Grants:PEG/WM TW/Editing Wikipedia Chinese Edition Print Out/Report
- Report accepted
- To read the approved grant submission describing the plan for this project, please visit Grants:PEG/WM TW/Editing Wikipedia Chinese Edition Print Out.
- You may still comment on this report on its discussion page, or visit the discussion page to read the discussion about this report.
- You are welcome to Email grants at wikimedia dot org at any time if you have questions or concerns about this report.
The following report is in bilingual format, the first part is English translation and the second part (after a slash sign) is the original text in Traditional Chinese. The reason of doing this is for two different group of people to read this proposal: the GAC member, who are mainly Wikimedians do not understand Traditional Chinese; and the Taiwanese Community in Wikimedia Universe, who use Chinese as their main language. We mainly use Chinese and try to translate this proposal in English as accurate as possible, but if it's not clear in the proposal, please feel free to ask and we will explain it, thank you. -- Liang (WMTW)
以下報告將會使用雙語的形式撰寫,前段是翻譯的英文版本,後段(斜線後)則是原本提案的正體中文。我們撰寫雙語版本的申請案,是希望兩種不同的群眾能夠參與討論:英文翻譯是為了專案補助建議委員會(Grants Advisory Committee)大部分不是使用中文的審查委員閱讀;正體中文的段落則是希望邀請華文社群(尤其是臺灣社群的朋友)能夠快速理解此案。英文的部份是臺灣分會志工所做的翻譯,我們會盡量保持翻譯上的精確,但若有力有未逮之處也歡迎您協助翻譯,讓國際社群的朋友了解、肯定臺灣推廣開放知識的努力與成果,謝謝。 --上官良治
Project status/
[edit]- Did you comply with the requirements specified by WMF in the grant agreement?/
您是否已經完成維基媒體基金會在補助申請協議中的所有要件? - Yes/
- Is your project completed?/
貴申請補助案是否已完全結束? - Yes/
Activities and lessons learned/
[edit]


Agenda /
Lessons learned/
[edit]- What worked well?/
- What worked well?/
- First step to build systematic teaching materials for Wikimedia - we obtain seven hundred more brochures then we expected due to price comparison. Also, this is the first time Wikimedia community in Taiwan acquires concise teaching material in paper form, this will be a nice tool when hosting workshops. We originally planned to give 10 local Wikimedia communities, but since we have fewer growing communities then estimated, we give the brochures to 5 local communities across Taiwan. We will use the brochure for chapter organized workshop or editathon, too. In the mean time, we also provide 20 brochures to WMHK for their reference. /
獲得教學工具:本計畫原預計印製300本教材,以供台灣各地社區教學使用。最後因積極詢價議價,壓低至1000本。這是中文社群首度擁有簡便的紙本教材,可做為方便的教學推廣工具。原預計贈送20本給十個合作社群,但因為目前發展有成的社群有限,目前已寄送的有埔里國際暨南大學「蝴蝶專題」小組、新竹社群;預計會贈送的有台北大學寫作聚。另外協會自辦或合辦的寫作聚、台灣關鍵議題工作坊均會採用,目前確認會有5個社群聚會可使用。同時,香港社群在11月曾來台灣參訪,我們也贈與數本教材,以供香港分會推廣工作參考。 - Bring out chances for collaboration with institutions - we use the brochures for reach out. We gathered a list that we think they may show interests of working with Wikimedia Taiwan. The list contains partners we've worked with, organizations that promote open culture or Creative Commons, and also teachers who support WIkimedia in Universities. We send them a sample of brochure and a flyer that explains Wikimedia Taiwan and how we can collaborate. Now there have been 3 potential opportunities of promoting Wikimedia, one is a professor from Department of Library and Information Science in Fu Jen University, another is organizaiton that promote creative commons in Taiwan, and the third one is an organization that watch human rights issue of immigrants from South East Asia to Taiwan. /
- What didn't work?/
- What didn't work?/
- The screenshot localization takes forever - this is the first time we make a physical publication. Because we are lack of experience of graphic design, we haven't foreseen the problems that we could face in the first place, and it caused the delay. Next time we will learn from this experience and plan more details in advance to make the project on time. /
中文化截圖耗時較原來計畫更長:這是我們第一次嘗試由工作人員與志工自行完成編輯工作。由於美編人員缺乏,在編輯過程中未能預見截圖技術可能遇到的問題,因此造成進度延誤。此次經驗使我們了解了編輯工作的細節,未來較能夠掌控進度。 - Few of survey response - it is harder then we expected to ask evaluation through survey. We will keep track on the responses online. /
- What would you do differently if you planned a similar project?/
- What would you do differently if you planned a similar project?/
- Add labor cost in the grant budget - so we can have some reward to volunteers to build a friendlier environment for them or hire professional art editors to consult or help the layout. /
Learning patterns /
[edit]Outcomes and impact /
[edit]Outcomes /
[edit]- Provide the original project goal here. /
請說明此專案原先設定之目標 - Print out at least 300 copies within the budget limits and send out to local event organizers to support their events. /
- Did you achieve your project goal? How do you know your goal was achieved? Please answer in 1 - 2 short paragraphs. /
