subjected to similar pressures and have provided our local partners support to manage and mitigate such pressures. Other than emergency assistance grants, we conduct regular security check-in with our partners and support on security planning. We monitor court cases to express solidarity and garner support from the diplomatic community. We also connect our partners at-risk with lawyers and relevant organizations to apply for asylum.

We would be happy to provide Wikimedia Thailand support to ensure physical and mental security.




If no, please tell us the reasons why it has not been possible to make these connections.

Will you be working with other external, non-Wikimedian partners to implement this proposal?


If yes, please describe these partnerships.

Partners - Funding
  • Virgin Unite (United Kingdom) - $126,720 - 2021 - One-year funding to support the development of advocacy architecture to address human rights violations in Southeast Asia
  • Doha Debates (Qatar) - $28,000 - 2020 - One-year funding to support Rohingya refugee media fellows in Bangladesh
  • National Endowment for Democracy (United States) - $85,000 - 2021-2022 - One-year funding to strengthen human rights in Myanmar and the region.
  • Wellspring Philanthropy Fund (United States) - $258,000 - 2019-2021 - Multi-year funding to support atrocity prevention activities
  • Khon Thai Foundation (Thailand) - $50,000 - 2021 - For the development of The Fort
  • NIPSEA Group (Singapore) - In-kind donation of paint for development of meeting/event space
  • Spark Architects (Singapore) - Pro bono architectural services for the development of meeting/event space

Fortify Rights strives for partnerships based on trust, equality, and mutual respect. Finding our niche, Fortify Rights works closely with an established network of partners in Myanmar, Thailand, Bangladesh, and Malaysia and support them to engage on critical issues. Below is a select list of local partners who we expect to work with on this project:

  • - ILaw
  • - Thai Lawyers for Human Rights
  • - Cross Cultural Foundation
  • - Community Resource Center
  • - People Empowerment Foundation
  • - Refugee Rights Litigation Network (RRLP)
  • - Asylum Access Thailand (AAT)
  • - Rights Beyond Border (RBB)
  • - Caritas Bangkok
  • - Council for Humanitarian Networking of Sheikhul Islam Office
  • - Step Ahead
  • - Rohingya Peace Network Thailand

We expect to tap into all our existing partnerships in Thailand, Malaysia, Bangladesh, and Myanmar to start building human rights knowledge on Wikimedia platforms.

In the initial phase, we will focus on human rights issues concerning refugees, migrants, and ethnic minorities. These are issues Fortify Rights is familiar with and has been working on since our founding in 2013.

In addition to the above-mentioned groups, Fortify Rights also works with like-minded organizations throughout Myanmar, Southeast Asia, and internationally. Our allies include individuals and organizations working on various issues with common goals and objectives. Fortify Rights convenes regular coordination meetings as well as manages various Listservs for coordination and information-sharing. We are also in regular communication with allies to contribute to joint initiatives and collaborate on activities. Sharing information promotes innovation and efficiency by avoiding duplication and allowing for the emergence of new ideas. Having one platform to document all human rights information will avoid inaccurate and misleading information. In partnership with Wikimedia, we can expand our reach by documenting information on Wikimedia’s platforms in multiple languages making Wikimedia the go-to place for all Human Rights information. Below is a select list of some of our key allies:

  • Bangladesh Rohingya Response NGO Platform, Bangladesh, camp-based
  • Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network, Asia
  • ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights (APHR), Asia
  • Refugee International, International
  • Physicians for Human Rights, International
  • Human Rights Watch, International
  • Amnesty International, International

夥伴 - 金援

Virgin Unite (英國) - $126,720 - 2021 - 為期一年的金援計畫,用於支持倡議架構的建立,以解決東南亞人權侵害的問題。

Doha Debates (卡達) - $28,000 - 2020 -為期一年的金援用於協助孟加拉羅新亞內民。

National Endowment for Democracy (美國) - $85,000 - 2021-2022 - 為期一年的金援計畫用於強化在緬甸和其地區的人權狀況。

Wellspring Philanthropy Fund (美國) - $258,000 - 2019-2021 - 多年式金援計畫用於協助避免暴力事件。

Khon Thai Foundation (泰國) - $50,000 - 2021 - 用於協助建立The Fort。

NIPSEA Group (新加坡) - 實物捐贈我們搭建會議/活動空間所需要的顏料等。

Spark Architects (新加玻) - 無償為我們提供用於搭建會議/活動空間所需的建築服務。

Fortify Rights 致力於建立基於信任、平等和相互尊重的伙伴關係。 在我們的優勢環境,我們與緬甸、泰國、孟加拉國和馬來西亞的成熟合作夥伴網絡密切合作,支持他們處理關鍵問題。 以下是幾個我們會在該專案中一起合作的夥伴:

- ILaw

- Thai Lawyers for Human Rights

- Cross Cultural Foundation

- Community Resource Center

- People Empowerment Foundation

- Refugee Rights Litigation Network (RRLP)

