Grants:Knowledge Sharing/Grantmaking reports
Community Resources Learning and Evaluation Reports
Community Funds Distribution Report 2023-2024
This report focuses on the distribution of Community Fund grants in the third year of the new funding strategy and grants relaunch in July 2021.
This report focuses on the distribution of Community Resources-managed funds after the second year of the new funding strategy and grants relaunch in July 2021.
Learning Reports Analysis 2022-2023
This report is the first iteration of the analysis of data taken from grantee reporting to help inform affiliates, Wikimedia communities and Foundation work.
Grantee partners’ intended programming and impact 2022
The full report that analyses 100 grantees General Support and Alliances Fund proposals and uses data to see common tendencies, challenges, intended impact, evaluation challenges and references some cases for peer learning and sharing.
This report focuses on the funding distribution after the first year of implementation of the new funding strategy and grants relaunch in July 2021.
Regional learning sessions for programming and impact 2022 and regional summaries
A Global analysis of some of the issues addressed in the Regional Learning Sessions with regional summaries. It highlights issues grantees found interesting about the report and would like to discuss further in peer learning spaces. It also collects information of data and analysis grantees would like to see in future.
Feedback reports
[edit]Feedback Report: Wikimedia Community Fund Round 1 Executive Summary
The full report is divided into four parts. 1. General data on the first round of funding, 2. The feedback process methodology and response rate, 3. Regional Committee feedback with conclusions per region as well as general recommendations. 4. Applicants' feedback.
Feedback Report: Wikimedia Community and Alliances Funds Round 2
Round 2 Feedback report: perceptions from Regional Fund Committees and General Support and Alliances Fund applicants
Feedback survey Regional Fund Committees and General Support applicants 2022-23
Executive summary Feedback and Learning Report: Applicants and Regional Fund Community members Fiscal year 22/23