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Grants:IdeaLab/Setting up Wikipedia Library-Shop

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Setting up Wikipedia Library-Shop
Wikipedia Library-Shop at educational institutes like universities would have a positive impact on awareness increasing among people and inspire them to write a wiki, use the wiki.
contact email• ashad.ipe14just@gmail.com
idea creator
this project needs...
project manager
community organizer
created on20:40, 30 January 2018 (UTC)



Who are the people you want to introduce Wikipedia to?


Try to be as specific as possible about this group.
Students, Teachers, Locals, Shopkeepers, Morning walkers or Passers-by!

In what languages do they search for information, online or otherwise?


English, বাংলা।

In what ways does this group communicate with each other?


This can include services and apps in social media, mailing lists, physical spaces like conferences or lectures, or at specific institutions like at a library.
Scheduled Class, Phone Call, Facebook, WhatsApp, Gmail, LinkedIn, SMS.

What are some reasons this group would use Wikipedia? How would they benefit from it, or what would they find useful?


Think about what they would be interested in reading and learning about; does Wikipedia provide better access to information this group cares about?
Some reasons this group would use Wikipedia:

  • To get their class reference, like topic references as immediate they want.
  • To get themselves into the world of writing with pride of ownership.
  • To get info-solution for their several projects
  • To publish their book/article on Wikipedia library shop and get a revenue return.

Benefits to the group using Wikipedia:

  • Confidence in the write, which in a result will increase their article writing skill.
  • Online studying rather than wasting time.
  • Research and combine articles

and a lot more.

Project idea


What language Wikipedia projects will you promote to new readers?


English, বাংলা।

How will you communicate with new readers? Will you be communicating with them online, in-person, or both?


Ahh, I will be communicating them both way as I think communication means no gap, right?

Describe your idea to engage new readers. How might it be implemented? What will you tell people about Wikipedia?


Think about the steps that might involved to make this idea happen, and what you might teach people about your experience or others' experiences using Wikipedia.
This might be implemented through:

  • Giving academic, non-academic task among several departmental students.
  • Arranging Article Writing Competition - Prizing Best Articles (PBA), Prizing Maximum Number of Article Writer (PMNAW) etc.

About Wikipedia: " Write what you know, Learn what you want to know"

How will you know if this project is successful? What are some outcomes that you can share after the project is completed?


If you’re not certain about how to respond to this question when starting your idea, you do not need to answer it right now. Campaign participants and Wikimedia Foundation staff can help you consider some options.
As this project will be educational institutions-based, the light will reach faster than going faster, students of universities can light up college students, and they can certainly light up youngers if the project is successful or not can be ensured by arranging a WikiExam on a series of Article like Technology Series.

The possible 'after project completion' outcome:

  • Maximized Awareness to Wikipedia.
  • Inspired people to write and to read.
  • Developed writing Skill and Writing language Skill.
  • Thousands of Quality Articles on thousands of Topics.
  • A bigger wiki world.

Do you think you can implement this idea? What support do you need?


Do you need people with specific skills or resources to complete this idea? Are there any financial needs for this project? Do you need advising from Wikimedia Foundation staff?
Ahh, this is not easy to manage a whole thing alone but a team. Diversity in team members skills increases the possibility of the success of the project and help to reach the goal effectively. Resources are as well as important as team skills in projects so yes to both. The project idea will cost financially as it ensures quality articles and involves person seriously to care on Wiki. Advises from Wikimedia Foundation Staff would be considered/ or be asked as it will be needed, suggestions would be appreciated as the team holds the project.

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About the idea creator


Hi, This is me, Ashad. Myself, a final year student of Industrial and Production Engineering and studying at Jessore University of Science and Technology, Jessore-7404, Bangladesh. Ahh, what to say on my background! a regular student, crazy and curious! love to sing, love to write, love to draw, love to think, to imagine and dream to build them.





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Does your idea not require funding, but you're not sure about what to do next? Not sure how to start a proposal on your local project that needs consensus? Contact Chris Schilling on-wiki at I JethroBT (WMF) (talk · contribs) or via e-mail at cschilling(_AT_)wikimedia.org for help!