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Grants:PEG/WM MX/Annual grant 2014-2015/Final report

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Report accepted
This report for a Project and Event grant approved in FY 2014-15 has been reviewed and accepted by the Wikimedia Foundation.
  • You may still comment on this report on its discussion page, or visit the discussion page to read the discussion about this report.
  • You are welcome to Email grants at wikimedia dot org at any time if you have questions or concerns about this report.

Project status

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Is your project completed?

Activities and lessons learned



Wikimania 2015
Between 2014 and 2015 Wikimedia Mexico organized Wikimania 2015, the main conference of Wikimedia movement. The event was an opportunity for the chapter to have notable growth and to successfully face one of the main challenges in the Wikimedia movement.

1. Outreach public events

Proudly holders of the Guinness World Record for the Longest Editathon

In the reported period from October 2014 to December 2016 we ran 38 editathons in which we edited Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, Wikisource and Wikidata in alliance with 42 separate cultural, academic, government institutions, asociations, non-governmental organizations and individual enthusiasts. Just only in 2016 we did 25 public editathons, almost one event every two weeks. This event includes the collaboration with Secretaría de Cultura (Mexican Secretariat of Culture), Coordinación de Universidad Abierta y Educación a Distancia de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Coordination of Open and Distance Education of the National Authonomous University of Mexico), Museo Soumaya.Carlos Slim Foundation, Centro de Estudios de Historia de México Carso, Centro de Cultura Digital (Digital Cultural Center), Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Cineteca Nacional (National Film Archives), Fonoteca Nacional (National Sound Archives), Laboratorio Para la Ciudad del Gobierno de la Ciudad de México (Mexico City's Lab for the City), Biblioteca Vasconcelos (Vasconcelos Library), Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla, Liga Peatonal A.C., Reforestamos México, Museo Memoria y Tolerancia, kurimanzutto gallery, Cisneros Foundation, Corredor Cultural Roma Condesa and Japan Embassy in Mexico:

Indicator: 5 edit-a-thons of Wikimedia projects (Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, Wikivoyages, Wikinews) projects: Done

The mother of all editathons: 72 hours Editathon at Museo Soumaya

“The collaboration between Wikimedia Mexico and Museo Soumaya, a museum in Mexico City, have been long and prosperous, and now it can be described as officially amazing—at least according to Guinness World Records, as we now hold the record of the longest-ever Wikipedia edit-a-thon.

The two organizations partnered for #72HorasConRodin (72 hours with Rodin, an artist who is considered to be the “father of modern sculpture”) last June when the museum opened their metaphorical doors (and literal library) to Wikimedia enthusiasts eager to learn about art.

During the three days, the museum staff became active editors on the Spanish Wikipedia in their areas of expertise, mostly about their research lines, art conservation and education in museums, while expert Wikipedians assisted in matters of style, technical issues, and usage of the visual editor. Even though they didn’t always write new articles, they had enough expertise to find out factual mistakes or misunderstandings in articles and to correct them with appropriate sources.”

Talks and workshops
  • Indicator: At least 10 talks in schools and 10 in other sites. 40% of these activities should be out of Mexico City. Done we did in schools and we have talks in Aguascalientes (2 editathons, 2 talks), Guanajuato (1 talk), Yucatán (1 week of activities including talks with Indigenous Languages native speakers), Mexico state (1 talk), Sonora (1 editathon, 1 talk), Oaxaca (2 meetings partnering with Rising Voices from Global Voices), Puebla (4 editathons, 4 talks), Quintana Roo (1 talk), Zacatecas (1 talk)
During the Mayan Wikipedia workshop
During the Mayan Wikipedia workshop

We want a Mayan Wikipedia soon
Mexico has at least 51 native languages besides Spanish. Yucatec Maya has close to 800,000 speakers not only in Mexico but also Guatemala and Honduras. Between July 25 and 29, 2016 we had an Mayan Wikipedia Fostering Workshop sponsored by the Secretariat of Culture’s Centro de Cultura Digital and co organized with La Vaca Independiente A.C. This workshop was held in Merida, capital of the state of Yucatan and was an intensive week of immersion in Wikipedia, Wikimedia Incubator and Wikimedia Commons; where native Yucatec Mayan speakers engaged in several activities such as writing new articles both in Mayan and Spanish, editing Wiktionary items and uploading beautiful images from different places of the Yucatan Peninsula. This workshop was conducted by Wikimedia Mexico’s Board Members Claudia Muñoz (User: Muñoz LC) and Luis Álvarez (User:Luisalvaz).

