Grants:PEG/WM AR/Ibero-American Wikimedia Summit 2011/Report
Project Goal:

We want the Ibero-American Wikimedia Summit to be useful for future, new and existing chapters; to establish a landmark on using languages other than English on the global level; to produce input for the WMF and chapters on implementing the movement’s strategic goals in Ibero-America; and especially to help strenghtening the Wikimedia movement in Latin America, as a particular region within the developing world/Global South/Third World (we’ll also discuss this ‘Global South’ concept).
Description of actual activities:

workshop and informal meetings: between 23 and 26th of June, we've held several informal meetings and two and a half days workshop. The informal meetings helped us to improve and strengthen cooperation and social relationships between groups and chapters, while the three days workshop were the ideal moment for working, sharing ideas and proposals between the participants.

During the workshop we had a very complete working programme including
- the state of groups and chapters
- WMF Five-Year Plan and strategic goals
- Funding and administration of an organisation
- Communication & PR
- Outreach
- Intellectual Property Laws in Iberoamerica and the relationship between Wikimedia and Creative Commons.
- Regional integration (cooperation): Global South and developing countries, Organizing in Latin America, Participation in Wikimania, etc.
We've also produced documentation of the meeting (in Spanish and Portuguese, both working languages of the Iberoamerican Wikimedia Meeting). Pictures and videos are already uploaded to Commons.
We've also produced a press release (in Spanish and Portuguese) and a final statement from our Iberocoop initiative which we will present at Wikimania 2011 in Haifa.
Final Statement from Iberoamerican Wikimedia Meeting (in Spanish)
Entre los días 24 y 26 de junio de 2011, los representantes de los capítulos Wikimedia de Argentina, Chile, España y Portugal, y de los capítulos en formación de Bolivia, Brasil, Colombia, México, Uruguay y Venezuela, reunidos en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, durante el I Encuentro Wikimedia Iberoamericano, acuerdan:
- Profundizar los lazos de cooperación regional en el marco de la red de capítulos y capítulos en formación Iberocoop, promoviendo la realización de una conferencia anual, el desarrollo de un plan estratégico 2012-2015 para la región y la coordinación permanente de actividades de interés común.
- Articular las actividades de comunicación y prensa a fin de potenciar la difusión de iniciativas y la visibilidad de los proyectos.
- Favorecer el intercambio de experiencias de extensión, especialmente las orientadas al sector educativo.
- Desarrollar propuestas conjuntas de cooperación GLAM atendiendo a condiciones propias de la región y favoreciendo la documentación del patrimonio natural, histórico y cultural.
- Proponer un enfoque superador respecto a los países en desarrollo, atendiendo a las distintas realidades y promoviendo vías regionales. Creemos que el concepto de Global South no se ajusta a la realidad, por ser reduccionista y homogeneizante.
- Promover la preservación y el desarrollo del patrimonio intangible de los pueblos originarios de la región a través del impulso de proyectos en lenguas nativas.
What lessons were learned that could help others succeed in similar projects?
If you are a non English speaker, organise meetings in your own language. Working in Spanish and Portuguese was a key factor for common understanding. Even while face to face meetings are expensive and demand hard work from the organisers, three days of intensive work is priceless!
What impact did the project have on WMF mission goals of Increased Reach, Increased Quality, Increased Credibility, Increased and Diversified Participation?
The Iberoamerican Wikimedia Summit was very useful for future, new and existing chapters. It helped us building a common understanding of our situation, needs, and perspectives. The meeting helped us to establish a landmark of non-English speaking groups on the global level. We've also worked on inputs for the WMF and other chapters on implementing the movement's strategic goals for our region and specially to help strenghtening the Wikimedia movements in Iberoamerica. We've also discussed the developing/third world situation and the Global South Concept.
Detail of expenditures:
Documentation of expenditures has been received by WMF.
A request for reallocation of remaining funds has been submitted by the grantee and approved by WMFon the discussion page of this grant report.
- exchange rate: 410,700
-Total in USD: 18.000
-Total in Ar$: 73926.00
Bank Charges Ar$-308.63 / Tax Ar$-64.81
-Total amount of the grant in Ar$: 73.552.56
Expeditures details:
- Tickets (air tickets and boats from Uruguay): Ar$ 60242,38
- Train Ticket Oporto / Lisbon (Manuel de Sousa): Ar$400
- Bus Ticket Córdoba / Buenos Aires / Córdoba for Lila Pagola: Ar$500
- Transfers from Airport to Hotel: Ar$ 806,00
- Local transportation: Ar$ $250
- Administration overhead Ar$7355,20
- Bank charges plus Tax: Ar$ 373,44 (USD 91,08)
Total Amount of Expeditures: Ar$69927,02 (USD 17055,37)
Amount underspent in US Dollars:
In Ar$3998,98 / in USD975,36
Will you be requesting re-allocation of remaining grant funding?