您是否有達成專案目標呢?你怎麼知道目標達成了?請用1-2段文字簡短回答。 - Yes, we have printed out 1,000 copies within the budget limits and sent out to local event organizers to support their events. /
Progress towards targets and goals /
[edit]Project Metrics /
[edit]Project metrics
Project metrics | Target outcome | Achieved outcome | Explanation |
Print out at least 300 copies within the budget limits / 在預算內印刷至少300本的手冊。 |
Print out 1,000 copies. / 印出1,000本手冊。 |
Goal achieved through many times of price comparison. / 有達成目標。因為事前已透過網路查過相關費用,執行期間又經過多家比價,因此可以在預算中印出更多的份數。 | |
Send the copies out to local event organizers to support their events. / 宣傳手冊並分發至在地社群組織者 |
We have provided Wikimedia communities in Taipei, Hsinchu, and Nantou. We are also using the additional brochures to give potential partners such as university professors, open communities, creative commons promoters, to the steping-stone of making chapter credibility. / 已提供台北、新北、新竹、南投等地的社群使用,同時利用多印製的教材,寄送或贈予20多個大學教授、開放社群、創用CC推廣者,作為尋求合作機會之用。已得到一些回音。 |
Goal achieved through mailing the brochures to outreach. / 有達成目標。由於印製數量較預估為多,因此寄送的對象較原本規畫更為廣泛。 | |
Create a teaching material that is reusable subsidiary offline support for teaching Wikipedia culture and editing basics in workshops and edit-a-thons. / 使其可以在工作坊或編輯馬拉松時重複使用,以方便推廣維基百科文化與編輯技巧的初階實體教材。 |
We have used the brochures at least in 3 workshops./ 以在至少3次的工作坊中提供與會者使用。 |
Goal achieved through using the brochures repeatedly when hosting workshops. / 有達成目標。我們自己舉辦工作坊時就會重複使用宣傳手冊。 |
Global Metrics /
[edit]We are trying to understand the overall outcomes of the work being funded across our grantees. In addition to the measures of success for your specific program (in above section), please use the table below to let us know how your project contributed to the Global Metrics. We know that not all projects will have results for each type of metric, so feel free to put "0" where necessary. /
- Next to each required metric, list the actual outcome achieved through this project. /
在每個必填的欄位中,列出此專案實際的產出為何。 - Where necessary, explain the context behind your outcome. For example, if you were funded for an edit-a-thon which resulted in 0 new images, your explanation might be "This project focused solely on participation and articles written/improved, the goal was not to collect images." /
For more information and a sample, see Global Metrics. /
Metric | Achieved outcome | Explanation |
1. # of active editors involved / 1. 活躍編輯的參與人數 |
2 | This project focused on participation of potential editors and partners and the credibility of the local chapter, the goal was not to involve active editors. / 本專案著重於提昇可能編輯、合作夥伴的參與程度與在地分會對外的可信度,活躍編輯的參與非本專案目標。 |
2. # of new editors / 2. 新手編輯的參與人數 |
40 | This project focused on participation of potential editors and partners and the credibility of the local chapter, the goal was not to recruit new editors. However, there is a professor of Fu Jen University invite WMTW to his class for a lecture about Wikimedia, 40 students who have never edited joined the class, and he is also willing to build Wikimedia community in the campus; there are other potential partners who are willing to various proposals, and we need to follow up for future impact. / 本專案著重於提昇可能編輯、合作夥伴的參與程度與在地分會對外的可信度,新手編輯的參與非本專案目標。目前已有輔仁大學教授收到贈書後邀請進行一場推廣教學活動,共40名未曾編輯過的學生參與,該名教授並有意建立校內的社群;也有其他潛在合作者有不同的合作提案,後續效益需視合作案成果而定。 |
3. # of individuals involved / 3.參與人數 |
100 (approx / 約略) | This project focused on participation of potential editors and partners and the credibility of the local chapter, the goal was not to increase the number of individuals involved. / 本專案著重於提昇可能編輯、合作夥伴的參與程度與在地分會對外的可信度,參與人數非本專案目標。 |
4. # of new images/media added to Wikimedia articles/pages / 4.新增圖片或多媒體檔案到維基媒體條目/頁面的檔案數 |
8 | This project focused on participation of potential editors and partners and the credibility of the local chapter, the goal was not to collect new images. / 本專案著重於提昇可能編輯、合作夥伴的參與程度與在地分會對外的可信度,新增多媒體到維基媒體並非本專案目標。 |
5. # of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects / 5.新增或改善的維基媒體計畫條目頁面數 |
1 | This project focused on participation of potential editors and partners and the credibility of the local chapter, the goal was not to add or improve articles. / 本專案著重於提昇可能編輯、合作夥伴的參與程度與在地分會對外的可信度,新增或改善維基媒體計畫之條目頁面非本專案目標。 |
6. Absolute value of bytes added to or deleted from Wikimedia projects / 6.維基媒體計畫中,新增或刪除的決算位元數 |
39051 | This project focused on participation of potential editors and partners and the credibility of the local chapter, the goal was not to add content on Wikipedia. / 本專案著重於提昇可能編輯、合作夥伴的參與程度與在地分會對外的可信度,新增或改善維基媒體計畫之內容非本專案目標。 |
- Learning question
- Did your work increase the motivation of contributors, and how do you know? /
- 學習反思
- 這次的努力是否增加了維基人的參與動機?你怎麼知道?
