Subventions:Bourses de projet et d’événement/Soumettre un rapport/Réallocation
Cette page documente un processus du programme WMF de subventions des projets et événements (Project and Event Grants en anglais, abrégé PEG). Retournez à la page Subventions:PEG à tout moment pour plus d’informations !
Ne modifiez pas cette page. Si vous désirez soumettre une suggestion, veuillez créer une page de discussion.
Please be sure to review the reporting requirements for the Project and Event Grants program thoroughly before submitting a report.
Comment ça marche
Each grant request name has two parts: the first part of the name identifies the grantee, while the second part of the name identifies the project. Each reallocation is a subpage of its grant request entitled Reallocation. The report for each reallocation is a subpage of that page. Therefore, your report must be named in exactly the same way your reallocation is named. To avoid any errors, please copy the grantee name and the title of your grant request when using the page creation tool here. Do not include the namespace Grants in the page creation box below, as your report will automatically be added to the Grants namespace. When you use the page creation tool below, your request will be named correctly when you follow the instructions and the reallocation report form will be loaded automatically. The link to your page will look like: Note that titles of pages on a Wiki are case sensitive.
At any time, please Email grants at wikimedia dot org with questions about how to submit a reportl. If you need to move an existing page, you may also contact grantsadmin at wikimedia dot org for assistance.
Please remember: after completing the form provided, click "save" and Email grants at wikimedia dot org.
Sample usage
Wikimedia Example is a recognized affiliate organization with abbreviation WM EX, and would like to submit a report for a reallocation from a project entitled "Example project". Wikimedia Example has already used the page creation tool for reallocations found on the grant submission form to create a reallocation entitled Grants:PEG/WM EX/Example project/Reallocation, which may be found at |
When Wikimedia Example clicks "Submit report", a page entitled Grants:PEG/WM EX/Example project/Reallocation/Report will be created. Wikimedia Example will then fill out the form provided on that page, and click "save" to ensure that the form is created. The page may then be visited at |
Étapes suivantes
- Après avoir soumis votre nouveau rapport, veuillez l’ajouter avec sa page de discussion à votre liste de suivi, afin d'être promptement averti pour répondre aux commentaires et aux questions de la Fondation Wikimédia et du Comité consultatif des subventions.
- Après les avoir avisés par courriel à grants
org, vous recevrez une réponse dans les 7 jours accusant réception de votre soumission.
- Veuillez consacrer un moment pour lire les obligations des rapports et en apprendre plus concernant les étapes suivantes. Il est essentiel que chaque bénéficiaire s’engage activement dans le processus public de la Fondation Wikimédia d’examen des rapports.