  • Indicator: Wikipedia Monthly Workshop Done In Mexico City, a monthly workshop has been imparted since February 2014 and starting January 2016 it has been held at Centro de Cultura Digital, as a result of our alliance with the Secretariat of Culture. Only during 2016, in this space 62 people were introduced to Wikipedia and its basics.
  • Indicator: At least five talks to disseminate Creative Commons licenses all around the country. Done Each talk includes an specific module about CC and the Monthly Workshop had a redesigned learning module about this specific topic. We have a specific one week Course about GLAM and Creative Commons imparted to public servants of the Secretariat of Culture.
  • Indicator: At least 2 events (one edit-a-thon and one talk) of the above proposed will be aimed at reducing the gender gap in Wikimedia projects. Another two (one edit-a-thon and one talk) will go to increase diversity in Wikimedia projects. Done

Editatona initiative

Editatona became one of the most successful initiatives in the chapter. Conceived and planned originally in 2014 as a part of our urgent call to action to reduce the Gender Gap in Wikimedia projects, Editatona is now an international initiative extended since 2015 and converted in a singular and integral model that aims, in addition to its original mission, to the empowerment of women through technology. An editatona (a hacked name from editathon) is a type of editathon only for women, where they have the space to edit articles of Wikipedia that are relevant for them. The themes of these editions are varied and include science, technology, history, human rights, etc.

Editatona is possible by the efforts of a network of individuals, institutions and *active participation of Mexican NGOs as SocialTIC and Luchadoras A.C. and icoordinated by Wikimedia Mexico side by Carmen Alcázar (User:Wotancito). The model has been replicated by self organized events (advised by Wikimedia Mexico or not) in Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, Spain and Uruguay, among other countries in Central America as Nicaragua (Editatona Mujeres Nicas) where Wikimedia mission and volunteers are emergent.

Main outcomes of the model was exposed in many events, spaces and forums including Wikimania 2015, WikiConference North America 2016 by Paulina Sánchez (User:PSanchez820) and 13th AWID International Forum in Salvador de Bahía by Carmen Alcázar. Wikimedia Mexico are not just active in the execution, coordination and planning of the current and future Gender Gap reduction ideas and initiatives but involved in the support and advising of other international projects as Iberocoop’s La mujer que nunca conociste and allied with new Wikimedia affiliates as Wikimujeres and Whose Knowledge? user groups.

We had three related events with our co organization related to Indigenous Languages, two in Oaxaca during 2014-2015 partnering with Global Voices and one in Yucatán partnering with Secretariat of Culture.
  • Indicator: Growth of the Guadalajara and Puebla communities by at least 3 more active volunteers in each one. Done, in both cities we have new volunteers. In the case of Puebla we had 6 editathons and 10 workshops.
Measures of success
  • Number of attendees (600, considering at least 50 per month) Done
  • Number of new users. (20 new users per month) Done
  • Number of active editors. (10 active editors [~5 edits per month] in 6 months) Done
  • Editions to any Wikimedia project diferent to Wikipedia. (50 per month) Done
  • Percentage of new users that remain after six months on the project (Target: 2%) Done
  • Number of new or enhanced articles. (At least 200 in a year) Done
  • Number of e-mails collected from people interested Done we have a list with 48 members and a database with 42 people who explicitly asked for periodic information from the Chapter.
  • Media coverage (at least 30 in a year) Done We had significant coverage about the chapter activities in the context of Wikimania 2015 including +120 press reports, TV appearences. During 2016 we decided as a media strategy to reduce our media presence due a “overexposition” of the organization prior and up to Wikimania 2015, considering only strategic media opportunities during 2016 as we held Wikipedia’s 15th anniversary (which includes coverage in national media) and huge events as the Soumaya and UNAM editathons.
  • New partnerships reached (3 at least). Done
  • With Wikimedia afilliates:
    • Iberocoop, performing and leading projects with the initiative as La mujer que nunca conociste and Translating Iberoamerica contests
    • With Wikimedia Argentina we had in January 2016 the First Programa Regional de Mentoreo y Asistencia técnica, a seminar in Buenos Aires to share and learn best practices from both organizations
    • We joined by invitation of Wikimedia New York the Wikiarte initiative
    • We supported actively projects of new user groups as Wiki Conference North America (founding members), Wikimujeres and Whose Knowledge?
    • We have pending an agreement of collaboration with Wikimedia Nepal

