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Grants:IdeaLab/Student community Wiki Page review and ratings

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Student community Wiki Page review and ratings
1) we will create the student community so that when someone creates something, everyone will get informed 2) and t the pages why can't we allow the viewers to rate the pages or rate about it
idea creator
this project needs...
project manager
community organizer
created on15:28, 3 February 2017 (UTC)

Project idea


What is the problem you're trying to solve?


I'm trying to make the student's thing to be in a single place and that has to be the wiki.

What is your solution?


for that, i suggest the creating student community ad allow the users to rate/ review the article.

Who will you be doing outreach with?





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About the idea creator


I'm a student entrepreneur, I work for student organizations for a nonprofit. I use to maintain some websites like GCTC Portal, JNTU Portal which shares the information related to the students.





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