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Grants:PEG/FF portal/Recommendations/Caffé culturale (Coffeehouse)

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Project summary


Provide a few basic details about this project.

Title of project: Meetings at the Caffé culturale (Coffeehouse) in Lugano

Start date of project: 2013-04-01

End date of project: 2013-12-31

Please provide a brief description of the project.

The coffeehouse in Lugano is an experimental adaptation of the coffeehouse as social center for cultural interaction [1]. It is owned by a small no-profit association (Associazione Caffé Culturale) and it is open to all people who would propose cultural meetings and discussions or courses or have a presentation of their books. The events attract more or less 20-30 people every time. Basically who would propose the events or meetings may use the coffeehouse and he is supported by the association with internal communication but the rule of the association is that the organizer of the events will have in charge the organizational costs of the event (buffet or material or advertising).
Wikimedia CH uses the coffeehouse, for instance, for some events or discussions having in charge all costs of the event. The coffeehouse offers the support during the event and a dedicated page in their website [2] as also the communication to all members of the caffé culturale.
Marco Cassiano, the president of the association, would propose a cycle of meetings about the free culture and the social networks including Wikipedia and Wikimedia community. Even if he is the president of this association, he has to follow the rule of the association, so he cannot use the association's funds (anyway the association has small budget) but he has to fund these events by himself. He needs to have a financial support to start these meetings and to make them more attractive for people. This donation will cover only the organizational costs of the events (material and equipments).

About this grantee


Please describe the person / group / organization you are recommending. Please review eligibility requirements here.

  • Who will receive funding?
    an individual
  • What is the name or Username of the grantee?
    Marco Cassiano
  • In which country is this grantee located?
  • What is the name or Username of the project lead(s) responsible for this project?
    Marco Cassiano
  • Please provide a brief description of this person / people / organization.
    Marco Cassiano is a journalist and organizer of events
  • Briefly, explain why you, as flow funder, have confidence in this organization to execute these activities successfully.
    I would recommend it because it may be an important way to attract people using a different approach and using events not owned by Wikimedia, basically there will be a person out of any Wikimedia organization who will organize something related with Wikimedia.

About this project's potential for impact


Please summarize how this project will help further Wikimedia's mission or meet our strategic goals.

Financial details

  • Total amount requested:
  • Currency requested:
  • Total amount requested in US Dollars (USD):
# Expense Description Cost per unit Unit Quantity Currency Total cost per expense
Total: '