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Grants:IdeaLab/know about wikipedia

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know about wikipedia
mi idea es viajar a un lugar en el cual la gente tenga computadoras pero su conocimiento de wikipedia se escaso y hacer una exposición en la cual allá computadoras con wikipedia abierto y mostrarle a esa gente el uso que le puede dar .también pueden visitar escuelas mostrando que sirve para el estudio
contact email• agustincampa76@gmail.com
idea creator
this project needs...
project manager
community organizer
created on15:34, 31 January 2018 (UTC)



Who are the people you want to introduce Wikipedia to?


Try to be as specific as possible about this group.

me encantaría hacer este proyecto en cuba ya que recien estan entrando en el mundo del internet mas que nada a estudiantes ya que yo como estudiante me sirve de mucha ayuda.

In what languages do they search for information, online or otherwise?



In what ways does this group communicate with each other?


This can include services and apps in social media, mailing lists, physical spaces like conferences or lectures, or at specific institutions like at a library.
sms o charlan

What are some reasons this group would use Wikipedia? How would they benefit from it, or what would they find useful?


Think about what they would be interested in reading and learning about; does Wikipedia provide better access to information this group cares about?
el acceso de este país a wikipedia para mi parecer podría facilitar sus vidas ya sea tanto para el estudio como para conocimiento propio o de trabajo

Project idea


What language Wikipedia projects will you promote to new readers?



How will you communicate with new readers? Will you be communicating with them online, in-person, or both?


yo me comunicaría en persona ya que el acceso a Internet de ellos es escaso y por tiempo limitado

Describe your idea to engage new readers. How might it be implemented? What will you tell people about Wikipedia?


Think about the steps that might involved to make this idea happen, and what you might teach people about your experience or others' experiences using Wikipedia.
como ya dije aria como una feria donde puedan aprender sobre el uso de wikipedia. les diría que es una pagina la cual es de mucha ayuda para conocimiento ya sea escolar ,laboral o propio

How will you know if this project is successful? What are some outcomes that you can share after the project is completed?


If you’re not certain about how to respond to this question when starting your idea, you do not need to answer it right now. Campaign participants and Wikimedia Foundation staff can help you consider some options.
se que podría funcionar ya que ellos están entrando en el mundo del Internet y les podría servir de mucha ayuda. creo que como resultado conseguiríamos que mucha gente de ese país usara esta pagina web aumentando popularidad y cantidad de usuarios

Do you think you can implement this idea? What support do you need?


Do you need people with specific skills or resources to complete this idea? Are there any financial needs for this project? Do you need advising from Wikimedia Foundation staff?
creo que esta idea es fácil de llevar a cabo solo se necesitaría personal ,computadoras (con acceso a Internet) y un lugar para llevarlo a cabo

Get Involved


About the idea creator


yo uso wikipedia cuando hay cosas que me dan curiosidad o no entiendo





Expand your idea


Would a grant from the Wikimedia Foundation help make your idea happen? You can expand this idea into a grant proposal.

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No funding needed?


Does your idea not require funding, but you're not sure about what to do next? Not sure how to start a proposal on your local project that needs consensus? Contact Chris Schilling on-wiki at I JethroBT (WMF) (talk · contribs) or via e-mail at cschilling(_AT_)wikimedia.org for help!