- Plausible. We are having only a few users for the localized brochure. and therefore we only got 2 responses from the survey. However, we could observe new comers have more confidence when they got the step by step instruction and cheatsheet from the brochure. /
可能有增加, 目前教材實際使用次數有限,但可觀察到新手有了書中的圖片指引及語法對照表之後,比較勇於編輯。但實際的效果仍待更多的使用次數及問卷回報(現在問卷只有2份回饋),需進行後續追蹤。
[edit]What impact did this project have on WMF's mission and the strategic priorities? /
Option A: How did you increase participation in one or more Wikimedia projects? /
Option B: How did you improve quality on one or more Wikimedia projects? /
Option C: How did you increase the reach (readership) of one or more Wikimedia projects? /
- The project has increased participation and improved quality of Chinese Wikipedia. We will use this user-friendly brochure as teaching material, so newcomers can easily understand the culture and process of editing Wikipedia. /
Reporting and documentation of expenditures/
[edit]This section describes the grant's use of funds /
[edit]- Did you send documentation of all expenses paid with grant funds to grants at wikimedia dot org, according to the guidelines here? Answer "Yes" or "No". /
您是否已經依照此頁的規範,把所有的使用補助的資金來支出的相關文件記錄都寄給了電子信箱 grants 小老鼠 wikimedia 點 org 嗎?請回答「是」或「否」。 - Yes /
[edit]- Please list all project expenses in a table here, with descriptions and dates. Review the instructions here. /
Number | Category | Item description | Unit | Number of units | Actual cost per unit | Actual total | Budgeted total | Currency | Notes |
1 | Printing Fee / 印刷支出 | To print out brochures / 印刷說明手冊 | 1,000 copies / 1,000本 | 1 | 10,238 | 10,238 | 15,000 | TWD / 新台幣 | We found a supplier with cheaper price. The price include fee for correction. / 我們找到較之前報價更便宜的廠商。此筆支出包含排版校稿的費用。 |
2 | Printing Fee / 印刷支出 | To contact the printing service (fax) / 聯絡印刷廠商(傳真) | 1 piece of A4 paper. / 一張A4尺寸的單面紙張 | 5 | 15 | 75 | 0 | TWD / 新台幣 | It's needed to communicate with printing service. / 傳真給印刷廠商報價單所發生的支出。 |
3 | Distribution fees / 物流支出 | Mailing cost for send out brochures / 郵寄手冊的費用 | 1 copy / 一份 | 58 | N/A / 無法取得 | 225 | 6,000 | TWD / 新台幣 |
4 | Distribution fees / 物流支出 | Copy instructions for the brochure / 印刷手冊的說明資料 | 1 | 20 | 10 | 200 | 0 | TWD / 新台幣 | A document mailed with brochure to instruct how to use it. / 一份說明此手冊如何使用的文件。 |
- Total project budget (from your approved grant submission)
- /
- 專案總預算(應與申請補助頁面的數字一致):
- 700 USD / 19,970 TWD /
700美元 / 19,970台幣
- Total amount requested from WMF (from your approved grant submission, this total will be the same as the total project budget if PEG is your only funding source)
- /
- 專案向維基媒體基金會申請的補助總額(如果PEG是您唯一的經費來源,則此欄的數字應與上欄數字一致):
- 700 USD / 19,970 TWD /
700美元 / 19,970台幣
- Total amount spent on this project
- /
- 專案總決算
- 10,968 TWD /
- Total amount of Project and Event grant funds spent on this project
- /
- 專案向PEG申請補助的總決算
- 10968 TWD /
- Are there additional sources that funded any part of this project? List them here. /
- 還有其他補助此專案的資金來源嗎?將其他來源在此列出。
- No. /
Remaining funds /
[edit]- Are there any grant funds remaining? /
補助款還有剩下嗎? - Answer YES or NO. /
回答「是」或「否」。 - Yes /
- Please list the total amount (specify currency) remaining here. (This is the amount you did not use, or the amount you still have after completing your grant.) /
- Please list the total amount (specify currency) remaining here. (This is the amount you did not use, or the amount you still have after completing your grant.) /
- 9,002 TWD
- If funds are remaining they must be returned to WMF, reallocated to mission-aligned activities, or applied to another approved grant. /
- If funds are remaining they must be returned to WMF, reallocated to mission-aligned activities, or applied to another approved grant. /
- Please state here if you intend to return unused funds to WMF, submit a request for reallocation, or submit a new grant request, and then follow the instructions on your approved grant submission. /
請說明您對剩餘補助款的用途,是想要交還給維基媒體基金會、重新分配到使命一致的相關活動中、或是新申請另外一個補助計畫,之後請依循核准通過的補助申請頁面的步驟。 - We want to have new grant request for brochure localization of Illustrating Wikipedia and Evaluating WIkipedia /