Grants:Let's Connect Profile/Maralyn Shailili Zamora Aray
Maralyn Shailili Zamora Aray
Best way to connect: Via email
Todavía no soy parte de ningún grupo, estamos en proceso.
Participating as: Indivudal
Argentina • Latin America and The Caribbean (LAC) region
Preferred times: Tuesday, Thursday (17 - 20 UTC, 21 - 23 UTC)
Can dedicate: Between one (1) hour and three (3) hours per Month
Languages: English, Spanish
Main Wikimedia projects: Wikipedia → encyclopedia, Wikimedia Commons → media repository, Wikidata → knowledge database
Other peer learning/training initiatives participating in: -
Skills this profile would like to learn
Preferred way of learning: Share resources through emails / platforms …, By being mentored by an organization with more experience
Click below if you want to connect with this profile to share skills they want to learn.
Skills this profile would like to share
Preferred way of sharing: Participate in an e-learning clinic sharing my case (2h plus workshops with 15-20 people)
Click below if you want to learn any of the skills this profile wants to share.
More to learn
[edit]Further details about what I would like to learn.
Stories about sharing
[edit]Interesting stories about applying the skills I want to share.
He trabajado en subir elementos a Commons y Wikidata relacionados con los pueblos indígenas, además fui capacitadora en diversos talleres dirigidos a miembros de los pueblos qom y wichí para el uso de estos proyectos wiki, por ello puedo compartir algunas de las experiencias del trabajo en esos talleres.