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Grants:Let's Connect Profile/Bukola James

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
Bukola James
Best way to connect: Via email
Wikimedia Nigeria User group(volunteer member), Wikimedia KWASU Fan club (President), GLAM-Wiki (member),
Participating as: For my whole organisation or group
Nigeria • Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) region
Preferred times: Thursday, Friday (12 - 16 UTC, 17 - 20 UTC)
Can dedicate: Between one (1) hour and three (3) hours per week
Languages: English
Main Wikimedia projects: Wikipedia → encyclopedia, Wikimedia Commons → media repository, Wikidata → knowledge database, Wikivoyage → travel guide, MetaWiki: central site for coordinating all projects and the Wikimedia community
Areas of interests: Education, Advocacy, Culture
Other peer learning/training initiatives participating in: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Education/EduWiki_Outreach_Collaborators (EWOC Skill Building Workshop)
Let's Connect Barnstars

Skills this profile would like to share
Preferred way of sharing: Participate in an e-learning clinic sharing my case (2h plus workshops with 15-20 people), Organise face-to-face workshops

Click below if you want to learn any of the skills this profile wants to share.

More to learn


Stories about sharing


Interesting stories about applying the skills I want to share.

1. Organisation Skills Following AfLIA's first training to train African librarians to become Wikipedians in African Libraries in 2021[1], I was able to use the lessons learned as part of the first cohort to draft a good proposal that follows a logical sequence and captures my vision to create more awareness for GLAM institutions in Kwara State, identifying relevant strategies, activities, and budget, with a detailed evaluation to prepare my report at the end of the awareness campaign.

2. learning, evaluation, and communication skills Over time, I have become very familiar with documenting knowledge in ways that are easy to communicate with others (through writing reports based on learning and evaluation, communicating data to stakeholders, developing presentations, infographics, etc.). Worth mentioning are some of the video guides I made as a certified trainer of reading Wikipedia in the classroom program on my YouTube channel [2] and becoming a communication expert for the Eduwiki Collaborators through the sharing of educational newsletters on their Facebook page [3].

3.skills related to interpersonal skills, community health and governance. As the first certified Reading Wikipedia trainer in the classroom program from Nigeria, I have provided mentorship support to three trainees who are currently part of the third cohort from Nigeria. Answering their questions, evaluating their assignments, and making relevant recommendations on topics they find difficult to understand during the training.

My Resources