1.2 Public relations

  • Printing a brochure with basic information about the chapter: Done, all the printings was distributed during Wikimania and 2015 events
  • Funding to facilitate participation in public events: Done, but it was insufficient
  • Promotional materials: Done, all the printings was distributed during Wikimania and 2015 events and it’s pending to deliver a second batch of promotionals.
  • Institutional video production: Doing... Pending delivery, in postproduction
  • Design of an identity graphic reusable manual: Doing... Pending of validation and delivery

2. Wikipedia Education Program in Mexico

  • At least 10 teachers added to the local program (currently 5) Done after Wikimania was recruited teachers Gina Nieto-Castañeda (User:Ginanietoc3107 who achieved her grade with a thesis about Wikipedia), Wendy Lopez (User:WOLY), Verónica Torres, Andrea Torres and CUAED teachers from UNAM Jackeline Bucio (User:Txtdgtl).
  • 9,000 bytes per student added to Wikipedia articles. Done. Examples of articles produced in WEP:
  • Perform at least 10 talks about this initiative, with the objective of recruiting more teachers to the program and promoting this model in new educative institutions. Done, we gave more than 10 talks related to WEP and we were present in many education-related activities such as workshops, congresses and panels.
  • 3 reports from participating institutions. Done Wendy López report, Georgina Nieto report. We have stories about WEP from ITAM’s Luz María Silva and UNAM’s Mónica Quijano and we made a video and a blog post about UNAM’s Gina Nieto Castañeda, now in postproduction.
  • Add one more educative institution to the program. Partially Done, we began a new agreement with El Colegio de México and we will have our first editathon next December 2. First courses by teachers began with Dra. Gabriela Márquez two groups. We are in talks with Universidad Iberoamericana and Instituto de Educación Media Superior from Mexico City Government but we are out of capability to start more alliances and give attention with the current time of WMMX volunteers.

3. Cultural Partners

  • Organization of events for cultural organizations. Done We held, from August 31 to September 3, 2015 a seminary about Cultural Partners, GLAM and Free Culture focused on cultural sector public servants of Secretariat of Culture. Videos of the sessions are available (1) (2) (3). A second seminar in this same venue is planned for second semester of 2017 and Museo Soumaya will call to another Seminar for Cultural Organizations in 2017. We have also talks for cultural organizations as Circuito Cultural Norte Chapultepec (January 2015) and participation in seminars and conferences presenting our GLAM cases as Seminario Permanente de Investigación-Producción en Arte y Diseño de la Facultad de Arte y Diseño de la UNAM (January 2015) and "Del copyright al copyleft. Propiedad intelectual en los archivos" in Mexico Sound Archives (November 2014).
  • Printing brochures for new GLAM partners: Doing... but pending of delivery
  • DIY type scanner: Not done
  • Indicator: At least two institutions added as GLAM allies: Done Cineteca Nacional, Fonoteca Nacional, galería kurimanzutto, Museo Memoria y Tolerancia also we have in queue 10 petitions by GLAM institutions of collaboration including four invitations of Wikipedians in residence positions: UNAM, National Institute of Antropology and History, Cineteca Nacional and El Colegio de México
  • Indicator: Donation of 75 media files per GLAM partnership uploaded to Wikimedia Commons. Done by Museo Soumaya, Museo Memoria y Tolerancia, Mexico City’s Government Secretariat of Tourism and Centro de Estudios de Historia de México Carso Fundación Carlos Slim. For an example Museo Soumaya donated images had 18,108,877 visits during 26 months and the donated image of the well known hero Emiliano Zapata portrait is the main image in 35 Wikipedia languages.
  • Indicator: Start a scanning project with the DIY scanner with an important library of Mexico: Not done interested libraries declined invitation to scan. We need to re allocate the fund and build in 2017.

Please refer our reports about GLAM in the This month in GLAM newsletter: https://outreach.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:This_Month_in_GLAM_Mexico_reports

4. Activity continuity and growth
  • Increasing the quality of WMMX reports. Done, it became more complete and comprehensive and with better multimedia.
  • Stay on work one more year. Done. The community overcame the "Wikimania Syndrome" experimented by some former communities in charge of the event that burned, stopped or disgregated after a Wikimania. As a key indicator of this, 60% of the volunteers that was present in the 2016 72 hours Soumaya editathon was Wikimania 2015 volunteers.
  • Creation of manuals and planning documents on working of the chapter. Doing... Pending of ellaboration.