- Asylum Access Thailand (AAT)

- Rights Beyond Border (RBB)

- Caritas Bangkok

- Council for Humanitarian Networking of Sheikhul Islam Office

- Step Ahead

- Rohingya Peace Network Thailand



除了上述的幾個群體,Fortify Rigths也將會與全球有著相似理念的組織們一同合作。我們的盟友包括致力於解決具有共同目標和目標的各種問題的個人和組織。 Fortify Rights 定期召開協調會議,並管理各種 Listservs 以進行協調和信息共享。 我們也會保持與夥伴們的溝通渠道,定期與他們進行合作。共享訊息、避免重複浪費資源可以有效促進我們工作的效率與創意。透過共同使用同一個協作平台,我們可以有效避免資訊的不準確性和誤導性;與維基媒體基金會合作使我們可以透過維基媒體的諸多專案使用多種語言來記錄我們的工作,藉此擴大我們的影響範圍與影響力,並將維基媒體平台塑造為人權資訊的主要集散地。以下是我們的幾個主要同伴:

Bangladesh Rohingya Response NGO Platform, Bangladesh, camp-based

Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network, Asia

ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights (APHR), Asia

Refugee International, International

Physicians for Human Rights, International

Human Rights Watch, International

Amnesty International, International

Learning, Sharing, and Evaluation[edit]

What do you hope to learn from your work in this fund proposal?

Well-intentioned human rights advocates commonly take up human rights problems within single-category descriptions, such as race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and gender identity etc. We believe that flat narratives to address human rights violations do not sufficiently reflect the reality of intersectional oppression, discrimination, and violations, and in order to properly achieve solutions, intersectional problems require accurate diagnoses and collective action.

This project builds on the basis that communities are confronted with a combination of intersecting challenges and issues. It adopts a concept that moves beyond traditional frameworks that separate human rights into discrete challenges facing distinct groups (such as “ethnic minorities” or “women”). Taking into account heterogeneity, the project places the voice, agency, knowledge, and experiences of those impacted by intersecting inequalities at its heart, facilitating inclusive remedies and greater collaboration across human rights movements. The goal of this project is to rethink human rights movements not as gathering people of homogenous identities, but alliances of people with different identities in the same fight. With these fundamental concepts, the one main thing for us to learn is to identify good practices and areas for capacity development in human rights movements, in order to promote and strengthen a holistic intersectional approach in human rights protection and promotion.



Core Metrics[edit]

Enter a description of the metric and a number in the target field. If the metric does not apply to you, enter N/A for not applicable.

Core Metrics Summary
Core metrics Description Target
Number of participants The project’s target participants are changemakers working in Southeast Asia who require technical support—including knowledge- or skill-building, access to people with power, and/or protective space—to effectively advance common strategic goals and initiatives. In addition to these changemakers, secondary participants of the project include like-minded individuals and organizations with the capacity to support set common strategic goals and initiatives of changemakers working in Southeast Asia. Advocacy targets comprise the last group of participants, including senior government officials, high-level U.N. representatives, members of the international community, mainstream media outlets, academia, or other influencers on human rights protection concerns and issues to advance solutions. 200
Number of editors The Fort Director will serve as a liaison between the Wikimedian community and Fortify Rights. The director will be responsible for curating content as well as managing Wikimedia-related projects. Additionally, we will work with no less than 12 local partners who will become Newly Registered Users. In the future, Fort Director can potentially be a lead returning editor for all of the knowledge and information regarding grantee activities. She can also work closely with the Thai Wikimedia community who will create or improve content as a result of the project. 12
Number of organizers Members of Fortify Rights are the main organizers of activities. The work will be led by The Fort Manager and Fortify Rights’s creative media team and operational team. Additionally, our team comprises country-focused specialists who provide in-depth thematically-focused knowledge via trainings. Apart from our full-time team members, volunteering organizers or activists are also encouraged to carry out activities to achieve the project goal. In all of these activities, The Fort Director will be the core person to coordinate, facilitate, and provide guidance to any specific online and offline program. The Fort Director will be the key liaison person with the Wikimedia community and will be responsible in providing content for Wikimedia platforms. 20
Wikipedia Wikipedia: articles on human rights issues in Thailand, Myanmar, and Bangladesh are created and/or improved

Wikimedia Commons: multimedia contents on country-related topics Wikinews: news release curated from Fortify Rights team members Wikiquote: quotes from authorities, people in power, or target persons that are cited or used in our written contents. Wikidata: items from The Fort’s publications Wikisource: human rights reports Incubator: Thai/Burmese translations of aforementioned contents

Wikimedia Commons Wikimedia Commons: multimedia contents on country-related topics 10
Wikiquote Wikiquote: quotes from authorities, people in power, or target persons that are cited or used in our written contents.
Wikidata Wikidata: items from The Fort’s publications 10
Wikisource: human rights reports Wikisource 10

If for some reason your proposal will not measure these core metrics please provide an explanation.

