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Grants:IdeaLab/Target on the other mediums of marketing

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Target on the other mediums of marketing
When we talk about India, we still consider it as one of the developing nations of the world and most of the people do not know how to make use of internet services. They are using it for social media only without having the slightest idea on how to use it to improve their knowledge about the world. To make Wikipedia popular in the Indian subcontinent, one has to go through other mediums of marketing rather than opting only through the internet. When Indians would understand the thorough use of Google, internet and other browsers, they would eventually understand the power of Wikipedia too.
idea creator
Preeti Saluja
this project needs...
project manager
community organizer
created on07:02, 13 January 2018 (UTC)



Who are the people you want to introduce Wikipedia to?


Try to be as specific as possible about this group.
Most of the Indian has a mobile phone but not all have laptops and computers. it is good to target the lower class and middle class of the Indian society. Along with this category, it is also important to focus on the old people of India who want to learn things about the internet but does not have anyone to teach things.

In what languages do they search for information, online or otherwise?


A very few people in India (Other than the younger generation) search information through online medium. Those who search information online, they use English language in most of the case and rarely they use Hindi. People looking for information otherwise always opt for hindi as their primary language.

In what ways does this group communicate with each other?


This can include services and apps in social media, mailing lists, physical spaces like conferences or lectures, or at specific institutions like at a library.
Social media has gained a hell lot of popularity in India in the recent times but, when it comes to mailing lists, they have no clue what we are talking about. Physical spaces like lectures and conferences can also work.

What are some reasons this group would use Wikipedia? How would they benefit from it, or what would they find useful?


Think about what they would be interested in reading and learning about; does Wikipedia provide better access to information this group cares about?
Wikipedia is a very good online encyclopedia which helps people to understand and know various things about the world. Most of the information available at Wikipedia is verified and hence there is no chance of any forgery or anything like that. Everything at Wikipedia is useful and these people would not only learn new things, probably a lot of superstitions in Indian society could be eradicated by the use of Wikipedia. It can also believe that the most of the anti-social activities could be removed from India if they know the world with the help of Wikipedia.

Project idea


What language Wikipedia projects will you promote to new readers?


When it comes to India, I would prefer Hindi more

How will you communicate with new readers? Will you be communicating with them online, in-person, or both?


Communication to new readers in India would be done with the help of face to face interaction in major but, I would choose both the online medium and in-person medium to communicate with new readers.

Describe your idea to engage new readers. How might it be implemented? What will you tell people about Wikipedia?


Think about the steps that might involved to make this idea happen, and what you might teach people about your experience or others' experiences using Wikipedia.
Reading is not at all considered an interesting activity here in India. We do have some prominent personalities that have made history in the field of literature but, the number if very less. To engage new readers, I would love to tell them the benefits of learning new things. I would make them interact with other people throughout the world to make them understand what all things could be done with the help of internet and Wikipedia. While it is pretty difficult to convince Indian masses, the result is often everlasting. I would make them understand that Wikipedia definitely has every answer to you most of the questions.

How will you know if this project is successful? What are some outcomes that you can share after the project is completed?


If you’re not certain about how to respond to this question when starting your idea, you do not need to answer it right now. Campaign participants and Wikimedia Foundation staff can help you consider some options.

Do you think you can implement this idea? What support do you need?


Do you need people with specific skills or resources to complete this idea? Are there any financial needs for this project? Do you need advising from Wikimedia Foundation staff?
it is easy to implement this idea but, I would definitely need the help of the like-minded people who want to work towards the betterment of Indian society..Help from the Wikimedia Foundation staff would be really appreciated

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