Lessons learned

What worked well?
The Mexican chapter achieved, during the reported period for this grant, more maturity and sustained growth with unique achievements in the Wikimedia global movement, among which are a Guinness World Récord and the organization of a Wikimania without stopping regular chapter’s activities and continuing after the event as a strengthened community. After Wikimania we have more volunteers, agreements, allies and perspectives for the future. “Mexico is important within the called Global South, which is considered a strategic objective of the Wikimedia Foundation” a phrase written in the WMF’s strategy in 2013 and the role of Wikimedia Mexico as a strategic organization in the region during the reported period was confirmed based in this evidences.
What didn't work?
Sustaining the current working rhythm thet we’ve kept over the past few years is very satisfactory but has high personal costs for the people working on achieving these goals, reducing their quality of life and free time for other important activities. The set goals were achieved and met above the minimum, but are impossible to sustain with volunteer time, which is why it wasn’t possible to realize more organized and strategic work and continuity in our current activities, as well as involving our community in internal processes for better results, different and innovative activities and improving our internal monitoring and processes. The pending or unmet activities are mostly due because we lack a figure that can keep up with all processes of the chapter, including Executive Direction, Project Managing, Administration and Accountability and other areas as GLAM, Education and Communications which was performed mostly by talent, time and skills provided by volunteers.
What would you do differently if you planned a similar project?
It’s not functional for an organization entirely based on volunteers to continue without full time staff that can sustain the quality and future vision that an organization like this requires. It’s difficult to sustain our current work rhythm and growth due to the amount of compromises we have acquired, the several people, institutions and organizations interested in starting or continuing working with us, as well as the pursuit of new challenges.

Learning patterns


Outcomes and impact



Provide the original project goal here.
To increase the participation in the Wikimedia Foundation projects in more states of the Mexican Republic.
To bring continuity to the actual Wikimedia Mexico projects about education, linking with cultural partners and community support.
To ensure continuity of the chapter in administrative and financial topics.
To optimize our spread-the-word methods about the work of the chapter
Did you achieve your project goal? How do you know your goal was achieved? Please answer in 1 - 2 short paragraphs.
Yes, we achieved have more participation in more states in Mexican Republic, specially in Aguascalientes (three editathons) and Puebla where we have active WEP and GLAM agreements. As it can be noted in the results of education, cultural partners and community support we exceed our expectations.

Progress towards targets and goals


Explained above

Global Metrics

Editathons and Editatonas
Editathon / Editatona Atendees Edits Bytes New articles/pages More info
Editatona: Feminismos 15 19 10666 7 Wikimedia Global Blog post
Wikipedia ama el cine 34 265 200333 43
Wikipedia viaja en Metro 13 144 85561 4
Editatona: Mujeres internacionales 14 38 43651 10
Editatona:mujeres mexicanas destacadas nda nda nda nda
Memoria y Derechos Humanos nda nda nda nda
Primer Editatón WikiUNAM 139 1016 733965 75 Individual Report
Editatón en la Cineteca Nacional 28 506 255548 71
Editatón en el Multiforo Cultural Alicia: rock y contracultura nda nda nda nda
50 horas 50 años del CEHM 27 807 720395 91 Individual report
Derechos Digitales (en colaboración con Colombia) nda nda nda nda
Editathon / Editatona Atendees Edits Bytes New articles/pages More info
Editatona: Wikidata 9 1158 284433 33
Editatona Art+Feminism 60 421 775482 61
Editatón Huajuapan nda nda nda nda
Editatón Peatonal 17 62 23806 5
Museos de Aguascalientes 11 60 20971 4
Editatona Art + Feminism 2 7 20 21733 5
Por los bosques 25 140 71907 10
72 Horas con Rodin 101 2948 1511882 329 Blog post
Wikipedia ama el cine 19 137 153114 42 Individual report
Memoria y Tolerancia 20 87 81725 3
Editatona Aguascalientes 11 37 32259 6
Editatona Inmujeres 25 79 69085 4
BUAP 7 47 46381 11
Editatona Feminicidio 9 8 22771 0
Editatona Escritoras 8 34 28495 6
Editatona Mujeres en el cine 11 28 33544 7
LGBTTTI 4 14 12810 4
Colección de Arte UDLAP 14 62 88180 10
kurimanzutto 11 144 176401 19
Wikiarte México 2016 18 308 251114 59
Segundo Editatón WikiUNAM 82 526 587368 139
Patrimonio de la Roma Condesa 22 133 92096 18
Wiki and Ramen 2016 / Mes de Asia en Wikipedia 10 50 136536 16
TOTAL 501 6,503 4,522,093 791

During 2016, we had a workshop every month in Centro de Cultura Digital. On average we taught 5 diferent persons to use and edit in Wikipedia every month. That means we reach at least 60 new users of Wikipedia during the last year.