We also aim to contribute to the Incubator: Thai/Burmese translations of aforementioned contents with target of 10.

There is an overlap between the editor and organizer categories with regards to the organizational structure of The Fort, although the flexibility of these two types should allow every team member to participate and engage in Wikimedia-related activities.



What other information will you be collecting to learn about the impacts of your activities? (optional)

We also aim to contribute to the Incubator: Thai/Burmese translations of aforementioned contents with target of 10.

There is an overlap between the editor and organizer categories with regards to the organizational structure of The Fort, although the flexibility of these two types should allow every team member to participate and engage in Wikimedia-related activities.

借助維基媒體基金會的協助,我們將會通過收集和分析人權遭受侵犯的個人的各種日常生活經歷相關的數據,展示我們對在整個Fortifiy Rights專案中所使用的交叉工作方案的持續應用以及進步。我們將會建立有關跨社群、跨議題的共同經驗的人權知識,並透過它們去激發更多合作。至於將在Fort執行的活動,我們將會有意識地納入更多有能力對人權運動做出貢獻的利益相關人一同參與。

What tools would you use to measure each metric selected?

After developing an activity plan, we will use the Program & Event Dashboard to keep track of activities. Through engagement and space usage, we will implement Event Metrics developed by Wikimedia to assess the activities' impact, along with our existing post-event feedback system. Our monitoring plan includes gathering statistics through post-event feedback, short surveys, in-depth interviews and roundtable events inviting all Fort stakeholders to evaluate performance and provide feedback.


How do you hope to share these results so that others can learn from them?

Create a video of our experience, Create a training workshop to show others what we learned, Share results on social media, Share results with our communities, Participate in one on one peer sharing session with other grantees, Share it on Meta-Wiki


Financial Proposal[edit]

What is the amount you are requesting from WMF? Please provide this amount in your local currency.

3365000 THB

What is this amount in US Currency (to the best of your knowledge)?

100000 USD

Please share your budget for this proposal.

Budget uploaded

What do you do to make sure there is a good management of funds?

Fortify Rights’s financial management is governed by financial controls detailed in our Finance Manual (available upon request). To ensure proper accountability, Fortify Rights’s finances are overseen by a Finance Committee and independently checked through an annual audit. Fortify Rights takes an accounting led approach to cover core costs, i.e. costs are allocated across its projects based on team members’ involvement in delivering each of the project. Due to the diverse funding support we receive, this approach helps to ensure that we are able to meet reporting requirements of all donors. Additionally, Fortify Rights has built solid finance and administrative systems over the years and is able to accurately calculate, allocate and track costs across different projects.

Fortify Rights 的財務管理受我們的財務手冊中詳述的內容所約束(將應要求提供)。 為確保責任,Fortify Rights 的財務將由財務委員會監督,並通過年度審計進行獨立檢查。 Fortify Rights 採用會計主導的方法來支付核心成本,即根據團隊成員對每個項目的參與情況分配預算。 由於我們獲得了多樣化的資金支持,這種方法有助於確保我們能夠滿足所有捐助者的報告要求。 此外,Fortify Rights 多年來建立了穩固的財務和行政系統,能夠準確計算、分配和跟踪不同項目的成本。

How will you contribute towards creating a supportive environment for participants using the UCOC and Friendly Space Policy?

Fortify Rights is committed to ensuring the highest standards of openness, truthfulness, and accountability and an environment that is safe and free from sexual misconduct, discrimination, harassment, malfeasance, criminal activity, and/or unethical behavior as well as attempts to conceal any such misconducts. All team members, consultants, fellows, volunteers, and others engaged with Fortify Rights are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner and to show respect for colleagues, partners, allies, and others engaged with Fortify Rights. Compliance with this policy, which aligns with Wikimedia’s Universal Code of Conduct (UCOC), is a condition of employment at Fortify Rights. Additionally, we will abide to Wikimedia’s Friendly Space Policy when organizing events to ensure harassment-free experience for all participants.

Fortify Rights 致力於確保最高標準的公開性、真實性和責任制,以及一個安全且沒有不當性行為、歧視、騷擾、瀆職、犯罪活動、不道德行為以及試圖隱瞞任何此類行為的環境。 所有團隊成員、顧問、研究員、志願者和其他參與 Fortify Rights 的人都應該以專業的方式行事,並尊重同事、合作夥伴、盟友和其他參與 Fortify Rights 的人。 遵守與維基媒體通用行為準則 (UCOC) 一致的行為政策是 Fortify Rights 參與條件。此外,我們在組織活動時將遵守維基媒體的友好空間政策,以確保所有參與者們的體驗,免受騷擾的威脅。

By submitting your proposal/funding request you agree that you are in agreement with the Application Privacy Statement, WMF Friendly Space Policy and the Universal Code of Conduct.

I have read the Application Privacy Statement, WMF Friend Space Policy and Universal Code of Conduct.

