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Grants:IdeaLab/Reminders to know when you need to stop and take a rest

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Buttons to know when you need to stop and take a rest
In the Spanish Wikipedia exists a description of a number of symptoms, commonly known as "Wikipedia disease", a set of behaviors linked to particularly lengthy sessions of Wikipedia editing. You and I have found ourselves at 3 AM editing and finding an appropriate source, finishing a hard work session behind a category, maybe trying to have the last argument on a discussion... What is the maximum healthy amount of work that an average person can perform, according to scientific evidence? How many edits were made by a burned-out person, with warped perceptions of reality due to fatigue, loneliness, isolation, or the simple need for Wikipedia to be the only thing in the world? What happens if, with the help of experts, we can design an add-on that can remind Wikipedians about basic necessities like resting, going around, looking at something other than the screen, drinking water, sleeping, or getting out to real world? This could be based on the calculation of bytes added, on the session length, on the days and hours that the person has been sitting down editing? A series of messages could make a difference.
themesocial factors
contact email• ivan at wikimedia dot mx
idea creator
Antoni Amorós Tomàs
this project needs...
project manager
community organizer
created on21:06, 25 July 2018 (UTC)

Project idea


What Wikimedia project(s) and specific areas will you be evaluating?


Is this project measuring a specific space on a project (e.g. deletion discussions), or the project as a whole?
It's not intended to measure a project but the a person's health while working on the projects. A pilot on my primary wiki can function.

Describe your idea. How might it be implemented?


Provide details about the method or process of how you will evaluate your community or collect data. Does your idea involve private or personally identifying information? Take a look at the Privacy Policy for Wikimedia’s guidelines in this area.
1. Consult the community on whether is a good idea and if it deserves the investment of time and resources in its design

2. Collect medical and psychological tests that can give us evidence about the behavior of people in front of a screen.

3. Based on the evidence gathered, make an assessment of the most common situations among Wikipedians through a survey and design the messages that the add-on may have

4. Schedule the necessary scripts.

5. Promote the use of the tool among the community so that its use can be activated and deactivated.

6. Evaluate its usefulness periodically.

Are there experienced Wikimedians who can help implement this project?


If applicable, please list groups or usernames of individuals who you can work with on this project, and what kind of work they will do.

How will you know if this project is successful? What are some outcomes that you can share after the project is completed?


- Statistics of the adoption of the script and use in 6 months, 1 year. - Collect specificial testimonials around the use of the buttons

How would your measurement idea help your community make better decisions?


After you are finished measuring or evaluating your Wikimedia project, how do you expect that information to be used to benefit the project?
Have sufficient evidence of the usefulness of the tool and know if it should remain and / or be implemented permanently for all users.

Do you think you can implement this idea? What support do you need?


Do you need people with specific skills to complete this idea? Are there any financial needs for this project? If you can’t implement this project, can you scale down your project so it is doable?
I can lead the project except on the scripting part.

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About the idea creator


Spanish Wikipedia veteran, active Wikimedian and part of a few Wikimedia committees.


  • Researcher In the past i had a job of eight hours in a chemical control room in different parts of day ( 06.00 - 14.00, 14.00 - 22.00, and 22.00 - 06.00 ) during seven days before two free days.

I also work as teacher of electrician taller in not fixed horary (08.00 - 21.30) with adolescent characters (16-22 years old)

Perhaps, i can help your to determine when an time and enviroment work is insane.

See you later.

My think is that, perhaps Antoni Amorós Tomàs (talk) 14:29, 26 July 2018 (UTC)


  • Support Support Informally, this seems like a good idea. More rigorous evidence in the Discussion page Andycyca (talk) 23:36, 25 July 2018 (UTC)
  • Support Support Healthy editors, mean longer living editors, which mean more time for positive contribution to the WMF project(s) which the editor prefers.--RightCowLeftCoast (talk) 01:41, 1 August 2018 (UTC)
  • Support Support I'm always in favor of reminders to tech-addicts to do something other than be on the devices! I'm from an older generation, naturally, since I have this attitude, but tech-addiction is real and it's a growing societal problem in how it effects how people interact face-to-face on multiple levels. Ah, this is heading into personal expertise and this is not the time or place.Ouranista (talk) 16:21, 1 August 2018 (UTC)
  • When a person is on a roll and ideas just flow, time may seem irrelevant. When a person is stuck, and searching for the proper tool, they can become sidetracked with each click and time again passes quickly. Circulation is a serious issue and not everyone remembers to move around some. A "Do you need to stretch for 5 minutes? I'll hold your work and update you if there have been any changes when you return." notification could offer people reassurance and provide a healthy needed time out. Mrphilip (talk) 13:14, 8 August 2018 (UTC)

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