What impact did this project have on WMF's mission and the strategic priorities?

The Editatona initiative was born in Mexico and became in one of the main efforts in the Wikimedia movement to tackle the Gender Gap in Wikimedia projects. Now is a movement that started to be replicated in more countries, some of them with low Wikimedia presence. Editatona supports now efforts like Art and Feminism and Wikiarte.

The creation and improvement of entries on Spanish Wikipedia improved the quality of this Wikimedia project in a local language which will be used in all countries with this nativa language. Consequently this benefits the free knowledge and awareness of Wikipedia among Spanish speakers countries among Latin America and Spain. Mexico mantains it's place as first reader of Spanish Wikipedia with 27.1% of trafic coming from our country and in the last reports of stats related to edits Mexico had the second place [1].

Our alliances with leader cultural and educative institutions achivied the Wikimedia goals on outreach and awareness of Wikimedia projects.

Reporting and documentation of expenditures


This section describes the grant's use of funds


Did you send documentation of all expenses paid with grant funds to grants at wikimedia dot org, according to the guidelines here? Answer "Yes" or "No".


Category Item description Unit Number of units Actual cost per unit Actual total Budgeted total Currency Notes
1.1 Outreach public events 10,000 Wikipedia stickers 1 sticker impression 5000 0,55 2750 5500 MXN
1.1 Outreach public events Printings (T-shirts, pens, WMMX stickers, WMMX banners, WEP manual, WEP stickers, WEP t-shirts, WEP banners, business cards, folders, letterheads) 36700 41250 MXN
1.2 Public relations a) Printing a brochure with basic information about the chapter (CMYK two sides coated paper) 1 thousand 3 670 2010 1500 MXN
1.2 Public relations b) Funding to facilitate participation in public events. [3] 1 viaje 5 1089 5446 12000 MXN
1.2 Public relations c) Institutional video production 1 1 20000 20000 20000 MXN
1.2 Public relations d) Design of a reusable graphic identity manual. 1 1 20000 20000 15000 MXN
4. Office Administrative expenses of bank account, electric service, telephone-internet and office move 13786 MXN Not originally quoted in grant
7. Legal a) Legalization of the March 1 assembly act 1 1 4500 MXN Pending of payment
7. Legal b) Legalization of 2015 annual assembly act 1 1 4500 MXN Pending of payment
8. Administrative expenses a) Accounting advisor 1 year service 1 15000 MXN Unspent
10. Travel expenses b) Travel to Puebla for Wikipedistas en Puebla activities 1 8 950 7600 43000 MXN Donation by BUAP, UDLAP and Prófetica Library
11. Documentation Microphone for DLSR camera (ambiental and lavalier), imple structure for DSLR camera, DLSR lamp kit (LED lamps + charger + L bracket), Expendables (SD cards, batteries, cases) 1 1 7621 7621 9500 MXN
13. Planning a) Meeting on annual planning. Board and main supporters (Travel for 1 Board member from Guadalajara, Work supplies, Accommodation for 2 Board members) 8499 7700 MXN
14: Wikipedia XV celebrations Appetizers and beverages for volunteers 1700 1700 MXN Not originally quoted in grant
15: Others Wikimania expenses 250749 250749 MXN Authorized by WMF
Totals $376,861 MXN

To that number we must add the amount reported in the partial report made in june of 2015: 118,897.64 MXN

Total project budget (from your approved grant submission)
$408,454.40 MXN
Total amount requested from WMF (from your approved grant submission, this total will be the same as the total project budget if PEG is your only funding source)
$371,982.66 MXN (WMF deposited less due to a mistake in the calculation of totals [2]
Total amount spent on this project
$376,861 MXN
Are there additional sources that funded any part of this project? List them here.

Remaining funds

The funds remaining from this grant in the amount of 31,593 MXN were deducted from another grant payment for Grants:Simple/Applications/Wikimedia México/2018.
Are there any grant funds remaining?
Please list the total amount (specify currency) remaining here. (This is the amount you did not use, or the amount you still have after completing your grant.)
$31,593 MXN
If funds are remaining they must be returned to WMF, reallocated to mission-aligned activities, or applied to another approved grant.
We will submit a new grant request.